Nothing but Annoying

Nothing but Beauty


Chapter 1:

Nothing but Annoying







“I’m sorry; I can’t come to the phone right now. Just leave a message after the beep. If you’re jongin, don’t bother.”



“Hey! That’s cruel! Noona!! I called to tell you that I’m coming over for breakfast. I can no longer live with cup noodles anymore so please cook for me!! And since I’m your only living relative here, dad’s asking if you want to share the apart—“


“Please, don’t.”


“Miya-noona! Finally, you answered!!!” The voice at the other line gave out a relieved sigh and a little shuffling was heard followed by something falling down.


The 23-year-old gave a sound of her own which came out as an exasperated breath not bothering to reply back. She was tempted to smash the phone on the wall as the headache that was pounding into her head intensified.


As soon as the younger uttered the most ridiculous idea that was dared to have suggested by her good-for-nothing uncle, she flung herself off the bed and bounded to the phone cutting her cousin midsentence. The haziness from sleep and the sudden rush of blood downward forced her to massage her forehead in attempt to try to focus on what the younger was spouting about. Jongin was talking a mile a minute that Miya was only able to grasp snippets of their onesided conversation. Financially unstable? Blueberry muffins....?


As the fog from her head starts to lift, anger was suddenly building up and she gritted her teeth in an attempt to not lash out on the younger. Her uncle is at it again. Leaving his annoying son to her just because he probably lost to his gambling escapades every night, and not only that, the younger had the audacity to even order to cook him freakin’ muffins.


“Jongin, shut up.”


Immediately, Jongin’s barrelling mouth shut tight as he sensed the oncoming outburst from his older cousin. However, the silence that followed was even scarier because of the anticipation. He winced a little when Miya sighed loudly.


“It’s 6 in the morning and I just got out of my shift 3 hours ago. I don’t need you to add on to my problems by giving me headaches because if you talked a few more seconds I’d puke”, Miya said as calmly as possible. Really, she should be accustomed to the lack-of-sleep schedule but not in this season when the autumn air was getting crisp and a lot of the patients taken last night were all at a coughing fit. “Okay, you can crash here. Where are you anyway?”


“Outside your door.”


The .


Stomping towards the door, she swung it open to reveal a sheepish grin from the teen who was scratching the back of his head as a shy gesture. Without warning, he enveloped her in an affectionate hug that he had to lean down because of the height difference. “Wow, you’ve grown taller”, she said backing out from the hug and reaching up to squeeze his cheeks. She took in the black trimmed hair and the tanned skin that was odd because it’s late October where the height of cold autumn is starting and it’s unusual for anyone to remain tan.


“And you’re still the same.” His grin widens at the scowl he received.


“One more word and I’d kick you out”, she threatened stepping to the side to let the boy in. She is a bit sensitive with her height, having been taunted that she was a “bit” short for someone her age. Yeah, like that’s a problem. She didn’t graduate nursing school with flying colors and employed in one of the most prestigious hospitals in the city beating hundreds of other a “bit” tall people for nothing. Just saying.


Jongin quickly grabbed his duffel bag and went inside zipping any other teasing he was about to make.


A few minutes later, the ding of an oven and the smell of fresh baked muffins filled the apartment. Jongin beamed, getting off from where he sat on the counter and instead sat himself in front of the plate of delectibles. “Man, I miss this.”


“Hey, don’t stuff yourself with just that. Eat a proper breakfast”, Miya scolded, cracking two eggs to fry but internally smiled at the sight of his cousin gobbling up and obviously loved what she made. She waited a bit until Jongin could talk did and when eggs and rice are already on the table did she start to interrogate him. “So, is that all you brought?” She glanced at the duffel bag on the living room sofa that bubbled a bit of worry in her.


“That’s all I brought when I came to the city, actually.”


“How long have you been here?”


“A month.”


Miya gapped from her seat, restraining herself from smacking him in the head for not calling her. “A month?!”


“Umm... yeah.”


Miya held up the rim of her mug in front of her lips to stare sharply at his cousin who was obviously avoiding any eye contact. “You came here, to dance, aren’t you?”


Jongin made a face that obviously said that he didn’t want to talk about it so the older nodded a little in understanding. The last time she saw Jongin, it was a visit back in the countryside where his cousin and uncle were living. Jongin had just recently graduated from high school but why suddenly come to Seoul? She knew about his passion for dancing so she assumed that Jongin is going to pursue it here in the Big Apple of Korea. “Okay, I won’t probe but this is my apartment and I’m not going to be left in the dark for long.”


