Chapter 3: Plush Toy

Of Parking Tickets, Nachos, and Coffee

Chapter 3: Plush Toy

"B-Baekhyun-ah? Are you okay now? Does it hurt anywhere?"

Baekhyun blinked as he stared groggily at Chanyeol. Why were there two Chanyeols in front of him? Why was the shed that they were in spinning? Wait. Shed?

Baekhyun snapped back to his senses in a heartbeat, sitting up straight and looking around frantically. They were definitely in a shed. In a dark shed, and he was alone with Chanyeol. Tools were scattered about on shelves lining the walls. Baekhyun turned to Chanyeol, and he quirked an eyebrow at him. Was his lip busted? That was blood. Definitely blood on Chanyeol's pouty lips. What happened.

"Ch...Chanyeol-ssi?" Baekhyun croaked out, and Chanyeol nodded as he released a sigh of relief, flopping down beside Baekhyun.

"Yeah, it's me. Damn." Chanyeol cursed under his breath as he glanced at the door at the far end of the shed.

"What...What's happening? Weren't we going home?"

"Well...yeah. But, you see..."

It was then that Baekhyun noticed the forming bruise on Chanyeol's cheek, and how his knuckles were bloodied up. Baekhyun pieced two and two together before he turned to Chanyeol abruptly. Grabbing him by the arm, he shook Chanyeol until the latter focused on him.

"Did you get into a fight? Oh my God, are you okay?" Baekhyun's worry overrode his shyness, and he quickly stood on his knees, cupping Chanyeol's face and leaning much too close into Chanyeol's personal space. "Damn, your lips are bleeding. And your cheek is bruised...what happened?"

Chanyeol looked away, his brain refusing to work as Baekhyun kept on holding his face, his pretty fingers absently rubbing Chanyeol's skin. "Y-you don't remember?"

"I...I don't even know how we got here." Baekhyun let one hand go as he checked his pocket for a handkerchief. Once he pulled one out, he looked around for a faucet. Fortunately, there was one. He quickly ran to it, dampened his handkerchief, and went back to his previous position with Chanyeol. He gently cleaned Chanyeol's busted lip, and the latter winced. "S0rry."

"It's okay. Well, you were right when you said that we were going home, but then this guy attacked us. I think he was going to mug us or something. I'm not sure, but he had a knife, so..." Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun's eyes widened in shock. "...and that's when you passed out."

" fought with an armed man?! Are you stupid?! He had a knife!" The scenes were slowly going back into Baekhyun's mind, and he now remembered what happened. He passed out (lame, really), and the last thing he remembered seeing was Chanyeol throwing a punch at the guy.

"He was going to hurt us! You, specifically." Chanyeol retaliated, and Baekhyun cocked an eyebrow at him.


"Yeah. When you passed out, he kept on trying to get to you. I don't know, he has a thing for you, I guess." Chanyeol shrugged, and Baekhyun eyed him warily.

" fought an armed man for me?" Baekhyun couldn't help the blush that accompanied his erratically beating heart. He suddenly grew conscious of his hands on Chanyeol's face, and how close his face was to Chanyeol's lips (since he was still cleaning the wound). Chanyeol hummed uncomfortably before holding Baekhyun by the wrist, nodding.

"Yeah, I guess I did. Why wouldn't I?"

"W-well...I mean, it's just me."

"Yeah, the guy I bought nachos and latte for." Chanyeol muttered quietly before he looked away, letting go of Baekhyun's wrist. He reached over to his other side, and pulled back a large stuffed animal. "By the way, here's your dog. I couldn't get it on the first try, so when you took that phone call, I slipped away to try for it again."

Baekhyun let go of Chanyeol's face and hugged the plush. Burying his face on the toy, he peeked at Chanyeol a little. "Thank you." His voice was muffled, but Chanyeol felt his face heating up at the words.

"Y-You're welcome."

"...but why are we in a shed?"

Chanyeol sighed again as he heard the question. "Well, that guy earlier, apparently he had friends nearby. As much as I wanted to beat him up for making you pass out, well, I can't fight three guys. I found this shed, so I ran in here, but the door's broken, so it locked on its own. I can't open it."

"Oh, I see...wait, we ran here?"

"I carried you on my back."

Baekhyun's eyes widened, maybe as wide as Kyungsoo's. "You carried me? Oh my God, I'm heavy!"

"Well, no, not really. I mean, a little, but I managed. You're pretty light for me." Baekhyun glanced at the door, maybe to hide his blushing face, and Chanyeol continued. "I tried calling Jongdae and the others, but there's no reception here. This shed's pretty clean, so I guess it's used often. We could just wait for people to find us. I don't want to break anything in here."

Baekhyun looked back at him, and nodded. He carefully sat back down next to Chanyeol, the stuffed dog in his arms, and an awkward silence ensued. Baekhyun kept his eyes fixed on his shoes, wriggling them about just to keep himself focused on anything but Chanyeol. He couldn't get the image of Chanyeol carrying him on his back as they ran to safety. It sounded too much like a cliché romance drama.

The stuffed dog was not helping, with its large ears and eyes, and its shade that somehow resembled Chanyeol's hair colour. Baekhyun was probably going nuts. He was about to groan in frustration when Chanyeol sneezed. He turned to Chanyeol, and he saw the latter sniffling as he rubbed his arms.

"...are you cold?" Baekhyun asked meekly, and Chanyeol chuckled half-heartedly.

"A little." Chanyeol replied without looking at Baekhyun, focused on keeping himself warm.

