Luhan, You're Suspicious

Choosing You


                “Where is Luhan-hyung?” Suho said panicking. “We’re not going home without him!”

                That moment Suho really looks like a panicked grandpa searching for his lost grandson. “I saw him with the Spotbeat earlier,” Tao answered, making Suho relieved a little bit. At least he knows where to search. “They performed as five earlier, I wonder where’s Mima. She isn’t shooting a drama, right? Of course no – she can’t even acts like a normal girl. She’s the center, it’s kind of awkward without her doing the pelvic dance. And it’s very different when GaYeong sings her part and—“

                “Oh shut up, magnae, you sound like a fan-boy now!” Sehun laughed. “Mima has a fever, her temperature is as high as your confidence when you introduce yourself as the romantic panda who loves to stroll in the beach alone—blah, blah, I adore you for remembering the name.”

                “What?” Kai choked. “How could you not tell me, Sehun-ah? Since when?”

                “I’m guessing since yesterday, because she stopped sending me tantrums yesterday.”

                “Tantrums?” Kai asked with raised eyebrows. “Well, yeah, that noisy girl is even noisier in virtual world. She sends me messages like, ‘bubble tea or your life? You choose’ ‘I grew 5 inches yesterday’ or even typing my name in a great amount – randomly. She’s hard to guess.”

                Kai is actually pretty jealous of Sehun, he’s Mima’s bestest friend. Kai knows Mima messages Sehun every day, tells about random stories, random jokes, or even the unfunny ones. That’s actually what Kai wants, but he really doesn’t know what to do, to make Mima acts the way she acts to Sehun. She always looked so happy with Sehun – laughing, punching each other, and other various things best friends do.

                “Can we go to Spotbeat’s dorm, then?” Kai said with a worried tone. “I’m sorry but no, kiddo. I’m worried about my daughter, too but we are still 100% men, we can’t enter that sacred area. And Luhan-hyung is missing, which makes us can’t go anywhere.”

                “Luhan texted me. He said he got something to take care of, he’s not coming with us,” Kris joined. “And what is that something to take care of?” asked Kai anxiously but just got a shrug of shoulders by the duizhang as answer.

                I wonder what is that something to take care of. He’s not someone who will just leave like that. Don’t tell me—

                “That means we should go now! My stomach is already craving for hanwoo. Luhan-hyung is going to regret if he’s coming home late!” Suho said. “You mean the dorm, Joonmyeon – not home,” Xiumin corrected. “The dorm is our home, hyung! Our home as twelve – thirteen plus manager-hyung, where we have our ups and downs where we divide our sadness—“ “Shut up Baekhyun, you’re even cheesier than bacons, And that's Joonmyeon-hyung's line,” Chanyeol cut. “ But bacons are not… Never mind,” Baekhyun frowned, but then grinned happily again.

                They all looked happy because they finished today’s schedule, which means it’s free to do everything! But one isn’t seen with his usual charming smile, Kai. He really wanted to see Mima, he worries about the girl so much. He feels weird, because no one has ever made him worry this much but her. He senses something suspicious from Luhan, making him anxious what made him act this way. He shouldn’t be suspicious of his hyung.

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BlingJongluludeer #1
Chapter 5: Pls author-nim update I really love your story