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As his eyes are focused on the only person being in the same room with him, he starts to wonder. He finds it awfully strange. Strange to the point he isn’t even able to explain it to himself. Why is he feeling like this? Does that even make any kind of sense?
The feeling of them breathing the same air, just the thought of the other breathing him in pleases him far, far too much. He shouldn’t be feeling like that.
He knows it, but he still can’t stop himself. What is even so special about him, Yongguk thinks as his eyes watch the others movements.
Milky caramel skin covering a toned body, skin you’d love to taste. Try to taste the sweetness of its whole being. Black hair, that is all messed, sticking to every possible direction, as he just got up from an even messier bed. Sweatpants, that are hanging much too low on defined hip bones. A torn shirt, that doesn’t even really cover his upper body and why is he wearing it anyways?
But does that make him special? Yongguk thinks, he must be absolutely shallow, when his entire mind can wrap around is the appearance of the other.
And even though he has seen the other many times like that, he cannot take his eyes away from him. It is strange, isn’t it?
The feeling gets even strange as the other turns around to look at him. Tired, dark brown eyes, that are staring right back at him. The darkness, as deep as the ocean, trying to hide the little sparks still hiding somewhere behind those tired, dark brown eyes.
That small smile playing on his chapped, plump lips, but never for too long since it could give away far too much.
Pieces of memories flashed through Yongguk’s mind. The memories of a time, when this smile reached the others eyes and illuminated his whole being. Memories of brighter times, as those dark, brown eyes would sparkle with curiosity and love and happiness.
Where did those times disappear to?
Yongguk wonders, why he wants the boy so much. So much it clenches his heart, if he just thinks about losing him. He wants him so much it hurts.
The feelings he has for the other are like his heart was a comet. A comet, that is about to crash into the atmosphere and will vanish into a thousand little pieces of sparks. Sparks, he wants to shower the younger male in. Jung Daehyun, angelic devil, devil in disguise. Seducer of the darkness. Jung Daehyun, the fallen one.

And hidden behind deceiving looks, under skin and flesh and bones, hidden somewhere deep inside this body, there. There is the one thing, that one organ Yongguk wants to badly.
He wants to own it. Call it his and his only. He wants to be able to kiss it and make it beat faster. He wants it to beat for him only, in a steady rhythm of his own name.

du dum. du dum. du dum. Yong Guk. Yong Guk. Yong Guk.

He wants Daehyun’s heart.
Not only his heart. He wants his mind. His soul. His everything.

The simple thought of it sneaks a smile onto his face. The simple thought send his mind straight into an abyss, he is no longer able to escape. Was he ever able to escape it in first place?

The desire to engrave his name on Daehyun’s heart is getting stronger and stronger with every passing second. He wants to engrave his name there, like he engraved his name on the boy’s neck, collarbone, and stomach. Small little stains of Yongguk covering his body.

‘Be mine.’

The words slip Yongguk’s lips without him even realizing it. His voice is low and quiet, almost a whisper, not fully reaching the other. Did he really say it? He must be insane.
The answer to the never asked question is obvious. But still, he has to hear it.

‘Be mine.’

He repeats those words again, this time louder, voice more firm.
And finally, finally Daehyun’s face shows another expression than just simple indifference.
His eyes are showing a glimpse of curiosity and amusement, the spark hidden in the depths of darkness more prominent. He stays silent though. Not a single word is escaping those plump lips. There is no gesture or mimic hinting an answer to the question that was never asked.

Yongguk leans back in his seat and lets out a low sigh, closing his tired eyes for merely a second. He can hear Daehyun breathing in, so maybe … maybe the answer?
The silence, the anticipation is broken from the sound of drunken people outside the open window. The night is now filled with laughter and unrecognizable songs and unspoken words.
Daehyun’s eyes snap at the window, muscles flexing and body tensing.
His instincts are kicking in to the fullest.

‘Daehyun …‘

The addressed boy glances at Yongguk and relaxes visibly within seconds. And Yongguk likes this. He is the only one, who can tame the wildness that is hidden within Daehyun.
Only he is able to stop him from turning into someone dangerous. It makes him proud, the power his voice has over the other.

Yongguk remembers the time, when Daehyun’s knife met his neck.
He remembers the dangerous glint in his eyes. The way his muscles flexed and how focused he looked at him.
Just like he remembers, how his eyes changed into surprised and scared ones as he saw the deep red lines trailing

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wow. i finished .__.


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mamizu #1
Chapter 2: I love it. Thanks for update
Chapter 2: Wow, this is good. I can really feel the emotions in Yongguk and Daehyun. You clearly undermine your own ability.
bdz357998 #3
Chapter 1: Please update soon! !
Chapter 1: I like it quite alot! Don't bad mouth your own work, be more confident about it because it's nice!!!
LilithScarlet #5
Chapter 1: It's cool, really :D