Helo everyone !!!!!!

It's been seven chapter now, yeay!!!

There's just a few chapter to end this story T.T

Sorry, If I made you confused...


Please, Enjoy reading this chapter..

Don't forget to leave a comment for my improvement^^..





It's been two month since Jiyong and Chae officially dating. I'm still ignoring Jiyong since then. Ignoring all of his messages and call. Gosh, I really want to stop being the place for him to share stories. You know, Jiyong is still sending me messages and call. Throwing a warm smile and soft gaze towards me.  


He is still trying to contact me like we used to. Trying to share about how is his life this day turned out. Actually It used to make me happy, yes it did. But it is different now. He had Chaerin on his side to share those things with, He doesn't need me anymore I think.


So it's really surprised me when Jiyong kept sending me those kind of messages. Kept act like there's nothing changing in my life. He treat me like before, there's nothing change.


And actually I hate it. I hate it, cause Jiyong act like he doesn't know my feeling towards him. I hate it, cause he kept treating me nicely. Not I want him to be rude, but you know I have this damn crazy feeling towards him for God's sake !!! I want him to stop treating me like that.


I'm nearly crazy to just stop thinking about him. When I thought I was succeced to forget him, He is coming again with those stupid smile. God !!! I'm so sick to keep falling for him again and again.


I want to stop it all. And I guess I need more time to delete this stupid feeling. But life has to goes on, right ? It can't wait for me to fix myself. God, I am really afraid now. Afraid, if the things Chaerin told me was true.


About this feeling. It's not just a crush. But it's a love.






Dara was sitting on the bench under the tree in the school backyard, she was listening to music in her phone when Jiyong walked near her. Dara lift her head to see Jiyong standing in front of her.


"J-Ji..." she muttered.

"What's wrong with you Dee ?" Jiyong asked angrily. Dara flinched hearing Jiyong's voice.

"W-what do you mean ?" Dara asked, getting irritated.

"Why are you ignoring me ?!!" Jiyong voice stroming to Dara's ear.

"I'm not ignoring you Ji" Dara answered calmly, trying so hard to keep herself together.

"No ?! Are you kidding me ?? You ignore my call, and my messages. You even turning away from me when we met. So you're not ignoring me ?" Jiyong said. Dara sighed, and bow her head. She grips her skirt tightly with a nervous feeling. This is the first time she saw Jiyong mad.


"Uh, I'm..." Dara said nervously. Jiyong keep stare into Dara face intensely.


"I need time to compose myself to met you Ji... I'm not feeling okay around you" Dara said bitterly.


"So you are not feeling okay around me, but feel comfortable with that punk guy huh ?" Jiyong said sarcasticly.


"Who did you mean punk guy ?! Youngbae is a good friend of mine !!!" Dara yelled, getting irritated.


"Oh.. Did you mean a good 'guy' of yours ?" Jiyong said flatly.


"What do you mean ?! What do you think am I ?! A ?!!" Dara yelled angrily, she stand up from the bench and throw a glare to Jiyong.


"No... I d-don't mean like that Dee. It just.. I really irritated looking at you near him while you keep ignoring my existence" Jiyong said nervously. Unconsciously, Dara broke the stare war with Ji. Dara felt a butterfly flying in her stomach. Suddenly she felt very happy.


"Uh... I can't stay away from you Dee. You know... I always tell all about myself and problem to you.. It was hard from me when you were gone.. I have no one to talked to Dee..." Jiyong said softly.


"You had Chae" Dara uttered the fact. Her heartache started to errupt herself.

"It's different.. I had tried to tell her all, but it's feel different Dee.. I more like to share it with you... I don't why.." Jiyong said nervously. A slight red tint crept on Dara's cheeks. Oh my God, what is this guy thinking ?!!


"Okay then.. U-um just give me a little time to fix myself.. Maybe we could start it over as a friend" Dara said slowly. After hearing it, Jiyong eyes started to sparkling. A wide smile crept on his handsome face.


"Really ?! Thanks Dee, please don't take it too long to fix yourslef" Jiyong said happily.


'Everything will turn out like it used to' Dara thought.

They didn't realize, there was eyes that keep looking at them. Ears that hear every single things they said. And tears that keep falling to the ground because of the heartache that Jiyong and Dara's made.






My school life is getting busier and busier than ever since I started the last year in this school. I never hang out in Bommie's cafe for all of those eight month. My daily routine now is just between home-school-cram school-home. There's no beautiful time for me, I can't watch movie everytime I want anymore.


Chae and Jiyong are still together. For ten months maybe, I lost the counting. Things are getting better between us. I started to acted normal around them, even if sometimes I need to fake it. I don't know but my heart keep beating stupidly like this everytime Ji's around me.


Yes, I'm still not over him. But yeah, I'm really tired to think about it. So I just let it be, I don't care if I had to hurting again. I think now I'm trying to implied the word "I'm happy if you're happy". Stupid isn't it ? But, I am. I am happy to being around Jiyong all this time. I won't asked more. I know my limit.


