Third meeting + Third time burning cookies = An annoying Sehun?

Burnt Snow Angel




'Next time, I'll ask him...'




'No no. It's to early to do that..'




'Still, I don't have much time. I can't do this forever.'



To Kris' surprise they announced that they were done with today's shooting. That Kris had been thinking about a certain person the whole time must explain why the time flew by.



''You seem out of it today, something bothering you?'' Luhan asked.


''Nah, it's nothing. Nothing important.''


''You know, the smallest things might be more important than you think.''


''No, it's just... I should be happy to still have a lot of personal time.''


''You should. Enjoy it as long as it lasts, but after the Christmas photo shoot you can kiss the privacy goodbye.''


Luhan's words putted a dot behind Kris' decision.





Monday 9th, another day of snowing meant another day of lying in the snow for Kyungsoo, at least that's what he wanted. For some reason the boring snow seemed to be more appealing than his cozy home. He wondered if the man would come again today to bother him. And speak of the devil, just as Kyungsoo was about to enter the park he met the man, known as Wu Yifan.


''Going to lay in the snow again today?''


''Going to bug me again and then leave me?''


''Leaving you? So you miss me!''


''No wait, that wasn't what I meant.''


''Do you want to join me at the cafe today?''


His proposal caught Kyungsoo off guard. Normally he wouldn't agree to a stranger so easily. ''I don't think I'll say no to that.'' Maybe Yifan was an exception?


''Good. I don't think I've introduced myself before. I'm Wu Yifan, but many call me Kris.''


''I'm Do Kyungsoo.''


''I'm glad that you're accompanying me today, Kyungsoo-ah.'' The taller said with a gummy smile. Kyungsoo responded him with one of his heart-shaped smiles.


'Yes, that's something I can get used to.' They both thought.





Once settled in a cafe with few people, Kris told him that he worked as a model and that drawing was his hobby. He said that he found his skills top class and that he would've been an artist if he didn't became a model.


Kyungsoo told him he worked at a flower stall, assisted his mother at the pastry shop and that he preformed songs together with some of his friends in his free time.

The young man also mentioned that his younger brother worked at the same company but as a dancer. Kris seemed interested in that. He told that he once saw a group of guys dancing, looking at them made his back hurt already, but he had to admit it was super awesome.


In the end Kyungsoo showed a family picture, presenting his parents, his brother and himself. Kris noted that the family name was actually Oh and not Do, though he didn't wanted to jump into conclusions straight away, his question got interrupted by the other boy's question.


''And how about you? Does your family lives in Canada or China?''


''Hmm, since when did you know I have a Canadian background?''


''I got my sources. A friend who's being a fan of a rookie model to be exact.'' Kyungsoo smiled, something that he had been doing since the moment they went inside the cafe and it had never left his face, the same counted for Kris. None seemed to notice though.


They chatted for hours and non noticed that evening was getting closer. Those hours ago they were mere strangers, but look at them now, talking to each other like they know each other for years. Kris noticed that he for some reason just clicked with Kyungsoo. He didn't know why, but he just had that kind of feeling. The more he knew about the younger the more satisfied he became, though whenever learning something new he wanted to know more. Once being comfortable he can become very curious. It's a bad habit, but he can't help it. It's not like you meet a person like Kyungsoo everyday, is it?



''May I ask what happened to your left hand?'' Kris asked out of the blue. He pointed at Kyungsoo's hand, which had a nasty burn wound from his fingertips to his wrist. Kyungsoo cursed inwardly and covered his hand with his sleeve.


''It's a burn wound that I received when I was younger.'' He answered, quickly thinking of a way to change the subject. He slowly could feel that it was getting warmer.


''Did you put your hand in a fire or something like that?'' Unfortunately Kris was to curious and didn't read the atmosphere. Kyungsoo noticed his breath started to hitch and the head ache wasn't helping him at all.


