Vegas Skies

~One mile to every inch of your skin like porcelain, one pair of candy lips and your bubblegum tongue.
And if you want love, we'll make it. Swim in a deep sea of blankets.
Take all your big plans and break 'em, this is bound to be a while.~
[John Mayer]




The blonde stared at the smiling Taeyeon. Jessica couldn’t help but smile at the cute sight before her eyes.


“Taeyeon, breakfast.” Jessica said in a low voice, nudging Taeyeon lightly. The dark haired girl didn’t budge and before Jessica could nudge her again, she was pulled closer to the sleeping Taeyeon; face centimeters away from each other. The warm air that brushes Jessica’s lips makes the hair on the back of her neck stands, sending shivers down her spines. Her heart beating like mad and for the first time in days, her mind was filled with visions of a Taeyeon and how the girl seemed to know her body so well that one fateful night. She had to hold her breath and think about cucumbers and headless ghosts just to brush the feeling of needing to kiss the sleeping girl’s lips away. It was a full agonizing minute, but Jessica didn’t mind.


“Morning.” Taeyeon spoke in a hoarse voice and moved away from Jessica, her hands lingering on the blonde’s waist before it finally let go.


“Sorry.” Taeyeon said shyly then smiled. Jessica reciprocated the action awkwardly, not because Taeyeon held her but because of her own absurd thoughts.


“Breakfast is ready.” Jessica said, finally getting out of bed. She looked down at Taeyeon who was still lying in bed, eyes closed again.


“Taeyeon, breakfast is ready.” She repeated when she thought that the dark haired girl went back to sleep. A nod was Taeyeon’s answer before Jessica hesitantly walked out of the room, looking over Taeyeon before totally disappearing to the kitchen.


Taeyeon let out a relieved sigh after the door of the room closed with light thud. She couldn’t hide the smile on her face as she remembers the close proximity she shared with Jessica just a while ago and how the blonde didn’t protest, maybe because Jessica thought she was asleep. But even so, Taeyeon was happy.


She too, got out of bed and reached for her crutch before walking out of the room and into the kitchen. Jessica was already seated on her usual seat when Taeyeon saw her. Jessica was idly fiddling with her food, she was zoning out. Taeyeon took a seat across Jessica like the many times they were together in the small kitchen but the blonde didn’t seem to notice her presence as she continue to play with her food.


“Sica..” Taeyeon said, putting her crutch down.


That seemed to do the trick because Jessica lifts her head and looked at Taeyeon before smiling.


“Did you have a good sleep?” Jessica asked as she put a slice of bacon on Taeyeon’s plate.


“Yeah, definitely.” Taeyeon grinned at the blonde.


They ate in silence, exchanging glances every now and then.




“Not working today?” Taeyeon asked Jessica who was now seated on the couch with a laptop on her lap. Jessica momentarily looked up to Taeyeon before smiling and shaking her head.


“Are you working on your editorial?” Taeyeon asked again, sitting down on the couch beside Jessica.


“Yeah.” The blonde answered shortly.


“So, how are we gonna do this? You’re just gonna ask questions then I’m gonna answer?” Taeyeon said, peeking on Jessica’s laptop. Jessica nods her head.


“Ready?” Jessica said, shifting position on the couch so she was facing Taeyeon now. It was Taeyeon’s turn to nod her head.


“Okay, so you’ve already told me last night how it feels to be wandering around..” Jessica started and Taeyeon nodded.


“Now tell me about the places you’ve been to.” Jessica had her fingers on her keyboard, ready to type whatever Taeyeon would say.


“I’ve been to New York; it was my first trip alone. What’s that line from a song again? Ah, concrete jungle where dreams are made up. Yeah, it definitely was. So I went there to see the Statue of Liberty. It was big, like how people said it should be. But it wasn’t what I liked about New York. It was the sense of anonymity that the busy streets of New York gave me, like I could get lost in the pool of people.


Then Tokyo. It was like a mini-New York though not that much, but it definitely gives me the New York feel. The downside of that trip was that you can’t really communicate with majority of the people you pass by each day because of the language barrier. But nonetheless, Tokyo is beautiful. It reminds me of growth and progress, that there is always room for change.


Then there was Bangkok. The place I adore because of its people. While it wasn’t as comforting as Korea, it definitely gives me the homey feel. The sincerity of the strangers when they smile at you, it was something that makes Bangkok special. Bangkok too, like Tokyo, reminds me of growth and progress but not just that, it also reminds me that you can grow and progress and change all you want but you can never leave the old you.. the humble and the simple old you. That your principles and beliefs in life shouldn’t change just because of what you’ve achieved.