And about Youngbae, He's coming to our apartment every weekend. He has graduate and start his college life in University of Seoul. He's still part timing in Bommie's cafe. He said he missed me to hang around there. And yes, I do miss it too.


Everythings go smoothly I thought...


But the reality said, it doesn't.




I was running in the corridor, getting late for my cram school when I saw them. Jiyong and Chae inside our their classroom. Everyone have gone home and it was very quiet there, so I can clearly hear what they are talking about. With full of curious, I lean my ears beside the door and hide myself from them.


"What do you want to talk Chae ?" Jiyong asked flatly. Duh, Can't he being a little romantic?!

"It's about us Ji" Chae shuttered. I could hear that Chaerin is really nervous right now.

"What's the matter ?" Ji asked .

"You.. Y-you didn't love me, did you?" Chae asked. I'm shocked, so damn shocked to hear it.

"What do you mean ?" Ji asked again, his voice is still steady like there's nothing wrong.

"You didn't love me Ji. You never say that magic word to me" Chae said.

"What word?".

"The L word. You never said it since your confession. It was the first time and the last time. Am I really nothing ?".

"You're important" Jiyong said calmly.

"How important ? As much as Dara ?" Chae asked. I flinced to hear my name. Hey, there is nothing to do with me !

"There's nothing to do with her" Jiyong said firmly.

"Of course, There is, Ji. If you love her, why did you have to date me ?!!" Chaerin yelled out loud. I froze, I think my heart stop beating for a moment. Did I hear it right ? Ji.. Love me ?

"Tell me the truth Ji. Did you ever love me ? All of this time ??" Chae asked, her tears have stream down her face now.


"Chae.." Jiyong called her softly.

"Don't Chae me. Just tell me !!! Did you ever love me ?!!!" Chaerin yelled. And there's a silence for a moment. DAMN, why do I have to hear this. You stupid Dara !!!

"I did Chae" Jiyong answered slowly.

"When ? B-before you met her ?!" Chae shuttered.

"We had talked about this Chae, just stop this. Okay" Jiyong beg.

"No !!! Answer me" Chae yelled.

"I have told you about this Chae.."

"Tell me again, that time I was deaf. Tell me again, what am I to you ?".

"You're a friend. A good friend" Jiyong said softly.


What ?! Friend ?! Are you kidding me ?!


"Since when It changed ? Since when I become your friend ?!!!" Chae yelled desperately, "I never said yes. I never said yes that time !!! I never agree to broke up with you !!!".


Broke up ?!! What's been happening here ??








I saw them in the school backyard. I could hear what they're talking about. And it strike me. Jiyong never mad at me like that. He never smile at me that way. His eyes never sparkling when He seen me. It was different, He was different. Unconciously, my tears falling down. It hurt me, yes it did. Jiyong is my boyfriend, but he never act that way to me. I drag my feet back to the class, just to find it was empty. Of course it was, The school had ended since twenty minutes ago.


"Chae.." I heard Jiyong voice from behind. I turned around and paste a wide smile on my face. It's a fake one.

"Yes, Ji. Are you waiting for me ?" I asked cutely.

"We need to talk" Jiyong said firmly.

"Okay, about what ?" I asked, walking towards him.

"Us." He answered.

"What's wrong with us ?" I asked, acting like I don't know anything.

"We need to end this Chae" Jiyong said. What the.. ?!!

"W-what do you mean ??".

"I can't doing this relationship with you anymore Chae".

"W-why ? Because you love Dara ?" I asked sarcasticly. I looked at him, to find his shocked face.

"N-no.. It's not like that" He shuttered.

"You love her, don't you ? Tell me the truth Ji" I stated. A single tear had stream down my face. "Have you ever love me Ji ?"

"Chae.. I'm..." He paused and sighed. "I loved you, I did love you. I always looking at you in the class, I really like to talked with you Chae. I think I'm in love with you that time".


There he paused, and took a long breathe.


"Until I met Dara.. She is different. She is, I don't know but she is attract my attention. I think she is just a person that passed by in my life. I think it was just a crush towards her. I think you're the one that I love Chae. So I let it be, I confessed to you. Thinking you're the person I dearly love. But I was wrong, so wrong. When Dara yelled to you about her feeling towards me. When Dara kept a distance to me, because she doesn't want to hurt you. When she keep hanging around with that punk guy. It strike to my slow brain. The fact that I don't want to lose her.. The fact that I--"


"No. You don't Ji. You don't. You're my boyfriend !!! And it will be like that" I yelled out loud, cutting his sentence.


"Chae, please stop this. I don't want to hurt us more" Ji beg.


"No, I don't hear it !!! We're perfect Ji !!! We are. We aren't break up, no !! I want to go home. This talk.... I never talked with you about this. We are okay. Bye Ji" I said firmly. I run towards my bag and get out from class quickly.


