Chapter 1: Nachos

Of Parking Tickets, Nachos, and Coffee

Chapter 1: Nachos

It wasn't the first time that Chanyeol has seen the cute guy at the ticketing booth at the mall he worked at.

It was approximately the fifth time (not that he kept count or anything, nooo) that Cute Guy has greeted him with his daily work routine of 'Good day, sir, and thank you for using our parking services! That will be 1,250 won, please.' (not that he memorized Cute Guy's line, nooo). Chanyeol would take his time pulling out his wallet and the parking ticket (not that he did it on purpose, nooo) and smile back at Cute Guy. He supposed that with the dozens and dozens of cars that came and went to that parking lot, Cute Guy probably wouldn't even remember him. Chanyeol could read people quite easily (or so he believed) and the look in Cute Guy's eyes screamed at him that, no, you little , he doesn't remember you or your stupid old car.



"Park Chanyeol, if you don't ing mind, I have a business to run. Please, kindly get your fat away from the counter so I can cater to the next customer who seems like he wants to murder you already." Jongdae snapped one day, before promptly pushing Chanyeol to the side with so much force the taller boy almost fell on his .

Chanyeol was currently on his lunch break from the CD store he worked at, and as per routine, he quickly ran to his best friend's coffee shop in the same mall, guaranteeing him free food (because Jongdae was secretly nice like that).

The next customer, a short guy with wide-eyes and a perpetually shocked look on his face, glared at Chanyeol before stomping off to the counter, mumbling his order to Jongdae who answered back with a smile so sugary Chanyeol wanted to puke. Grumbling to himself, he shuffled over behind the counter and sat down on a vacant stool, a glum look on his face. Jongdae threw him a look, and once the coffee shop's lunch rush had died down, he left the counter to attend to his best friend's most-of-the-time stupid needs.

"What is it now, Chanyeol?" Jongdae pulled over a chair from God knows where and settled it in front of the stupid giant.

"I'm hopeless, Jongdae-yaaaah." Chanyeol whined, leaning closer and pouting at his friend (who scrunched up his nose in disdain at the cutesy action).

"You are. You only realized that now?"

"And you call yourself my best friend?" Chanyeol said, grabbing his chest in mock hurt.

"A destiny that I've had the misfortune of carrying. No, seriously, what's up?" Jongdae waved his hand dismissively, and Chanyeol sighed, folding his arms over his chest before leaning back (and getting a mini-heart attack because his chair had no backrest and he almost fell off, eliciting an 'idiot' from Jongdae).

"There's this guy--

"No, wait, spare me the faggotry." Jongdae held his hands up only for Chanyeol to swat them away and hit him on the face with a bunch of sugar packets.

" you, too, you're not so straight yourself, ." Chanyeol grumbled, and Jongdae laughed.

"I never said I wasn't. I just don't feel comfortable listening to other people's gay problems." Jongdae shrugs before dodging another sugar-packet attack.

"How the do you think I feel when you're drunk and you start talking about your life with Minseok-hyung?" Chanyeol cringes as not-so-nice images of his best friend and co-worker at the CD shop start flooding his mind. He shivered.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you just this once as an apolog-- stand down, soldier! Put the ing sugar packets down!" Jongdae brought his arms up as shield, and Chanyeol narrowed his eyes before doing as he was told.

"So, as I was saying, there's this guy." Chanyeol finally started, and Jongdae started.

"Big news there. There are a lot of guys here."

"Will you ing let me finish?"


"So, yeah, this guy works at the ticket booth in the parking lot, and damn it, he's really cute! I practically see him every day, but I can't even bring up the courage to talk to him, and his smile's just so pretty, you know? And , his hands are so pretty, I want to touch them and--

"Have them hold your wiener?" Jongdae supplied casually.

"--yes, and-- wait oh my God what Jongdae you little er!" Chanyeol rose up from his seat, face flushed from embarrassment as Jongdae just grins up at him cheekily.

"Ah, well, I'm not really the er in the relationship, but maybe I could ask Minseokkie about that."