Then the Philippines. It was a hot place, I tell you. And their beaches are nice; they were blessed with beautiful corals and colorful fishes. But what makes the Philippines special is the sense of independence and the sense of being strong. It had withstood far too many attacks, and they still managed to keep the country. It reminds me of my teenage years, the times when peer pressure almost got the best of me. But I stood on my principles, I stood on what I believed was right. And I’m happy I did.


And New Zealand. Ah, the land of the long white cloud as they call it. I couldn’t agree more. But it’s not just because of their snow covered mountains but the number of sheep that occupied the place. The scenery is another amazing contrast in this place. One minute you’re looking at the dramatic Southern Alps with all their cold beauty, but turn around and you will see the warm Canterbury plains spread before you like a patchwork quilt.


Then there’s Los Angeles, California. The City of Angels. I’ve only been there for merely a day, but I was able to look around. What can I say? The city is definitely the right destination for dreamers. Especially the ones who’d like to try Hollywood. But of course not everyone gets to be part of the show business. And it reminds me that we always have to chase our dreams no matter how big or small.


And of course, The Sin City: Las Vegas. This trip was the only planned one since I wanted to see Hyoyeon and Key. But Vegas sure is a place of surprise.” Taeyeon unconsciously smiled. “When I think about Vegas, night clubs, alcohols, drunken marriage and one night stands are the first things that come into mind.” Taeyeon blushed at the mention of one night stand. “But the longer I stay here, the more I see another side of this place. The warmth and familiarity, the growth and progress, the independence and anonymity this place gives. Vegas is a mixture of every place I’ve ever been to. I don’t know how or why but this place definitely gives me the feel of Paris, Rome. I’ve never been there but based on what I read on books, this is exactly how it feels right now.” Taeyeon finished with a smile. Jessica stared at Taeyeon with amusement.


“Did I bore you? I’m sorry.” Taeyeon said with a sheepish grin.


“No, I like your stories.” Jessica admitted as she finished some sentences on her word document.


“Was it enough? Or you need more?” Taeyeon asked as Jessica flipped the laptop screen close.


“It’s more than enough, Taeyeon. Thank you so much.” Jessica smiled with much gratitude.


“I have a question though.” Taeyeon nods her head, signaling for Jessica to continue.


“Paris.. it’s a dream destination for every traveler. But you haven’t been there. Why?” Jessica asked as she looked at Taeyeon in the eyes. Taeyeon smiled before answering.


“Paris is in my bucket list, but there’s a condition that I had put on it. And before I could travel to Paris, I have to meet the condition which I haven’t yet.”


Jessica wanted to ask what the condition was, out of her curiosity, but she knew better than to probe so she just nod her head at Taeyeon who in return smiled warmly.


“So am I like New Zealand? A snow covered from outside but colorful in the inside?” Jessica joked. Taeyeon chuckled and shook her head.


“Definitely not. You’re more like Vegas. Full of surprises, warm and familiar; a mixture of everything.” Jessica couldn’t hide the blush that had made its way to her cheeks. Taeyeon’s words have so much impact on her, more often than not.


“You are like Vegas for me, too. This place had given me so much that it had been close to my heart, close to home. And you give the same feel.” Jessica said shyly, looking everywhere but Taeyeon. Two warm hands cupped her cheeks as it slowly turned her head towards its owner. Two chocolate pools looked straight into her brown orbs like it was pulling her closer and closer. Jessica was weak to her knees; she didn’t have the strength to protest. But then again she didn’t want to protest, she wanted to surrender to Taeyeon.


Slowly but surely, Taeyeon’s face came closer to Jessica’s, eyes seeking for approval as she held Jessica’s face like it was the most expensive piece of fine china. When Jessica closed her eyes, Taeyeon took it as her cue to close the distance. Her warm lips collided with Jessica’s cold ones, tasting tangerine from the blonde’s lip gloss. She lightly on Jessica’s upper lip before gliding her tongue along Jessica’s lips, asking for entrance. The blonde moaned, mouth partially opened and Taeyeon took the initiative to explore the blonde’s mouth with her tongue. She took the lead as Jessica’s tongue followed suit before they fought for dominance.


Jessica’s mind went blank as Taeyeon’s warm lips collided with hers, bringing shivers down her spine, making her body numb from the sparks that Taeyeon was sending her, igniting her body, making her want more. The butterflies in her stomach went into an uproar when Taeyeon’s tongue glided across her lips; she wasn’t able to control the moan that had erupted from .