I ignore Jiyong, even he's trying to reach me. Kept following me. Calling my name for a hundred times. I ignore it all. I take a cab and went home straight. I want to sleep and wake up from this nightmare as soon as possible.


End Flashback






"Since when It changed ? Since when I become your friend ?!!!" Chae yelled desperately, "I never said yes. I never said yes that time !!! I never agree to broke up with you !!!".

"Chae I had clear it up with you. We were done since eight months ago. Stop this, you're hurting yourself" Jiyong said softly. I saw him reach for Chae's hand and hold it tight.


They're broke up eight months ago...

So that's why I never seen Jiyong hold Chae's hand. I thought It was because I'm around them. God, Where have I been ?


"Why ?!! We didn't broke up Ji. We didn't.. At that time I didn't said yes" Chaerin cried.

"Stop this Chae".

"If we broke up that time.. Then W-why ?? Why are you still stick around me. Why are you not confessing your feeling to Dara ?!" Chaerin yelled. I was shocked to hear what Chaerin said. I saw Jiyong pulled Chaerin into a tight hug.


"Cause you and her are important to me. I don't want to hurt your relationship. I don't want to see you both hurting" He said slowly.


Then I fet a warm liquid on my cheek. I cried. I run out school, and went home. Not minding about my cram school.


God, I broke them.  




Chaerin POV


This day is our graduation. I felt so happy, and sad at the same time. It'll be our last day in this senior high school. Oh, I'll miss this.


Me and Jiyong have been doing good. He's going to Korean University of Arts in Busan. While me going to University of Seoul. We've been fix everything. Actually I do feel better when I'm around him as a friend. This was better than when I date him. There's no hard feeling between us, it goes fine so far.


But about Dee. Since we're starting the last semester, I rarely seen her. I don't know but I felt like she is staying away from me. We rarely talked on the phone or messages. Mostly like I lost contact with her. But this day, I will make sure to meet her. There's many things I want to tell her.




The ceremony has ended. Some of my friend are busily taking photo with their parents, while the other go home right away. I'm still in the hall, searching for Dara. I drag Jiyong, to help me searched Dara. Then I found Aunty Bom, Dara's aunt. She's talking with our killer teacher, Choi Seunghyun in front of the main door.


"Aunty Bom !!" I scream. I run towards her with Jiyong following behind me.

"Oh Chaerin-ah. You look beautiful today" She said with a warm smile on her face.

"Thanks Aunty. U-um Where is Dara ? I can't find her anywhere" I said.


"U-uh about Dara.." Bom aunty said nervously. "She's been gone to USA two weeks ago. She will continue her study there. She'll live with her step uncle by the way".


I'm shocked, I drop my bag to the ground.


"W-why is she go there ? W-why she didn't tell me?" I asked, starting to cry.

"She said she missed her dongsaeng who lived in USA with her step uncle. So she worked very hard to get the schoolarship to USA. And yeah she got it. About the reason why she didn't inform you, I don't clearly know. She said, she is so ashame to met you. So she left this letter for you and for Kwon Jiyong.. I don't know which one is this Kwon. So could you give this to him ?" Bom aunty hand me two brown envelopes. I recieved it with a shaky hands.


"Thanks Chae. Go to my cafe frequently okay, I will treat you a dinner darl. Bye" Bom aunty bid me a goodbye. I was left there stunned. She is gone to USA. DAMN !!! I turned to Jiyong, and got more shocked. He was smiling bitterly.


"She's gone. Even before I told her anything" He said sadly.


Oh, Sandara Park !!! Why are you leaving us like this ?!!

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Nurulzulfadli #1
Chapter 9: I love this story eventhough this story just little sweet moment
Chapter 10: i almost give up reading this 'coz until the middle there's no daragon-moments, like omg!! just kill me already.. but i'm curious 'bout the end so.. i decide to endure the pain, kkkk.. n there it is.. it ended beautifully, thanks to u^^~
jessicabyun #3
Chapter 10: Hahaha..destiny
Chapter 9: hahahahahha lols then letter is so effing cute
Chapter 9: Haha! If I were Jiyong also, I would defenitely get irritated.. Dara's letter for him is so short.. kke~ anyway, atleast.. happy ending, right?
Shyness28 #6
Chapter 9: Nice and cute story....
Chapter 9: Good story, but there's more ChaeRa moment than Daragon... Perfecttt
You made me cried kkkk
rinimae #8
Chapter 9: the niece and nephew switched up...
some of the grammars are wrong...


who cares? I love you're story!:D
leinag_ #9
Chapter 9: it kinda bothers me that bom calls dara her nephew instead of niece.. Good story though. glad they end up together..
dnulyme #10
Simple yet you sucsessfully bring the emotion out...
It's feel hurt to read the first chapter..but thanx God for the happy ending..
Thanqu for sharing this story,authorniim..
Looking forward for your next fiction.