"ing stop it with the images, oh my God." Chanyeol covered his face, feeling second-hand embarrassment for his friend because well, Jongdae's voice wasn't exactly quiet so some of the patrons in the shop were throwing them weird looks already.

"So, what's the problem, then?"

Chanyeol and Jongdae both looked at the counter to see the customer from earlier, the wide-eyed one with the perpetually shocked expression, leaning over the counter and staring at them curiously, elbows propped up and chin resting in his palms. His eyes darted back and forth between the two friends, his gaze lingering on Chanyeol longer. The latter cleared his throat before smiling awkwardly at the shorter guy.

"Uh, well, pardon?" He mumbled, and Wide-Eyes rolled his eyes.

"I was just going to ask you guys for some tissue, but I overheard your conversation and couldn't help butting in. So? I'm genuinely interested in helping you. It's not every day I hear about someone stalking a ticket boy." He grinned, and Chanyeol didn't know if he should be freaked out or not that a total stranger was more bent on helping him rather than his own best friend.

"Well, uhm...the problem is, well...I can't really bring myself to talk to him...?" Chanyeol started nervously, and he watched as Jongdae gave Wide-Eyes the tissue he had initially went for.

"Hmm. Why's that?"

"Well, he's...uh, I'm just shy, I guess?"

"Is this the first time you've seen him?"


"Ooh. Why don't you just talk to him? I bet he remembers you. I mean, not everyone has...large ears and eyes like you. Sorry." Wide-Eyes grinned sheepishly, and Jongdae didn't even bother stifling his laughter.

"O-oh, it's okay. But I practically see him every other day, and he doesn't look like he remembers me." Chanyeol shifted in his spot, slipping his hands into his pockets and shrugging his shoulders.

"Then do something he won't forget." Wide-Eyes smiled at him, waving before going back to his seat.

Chanyeol pondered over the thought. In his entire time at the CD shop, he himself remembered some customers, too, for the weird and unique things they sometimes did (Chanyeol doesn't even want to remember the bloodbath that happens during album releases of popular boy groups). Glancing at Jongdae, the latter just shrugged, nodding his head in agreement.

"He has a point. Try going in your birthday suit."

"I have more sugar packets and I am not afraid to use it, Jongdae." Chanyeol warned, and Jongdae surrendered with a laugh.

"Seriously, though, try giving him something."


"What time do you see him, anyways?"

"When I go home. He has the night shift, I think."

"Then maybe he's hungry or thirsty? Give him food."

Chanyeol nodded his head in understanding before going back to his work. He discreetly checked his wallet and grinned. He had extra change to spare for something edible. He has never looked forward to the end of his shift this much.



Chanyeol sat in his driver's seat anxiously, peering out of his window from time to time. He was the fifth in line, and boy, were they taking their time. From his position, he could slightly see Cute Guy's hand reaching out of his window to take the money and ticket, or give change. Chanyeol never knew paying his parking fees could be this nerve-wrecking. He looked over to the passenger seat and patted the little box he bought.

Finally, it was his turn. He slowly drove up to the booth, making sure that his window aligned with Cute Guy's window because there were instances that some drivers miscalculated so Cute Guy had to get out of his booth and walk over to the car just to do his job. Poor guy had to exert effort because of other people's miscalculations.

Chanyeol found himself smiling as Cute Guy smiled at him, waving and just being cheerful. He had a baseball cap on backwards, his soft-looking blond hair sticking out from under it. His fringe slightly stuck to his forehead with sweat (well, the mall's cooling system was never a good one to begin with), and Chanyeol silently cursed the high windowsill of the booth because it was slightly blocking Cute Guy's nametag. Darn it.

"Good day, sir, and thank you for using our parking services! That will be 1,250 won, please." His eyes turned into tiny little crescents as he gave out his smile, hand held out to Chanyeol.

Quickly, Chanyeol took out his wallet and parking ticket. He placed the money and ticket on Cute Guy's hand ('His skin is so soooffttt!!!') and as he looked back at his cash register, Chanyeol took the little box from the passenger seat and held it out of the window.