''I rather not talk about it.'' He couldn't take it anymore. He quickly stood up and ran out of the cafe without saying a word. He didn't hear Kris calling his name nor did he saw the concerned look on his face.




Kyungsoo walked back to the park, to his usual spot. He let himself fall full on his front. The cold touched his face and he cooled down immediately. Every time he thought about the incident he kind of relived the situation. He would feel the warmth those flames gave off. His burning left hand reaching for something he lost and the smoke that invaded his lungs. The only thing that calmed him down was the coolness from the snow.


After turning onto his back he started to wave his spread arms up and down in the snow and started to create a snow angel.


He lost track of the time and forgot how long he had been laying in the snow. When he felt his body go numb he stood up and left.






Kris wanted to jump off a cliff. He never felt this bad before. He made Kyungsoo feel bad and that made him feel even worse, which was strange since they only met three times. He started to visit the park every day from that day, but with no avail, Kyungsoo didn't show up. Three days had passed and still no sign of the man was a reason for him to worry. He visited some flower stalls, asking if Kyungsoo worked there, but none of them had him as employ. He did the same thing at some pastry shops, again with no result.


Another would have given up already, though Kris had a strange feeling and wanted to continue. He wasn't patient and is a fool. You shouldn't search for someone you just met, definitely not when you don't even know the relationship status. Was Kyungsoo still a stranger to him or did he became a friend. To Kris it was confusing, frustrating yet he really shouldn't worry much.



That he messed up was the reason to these thoughts and emotions.



During Friday the 13th he walked through the corridors of the SM building during his lunch break. The need for free time and space was one of the reasons why, but he had one main goal. Today he finally found the person he had been looking for in the dance practice room.


''Oh Sehun?'' Kris asked as he approached the boy, getting his attention.


''Yes, how can I help you Kris-sshi?''


''Kyungsoo's brother?''


''He told me about you. You're probably wondering where he is now.''


''Yes. Is he sick?''


''He caught a cold, so he isn't coming outside for a while.''


Kris let out a relieved sigh.


''Did something happen between you two?''


''Last time we talked it was about his wound on his left hand. He said he didn't want to talk about it and left, so I was worried if I had said something wrong.''


''He's very sensitive when it comes to his wound, but I don't have the right to tell you why.''


They talked for a while until a third party joined.


''Kris, I ain't got all day and- Oh hello there~.'' Luhan winked at the boy before turning to his coworker. ''I didn't knew you were interested in the handsome Oh Sehun from the dance department.''


''When will the time come when I can talk to another person in peace?'' Kris asked to himself.


''When your gray and old Kris.'' Luhan grinned and pushed the latter towards the door. ''Bye~!'' He said to Sehun and gestured a ''call me'', which Sehun responded with a nod and a blush.





Catching a cold wasn't a big deal. Kyungsoo is a healthy person with a lot of willpower. Day after day he kept getting better. Today, he decided, would be the last day he stayed home. The headache was gone, he could breath normally again and he got so bored that he had decided to bake cookies.


Now waiting for the delicious treats, he blew on his hot tea for it to cool down, he himself being wrapped in a cozy blanket, sitting on a kitchen chair looking at the oven doing it's job.


It's nice to spend a day inside, having nothing to worry about. Kyungsoo is always careful and doesn't forget things easily. Today was an exception, again. He forgot to turn on the timer for the cookies and he clearly doesn't remember how long he has been sitting there. In a swift move he stood up, causing the mug on his lap to shatter to pieces onto the ground.


Another small accident. He wasn't surprised really, it was like a curse to him. Every year on that exact same month he gets unlucky and clumsy, something that doesn't fit his description.




After his big loss, the first thing Kyungsoo remembered when the misfortune appeared was at the age of 9. He let a classmate trip and twist his ankle. The boy ended up not being able to take part of the soccer game he had been waiting for the whole year.


10 years old:

During one of his fights with Baekhyun he managed to punch him hard on the cheek that he hit three of his teeth out of his mouth (but those were the ones Baekhyun still had to change so he was fast forgiven).