The kiss deepened, leaving them gasping for air. Jessica in big amount of air before she opened her eyes, only to close it again when she felt the now familiar lips collided into hers once again. Jessica felt the back of her head hit the cushion and a weight above her was pushing her down lightly, handling her with all the care the person could give.


Taeyeon hovered above Jessica whose eyes were still closed as she lay the blonde down. She inched her face away from Jessica’s, breaking the kiss momentarily, taking in the beautiful masterpiece before her eyes before diving into the inviting lips again. When she moved her lips to Jessica’s neck, she felt the blonde arched her back and Taeyeon took the initiative to snake her right arm into Jessica’s waist and inside the blonde’s shirt; her injured foot long forgotten.




Jessica opened her eyes lazily. She looked to her left and was greeted by the sight of a sleeping Taeyeon, her face buried between Jessica’s shoulder and neck, her dark hair sticking in her neck and temple. Jessica smiled as she tucked the hair strands beside Taeyeon’s ear before placing a chaste kiss on Taeyeon’s forehead. She slowly unhook Taeyeon’s arm from her waist but to no avail since the girl decided to cling on to her waist tightly like a koala clinging to a tree.


“Five minutes..” Taeyeon mumbled, eyes still closed. “Just let me cuddle for five minutes.” She added which made Jessica’s face heat up. Jessica nods her head at the request.


And like what Taeyeon said, after five minutes Jessica felt the arm around her waist loosened its grip until the warmth was completely gone. She turned to look at Taeyeon again, and this time the dark haired girl had opened her eyes.


“Ice cream?” Taeyeon asked with a dorky grin. Jessica could only laugh at how random Taeyeon’s suggestion sounded.


After showering and dressing up, the duo went outside to grab ice cream like what Taeyeon had suggested. They walked side by side as they let silence envelope them. It wasn’t the awkward silence but more like those comfortable ones that old friends share, or that of lovers.


None of them dared to talk, not because they were afraid, but because there was really nothing to talk about. What happened between them was a mutual decision, and both girls know that.


An ice cream parlor soon appeared in Taeyeon’s line of sight. “There,” she pointed before grabbing Jessica’s hand. The blonde looked at the intertwined fingers that fit perfectly before looking at Taeyeon with a smile on her face.


They sat on the far corner of the ice cream parlor after ordering their ice creams.


“Hmm, this is good.” Taeyeon said cheerfully as she the chocolate ice cream from her spoon.


“Hmm,” Jessica answered with a nod of her head as she too the vanilla ice cream from her spoon.


They again fell silent as they finished their respective ice creams before Jessica’s phone ring. Looking at the caller ID, the blonde picked it up after the third ring.


“Hyo..” Jessica said while looking at Taeyeon, the latter smiled before bringing her attention back to her ice cream.


“Where are you? Are you with Tae?”


“Yeah, she’s here. Why?”


“I got off early and Key too. Would you guys like to join us for an early dinner?”


“Yeah, that sounds nice.” Taeyeon’s attention turned back to Jessica as she heard the blonde spoke.


“Alright. Same restaurant. Remember when we all ate dinner together?”


“Of course.” Jessica rolled her eyes, forgetting that Hyoyeon can’t see her.


“Be there in an hour or so. I still need to get home. Bye! Tell Tae I miss her.”


“Will do. Take care.” Jessica said before cutting the line and looking at Taeyeon who had just finished her ice cream.


“Hyo said she missed you and that we’re eating dinner with them.” Jessica said as she picked up her cup of ice cream again. Taeyeon just nodded, watching Jessica finish her ice cream.




“Oh, you’re not wearing a crutch anymore? Is your foot better now?” Key commented as soon as he saw Taeyeon and Jessica. Hyoyeon also looked down at the questioned foot.


“Ah, yeah. I guess.” Taeyeon scratched her nape as she wonders how she totally forgot about her crutch.


The group settled in the corner like they did the last time, talking about anything they could think about. Taeyeon noticed that Jessica was unusually quiet, only nodding her head or commenting every now and then.


“You okay?” Taeyeon asked as she squeezed Jessica’s hand that was on her lap.


“Yeah.” Jessica smiled, but it wasn’t the smile Taeyeon had grown accustomed to.


Their orders arrived shortly and the group started munching on their food.


“You guys want to go to the park later?” Key asked, his eyes shifting from Jessica to Taeyeon. The duo looked at each other before nodding at Key.


“Something we missed?” Hyoyeon commented after seeing the duo exchange glances.


Both of the girls’ cheeks heat up at Hyoyeon’s question. Hyoyeon could only smirk and nod at Key knowingly.




“What’s bothering you?” Hyoyeon asked Jessica who sat beside her on the bench at the park.