"U-uhm." He started, and the box was blocking Cute Guy's face and he didn't even care anymore and the bar blocking his path was already going up but then the next moment, the box was being gently taken from his hands and Chanyeol wanted to die at that moment.

"Is this for me, sir?" Cute Guy asked, holding the box in his hands and looking at Chanyeol curiously.

"W-well, yeah, uhm, I mean, maybe you should eat because, well, night shifts and, well, yeah." Chanyeol stuttered, eyes darting back and forth between the box in Cute Guy's hands and the flickering light in the parking lot behind him that he could see from his side mirror.

"Oh...well, thank you! Although, nacho's aren't really...practical because the cheese is sticky, and I have to touch people's money and tickets, but thank you, sir!" Cute Guy placed the box of nachos beside the cash register before handing Chanyeol his change, smiling at him.

"S-sorry, I just thought you'd like...nachos."

"I like nachos, yes." Cute Guy laughed, and Chanyeol noticed it wasn't forced that much.

"I, uh, hope your hands won't get sticky, though. I mean, your hands are really pretty and don't worry, there's extra tissue in there and--

The car behind him honked in annoyance, and Chanyeol almost got the heart attack of his life as he jumped in his seat from the offending sound. Gripping his steering wheel a little too tightly, he felt his face heat up from embarrassment because Cute Guy was laughing-- no, ing giggling cutely-- at his reaction.

"Well, take it easy, sir, and drive safely! Try not to get surprised too easily. Not a good thing when you're a driver." Cute Guy shrugged, and Chanyeol, out of pure embarrassment, just stepped on the gas pedal and drove out of the place.



"You gave him nachos?"

Next day, Chanyeol was sitting on the same stool again, and Jongdae was giving him judging looks that screamed 'why are we even friends'. Somehow, Wide-Eyes was at the counter again, leaning over and watching them both, amused. He already got what he wanted, and there wasn't any line, so he just stayed at the counter, perfectly happy in butting into other people's businesses.

"Whaaaaaat?! Nachos are good, okay." Chanyeol defended weakly, and this time, Jongdae was the one pelting sugar packets at him.

"There is nothing remotely romantic with nachos! You couldn't have given him coffee or chocolate? Dude, he works the night ing shift! If anything, nachos would only make him feel sluggish. Idiot." Jongdae never stopped pelting sugar packets at him, and soon, Chanyeol's lap was filled with them.

"I'm sorry! I just thought nachos are good, okay?!"

"Well, it is, but that's not the point, Park Chanyeol!" One last sugar packet and Jongdae finally sat back down on his seat.

Chanyeol pouted as he glared at Jongdae. His gaze flickered to Wide-Eyes, who grinned at him before speaking.

"Try giving him strawberry shortcake, Chanyeol-ssi." He suggested, and Chanyeol raised an eyebrow.

"Uh. Okay?"

"Oh my, I'm sorry. How rude of me. I just heard your name so I thought it's fine to call you that. I'm Kyungsoo, by the way." He waved, and Chanyeol bit his lip as he exchanged quick introductions with Jongdae as well.

"So, strawberry shortcake?" Jongdae asked, and Kyungsoo smiled shyly before nodding.

"Hm. My boyfriend gave that to me before, and it's a good flavour! Maybe that guy will like it, too. You'll never know." Kyungsoo shrugged, and Chanyeol grinned sheepishly at him. He was adorable, okay.

"Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try that, I guess."



Chanyeol was pissed. The cake shop didn't have any strawberry shortcake left, and the flavours that remained . So he opted for a simple cup of coffee from Jongdae's shop. This time, the line wasn't that long. Soon enough, it was his turn. He didn't even look before pushing out his hand and handing the coffee to Cute Guy.

"Sorry, I don't like coffee."

