
Entwined Hearts








“I miss him so much.”


            We’re sitting under the tree for a shade in this hot weather and putting my right hand to cover my eyes, I feel the need of crying. For the last two months, my tears can’t stop flowing and I think it’ll happen again this time. My other hand; my left hand is squeezed tightly by the person beside me but I don’t bother to take away the hand on my eyes. Somehow, there is another presence beside the two of us and I reluctantly remove my hand and stare to the handsome face of my fiancé’s best friend. His face is contorted with so much sadness that I can’t stop from turning my head away from watching him. His eyes are red, probably out of crying so much and with that; my eyes begin to brim with tears. Seeing Donghae so broken like this is another reminder of me losing Hyukjae and the thought of it makes me terrified days and nights; I lived my five years of life together with Hyukjae and the thought of him not there… It’s been a long time when I realise the sound of someone sobbing coming from myself.





“Are you going, like really going?” Donghae is currently having his happiness of jumping on the bed and I fight the urge to throw a big, fluffy pillow towards my best friend. The mattress moves with every jump Donghae takes and I can manage a sigh at my now-unorganised clothes on the bed.


“What do you think I’m packing for?” I retort as I begins to transfer my clothes to the floor.


“Well,” Donghae steps down from the bed and nearly puts his feet on my clothes. I can’t help from scowling at my so oblivious best friend. “You’re going to get married soon.”


“That’s pretty obvious, Lee Donghae. Sadly for you is that everyone in this nation knows about it.”


“Hyukjae~” Donghae whines. “You’re going to leave Saera!”


“And I’ll come back. What’re you worrying about, Hae?” I slam my hand on the hard floor and that’s finally shut him up. Donghae puffs his cheeks and looks at me with an accused stare.


“You’re not going to find some hot Thailand chicks, are you?”


“Donghae!” With this I kick Donghae out of me and Saera’s shared bedroom. Yup, Lee Donghae is definitely an annoying guy.



            I find Donghae sitting on the floor outside my room and I laugh at the sight. He’s pouting –he’s such a cutie for a 32-year-old guy- and of course muttering incoherently about murdering Hyukjae. Maybe I need to secretly snap the picture of him and send it to Ellie.


“What’s wrong?” I ask him and my laugh burst once again when he lifts his head to look at me; there are tears in his eyes.


“Hyukjae kicked me!” And the ‘very-adult’ Donghae complains.


“Was it that painful?” I decide to play along.


“You’ve no idea.” He stands up, probably ready to leave. “You know what, Saera. HYUKJAE WANTS TO THROW YOU AWAY AND FIND A THAILAND GI..Umph!”


            Hyukjae manages to aim straight at Donghae’s head using our pillows; there are two of them. The latter huffs and stalks down the stairs, saying loudly about telling Hyukjae’s mom about her son’s bad action.


“Remind me again why I keep him as my best friend?” Hyukjae leans on the door frame; face frowning.


“Because you guys are EunHae and EunHae is real?” I suggest to him, there’s a tease tone in my speech. Hyukjae finally smiles and makes his way back inside the room.


“You’re probably right. I pity our fans; that’s why that Lee Donghae is still alive.”


            I follow Hyukjae into our room and watch as he tries to fold back his clothes. When his pile of folded clothes –my fiancé is someone who’s very concern about his appearance and that’s explain him bringing nearly one wardrobe of clothes with him- tilts and falls down leaving another mess again, Hyukjae gets too upset and starts to kick the clothes in annoyance.


“Just leave it there. I’ll help you.” I say quietly but Hyukjae waves me away.


“What if I left something important?” He crosses his arms and pouts. Scooting closer to him and manage to pinch his cheek, I laugh as I put the sulking man’s head on my shoulder.


“Oppa, you’ve lots of money, you can buy them again. Hmm… How bout I post them to you if you really, really, really, really need them?” I raise my right eyebrow and chuckle when Hyukjae’s plump lips stretch into a thin smile.


“What’ll happen to me if I don’t have you?” Hyukjae nuzzles his nose at the crook of my neck and I laugh as it tickles.


“Then, don’t find any Thailand girl to replace me.” I reply nonchalantly. Hyukjae groans.


“That Lee Donghae!”





            I feel my eyes stinging as the urge to cry keeps closing in. Watching Hyukjae in his designer outfit from head to toe and look dashingly hot doesn’t help at all, in fact, it worsens. Hyukjae throws a glance towards me and can’t help from sighing.


“Saera, you know I’ll be back, don’t you?”


“I know, but let me dwell in this sorrow for a while.” I retort, embarrassed. Hyukjae laughs and casually places his right arm behind me.


            I look around us. It’s hard not to notice when people snap pictures of us; I am a victim of this fashion airport craze although I just come here to send off Hyukjae. Heck, I’m not even a celebrity to start with. Confidently pushing my Gucci eyewear to the top of my head, I check my watch. We’re still waiting for Hyukjae’s manager who traps in a busy traffic. Luckily, Hyukjae and I decide to leave early and check out some shops to lessen Hyukjae’s desire of shopping. 


“Oppa, did you bring everything with you?”


“I guess. Well, if I did leave something, you’re going to send it to me, right?” Hyukjae raises his left eyebrow and I sigh.


“Somehow, I feel so burdened…” I remark nonchalantly.


“If you worried about the postage cost, don’t worry. I’ll transfer all of my money into your account.” He smirks, definitely trying to brag about his wealth.


“I’m more concern about the hard work of shipping your clothes to another country, that’s all.”


“Geez, you’re not cute at all!” Hyukjae huffs and cross his arms.


“Finally, you realise! Then, are you going to find cute Thailand girl?”




            I laugh and Hyukjae also chortles with amusement. The man then pats my head before standing up when his manager a.k.a the Prince Manager arrives. My laugh subsides when I realise the meaning of this. Hyukjae’s going to leave me. As on cue, the tears begin to brim my eyes.


“Saera…” Hyukjae sighs but he wipes my tears nevertheless.


            I extend my arms, engulfing Hyukjae in a hug and I can feel his arms doing the same around me. But, reality is cruel; announcement of passengers to aboard the plane to Thailand is made. I look up to see Hyukjae’s concerned eyes looking down at me.


“Saera, I’m sorry. I’ve to leave right now.”


“I know. But, I’m being stupid Saera today. Don’t worry.” I force a smile, seeing his face contorts with worry pains me.


“I’ll call you as soon as I arrive. Well, then…”


“Take care, oppa.” I stare at our entwined hands.


“You too… Take care.” And Hyukjae lets go our hands and turns.


            As I watch Hyukjae’s retreating figure, I can’t help from being wash by the pains of longing and loneliness. But, knowing Hyukjae, I know he will be back. He is my Hyukjae after all. Thirty minutes after Hyukjae’s flight leaves the airport, I drag my body to leave the place, never forget to smile to people who recognise me.




However, the promised phone call never comes.   




                                                                                                                                                                        [TO BE CONTINUED]




This chapter is dedicated to real-life Kim Saera, as always.


It's feel like ages since I've updated this story. So sorry to readers and subscribers. If there's any errors in my writing, I'll check it another time (if I'm not lazy, thehehe). enjoy~! 

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Ashwaq #1
Chapter 3: please update it before new semester coming up..hehe..
Ashwaq #2
Chapter 2: and now i want to know the continuation of the story.. palli palli update!