Chapter 7

I Am The Prince

Knock, knock.

I stir in my sleep, trying to push the sleepiness that won’t go away.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Coming,” I mutter to my pillow, reluctantly getting rid of the blanket from me.

I stand up, rubbing my eye, yawning and ruffling my own hair as I open the door.

To be faced with a wide-eyed Hana, staring at me with utmost surprise.

“Oh no,” She said, turning away.  “I did not just sleep in the prince’s chamber,”

I blink and a smile spreads on my face as I follow her behind her back, eavesdropping her whole conversation with herself.

“But how?” She asks, her hand making explaining gestures.  “I remember riding Chestnut and laughing like a lot and God, it was really beautiful out there.  We don’t even have half of all that at home.  As expected of the Royal Family.  And then—” She stops and I halt my steps to prevent colliding with her.  When she continues her pacing, I tail her again.  “And then I rested on a tree.  And then he sat beside me.  And then—” She turns on her heel and yelps in surprise when she meets my chest with a thump. 

“And then I carried you here because you were very much asleep,” I meet her eyes, finishing her question.

“Oh no,” She shook her head in denial, moving backwards a step.  “You, the prince, did not carry me all the way out from there,” She points out the window, then shifts to point at the sofa.  “To here,”

“Well, you know, I got help from Red,” I shrug and chuckle when Hana squeals in frustration, folding the blankets, although hurriedly, but precisely.

“I’m sorry,” She stops her tidying and looks at me, her eyes drawn down in regret.  “I am so sorry,”

“It’s no—“

Knock, knock. 

“Kyungsoo?” The queen calls from outside.  “Why are you up so early?”

My eyes widen and I see my expression reflected on Hana’s face.  I mouth towards her; “Hide!”

Flustered, she steps back and forth in confusion and I grab her wrist, gently but swiftly leading her into the first room that had its door open; my room.  “Sorry,” I mouth again and she shoos me away, closing the door herself exactly when my mom opens the door to enter.

“Is Kai sleeping in here too?” She asks, glancing at the sofa.

“Nah,” I clear my throat.  “I fell asleep there, then moved into the room somewhere in the middle of the night,”

“Oh,” My mother frowns.  “Were you that tired?”

“Quite.  I went out for a ride,”

“Ah? That’s strange.  You’re not one to ride much, Kyungsoo,”

“I know, I mean, I found a new stress relief,” I shrug nonchalantly, when my mind fumbles for another excuse.  “I was reading that too,” I point at the book on the table in front of the sofa.  The Black Beauty was closed, set on the corner.  “So, you know, didn’t keep track of time,”

“Well,” She nods, dismissing the topic.  “Anyways, we’re going to have a guest today.  They’ll be coming for lunch.  It’s still 9, so you have a lot of time for yourself.  I expect you to be dressed and in position at 11:30, Kyungsoo,” She steps forward to plant a kiss on my forehead, her smile decorating her small, oval face.  “I love you, dear,”

“Love you too, mom,” I walk her out the door, closing it after she’s out.  I press my ear to the door, waiting untir the click of her heels disappear before I heave a sigh of relief and open my bedroom’s door to let Hana out.

“She’s gone,” I look at her and somehow, we both laugh.

“You should have seen your face,” She points at my face.

“Hey, it wouldn’t be exactly great if my mom actually finds out I brought a girl here,”

We laugh again, noticing how weird the sentence sounds when the two of you did absolutely nothing.

“Oh, by the way, your room, it smells like your jacket,” Her hand pulls her hair to one side of her head.  “Or your jacket smells like your room,” She frowns, shrugging.  “Whatever it is, it smells nice,” Her lips spread to show you a grin that made her eyes twinkle in that way you liked.  “Makes me feel safe, somehow,”

Man, I wonder how she says these words without even the slightest stutter.

“I should give you back your jacket,” She slips it off of her arms, handing it to me.  “Thanks, it really kept me warm,”

“Y-yeah, you’re welcome, I guess,” I walk her out the door as I did with my mother, reluctant to part. 

“You’re having a guest, Your Majesty.  I suggest you get prepared,” Hana bows playfully towards me and laughs at the look I’m giving her.

She flashes a smile at me and waves before trotting away, looking left and right carefully before slipping down the corridor, disappearing from my sight.

I close the door and really now, does that girl have no end to her charms?

I look at the jacket in my hand and I could faintly smell her scent; vanilla and apple together.