Or, well, to who he assumed was Cute Guy. Pulling back his hand along with the coffee, he stared as a tall boy sat in the booth, intimidating features and dark circles under his eyes. Chanyeol wondered if Cute Guy could morph, but then mentally slapped himself because, right, it wasn't Cute Guy's shift tonight. How he forgot something like that, he had no idea.

"S-sorry, I thought you were someone else." Chanyeol mumbled, getting out his money and parking ticket before handing it to the tall boy.

"It's okay. I'm used to weird people." He had an accent, and Chanyeol thought of how rude his comment was before pushing it aside with the thought, he's probably not that good with words.

"Uh, okay?"

"Here's your change. Try not to get killed out there." He said, waving him off.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not being rude. I say that to everyone here."

Chanyeol frowned before driving off. Okay, well, the tall, panda-dude was definitely rude.



Next day, Chanyeol was sure it was Cute Guy's shift. He praised the Cake Lord because the cake shop had dozen of strawberry shortcakes available. He bought one that was pretty compared to the others (he even asked the staff with the pretty dimples to add in some extra strawberries, to which the dude gladly obliged). He happily ran back to his car, pulled out of the drive way, and was soon on his way to pay his parking fees. From his spot, he could already see Cute Guy's hands reaching out of the window.

It was finally his turn, and before Chanyeol could speak, Cute Guy reacted first, leaning out and waving at him excitedly. Chanyeol blinked in surprise, box of cake held tightly in his hands (he was sure he was going to crush the poor thing).

"Oh, hi there, sir! I just wanted to thank you again for the nachos. Though, I only remembered too late that I'm allergic to cheese, so I got a bad stomach ache from it, but oh, it was good. So I just wanted to tell you that if you're going to give me nachos again, please don't." He grinned sheepishly, and Chanyeol just stared back, too shocked to process what was happening.

"Uh." Chanyeol grunted lamely, and Cute Guy giggled, waving his hand dismissively.

"Sorry if I sound as if I'm asking you for more food, but my co-worker, Zitao, told me that somebody tried to give him coffee last night, and I supposed it was you, so, yeah. Is this some kind of charity thing you do? Giving food and stuff to us late-night workers?" Cute Guy asked, looking to the side to check if there was a line waiting. There wasn't.

"I, uh, n-no. I just... I thought it was your shift yesterday, you like cake?" Chanyeol stuttered, holding out the box to hide his blushing face. Sometimes, he wondered if he ever hit puberty because he always acted like a school girl around strangers, especially cute strangers like Cute Guy.

"Oh...ohhhh! You're only giving stuff to me? Cool! That's so sweet, sir! And yes, I do like cake." Cute Guy grinned, taking the box and smiling at Chanyeol, teeth and all eye-smiles.

"A-are...are you allergic to cake? Gosh, I hope not."

"Nope. And in fact, strawberry shortcakes are my favourite! You're good at guessing."

"Somebody just suggested...yeah."

"Hmm...well, are you in a hurry?"


"You, sir. Are you in a hurry?"


"Aw. Well, then, I won't hold up your time anymore. That'll be 1,250 won, sir...?"

Chanyeol hastily paid his parking fees, and as Cute Guy took his money, the latter kept staring at him, waiting for something. Chanyeol stared back, only for Cute Guy to sigh in amusement.

"Here's your change, sir."

"Thanks..." Chanyeol mumbled, taking the change and dumping it into God knows where.

"I'm Baekhyun, by the way." He added in before waving at the next car in line.

Out of sheer embarrassment, excitement and just being himself, Chanyeol stepped on gas and drove off, repeating Cute Guy's name in his head like a freaking chant for a ritual. Baekhyun, Baekhyun, Baekhyun.



The next day, Chanyeol was busy working (don't be too surprised, he does work and he's actually pretty efficient). He arranged the CDs on the shelves wordlessly, and as he did so, he slowly inched to the side as he progressed with his work. Too absorbed in his work, he didn't notice the short guy standing to his side, earphones jammed into his ears as he listened to some CD demos. It was all too late when Chanyeol bumped into said guy, causing the latter to lose his balance and fall on the floor on his backside.


