Chapter 17 (Jungkook's P.O.V)



    Summer. She reminded me of Summer. My soulmate. A girl with ever changing eye colors and flowing chocolate brown hair. I missed her so much. Her smile. Her laugh. Her playfulness. The smell of chrysanthemum that always followed her. But Summer was long gone. Died with a curse. Cursed for loving me, a monster of sort. I was forced to wait until the next lifetime to find her. Another lifetime has finally passed and I couldn't wait any longer. I set out on a journey to find her. This girl, Newie, looked really similar to Summer. They looked so similar that I thought I was hallucinating. She smelled exactly like chrysanthemums too. "Newie, do you have a special ability?" I asked, staring at her flawless, chocolate brown hair. "Um, I can sing I guess." She uneasily replied, sketching something on her notebook paper.  I leaned closer to look at her paper and she playfully pushed me away. "What flower are you drawing?" I peered closely at the drawing. "Chrysanthemum." She replied. Chrysanthemums. Summer. Could she possibly be Summer? No, it's not possible. I couldn't have found my soulmate that fast.


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sea0horse #1
Chapter 13: keep your hard work!
Lay-lover #2
This is interesting..
blockbangel #3
Chapter 11: Wow!!!! This is amazing!!!