To Make A Story

Finally we arrived at our destination. An amusement park. I looked over at Hyungsik to see if he was serious.

“I thought we were having dinner,” I said to him.

He parked the car and turned his head toward me, a grin on his face.

“We are,” he stated.

The two of us got out of the car and I Hyungsik came over and linked arms with me.

“I don’t think that junk food counts as dinner,” I told him.

He laughed and pulled me along to the gates to get our tickets. I tried to pay for mine but he refused to let his girlfriend pay.

“Can I pay for some of our dinner then?” I asked as we made our way inside.

“No. I said that tonight you are getting the best first date and you paying is not part of the plan.”

I took in everything around me and smiled in amazement. It had been at least three years since I went to an amusement park. Seeing all the people and the rides, it got me excited and feeling like a little kid.

“So this dinner. Where exactly are we having it?” I asked while still looking around.

“Just follow me,” Hyungsik replied.

He took me to a tent where inside was an elegant dinner set up.

“Wow!” I exclaimed. “Do amusement parks usually have this kind of thing?”

“No, however I called and asked for a favor.”

I didn’t even know you could do that sort of thing. Could you? Seeing as this beautiful dinner was right in front of my eyes, I have to go with yes.

We took our seats and I stared at the food in front of me.

“Can anybody call and ask for a favor?” I questioned.

“If you want to be technical, yes. But not all of these favors can be done.”

“Then how come they are doing a favor for you?”

Hyungsik just smiled at me and gestured to my food.

“Just eat and don’t question it. I know being a writer that’s hard to do. But knowing the answer takes away some of the magic of the night.”

He had a point. So we began eating. The food was delicious and I had to stop myself from asking a bunch of questions. But I was just so curious.

Once we were done with our food, we headed out to ride some rides. We started with the carousel because I wasn’t too big a fan of roller coaster. Plus I didn’t want to throw up my food. That was not the way to have the best first date. Hyungsik won me a stuffed penguin and it was really turning out to be the perfect night. I wanted to do something for him since he did all of this but what. It came to me as we passed one of the smaller rollercoasters.

“Let’s ride this one,” I said, pulling Hyugsik to a stop.

He looked over at the rollercoaster then at me.

“Are you sure? I thought you weren’t a big fan.”

“It’s fine. I can hold your hand if I get scared.”

I felt so greasy like Woohyun from Infinite for saying that. Hyungsik however loved my idea and so we went on it. It only took two seconds into the ride for me to grasp his hand. I closed my eyes and prayed it would be a fast ride.

It didn’t seem to end fast enough for me but according to Hyungsik it should have been longer.

“I want to go,” I said hugging my penguin tight.

“You didn’t have to do that just so I could go on a roller coaster.”

“You wouldn’t let me pay for the dinner, or to get in. I had to do something and I knew you wanted to go on this rollercoaster.”

Hyungsik pulled me into a hug, my penguin being squished between us.

“Thank you for that,” he said.

When he pulled away he put his arm around me and we left for home. 

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hopelesswriter #1
Chapter 4: new reader and wow...i must admit that usually i would just breeze through n ignore ZE:A fics that use OC as main female...but this somehow got me addicted n i could straight away get the feel of it...maybe bcuz i like writing myself n lack any first hand experience too...lol. anyway, Kevin sounds like a hoot...lol...he's exaggerating everything n funny, the parents too...xD, sounds like a dream family n brother..xD...n he's going to live with Siwan...omg....xD....n Addie is so smart to cover up for herself using Dongjun when she was caught...almost...poor Hyungsik...i somehow can imagine him being all happy like a clueless kid...she's going to have a tough time avoiding the truth from being spilled, the guilt is so gonna keep following her...n can't help noticing n thinking how horrible she must felt when the Dad was warning Hyungsik not to hurt her, not knowing it's his daughter who's probly gonna hurt the dude...
anyway, i'm interested n will anticipate what happens next.
Thanks for sharing the fic n keep it up~ sorry for too long comment
hottest_kissme #2
updateee!! lols siwan living with kevin? >__< awwww how can she not fall in love with hyungshik??
byebye kevin:D its too bad that she cant share her feelings though..:( i dont like people who lies. especially on such a sensitive subj bout love.*nah jkjk:D wrote a faked love letter to my bff once:D when she found out, she said that i played wif her heart^^* haha! well, thx for the updatee:D
she's lying to every1. Her Guilty conscious is catching up wif her:D
choichan #5
OMG!!!!! Hyungshikkkkk...<br />
<br />
Update soon~
Awww.... Tis is only the first chappie but.. Shes gonna use her friend' feelings????? Aww.. But she is gonna fal on love wif him sooner or later rite? Or is she just gonna b heartless o.o
choichan #7
wow... Interesting..<br />
Update soon~