First snowfall

Burnt Snow Angel


December, the last month of the year. Snow falls, covering the earth with a white blanket. The cold dominates, making us wear warm clothes and winter coats, decorated with scarfs, hats and gloves.





The first day that it snowed this year was on 5 December. That is today. Today the earth had met with the snow and Kyungsoo had nothing to do. So he did what he always did on snowy days. Going to the park, dressed in his winter clothing. His snow boots left prints on the fat fresh fallen layer of snow. His nose left warm air, making little clouds develop.




At the park it was quiet. The usual nature lovers walked around with their cameras to take pictures of the first snowfall of the month. People with dogs were also present, but not much. Kids were at school, waiting for the midday to come, so Kyungsoo had to take the peace he got.




His steps stopped as he stood in the middle of the open field. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket together with his earplugs. Inserting them in the device and in his ears, pulling his beanie lower over his ears as far as he could to keep the cold away from them.


He skimmed through his play list and pressed on the song of choice. The volume low so it would serve as background music. He safely stored the device back in his front pocket and turned around. He took a deep breath, spreading his arms and closing his eyes and fell back, letting gravity do it's work. The snow crunched and the cold pressed on his back. He let himself slip away with the sound of music playing.





A snowflake landed on his cheek, followed by three on his forehead and later on two on his lips. The clouds are bursting open to add another layer on the snow blanket.


He hates it. Snow is good for nothing. It hides the beauty of the earth, letting it freeze and denying it to have access to light. Flowers can't show off their colors and scents and have to bear with the heavy, cold layer that's thrown on them. Fighting to survive the winter, some do survive and some don't. And spring has to deal with all the mess winter left. Strengthen the survivors and to let the clouds tear apart to reveal a piece of the blue sky.


His ears are filled with the loud laughter of children, making his music inaudible. The sound of snow slapping on winter coats and other objects. Yells and cries from girls were heard, who were probably hit by a snowball.



He sighed, creating more condense clouds in the air. His peace didn't last long today.




At times like these, he longs for the rain. The Autumn rain could make him happy, like snow made those kids happy. The earth is than showing their true colors and the rain helps to prepare it for the next season.


Though his hatred for everything that's in or is December has nothing to do with these sorry excuses. The problem lies more deeper and it hurts. The cold is nothing compared to it.




He heard someone coming into his direction. The soft crunches in the snow became louder every step that person took. He got that all the time, that someone would come to him to check out if he was alright and still alive. Always asking why he was lying in the snow and saying that he should watch out or else he would catch a cold. Like he didn't knew what he was doing. He didn't mind if he got a cold or not. It couldn't influence his disliking for December.


The crunches stopped. 'Oh boy, here we go again.' He thought.


''You look like a painting.'' A male voice said. Well, that's something he didn't expect, 'you look like a painting'. Who could this weirdo be then?

He opened his eyes to be greeted with the white greyish sky. The daylight made his eyelids close again and he groaned.


''What do you want?'' He didn't even bother to be formal and opened his eyes again. This time it went better.


''I want to make you my model for my next artwork.'' The man spoke.


Kyungsoo would think that he was joking, but he sounded so serious with no single trace of mockery in it.


He sat up and met the eyes of the man. Dark and sharp eyes were portrayed on a beautiful face, together with a red nose and cheeks from the cold and some nice lips. Some strays of blond hair slipped out underneath a beanie. His posture was like one of a model and so was his face.


''You want what? Why?'' Kyungsoo asked confused.


''I'm an artist.'' He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.


''I'm sorry, but I'm going to decline that offer.''


''What a shame.''


Kyungsoo thought the man would leave after he rejected his proposal, but surprisingly he just stayed staring at him.


''Can you please leave me alone now?'' Kyungsoo asked annoyed.


''Am I bothering you?''


''Yes, kind of.''




''Do I really need to tell?''


''Why are you asking me? You have the freedom to chose whatever you want. Like, if you want to lay in the snow all day then you don't ask permission for that, right?''




''Then that means that I also don't need permission to stand here, right?''


The fact that he was right annoyed Kyungsoo. So he huffed and stood up, swept the snow from his back and walked away. The man didn't stop him.





The place Kyungsoo called his home was a two-story house with a small, but beautiful, garden surrounded by a fence. It was a 14-minute walk from the park, but he found that it was worth it.


When he entered his home he instantly got greeted by his brother. A tall kid who will look shy at first glance, but after knowing him better he would open up to you, showing his cute and lively side. Dancing is his passion and together with two others he forms a dance group at SM.


''Hello hyung. Didn't feel like staying to long in the snow today?''


''Hi Sehun-ah. I guess you could say that.''


''Hey, I'm going to the dance studio right now. Kai hyung wanted to practice a lot for the New years show.''


''Okay. Do your best! And be careful on your way, it's slippery outside.''


''I will, thank you. Bye.''



He grabbed his bag and left the house. After waving his younger brother goodbye he quickly went upstairs to change into dry clothes. When he was done he took his book from the nightstand and went back downstairs to make himself some hot chocolate. He looked at the clock, seeing it was already 11.20.


He got an hour left for himself before heading to work. Where he works: at a flower stall. Not that many people buy flowers in the winter, but the stall stays open.



His gaze turned to the calender. 26 days to go.



'Let's see how long it will take this time to break me..'







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gidi1315 #1
i love your krisoo fic it's beautiful >"<
please update soon i'm krisoo fan and thank you :)
Dalliance #2
Awesome! I love this storyline. It's so different. Almost refreshing.
I'll be following this 'til the end.
Good job, author! ^-^
wildrose88 #3
Chapter 2: cant wait :)
Chapter 2: Interesting! Looking forward to reading more.