The next day Jieun visit Baekhyun again. Now she determined to make Baekhyun smile again – and she’ll not going home if not make Baekhyun smile yet.

As Mrs.Jung said yesterday, Jieun go to backyard and straightly go upstairs without disturb her. She appear on the Baekhyun’s house porch and as she estimated before, the door isn’t locked. Before go in, Jieun take a deep breath dan plaster a bright smile.

“Annyeong!”said Jieun cheerfully. No one answer it and yeah she already tolerated this new fact.

She come in and search Baekhyun, and she find Baekhyun is still sleeping on his bedroom. So, Jieun decide to clean away this house who get dusty. “ok… I’ll make this house back to should have been….”Jieun mumbled, and then smiles.

Time passed so fast, Jieun now already cleaned off this house, made a Baekhyun’s favourite food for his lunch, and she satisfied enough to her work. The time that Jieun serve her made lunch, Baekhyun is already woke up and seems he confused with his house who just changed. Not just a clean, but Jieun added some new decoration, and changed some thing position, like stack of books that always Baekhyun’s father read.

Baekhyun is finally realized that the one who changed all of this is the one who smile to him right now.

“ah, you’re already wake up?”Jieun accost Baekhyun awkwardly. Yeah, although she’s Baekhyun’s bestfriend but still entered another person house without permission is an illegal thing.

“euh, sorry, I haven’t tell you that I will come again. I call you several times but you didn’t answer so yeah… I’m just came in.”

But Baekhyun staring to her angrily. And Jieun who don’t know the reason why feel more guilty.

“I’m really sorry Baekhyun-a.”repeat Jieun softly, hope Baekhyun will forgive him and just eat her cooking because it’s hurt so much seeing Baekhyun condition right now.

“who told you to clean this house?”croaked Baekhyun.


“who told you?! who told you to add these silly things?! Who told you to clean up my house?! Who told you to displace those things?!”Baekhyun shouted to her. He’s really mad, without thinking he’s destroy the new decoration, and staring Jieun angrily.

“and, what’s this?”Baekhyun see the food who already served on the table.

“who told you to make all of this?!”Baekhyun shouted again to her, and throw away all things on the table with anger.

“Baekhyun – Baekhyun, are you crazy?! stop it, STOP IT!” but Baekhyun ignore away Jieun’s scream and keep throwing away these things until no one left, even piece of plate that Baekhyun throw slice Jieun’s cheek until bled.

Baekhyun’s really bewildered Jieun.”what’s wrong with you….”mumbled Jieun with her trembling voice. she’s promise that she won’t cry anymore but she’s broke her promise now, because she doesn’t able to hold her tears falling.

“are you my mother? My father? Or my little sister? How dare you to step into my house! To changed all of this, even you put these silly things – you’re not my sister! And what, you cooked for me? Are you my mother? NO, you’re not my mother! So what do you want from me?!”

“Baek, I just…”

“What?! You want me to forget my family so you did this to me?!”

“no, I just want to make this house back to should have been… but, I don’t..”

“back to should have been? So you did this? Ha. My mother, my father, and my little sister are the one who will make this to should have been, not you, not you.”

“Baek I’m just worried! I’m worrying you so much so I did this!”Jieun shouted back.

“worrying me? For what? My family already worrying me so you don’t need to do this.”

“but Baek…your family is..”

“gone? So do you think so? You’re same with them!”Baekhyun become more angry.”my family will back, they will return to home… to this home.. they’ll bring me a present… they’ll be at home… and I was waiting them.. they’ll comeback, my mother will clean off this house.. my father will read those books, my little sister will played around and messed up this rooms…. While my mother will make a supper for us… make a breakfast, and a make a lunch too…”Baekhyun laughing while crying imagine those things that he know that will not happened anymore but he’s always ignoring this fact because he’s too scary to admit it.

“so… so you’ll waited for them? Until when, uh? You’re not eat, are you waiting your mom to make a lunch for you? you’re not sleep, are you waiting for your father and your little sister? Waiting a things that you know will never come to you, you’re just hurt yourself Baekhyun-a!”cried Jieun.”please… I know it’s hurts so much! But seeing you like this hurts me too! And I know they’ll hurt seeing you like this too! You’re not fool Baekhyun-a, you know they’re already passed away! Don’t wait them… don’t wait them just for hurt yourself…”

Baekhyun’s just laughed, but his tears doesn’t stop falling away.”What do you know about me?”Baekhyun sarcasticly asked.”you don’t know how it feels! Yeah, just saying is easy but you don’t feel what I feel. A blue-blooded like you will never know how hurts it is to suffer from a loss your family – your laugh – your sunshines. Yeah, a perfect princess like you always lived happily so you will never know how it feels! Your family is still here, so you’re easy to saying that!”