Even she smells like a horse’s favorite food.

“There really is no end to her love for horses,” I chuckle, shaking my head while I drape the jacket over the sofa.

“No end to whose love for horses?”

I grimace at the voice behind me and compose my face quickly before facing Kai, who was leaning on my door frame.  “Mom’s,”

Kai raises an eyebrow at me and enters my room, walking into my closet.  “Mom’s.  Really now,” His hands go through my row of tuxedos, pulling a gray one out, along with a black shirt to go with it.  “Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo, you at this keeping secrets thing,”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I take the outfit from him, wondering how he can have such a nice sense of fashion. 

“It means that no, you can’t hide from me the fact that you like that stables girl,”

I hate how I freeze for a second because Kai definitely saw it and he laughs as he puts his arm around my shoulder.  “Got you,”

“I hate you,” I hit his head with mine and flee into the bathroom.

“Do you need me to wash your back?” He jiggles the door knob, a teasing tone in his voice.

“No!” I lock it quickly, twice, to make sure he really can’t come in. 

I panic at his silence and unlock the door again, peeking out.  “Kai?”

“Boo,” He pops out from behind the door, making me jump. 

I defensively clutch tighter at the door, glaring at him.  He grins and stands in front of the door with his hands locked in front of him.  “What do you have to say, Your Majesty?”

“I hate you so much,” I repeat, with emphasis.  “But can you keep this a secret?”

“Man,” Kai looks up, a smug smile on his face.  “Is that what you call asking me for a favor?

“I hate you so much more now,” I mutter.  “Can you please keep this a secret?” I contain the embarassment while I close my eyes.

When I open my eyes, he was grinning even wider (if possible) and he moves on to whistling.  “This means one; you’re admitting that you like her and two; you owe me,” He strides across the room and waves at you before leaving with a wink.  “Sure, bro,”

I really, really hate losing to Kai.  When he says that I owe him something, he actually remembers it and he’ll probably come to use it as an excuse to make me do him a favor in exchange.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” I grumble to myself, finishing all the preparations by myself, rejecting the group of dressers who were, definitely, sent by my mother.  I swipe my hair sideways, away from my face, a formal style my mother liked.  I button my suit and don’t bother glancing at the mirror before walking  out, bracing myself for the day. 

I climb down the stairs and make my way into the throne room, greeting the keepers lined on either side of the red carpet splayed on the floor, all the way from the entrance towards the three thrones on the far end of the room; my father’s on the middle, my mother’s and mine on either side. 

Kai was already waiting by the side of my throne, a smirk that made him look really good but was something I hated more than anything plastered on his face.  He glances at one of the keepers and my mother, and I follow it, my eyes landing on the familiar face of Hana, the 4th keeper lined at the left side of the throne.  Kai has been sticking his nose into businesses that aren’t his.  Hana’s keeping her eyes lowered, so she doesn’t meet mine.  I sit on my throne and call Kai to lower his ear close to my mouth as I whisper, “You and I are going to have a talk after this, mister,”

“I don’t think so, Your Majesty,” He speaks, a bit louder so that my mother could hear.  I elbow him on the stomach and grin at my mother, who was glaring at us to tell us to mind our manners.

“The Son Nobles have arrived!”

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Chapter 20: upvoted!!!!
Chapter 4: kyungsoo! haha i'd blush so much too if you ever talk to me
Chapter 3: KAIIII
Chapter 2: i like d.o.
Chapter 1: mom is so cute :)
Queenka94 #6
So sweet. Pure and innocent (ish haha) love..
A crown-prince looking for his princess. An amazing, kind hearted queen. A silly, awesome, adopted brother -Kai --the tease.
(Who hopefully will have his own love story....-maybe with Yookyung?? ;) its a suggestion.)
All make up an extremely adorable love story ♡♡

This story has to be one of my ultimate favorites here.
So full of fluff, horses, and flowers.
I didn't have to worry about getting stressed out with any drama. Gomawa author-nim!
Queenka94 #7
Chapter 11: Ahhhh~ this is too cute.!!!!!!
I'm dying from the feels!!!!!!
Chapter 20: Why must so cute~ >.<
I don't care who's the main character because I love your writing style! ^~^
Chapter 20: Oh my goddddd this story is sooooo pretty !!! And cutee ! And cheesy ~ ^^
kpop90 #10
Chapter 20: It was such a cute story. :D