"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, sir! I didn't...see you...there...."

Chanyeol gushed out a supposedly string of apologies as he knelt down to help the customer up, only to trail off as a pair of familiar slanted eyes under a blond mop of hair stared back at him. The said blond snapped his fingers in recognition before pointing at Chanyeol, smiling.

"Oh, the guy from the parking lot!" Baekhyun piped up excitedly, and Chanyeol could only nod, mouth feeling dry.

He quietly helped Baekhyun up to his feet again, muttering out apologies which Baekhyun just brushed off. Turning back to the CD rack, he let his fingers run on the edges of the CD cases, tapping his foot incessantly and humming some tune that Chanyeol was too flustered to even identify.

"So, you work here?" Baekhun started, and Chanyeol still couldn't say anything coherent because wow Baekhyun's so short and cute and he's standing next to me and he's not in the ticketing booth but oh my God he's looking at me.

"Uh." Was all that came out of Chanyeol's mouth, making Baekhyun turn to him.

"You're not much of a talker, are you, uh..." Baekhyun squinted, leaning closer and grinning in triumph before looking back up at Chanyeol. "Chanyeol-ssi. You're not much of a talker, are you, Chanyeol-ssi?" He repeated, and Chanyeol visibly flushed at hearing his name uttered by Baekhyun.

"I'm just...uhm...sorry." Chanyeol mumbled, and Baekhyun giggled that wonderful giggle again. Chanyeol swore he was melting into a puddle of goo.

"Why are you saying sorry? You're so weird."

Chanyeol should've felt offended, but he didn't.

"I like weird. It's good. Also, I like strawberry shortcake." Baekhyun grinned before turning back his focus on the CD rack, letting out a small 'aha!' before pulling out a CD. "I'll be taking this!"

Chanyeol lead him to the cashier, not even bothering to bat an eyelash at his choice. Baekhyun had picked out a Girl's Generation CD, and all Chanyeol could think of was Baekhyun hitting the notes and moving those adorably short limbs to the songs of Girl's Generation. Gee? Mr. Taxi? I GOT A BOY? Yes, please.

"Well, see you around, Chanyeol-ssi!"

If Chanyeol had actually bothered to process the things around Baekhyun, then he would've noticed Kyungsoo waiting patiently by the door, a smug and knowing grin on his baby face.

A/N: This was supposed to be a one-shot but...but...meh, I never really stay true to what I originally plan. Lol. =))) I actually saw someone at a parking lot giving nachos to the girl at the ticketing booth, and she looked so uncomfortable because wow I don't even think the nachos were brand new???? lol.

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1116 streak #1
Chapter 3: This is sooo sweeet
1116 streak #2
Chapter 2: I'm dying 😂 Kyungsoo really is the best wingman!
1116 streak #3
Chapter 1: Hahaha omg I'm laughing so hard! chanyeol is hopeless XD jongdae has no filter in his mouth istg XD
aha! I knew kyungsoo is Baekhyun’s friend and is being the best wingman ever :D
Chapter 3: so sweeeeeeeeeeeeet
Chapter 3: This is so cute and so fluffy and I so love Kyungsoo! Baekhyun is so cute I just want to protect his whole existence!

This is the kind of fic I need right now. Fluffy and lovely!
Taebaedae1412 #6
Chapter 3: This is so cute and fluffy and it made my day better <3 Thank U
Chapter 3: Simply Adorable!!! ♡♡
MiszCJung #8
Chapter 3: Aweee i like a scheming best friendsss! :)
Iminthezone #9
Chapter 3: Awwwww awawaw
naruwookie #10
Chapter 3: This is so adorable~ >u<
Like I'm glad that Kyungsoo actually in while Jongdae and Chanyeol have a convo about Baek, because of that, Yeol taking the first step to give nachos to Baek. BaekYeol crushing on each other from the start, stuttered and shy Yeol, Baek-- all of the things are adorable.

It's still a mystery on how Jongdae got Yeol's car keys though~ Hahaha. xD