Jieun can’t resist Baekhyun anger anymore. His last word is just hurts her so much. He mention ‘a blue-blooded’ and ‘perfect-princess’ words that she hate so much. And he just saying that her family is still here so she doesn’t know how it feels.

Jieun smile bitterly.”yeah. only you who know how hurt it is…”Jieun mumbled.”only you! yeah, it’s only you who suffering because your family are gone! So, do you think I’m happy right now? are you think my family is still here - is really still here – caring for me, worries about me like your family did once before?”cried Jieun with her bitter smile.
“you never know how much I envied you because your caring family… be grateful you once experience a thing called happy family.. because you know? I’m never experience something like that.”

Jieun erase his tears on her cheek who mingle with blood, and she say her last word to Baekhyun,”face the reality Baekhyun-a. don’t be such a coward.” Then she leave Baekhyun in vacant.


“so, how’s Korean school? Does it much better?”

Luhan just smiled. He doesn’t expect that he will like his decision to move to Korea again. He took a long time to decided and locked himself all day in his bedroom just to decided the final decision. And no matter how hard he kept the mind that Canada would much better, he still can’t push aside his little heart who whispered to stay here. And yeah, now, here he is, already checked in on a Korean school. 

“oh yeah, your girlfriend is okay now?”asked Sehun. Luhan just smile bitterly. Yeah, after he doesn’t reply Suzy’s text and e-mail and then Luhan called her yesterday, he informed to her that his final decision is he will move - Suzy was really angry, even Sehun can heard her noisy anger toward Luhan. And Luhan must kept away his phone to save his hearing. Luhan tried to made a play for her, but it’s useless. Suzy keep mad, and Luhan can heard that she’s crying so loud. And because he was annoyed by her childish attitude Luhan without he realized he already shouted at her.

“I just moved to my motherland! What’s wrong with it? Are you scared I’ll dishonest to you after this? You must learned to believe me Suzy-a!”

“you… you just shouted at me Luhanie! You’re not love me anymore, yeah? So you moved to Korea to avoid me! Why you did this to me?!”

“ack. I just moved. I just miss my country. My old friends. You get that? Just believe me, and stop that childish thing. Stop crying, stop shouted at me. And stop spamming my contact message.”Luhan said coldly and ring off his phone. And then, his friend on Canada,Tao, who also Suzy’s bestfriend message him that Suzy crying a lot and complaining about him to Tao nonstop. *Poor that Tao boy*


“ah, just ignored her. Don’t know why he makes me so fed up nowadays. I just realized that she’s too childish and I can’t keep said softly to her meanwhile she always shouted at me.”

“wkwk… the one who that girl want is your attention, hyung. She want you to coddle her. Not shouted and gave her advice.”mumbled Sehun with his usual smirk.

“ah shut up. I know more girl than you, you know…”

And without they’re realize they’re finally arrive. Yeah, arrived at Luhan’s new school.

“Oh hyung, I almost forget to inform you. Your class is on section A. and before that you must go to school office and meet your teacher class. The office is on the centre, you’ll find it, just look at the school map. I’ll meet you later yea, bye!”

“ugh that boy.. “Luhan sighed and looking around for a map. Because that map is large sized and located not far away from place that he standing right now, it’s easy for him to found it. While Luhan reading the map carefully, he hear an obscure noise who become more clearer and clearer. He finally can hear a boy voice, and a girl who respond it with a cold tone, and Luhan can clear enough to hear their restless footstep who become more closer and clearer.

Luhan can’t restrain himself to not turning his head and look at the two who have a serious conversation. And the two who come from corridor, who more closer to him, and the moment when their face become visible, Luhan surprised enough to see who the two was.


Two day passed after he hurts Jieun and she was cried because of that. Baekhyun became more tortured. He’s feeling so guilty after that and his dark circle underneath his eyes became more clearer. He’s become a haggard, like a living corpse, as Jieun said before.