Jongin winced again but nodded. “Sorry to bother you, noona.” Jongin gave a small smile but the shame was palpable in his face. “I’d pay you back, I promise.”


“Do I look like a mafia boss to you?” She snapped at him. “This isn’t a loan Jongin. I’m trying to take care of you when your father obviously can’t.”





“Hm, not bad....”


A blonde man scoff, biting back a laugh that was going to flow out of him as he stared at his friend who was looking around some worn out cupboards that looked centuries old. “Seriously?? Lay, you said that to one of the sellers last time and the floors were about to give out if you were a few pounds heavier. Please think a little bit rationally. You could find a more extravagant studio than this. Plus, this building doesn’t even look studio-material.”


“But the space is appropriate”, Lay said, lacking more bite to his persuasion skills. “Don’t you think so, Lu Han?”


Lu Han, wrinkled his nose in distaste trying to ignore the debris that were falling on his hair and shoulders or the big- spider that was looking creepily at him from the ceiling. Lay was looking at him expectantly and in an almost puppy-ish way that made him give in (but only for now).  Lu Han couldn’t exactly deny it. The building was 3-storeys high with a wide enough space for each floor for the reconstruction of a recording room and a dance studio. Just like what Lay had been describing to him all those years ago. That’s why, at first sight, he couldn’t also deny the way Lay’s eyes shined like he had seen a very priceless treasure. But there’s one problem...


“Hate to break it to you and I know cursing is going to ruin my pretty face aura” Lay rolled his eyes at that, “...but your building is IN FRONT of a ING HOSPITAL! I MEAN HELLOOO!!! It’s right across the street and you’re attempting to make a place that makes loud music. You’re gonna disturb their peace here, man.”


Lay furrowed his eyebrows as if that wasn’t a big problem, apparently. “Then we’ll make all of the rooms soundproof.” Lu Han stared at him. Hard. Typical Lay, always throwing away money without the proper investments. He’s not gonna get through that thick skull of his. He never did ever since they met so why start now? It’ll just be a waste of energy.


“Okay, you’re the artist. You came this far using that head of yours so I’m gonna respect your decision”, the blonde said, nodding in assurance more to himself than to the person in front of him.


“What does that suppose to mean?”






“Oh my GOD we should watch it together!”


Miya winced a little at the sound of the other person on the other line. What’s with people giving her headaches through the phone anyway? “You’re not slacking off are you? You still have a book to finish”, she said swiping the mop over the last untouched area of the floor. A little while ago, Jongin called her neat-freak and firmly regarded the statement as a compliment before muttering ‘’.


“Oh booo! You’re sounding a lot like my publisher. And—Hold on.” In the background, the wailing of a baby could be heard that turned to small whimpers in a few moments. “Sorry about that. Now, I know you’re busy but call me as SOON as you’re free. Oh, and say hi to Jongin for me.”


Miya shifted a little to lean the mop on the wall and grasped the phone more firmly to her ears. “Will dooo”, she said attempting to sound convincing and saying goodbye. “And where are you going?” She narrowed her eyes at her cousin that stopped on his way to reach for the door.


“Umm... Go find a job”, Jongin finished lamely.


Miya made a disapproving sound but she knew that stopping him would be a mistake. That’s right. Jongin shouldn’t be tied down when he was the one initiating to become responsible. Something clenched in her heart when Jongin reminded her much of herself six years ago but quickly brushed it off. That was a long time ago. She has a high paying-job now, a home to live in, and people who still loved her and never left her side in times when it was hard.


“Okay.” Jongin’s shoulder relaxed a little. “Call me when you get home. I won’t be home by 3PM. Dinner’s in the fridge. You know how to use the microwave.”


Jongin looked at her while doing the math in that pretty head of his. “Like seriously? That’s like 12 hours a day.” He said, gapping like a fish.


I chuckled a little and wished there was a camera to take a picture of him. “Stupid Jongin, I don’t work everyday. Well, I used to, anyway.”





Too short? :) sooo...i made a kaisoo tag.yeah...umm, ok! XD



I make crappy author's note. X<



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Gonna be up8ing a little than usual. :((( gonna stdy hard.@@ to all those tuning into Nothing but Beauty, hope ya'll understand.T[]T


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