11 years old:

Strangely, he didn't remember this accident very well. He only knew it involved another boy. What happened wasn't clear, only that he bumped his head against a lamppost.


12 years old:

The only year he was sick for a whole month. Surprisingly, he didn't seemed to mind.


13 years old:

The year he remembers the best. How can you not when you accidentally fell out of a window (with the luck it wasn't a high distance between the window and the ground) and broke your right foot. Many said it was the cause of his number in age: 13, but Kyungsoo never blamed a number for the accidents he caused.


14 years old:

This accident was the one he wanted to forgot the most. One moment he had the scissors in his hands, next moment it's stuck in Minseok's hand. Both fainted, Minseok from the pain and blood loss and Kyungsoo from the sight of the amount of blood. He apologized every time he saw the other. Minseok would always put on a smile, telling him it was alright, but Kyungsoo knew he had suffered a lot. From this year on he declared December the month of his misfortune.


15 years old:

It was his fault that Jongdae caught a cold and couldn't perform on the Christmas show from school. He wanted to serenade Minseok and after the performance he would have asked him to be his boyfriend. Jongdae had practiced for months, waiting for that one moment, but failed. Kyungsoo got ignored by him until January, when Jongdae ''accidentally'' confessed to Minseok and became boyfriends.


16 years old:

He set Chanyeol's hair on fire by accident during New Year's Eve. They were lighting fireworks and he still remembers how the boy's long hair (he was very proud of it) turned into curly burned short hair.


17 years old:

Kyungsoo fell from a ladder when he was helping decorate the stage with lights and fell on his classmate Tao, who broke his arm, but also an treasured item, a watch he received from a long distance friend, who he might not see ever again. The younger said that it was alright, but Kyungsoo swore that he had been crying and was down for some days and that sight broke Kyungsoo's heart.


18 years old:

While assisting his mother at the pastry shop, he accidentally mixed up some ingredients (like putting mayo in the whipped cream of a pastry, etc). After the sixth sell a costumer told there was something wrong with their pastries and then they discovered his mistake. He apologized and his mother gave the costumer the right pastry for free as an apology. His mother told him it was alright and that he had to take the day off, but Kyungsoo knew that it was a waste of money and ingredients (since he made a lot of pastries wrong), so he couldn't help but feel guilty and more horrible than he already was.



Last year he bumped against a row of trees. They fell over, causing a domino effect, and fell on his coworker Jinki. Aside from some big scratches being covered in band aid, a lot of branches were broken and some trees were unable to be sold.


So in short: Kyungsoo becomes very unlucky during December. No matter if it was a small or a big accident, it always involved him. Clumsy isn't a word that would describe him, anyone would agree.





Kyungsoo sighed as he threw the broken mug pieces into the trashcan. By the time he had cleaned up the mess the cookies seemed to be done, although they were burned, not beautifully brown baked as he always makes them or how they should be.


''Yo~ snow angel, uh! Wassup? Yeah! How are you feeling today, uhuh?'' And a very happy Sehun also decided to show up, using Kyungsoo's nickname (given by the brat himself) in a form of rap.


''Urgh, what's this smell? Isn't this the third time this month you let something burn.''


''Thank you for reminding me Sehun.'' Kyungsoo grumbled and bumped his brother's shoulder as he left the kitchen.


''Your welcome~!''



A/N: Sorry for the wait. Krismas is nearing and I don't think I'll be able to upload another chapter. So here's an early one.

Merry Krismas! Happy Holidays!!

Thanks for reading so far~ :)

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gidi1315 #1
i love your krisoo fic it's beautiful >"<
please update soon i'm krisoo fan and thank you :)
Dalliance #2
Awesome! I love this storyline. It's so different. Almost refreshing.
I'll be following this 'til the end.
Good job, author! ^-^
wildrose88 #3
Chapter 2: cant wait :)
Chapter 2: Interesting! Looking forward to reading more.