He thinks Jieun’s  words a lot, even all day he thinks about it. Maybe Jieun wrong, or maybe she was right. Baekhyun sighed a lot and without he realized, he thinks about Jieun a lot – wonder if she still hurts or not, wonder if she still mad at him or not, wonder if Jieun after this maybe won’t forgive him and their friendship is ended until this time. And Baekhyun didn’t even think about his family again.

And when Baekhyun realized it, then he realized too that Jieun’s word are truly right. His family are passed away and it’s a fool things to waiting them all day, to imagining that they’ll comeback, while Baekhyun knows the fact and Baekhyun himself who take care of their funeral. Yeah, as Jieun said, they won’t comeback and it’s useless to think and worrying about them. They’re already at peace right now. and Baekhyun finally realized, it’s a crazy things to worrying death peoples meanwhile you ignore the living person for those dead peoples. Baekhyun still have Jieun and he won’t wasted away her,

Baekhyun took his deep breath that night, and with his plan on his mind, he finally can sleep restfully after these tired day.


Jieun go down from her car and sighed. After her fight with Baekhyun two days ago she feels her life is so flat and empty than before. She’s suffering without reason. She feel more lonely and she think she’ll spend her whole life with this monotonous routines.

She give a bow to her personal driver and walk in to school yard with her listless steps.

“J..Jieun.” a hoarse voice accosted her. Jieun freezing up when hear that familiar voice. Could that be………?

Jieun turn around and as she expected before, it’s really Baekhyun who accosted her. Jieun look so amazed when saw him. Saw him again on his uniform clothes, saw him again here and accosted her although his looks is still mess up and still looks haggard.

“Jieun, I’m…. I’m so―“

Jieun then remember that Baekhyun was hurt him before. Although Jieun already forget it, but she can’t forgive him easily. Baekhyun’s word are too much hurt her. And Jieun, without a smile (although she’s so damn happy right now) turn around and walk into school building.

“h.. hey!”Baekhyun called her but she ignore it. Jieun thinks Baekhyun must struggling this time to get her amnesty.

“hey Jieun, stop! I’m really sorry. I know my words are too much. Jieun, can’t you stop for awhile and talk about it?”Baekhyun walk rushly to catch up Jieun. Jieun secretly smiles when Baekhyun catch up her, and even he said sorry to her. It’s really good to hear his voice again, his real voice, not a sarcastic and anger one like he did before.

“Jieun-a, why you walk so fast uh?”maybe Baekhyun can’t catch her because he’s still weak. He doesn’t eat and sleep these days and so that’s why he even can’t catch Jieun.

“You really mean it? I mean, you really feeling sorry toward me? It’s mean…”

“I know Jieun. I know your words is truly right. Sorry, sorry to hurt you, I.. I didn’t know what I think that day. I’m completely blind and fool. Sorry for hurt you…”Baekhyun said with his most remorsefully tone. No one who will not touched by that voice.

Yeah, Jieun finally touched and deep in her heart she’s already forgiving him. Jieun smiles, and suddenly she feel the air today is so good. She smile, but when she come to the end of this corridor, something take away her smile so far and she became flustered.

He is here.

Jieun don’t know what to do.

Should she put a wild smile and feeling great,

 or just ignore him and walk away like nothing happened?

She’s confuse, but she know, she can’t choose both. She’s completely clueless right now.




Yeah, finally here’s the update after a long time,sigh><

It’s so hard to write there’s so many obstacle to write TT

But anw I hope you like this part hehe. And for once again sorry for not updating for a long time TT









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sorry for not update for such a long long long time. but now i update, and here, double update!


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dksxxjjk #1
Dae to the bak!
LuhanxJiEunxMyungsoo #2
Chapter 4: HanU pliss <333333
update soon !! ^^
I want IU and Baekhyun~! ^^
jijijaja #4
Chapter 4: updatteeeeee
Human246 #5
Chapter 4: I want iu and baekhyun...
uaenaland #6
Chapter 4: Continue please
AdrianaLee #7
Chapter 4: HanU pls~~~
Chapter 4: yeah, hope he'll know it... BaekU pls kkk
update soon~
nanaboo17 #9
Chapter 3: is luhan also likes jieun??

i think this is triangle love

update soon please want to know what happen next^^
Chapter 3: Is it will be a triangle love? aahhh... update soon... very soon please... :D