2 months of your Hate

Love,Hate,Regret and Forgive
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2 months of your Hate...


Today would be my interview day. Kai--Jongin don't want me to work for us because he said he can sustain our living, but i'm bored to death here in our house and I don't want to burden him having to work all day just to pay for everything. At first of course he doesn't agree, saying that I'm not a burden and not to worry about that. He said that he wants the excitement when he's going home keeping in mind that i'm just here in the house waiting for him while cooking his favorite dish--he said all the dish that I cook is his favorite.

I woke up extra early today to check if I have everything needed for the interview and to decide what should I wear, maybe I should wear one of Joingin's necktie for good luck. I blush at the thought of using Jongin's belongings. I've always love using his things--especially his T-shirt. I jumped excitedly at the breakfast counter preparing a meal for myself. Jongin left half an hour ago. But suddenly I drop on the floor limbs all jelly and numb-- i cannot move them. oh what happened, I look at my legs strangely.

Four weeks have passed and I'm beginning to feel weaker. There's time when my legs or my arms become limp. So I decided to got to the doctor to check on it. And on the way home I tried to release all my tears from my body, but that  was impossible--when Jongin got home I saw his precious smile that make me fall for him deeper, deeper than the sea. That time I can't help it I cried and cried in his chest pouring all my sorrow.

"Hey Soo, why are you crying? Is there something wrong? are you hurt? tell me." he tipped my chin and look into my eyes looking worried

I just shook my head telling it was nothing, that I just watch a very sad drama

he chuckled and  hugged me tighter saying it's okay now, that he's here with me

I looked up at him



"You Love me right?"

"Soo what are you saying? Of course I love you" and that's what all it takes to make my heart assured

"I Love you too Kai"


i smiled "yes, Jongin, I Love you"


Another day for me.

If you're wondering, they accepted me to work for the company.

But I resign after a couple of weeks

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Chapter 4: my heart... its hurt a lot...
Panda_Vo #2
;A; ; - ; omfg
Chapter 2: This is so sad. To have the love of your life calling you a burden is just... :(