chapter 4

visual married

Author POV

Krystal manager give Krystal hat to cover her face. Myungsoo leave first then Krystal leave 5 minute after.

Press conference start, Myungsoo and Krystal sit in middle and try to look like happy couple.

“morning all reporters.. in this press conference we will explain about their relationship.. you all can ask to them” Krystal watch many reporter in front of them. Myungsoo hold her hand and give her his sweet smile (again).

“I know we can” Krystal nodded and try to give her best smile.

“okay.. this question for Kim Myungsoo.. many nitizen see you with that Ullzang always together and they see you hug her”

“I often going out with her and my else friend.. we going out as friend not couple and I never hug her..i just hug my girl” Myungsoo give his wink to Krystal and her respons just death glare.

“this question for Krystal Jung.. you know that Ullzang? And you know if your boyfriend often going out with her?”

“I never meet with her but I know my Myunggie often going out with her and his else friend and I believe he never hug that Ullzang”

“we hear from your both agency you both will married? When? And we think it’s suddenly I’m sorry for ask this are you pregnant?”

Krystal POV

Yaa.. damn reporter and damn question. I haven’t have my first kiss impossible if I’m pregnant and with him? Aigoo.. why my life so terrible?

“yeah.. that’s right if we will married.. when? We think soon.. right Soojung?” Myungsoo ask me and I just nodded and smile

“and about pregnant I’m surprise when you ask about this. But the answer is absolutely no..”

“why you don’t let Krystal-ssi to answet that question? We want her answer that question”

What? I must answer what? That damn reporter.. now Myungsoo see me try to make me answer that damn question

“oh.. haha.. that’s very funny news.. look, I meet him just once in one month. It’s impossible if I’m pregnant”

“okay.. I think this press conference finish thank you for many reporter who come to here” Myungsoo and me bow to many reporter in front of us and give our best smile then leave stage.

“you both do this perfect.. Krys come on we have schedule after this”

Yeah.. I’m very happy hear this and I don’t need to talk again to Myungsoo.

“wait Krys.. I want talk to you about something”

Sh*t what else he want to talk to me?

“thanks for call me Myunggie again.. I miss you call me that.. lately you must call me that bastard or that jerk”

I just laugh and rub my neck how I’m forget about that? Why I call that with that name again.. he will think I comeback with him.. Soojung you’re very pabo.

“i will meet Kim Do You if you don’t want to meet her”

“no.. I want to meet her and explain to her about us.. I mean about this plan..”

“I will pick you and go to her apartment with you”

“yaa.. I can do this without your help”

“I just worried Krys.. you don’t know her.. I mean that Ullzang sometimes can make you fell to bad rumour like me..”

“just believe me I won’t fell to her trap okay? Now I must go..”

Author POV

Finally this day come, the day Krystal must come to that Ullzang apartment and explain all about this and hear her story about her relationship with Myungsoo.

“are you sure you want come alone? We will ask Myungsoo to accompany you” Victoria try to give her comment to Krystal

“unnie.. I can do this alone. And I don’t want he come with me okay?” Krystal have done prepare and call her manager to pick her to her apartment.

She know her apartment not far from Infinite dorm and Krystal think if she need his help she just will call him that time.

She come to receptionist to ask about the number of Kim Do You apartment.

“oh? Krystal-ssi she want you to wait her in this room..” Krystal take that card and just wait her to that room.

Krystal leave receptionist and go to that room and just wait her, 15 minute later 2 men enter that apartment and surprise Krystal

“yaa.. it is dream right bro?” say one of them

“haha.. she bring this visual for us? Jinjja? She is the best”

“yaa.. who are you”Krystal keep calm and ask. Krystal know if this 2 men drunk but she can’t go out because this 2 men in front of her.

Myungsoo POV

How about Krystal and that damn girl? Why until now Victoria noona don’t call me and tell me about Krystal? Yaa.. I can’t sleep before know how are she.

“yaa.. Myungsoo-ya Soojung here.. you must see her condition” I hear Sunggyu hyung call me and his voice like panic

I’m walk to Sunggyu Hyung stand and see Krystal in front of him,

“yaa.. Soojung.. what happen with you?” I keep see her and confused because she look very terrible.

“yaa.. answer me.. Soojung-ya” I keep try to make her answer my question. I raise her chin and see her tears. Suddenly I hug her very tightly.

“tell me what happen? Is that girl make you like this?” I feel her head nodded

Yuhuuu.. part 4 here ^^ thanks for keep read this story.. and I feel sorry if you all think I really hate that Ulzzang :(

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Chapter 6: Update soon and dont abandon this story pleaseeeee..
cbakmsl #2
Chapter 6: Please update really soon..... I'm just curious about what will happen btwn both of them
nana_nania #3
Chapter 6: waw., they will marry...

update soon...
fxkrystal_kpop123 #4
Chapter 5: oh no poor krystal
iheartJongSica #5
Chapter 4: DID STAL GOT ? NOO
an_nachan #6
Chapter 3: update update update...
I wish myungstal are new couple of wgm...
an_nachan #7
Chapter 1: wow...
I just found that sulli date last week,and myungsoo date 2 days ago..
and now u make this fanfic...
i wish u update soon...
Can't wait...update soon please..^^
vidvydtyd #9
can't wait for this story. please update soon!