Of Parking Tickets, Nachos, and Coffee


In which Baekhyun's the guy working at the parking lot's ticket booth, and Chanyeol's the hopeless stalker.

Featuring Jongdae as the snarky barista and Kyungsoo as the nosy customer (who's actually more than that).


Because I am still in pain from reading a load of angst fanfics, I am writing this in the hopes of healing my broken heart (which is, I believe, already beyond repair lol). I swear to God, this is going to be fluff fluff fluff and just pure fluff. If not, I will go outside and drown myself in the rain (dinedelubyo na kami dito; the weather is screwing with my emotions rn).

P.S. Inspired by true events. Seriously.



Poster by violetkecil at violetkecil poster shop :)


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Chapter 3: This is sooo sweeet
Chapter 2: I'm dying 😂 Kyungsoo really is the best wingman!
Chapter 1: Hahaha omg I'm laughing so hard! chanyeol is hopeless XD jongdae has no filter in his mouth istg XD
aha! I knew kyungsoo is Baekhyun’s friend and is being the best wingman ever :D
Chapter 3: so sweeeeeeeeeeeeet
Chapter 3: This is so cute and so fluffy and I so love Kyungsoo! Baekhyun is so cute I just want to protect his whole existence!

This is the kind of fic I need right now. Fluffy and lovely!
Taebaedae1412 #6
Chapter 3: This is so cute and fluffy and it made my day better <3 Thank U
Chapter 3: Simply Adorable!!! ♡♡
MiszCJung #8
Chapter 3: Aweee i like a scheming best friendsss! :)
Iminthezone #9
Chapter 3: Awwwww awawaw
naruwookie #10
Chapter 3: This is so adorable~ >u<
Like I'm glad that Kyungsoo actually in while Jongdae and Chanyeol have a convo about Baek, because of that, Yeol taking the first step to give nachos to Baek. BaekYeol crushing on each other from the start, stuttered and shy Yeol, Baek-- all of the things are adorable.

It's still a mystery on how Jongdae got Yeol's car keys though~ Hahaha. xD