“Her foot is getting better.” Jessica answered, nodding her head towards Taeyeon who was playing with Key on the swing.


“And that bothers you?” Hyoyeon asked again, her attention turned towards Taeyeon and Key.


“She’s leaving soon.” Jessica said dryly as she let sadness consume her.


“Then why not make her stay?” Hyoyeon’s attention turned back to Jessica as she moved her body towards the latter so she was facing the side of Jessica.


“As much as I’d love to, I can’t really do that to Taeyeon.” A sad smile graced Jessica’s lips. “If she wants to stay, she’ll stay.. right?” Hyoyeon could only nod.


“But what if she doesn’t?” Hyoyeon asked, brows furrowed.


“Then she doesn’t.” Jessica looked at Hyoyeon. “But I will still be grateful that we were able to meet.”


“You’re just going to let her go like that? Without a fight?” Hyoyeon probed, not getting the answer she wants to hear.


“There’s nothing to fight for, Hyo. As I said, if she wants to stay, she’ll stay. I won’t hold her back. I could never do that to Taeyeon.” Jessica said, smiling sadly at Hyoyeon.


“What if you’re already holding her back? I mean look at her, she’s all better now. But she’s still here.” Jessica’s attention turned back towards Taeyeon who was now laughing with Key.


“I’d let her decide for herself.” Jessica shook her head. Hyoyeon could only groan at her friend.


“Why do you have to be so stubborn and selfless?” Hyoyeon playfully scolded Jessica which caused both of them to laugh.


“So, you love her, huh?” Hyoyeon asked as soon as their laughter died down. Jessica blushed as she was caught off guard by the question.


“My heart beats faster when she’s super near, I like seeing her smile, I like being around her, and her lips.. they’re the best thing in this world. Should I call it love?” Jessica asked innocently.


“Her lips?!” Hyoyeon’s eyes widened at Jessica’s statement. “Did you just say her lips?!”


Jessica shyly nods her head, not looking at Hyoyeon.


“Did you two.. wait, you kissed? Again? Not drunk?” Hyoyeon fired her questions, totally discarding all the other things Jessica had said.


Jessica nods again.


“Oh my gosh Sica!” Hyoyeon said excitedly. Jessica eyed her with curiosity.


“I know it wasn’t just kissing.” Hyoyeon whispered in Jessica’s ears and the latter blushed like mad again as Taeyeon and Key came up to them.


“Are you cold?” Taeyeon asked Jessica when she noticed the tinge of red in the girl’s cheeks. A nod of the head was Jessica’s answer. Hyoyeon rolled her eyes, knowing the real reason of the blush.


“Should we go now? So you could be somewhere warm.” Taeyeon asked innocently and Jessica nods her head again as she stood up from the bench.


“You could give her warmth alright.” Hyoyeon said with a smirk. Jessica could only shake her head at her friend.




“Let’s have a sleepover tonight! I miss Taeyeon!” Hyoyeon said as they walked up to the exit of the park. Three heads turned towards her and their steps came to a halt. “What?!”


“I don’t have a guest room and my apartment is small.” Jessica said as she looked at Hyoyeon.


“I didn’t say we’re sleeping over yours, I meant mine and Key’s. We have a guest room, but you two would have to share. And I don’t think that will be a problem since you two sleep together, right?” Hyoyeon teased, a smirk plastered on her face again.


“Yeah, why not? Sounds nice, right?” Taeyeon said as she looked at Jessica who was avoiding her gaze.


“Fine.” Jessica answered and started walking again.




After the thirty minutes bus ride, the group stood outside Hyoyeon and Key’s apartment as they wait for Key to open the door.


“Aish! Didn’t I tell you to label the keys?! Now we’re wasting time here.” Hyoyeon complained to Key who was trying each key into the keyhole.


“Got it!” Key exclaimed happily as he pecked on Hyoyeon’s lips. “You’re welcome!” And winked at his fuming girlfriend. Taeyeon and Jessica suppressed their laughter.


Jessica and Taeyeon settled on the couch as soon as the door to the spacious apartment opens. Jessica sat beside Taeyeon and her head automatically fell on the latter’s shoulder, Taeyeon’s hand reached out to play with Jessica’s fingers.


“Tired?” She asked as she looked at her and Jessica’s fingers. She felt Jessica nod her head.


“Come here.” Taeyeon said as she scooted to the far right side of the couch before patting her lap, signaling Jessica to lay her head there. Jessica obliged whole-heartedly.


“Is your feet better already?” Jessica asked Taeyeon who was her blond tresses.


“It’s not as bad as before but it still hurts a little.” Jessica nods her head again.