That was why he almost had a heart-attack when Baekhyun sidled up to him, the stuffed dog dropped onto his lap and arms wrapping around his waist. Baekhyun's warmth was nice. Chanyeol was frozen in his spot.

"Sorry, I feel a little cold, too, so I can't give you my jacket. Plus, it won't fit you anyway. This is the least that I can do for you, since you saved me and everything." Baekhyun's voice was muffled as he kept it pressed against Chanyeol's shoulder.

Chanyeol could see that Baekhyun's position was a little uncomfortable. He lifted up his arm and wrapped it around Baekhyun, pulling him closer. Baekhyun's face pressed flush against Chanyeol's chest, and the both of them blushed. Chanyeol knew that if Jongdae could see them, he'd tease them about how childish they were reacting.

"H-here, let's keep each other warm, okay?"

Baekhyun nodded, tightening his hug around Chanyeol. He smiled at Chanyeol's stuttering, adding one more thing to his mental list of the endearing things that Chanyeol does.




"Yah, wake up! This isn't a hotel, Jesus!"

Chanyeol cracked his eyes open to see an old man standing by the doorway. He could only see his silhouette, as the background was really bright (it was already morning). His neck felt stiff, and his arm felt dead. He turned to it, and found the reason for the numb sensation. Baekhyun had fallen asleep in his arms, the smaller male putting all of his weight on Chanyeol.

"Sorry, ahjussi, we got trapped in here." Chanyeol's voice was hoarse, and Baekhyun flinched as he jolted awake.

"Wh-what? What happened? Huh?" Baekhyun looked around, and saw the old man standing by the door. "Oh, we can go out now!"

"That's right! Get out! My shed isn't for sleeping. Aish, these youngsters." The old man proceeded to walk in, shooing Chanyeol and Baekhyun away.

Springing up to their feet, Chanyeol took hold of Baekhyun's hand and pulled him out. Baekhyun hugged the dog to his chest with his other hand, still oblivious of the fact that his fingers were linked with Chanyeol's. As they continued walking, Baekhyun was slowly starting to wake up and be more aware of his surroundings. When he focused on their hands joined, he gasped, pulling his hand. Their hands remained linked, but Chanyeol stopped walking, turning to him.

"What? Did you forget something?" Chanyeol asked, and Baekhyun shook his head before nudging their hand.


"Hand?" Chanyeol cocked an eyebrow before looking at his hand. His face then proceeded to turn beet red, and he was about to let go when Baekhyun squeezed his hand. He winced before looking at Baekhyun. "Baekhyun?"

"Wait. Hold on. This...This is nice." Baekhyun said quietly, and he started walking again, even going so far as to sway their hands in a slow rhythm. Chanyeol could only gape in response, his mind memorizing the feeling of Baekhyun's hand.

"Baekhyun...are you okay?"

"Hmm. I had a good sleep."


Baekhyun turned to him, and he laughed. Ceasing his steps, he stepped in front of Chanyeol and craned his neck up, standing on his tiptoes. Chanyeol saw imaginary fireworks as Baekhyun pecked the corner of his lips.

"Last night was a weird way to end a date, but it's okay. We'll have more, right?"

Chanyeol grinned as he squeezed Baekhyun's hand gently. "Of course."





"So how do you know Baekhyun?"

"He's my best friend. Duh."

"There's something that you're not saying, Kyungsoo."


"We found it weird when you just decided to into Chanyeol's love life."

"Weeeell, Baekhyun may or may not have a little crush on Chanyeol."


"Since, like, he first saw your giant of a best friend."

" That' cliché."

"I know."

"Well...Chanyeol may be stupid, but he's a good guy."

"I know, I can see that."

"What about Baekhyun?"

"What about him, Jongdae?"

" he okay?"

"Aww, is the best friend-side of Jongdae coming out?"

"Shut up."

"Don't worry, Baekhyun's nice."


"He's perfect for Chanyeol."

A/N: I promised a date but I gave you this. Uggghhh. Sorry. OTL This is it~ it , I knowwww = 3=;

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1116 streak #1
Chapter 3: This is sooo sweeet
1116 streak #2
Chapter 2: I'm dying 😂 Kyungsoo really is the best wingman!
1116 streak #3
Chapter 1: Hahaha omg I'm laughing so hard! chanyeol is hopeless XD jongdae has no filter in his mouth istg XD
aha! I knew kyungsoo is Baekhyun’s friend and is being the best wingman ever :D
Chapter 3: so sweeeeeeeeeeeeet
Chapter 3: This is so cute and so fluffy and I so love Kyungsoo! Baekhyun is so cute I just want to protect his whole existence!

This is the kind of fic I need right now. Fluffy and lovely!
Taebaedae1412 #6
Chapter 3: This is so cute and fluffy and it made my day better <3 Thank U
Chapter 3: Simply Adorable!!! ♡♡
MiszCJung #8
Chapter 3: Aweee i like a scheming best friendsss! :)
Iminthezone #9
Chapter 3: Awwwww awawaw
naruwookie #10
Chapter 3: This is so adorable~ >u<
Like I'm glad that Kyungsoo actually in while Jongdae and Chanyeol have a convo about Baek, because of that, Yeol taking the first step to give nachos to Baek. BaekYeol crushing on each other from the start, stuttered and shy Yeol, Baek-- all of the things are adorable.

It's still a mystery on how Jongdae got Yeol's car keys though~ Hahaha. xD