chapter 3

visual married

Author POV

Now Myungsoo and Krystal just sit and don’t start their conversation. Myungsoo take his phone to look who are call him now.

“damn.. why this girl call me” said Myungsoo. Krystal look to Myungsoo and hope he will let her know who is she/he.

“you must help me now Krys.. I know you still in unmood to help me but I beg you this time”said Myungsoo and let Krystal hold his phone. Krystal see that phone screen. “oh.. so he want me to talk with that Ullzang.. bad boy”though Krystal


“oh? Annyeonghaseo.. this number is Myungsoo number right?”

“ne.. but who are you?”

“I’m his girlfriend.. who are you?”

“haha.. you kidding me? Myungsoo don’t have girlfriend.. I’m his future wife”

“you kidding me right? Wait.. you read news about me and Myungsoo right?”

“yes.. and he tell me if you and him just friend..”

“haha.. I don’t believe you.. lets meet then”

“okay.. you send where you want meet..”

Krystal hang up that call and return that phone to the owner. Myungsoo give his best smile to Krystal because she help him just now.

Krystal POV

Damn, why he give me that smile again? He don’t know if I still don’t forgive him about that problem huh?? Aigoo.. now I must wait that Ullzang give me that address and drag Myungsoo to solve this.

“you have tell your parents about this?”

“my Manager have talk with them.. and you know what they answer right?”

“keke.. yeah.. they must really happy if I’m their son in low”

“how about you? You have tell your parents?”

“yeap.. and they still happy hear about you”

“okay.. I just want to tell you.. I accept this plan just for escape from that rumour. Don’t you think I want to be your friend again like past”

I see he nooded and make sad face when I’m talk about that.

“I hope you will change your mind.. I really want to be your best friend again” Myungsoo said and rubbed his neck try to avoid my eyes

“just dream about that.. massage me if your girlfriend tell you where she want to meet me”

I drink my coffee and stand up. Myungsoo stand up too and show his smile again. Not evil smile like when they meet in show but just smile. I leave that café and get in my car.

At night, I get massage from Myungsoo about where that Ullzang want to meet me.

“ckck.. she think I don’t busy.. she want me to come her apartment 3 days later”

I look Sulli and Amber play together and they can smile whatever they want but what about me? I keep think about my life with that bad boy.


SM and Woolim agree to make press conference about this plan and tell their idol to act like they already in relationship since 2 years ago. Now Krystal in Infinite dorm to pick up Myungsoo and go together to press conference.

“wah.. you lucky Myungsoo-ya” Sunggyu keep tease Krystal and Myungsoo because he now everything about they both.

“yaa.. hyung.. just shut up.. don’t make her more angry to me” Myungsoo now still have breakfast with . Krystal send her death glare to Myungsoo. Myungsoo know what the meaning of that glare and finish his breakfast then go with Krystal.

In press conference now many reporter wait Krystal and Myungsoo arrive and explain this.

“yaa.. wht they in here? Why they don’t wait us inside” Krystal signed. Myungsoo just give his smile and comfort Krystal.

Annyeong..!! thank you to read this fanfics.. but now *when I write this chapter* I feel I can’t get some feeling :( I’m sorry guys!!!

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Chapter 6: Update soon and dont abandon this story pleaseeeee..
cbakmsl #2
Chapter 6: Please update really soon..... I'm just curious about what will happen btwn both of them
nana_nania #3
Chapter 6: waw., they will marry...

update soon...
fxkrystal_kpop123 #4
Chapter 5: oh no poor krystal
iheartJongSica #5
Chapter 4: DID STAL GOT ? NOO
an_nachan #6
Chapter 3: update update update...
I wish myungstal are new couple of wgm...
an_nachan #7
Chapter 1: wow...
I just found that sulli date last week,and myungsoo date 2 days ago..
and now u make this fanfic...
i wish u update soon...
Can't wait...update soon please..^^
vidvydtyd #9
can't wait for this story. please update soon!