“Should we get you to bed now?” Taeyeon asked when the blonde seemed to be slumbering on her lap. Jessica shook her head.


“Not yet. Let’s just stay like this.” Jessica moved her head closer to Taeyeon’s stomach. Taeyeon smiled at the action, oblivious of the presence by the hallway. She still had a smile on her face when she faced Hyoyeon who sat on the armrest.


“Dork.” Hyoyeon commented in a hushed voice. Taeyeon playfully pushed her.


“Yah Jung! Wake up! It’s not time for bed yet!” Hyoyeon loudly said, sticking her tongue out at Taeyeon.


“Yah! What gives?!” Jessica answered with much irritation as she sat up on the couch. Taeyeon groaned at Hyoyeon.


“Let’s play a game!” Key shouted as he went into the living room with an empty bottle of wine in hand.


“Can’t we just sleep instead?” Jessica groaned as she saw the dorky grin on Key’s face.


“No can do, princess.” Key answered as he sat on the floor with crossed legs.


“Yah! Don’t call me that! I’m not your princess!” Jessica scoffed at Key.


“Woah! Okay, okay! Geez, why are you so sensitive.” Key countered as he put the bottle on the floor sideways. The three others also sat on the floor with their legs crossed, just like Key’s.


“Truth or consequence.” Key said, grinning at his friends and girlfriend.


“Can’t we just play scrabble or something?” Jessica complained which earned laughter from Hyoyeon.


“You know Key doesn’t like word games, Sica. He’s really slow at those.” Jessica nodded her head and laughed at Key.


“Okay! Jessica, truth or consequence?” Key said coolly, causing Jessica to abruptly stop laughing. She looked at Key with wide-eyes before she looked at the bottle that was pointing at her.


“Yah! I wasn’t ready yet! Spin it again!” Jessica complained as she tried to spin the bottle again.


“Uh uh uh, no can do.” Key said as he waved his index finger in front of Jessica. “Now, truth or consequence?”


Jessica bit her lower lip before looking at Taeyeon for help but the girl was just looking at her with much anticipation.


“Consequence.” She answered, hoping it was the safer choice.


“Kiss Taeyeon for thirty seconds.” Key answered as soon as Jessica finished talking.


“Wha—what?!” Jessica’s eyes widened, Key just smirked and Hyoyeon watched in anticipation.


“Yah! Don’t p—play around!” Jessica exclaimed as she tried to hide the quiver in her voice.


“But we are playing! Now kiss Taeyeon!” Key answered firmly.


“Come on, Sica we don’t have all night.” Hyoyeon urged with a straight face.


Jessica looked at Hyoyeon and Key first who nod their heads before turning to Taeyeon who was watching her with curious eyes. She hesitantly moved closer to Taeyeon who sat still on her spot. She crawled the remaining distance before their faces were centimeters away from each other, her hands landing on Taeyeon’s lap for support. And before she could move closer, Taeyeon closed the distance, making their lips collide for the umpteenth time that day.


The couple that watched them gasped before smiling proudly at each other. And thirty seconds later, Jessica broke the kiss, leaving a pouting Taeyeon.


“Now it’s time for bed!” Key said as he sat up. Jessica and Taeyeon looked at him questioningly. “Geez, I didn’t thought it’d be that easy.” He added as he helped Hyoyeon stand up.


“Yah!!!” Jessica shouted when he heard what Key said. “You just toyed with me?! You made me kiss Taeyeon!”


“You know you like it.” Hyoyeon said, giving Key a high five. Taeyeon could only shake her head with a smile.




After washing up and changing into the oversized shirts Key had given them, Jessica and Taeyeon crawled under the covers and rest their tired bodies.


“Today was great.” Taeyeon said as she lies on her side, facing Jessica. The blonde reciprocated the action so they are now face to face.


“Definitely.” Jessica answered as her fingers traced Taeyeon’s side profile; oblivious to the sparks she was giving the other girl.

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Who advertised Vegas Skies? This is crazy, thank you so much!!! :')


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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH AAAAA I NEEDED THIS! Can’t believe i just found this now! Ily author!
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 9: Awww
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Chapter 7: AWWE FAKK
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Chapter 10: Another beautiful story from you, dear author. Bravo!!! Couldn't love it more... Anticipating for more Taengsic from you...
Chapter 10: Rereading this masterpiece. This is soo heartwarming to read
ellimacomet #6
Chapter 10: Rereading this once again
One of the best taengsic ff out there.. beautifully written.. thank you authornim! ^^
will always love this!! ??
Yoonaya05 #9
Chapter 10: I love this, I really love this story!!!