Chapter 23 (My P.O.V)



Eltheiya. Queen of black magic. I was descended from her. I couldn't be. "Tiffany, are you sure?" I whispered. "I think so. Remember those textbooks I gave to you to read? They mentioned Eltheiya very frequently. Eltheiya was the ruler of black magic, or evil magic, however you want to put it."
"I know, I know. But how can I be descended from her? My dad is specialized in white magic." I replied, trying to think about this. "But, you don't know anything about your mom's side. So what I'm thinking was that your mother, by blood, was a black magician." "What does this have to do with my eyes?" I questioned, trying to bring her back on topic. "Ah. Here's my point. According to the ancient text books written by John Carson himself, silver is a color that represents greed and evil. And he also mentioned that Eltheiya's direct bloodline have silver eyes. No one else had had silver eyes except those who are descended directly from Eltheiya." Tiffany explained. "So I'm descended from Eltheiya, the evil queen of dark magic." I repeated to make sure it was correct. "I believe so. We can check after we get out of this dreadful mess." I nodded in agreement. But then, there was something else that was bothering me. Something about mystic magic... "Tiff, what exactly is mystic magic?" I asked, unable to keep the thought away. "It's basically a neutral power. Mystic magic can be black magic or white, depending what the witch want." Tiffany sighed. "But, I have both black magic and white magic in my blood. So does that mean I also can control mystic magic? I mean, I can see into the future quite well." "I honestly think that you can do black, white, and mystic magic. And I think this is why these men are after you. They must be some sort of warlocks are something." "That are trying to take over the world?" I scoffed. Tiffany shrugged her shoulders and stared into the mirror. "The thing about mystic magic is that if they combine with white magic, it could strengthen the Witch Society. If mixed with black magic, however..." Tiffany gulped nervously. "All of the mortals would perish. No mortals would be on this planet, just witches and warlocks." "Wouldn't that upset the balance of the world?" I walked around in the bathroom, tired of standing in one place. "Yep. You need to be extra careful now because it looks like someone found out about your family tree." "So I'm half evil then?" I whimpered. I didn't want to be evil. I just wanted to live a nice, quiet life. Making sure the world was in balance looks like it was one of my new responsibilities now. It felt like a burden. My thought were instantly shattered by a bloodcurdling, chilling scream. My heart raced faster. What made it worse was that I recognized the scream. They couldn't have.... Oh no. Oh no. "Stephanie!" I yelled at her, making her whip her head toward me. "What!? What is it?!" "They have Seohyun! They're going to kill Seohyun!"
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sea0horse #1
Chapter 13: keep your hard work!
Lay-lover #2
This is interesting..
blockbangel #3
Chapter 11: Wow!!!! This is amazing!!!