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A/N: Just for the ones, who read it before ... i rewrote the first chapter ... so ... 


He knows it is not the best decision he ever made. But did he ever made good decisions in first place? He doubts it with his entire mind. 

He finds it strange. Strange to the point he isn’t even able to explain it to himself. Why is he feeling like this? Does that even make any kind of sense?
They are not breathing the same air anymore. They are not in the same room anymore.
But strangely he can still feel his presence beside him. And maybe the knowledge that the other is trashing around in the car right now pleases him far, far too much.

He shouldn’t be feeling like that. He knows it, but he still can’t stop himself. What is even so special about him, Daehyun thinks as his eyes scan his surroundings.

Smooth skin covering a muscular body. Writings on his left shoulder he loved to rewrite with his tongue. Dirty blonde hair that always looks messy even if it isn’t. Toned arms that belong right around his waist. Well build back full of scratch marks. The memories of last night.
But does that make him special in any way? Daehyun can only laugh at himself. Really, why is he feeling like this?
What effect can a silly gummy smile and a calming voice have on him?
Why would his heart skip a beat, when his eyes light up when they gazes met?
Why would he have to force himself not to smile, when that silly gummy smile appeared on the others face?
Really, he was so not in love.


Maybe, just maybe Daehyun wants to own a small apartment with the other.
They could decorate it together and paint the walls in pastel colors or maybe in purple.
They could have plants or pets. And they could watch movies together while they cuddle under a blanket.
They could also forget everything about the past and just look straight ahead to the future together. It’s silly, isn’t it?

Who was he kidding? Daehyun knows, this is something that cannot happen.
But at least, he could imagine it in his mind and be happy for the few moments those images lasted.


He snaps out of his thoughts, realizing that he is pretty far away from the car.
The man in front of him is much too familiar and he wishes, he could just erase his picture from his mind or right from his sight. And as always he stays silent.
Daehyun has nothing to say. All he wants is to end this. Erase the rest of the past and maybe have a better life.

‘Why are you here? Where is he? Did he leave you?’

The words are spoken venomously. The hint of arrogance is very prominent and the look in the other’s eyes is calculated and cold. He is here for business, they both know it.
The guys appearing behind him make a circle. They look indifferent. But also ready to spill some blood.

‘He didn’t leave me.’

That are the only words Daehyun wants to say to the other as he throws the suitcase to his feet What follows is the jumping back of the other male and the big and confused eyes that are now glued on him. And Daehyun can’t help himself, but pull his lips up into a smirk at the reaction. He still doesn’t say anything, but just waits for the other to do something.
There is nothing in the suitcase. It’s completely empty. Useless.
But Daehyun thought, he could as well add some gangster image to this whole situation.
It shouldn’t look like he had come here for nothing. So at least it could look like he was part of a ransom exchange.
And the whole situation is really funny to him. It’s funny, how the other is opening the suitcase all carefully and his eyes narrow as there is nothing in it, just a paper with the words -- you, old man-


What is funny to him is never funny to the certain old man though. He steps closer to Daehyun and slaps him straight in the face. Daehyun can feel his head fly to the side, together with his glasses and wipes his thumb over his bottom lip to see it bleeding. His lips really start to bleed much too easily. How could he forget how strong that man is? Even if he isn’t the youngest anymore.
Silence is what follows. Neither Daehyun nor anyone else around makes a sound.
What is there to say anyways?
There is tension between the two standing face to face to each other. Time is ticking slowly.
The slap was the countdown to Daehyun’s inner time bomb. And they both know it.

The silence is broken as one of the other guys’ steps onto Daehyun’s glasses and breaks them under his foot. The sound of it makes him cringe. Those were one of his favorites.
The older man takes a few steps back, shaking his head disapprovingly.


‘You didn’t change at all.’

Almost, but just almost Daehyun think his voice sounds rather sad. But even if it is like that, it won’t change anything now. It is much too late to change anything.
Daehyun is on the road of no return. Or maybe, if he is lucky enough he can escape it after all.
He glances back at the car, that is still standing there and he feels sorry.
Sorry for leaving Yongguk like that. He knows Yongguk won’t forgive him, when all of this ends. He thinks he should have told him what he wanted to hear. But shouldn’t Yongguk know? Daehyun is sure he knows.
And just as he is about to turn back, to focus his attention on what is important right now, he feels the first blow. A kick right as his leg, the back of his knee, forcing him down to the ground. He can feel the smirk of the man, who is now looking down at him.
Daehyun can see the hand motion and knows what is about to come. But he won’t go down like this. He never did and never will.


With a swift motion, the first one is taken down. With a turn, the second one is lying on the floor. It’s much too easy. Even he knows it. He can knock out two easily, but he can’t watch his back. The third one captures him from behind, stilling his movements as much as he can.
A kick to Daehyun’s stomach solves the rest. The blows come faster and faster now and even though he is putting up a struggle, it is to no avail. But Daehyun endures.

He remembers that he never was a good kid. Even though he was born with prestige and had everything. His parents always had trouble with him. No matter if he was a child or already in high school. He was always involved in fights and vandalism. He skipped school, spent his times in clubs, even if he wasn’t old enough for that, dr

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wow. i finished .__.


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mamizu #1
Chapter 2: I love it. Thanks for update
Chapter 2: Wow, this is good. I can really feel the emotions in Yongguk and Daehyun. You clearly undermine your own ability.
bdz357998 #3
Chapter 1: Please update soon! !
Chapter 1: I like it quite alot! Don't bad mouth your own work, be more confident about it because it's nice!!!
LilithScarlet #5
Chapter 1: It's cool, really :D