Collar Full

Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die

We've waited so damn long, we're sick and tired
I won't leave any doubt or stone unturned
I've got a collar full of chemistry from your company
So maybe tonight I'll be the libertine

The thin boy holds a nervous expression on his face, and swallows thickly as he raises a fist to knock hesitantly against his favorite hyung's bedroom door. He's been preparing this for weeks now; his confession, but he's not exactly sure how it's all going to turn out.


They've always been close, a bit more than considered a normal friendship, but it has never been spoken of or suggested that it should go further. This is why Taemin feels the need to say something now, because he can't stand walking on eggshells around the elder any longer.


That deep, warm voice calls for him to come in, and he takes one last calming breath before twisting the doorknob and hesitantly walking forward. Of course, as soon as Minho sees him, he instantly knows something is wrong. He always knows.


Brows furrowed as Taemin ducks his head, Minho stands from his sitting position on his bed and walks over, bringing a hand to tilt the younger's face up. “What is it, Tae? You look down.” he asks, concerned, and it makes Taemin's heart skip a beat as the tone is caring and full of what he would like to think is love.


He feels a spark of courage, and his face turns confident. He's sure of himself, and his feelings, now. “I need to tell you something..” he begins, expression sincere.


Minho nods for him to go on.


“I like you, a lot. I want us to be together, because I know you like me, too. Don't you?” he confesses, eyes wide in expectation as he examines Minho's response. Unfortunately, it's not one he likes.


Minho drops his hands from the boy's face and backs away, looking confused and almost scandalized. “I-I.. don't know what to say.”


And neither does Taemin as he gets closer and closer to bursting into tears, so he flees. He turns on his heels, bottom lip tugged between his teeth as he struggles to keep in his emotions, and slams the door behind him before running to his own room and slamming it as well.


He can hear the questioning calls of the other hyungs, and a knock on his door as Jinki calls to him, but he ignores him and the leader eventually goes away. Alone, he cries, burying his face in the pillows and letting it all out.


He should have known better than to expect returned feelings.


Show me your love, your love
Gimme more but it's not enough
Show me your love, your love


There's another knock on his door, but this time the person doesn't go away like Taemin wishes them to. Instead, his door is opened before he can stop it, and arms are pulling him from his pathetic position of laying face down in the covers.

“No, leave me alone.” he demands, weak and voice hoarse from crying. He recognizes the grip that encases him, and he wants nothing to do with it. Not anymore.


“Taemin-ah,” Minho sighs, ignoring his protests and pulling him until he's sitting in the elder's lap. “You can't just spring things like that on me and then run.”


Taemin laughs bitterly, “Why not? You were going to reject me anyways.”


The grip that holds him tightens, and he finds himself intimidated by the disbelieving, furrowed expression that Minho fixes on him. “Are you kidding me? I've been trailing after you like a lost puppy and taking care of your every beck and call since we were trainees, and you still haven't noticed how much I care for you? You said it yourself that you know I like you.”


Taemin glances around, embarrassed. “But you said-”


“I said I didn't know what to say, because I was so shocked that what I've been dreaming of for years was finally coming true.”


Taemin brings his gaze to meet Minho's again, and the caring expression is back. “Really?”


“Really. I love you, Taemin, and I want to be with you, too.”


Before the world catches up
Cuz there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go


After their awkward, and a bit overdue, confession, Minho presses him into the bed and kisses him oh-so passionately. Taemin kisses back, equally as eager and full of emotion, a hand tugging into the elder's hair.


It doesn't go further than a heated make out session, but it leaves them both breathless, and Taemin with a few marks on his neck and down his now bare chest from where the rapper had nipped and in the best of ways.


Unfortunately, though, he only just now thought of the consequences of their relationship. They had fans, and were constantly under public eye. It would be difficult to hide their antics, especially with some of their sharp-eyed fans.


Sighing, he rolls over into the arms of Minho, who is dozing next to him. He cuddles into the warmth of the elder, face burying in his toned chest, and sighs. Beneath him, he can feel his hyung stir, and he cuddles closer.


“Hyung?” he starts, feeling the need to confront the issue that is bothering him sooner rather than later. Minho hums in response, waking up slowly, for the maknae to go on. “What are we going to do, about us and the fans?”


Minho shifts completely then, rolling them so that Taemin is under him, and presses a kiss to his forehead as he stares down into his eyes. “We'll be careful, but it won't change anything, alright? Even if something does happen-”


“Please don't leave me.” Taemin interrupts, his fear spilling from his mouth without his consent. Minho only chuckles, and presses another kiss to his temple.


“I won't, ever. Even if something happens, I'll never leave you. I don't care what the rest of the world thinks, as long as I have you.”


You've got it all worked out with so little time
Memories that I'd blackout if you were mine
You've got a pocket full of reasons why you're here tonight
So, baby, tonight just be the death of me


“But-” Taemin begins again, and this time the lips land on his own, properly silencing him.


Minho looks exasperated at the younger's continued attempts, and shakes his head. “You just don't get it do you? I love you. I will do anything and everything for you, and most importantly, I will never, ever, leave you unless you want me to. I'll only ever do whatever it takes to make you happy, alright?” he says, tone serious, and Taemin knows he means every word.


He finally nods, and leans his face up, puckering his lips. Minho laughs again, but complies, pressing their lips together and then deepening the kiss. When they pull away, Minho flops back down beside him, and pulls him into his warm embrace.


Never before has Taemin felt so complete, and he knows now that Minho really does care for him, more than he could have ever imagined, and that he was foolish to ever think otherwise.


If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go.

A/N: Only one more chapter left, you guys.. I'm going to be sad when this is over, I've enjoyed this series!

Thank you so much for all of the lovely comments and subscribers~ They mean so much to me!

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Omg a 2min songfic + panic! In the disco? Bless you
I'm usually not into song fics but yours- yours- I just really can't- yours is too good, I swear ;;;; gosh and I love panic! in the disco huhuhuhu this all I've ever wanted- most of them are so heartwrenching and beautiful and I just can't orz orz
Chapter 10: Ohmygod this was such a perfect ending to the series :O loved it loved it loved it :D
Chapter 9: YES YES YES :D ITS A HAPPY ONE :D ahha its simple but cute and with so many emotions :D

Wow okay but yeah. Free Ride pales in comparison to this. Fantastically fabulous. New favorite chapter from this collection. <3
pikasquad #6
Chapter 6: I adore how you did this chappie. Girls/Girls/Boys is my favorite song on the album, and you wrote it beautifully, I'm so blown away by how amazing you write~
Chapter 7: I swear to god you write so beautifully its just amazing :)
lovethemall07 #8
Chapter 6: I've been reading your stories but this is the first time I'll comment, and it's just, they're all so beautiful. This chapter though particularly hit the heart. I'm amazed how you portrayed their characters and to be honest, this was the fic I needed for all the angst!2min feels I've been having lately. Thank you so much, and I can't wait to read your other stories!
Chapter 6: Ow, my heart. ;_;
peggy17688 #10
Chapter 6: So saddd...:(