Back-up #10

Sugared & Spiced Up Secrets

[Chapter 05: Back-up #10]

[Narrator's P.O.V Type 2.]

AOA Black and the EXO hyungs(minus Luhan) were having a meeting.

"We need to get that diamond back. We just need to." Jimin slammed her fist on the table in slight anger. "But, unnie, Seyoung and Luhan are our best agents and they are seriously injured!" Minaring reasoned. The rest were quiet as they thought of solutions.

"We can't delay any further, if we do, the diamond will be misused and they whole of the dimension will be goners!" Yunaria cried.

"The whole universe will be goners." All of them said as they re-phased Yunaria

Kris said with his thick brows in a frown. "I have a suggestion." Baekhyun suggested.

All eyes were turned to Baekhyun eagerly, signalling him to carry on. "We can ask BTS to help us." Baekhyun asked. "BTS?!" Minaring cried. "Are you crazy? They're just rookies and they do not exactly work for us! They are in our subsidary!"

" Kim Taehyung, V is my full biological brother. I trust him." Baekhyun admitted. "And we are actually on good terms" Mina was about to speak but Baekhyun beat her to the punch "Mina, everyone has to start some where." Baekhyun explained. "I think that's a good idea. We can send Ladies Code as well." Xiumin said.

"Ladies Code is not ready. They will not go." Choayah immediately objected and stood up. "If Ladies Code goes with BTS, everything would just fall right apart and it will be more crazy." Everyone was confused. Suho nodded.

"Jin is my brother and he has a really bad past with Ri-Se and I will also not allow any feelings to get in the way. Jin and Ri-Se's relationship is hopeless." Suho stood up.

"BTS J-Hope also has a really bad relationship with Zunny. Suho is right. Feelings are not allowed to get in the way. No matter what. That is the protocol, remember?" Cho-ah said firmly.

"Apparently, what caused this problem is related to feelings." Lay said. "Luhan and Seyoung. I can't heal them because the root problem of their physical and emotional wounds are connected."

"Then, we shall not send Ladies Code. Let's send the AOA White members Chanmi, Hyejung and Seolhyun." Youkyung spoke. "Let's end the meeting, we have other schedules to attend." Everyone looked at each other nodded in approval finally before closing the heated meeting.

Luhan stirred from his sleep. His eyes opened and his first instinct was to survey his surroundings.

His eyes landed on Seyoung's figure and his heart subconsciously eased down a little.

He was in the Intensive Care Unit of the headquaters. He never liked coming here because it always triggered the memory that caused him grief. Pushing the memory aside, he laid back down. Just moments later, Sehun, Kris, Yuna, Cho-ah and Xiumin walked in.

"How you feeling Luhan?" Xiumim asked his close friend as they neared his bed. "I feel alright I guess." Luhan got up abruptly and immediately regretted it. Luhan winced in pain as the wound started bleeding again. Sehun, Kris and Xiumin instantly carried Luhan and flipped him over onto the bed. They lifted his shirt to reveal the nasty wound he had received from the blow.

They undid the bandages and the wound bleed profusely. Yuna applied some wound-healer to the wound before Cho-ah rebandaged the wound. "Aren't you a wolf? Why isn't your wound healing fast? Your wounds wouldn't last more than 3 days." Yuna said as Luhan laid back down.

"It's probably because the hormone isn't reacting properly." Kris said,"The hormone is usually affected by personal feelings and fatigue."

Eyes were on Luhan after Kris explained. "I told you guys, it never fade away. I could control but now..." Luhan threw a glance to Seyoung and sighed. "Looking at your condition, you will need a week to recover." Sehun spoke.

"Wait, how long have I been out cold?" Luhan asked. The 5 of them glanced at their watches and devices before answering. "3 days."


"3 days." They replied him again.

"I've never ever been knocked out cold 3 days in a row!" Luhan said and smacked his forehead.

"Seyoung woke up 2 hours after she had fainted but she hasn't wake up afterwards. She's completely drained." Choah stated. The others nodded. "Cho-ah, can I please please please get out of here?!" Luhan begged.

'This place reminds Luhan the time when Seyoung got hurt badly when before she lost part of her memory.' Sehun telepathed to her. Cho-ah 'oh-ed'. "Fine, you can leave. Yuna, Xiumin! Make sure he is back in his room." Cho-ah said. Yuna and Xiumin nodded.

Moments of silence passed. "Noona, why do you look so worried?" Cho-ah looked up to Sehun and Kris. Her face indeed was contoured with worry. "There are actually a lot of things both Luhan and Seyoung do not know. Or maybe, forgotten." Cho-ah closed her eyes for a few seconds. "Knowing the secrets and truth will be beneficial but at the same time, it will be damaging and complicated."

"Secrets aren't meant to be kept forever. They will have to find out the secrets and...solve their problem." Kris finished. "However, now not's a good time since everything is not stable. I also heard that Seyoung's and my destiny* will be decided soon..." Sehun finished," and I'm afraid her destiny will be Daehyun."

"What makes you think Daehyun could be the one?" Choah said. Sehun shrugged and a nervous look flash across his face. "It's a strong feeling. However I doubt Seyoung would be able to accept it no matter what."

Cho-ah and Kris nodded before leaving the room to allow Seyoung to rest some more.

The day passed slowly, especially for Luhan who could not go out of headquaters. He could not exercise, cook or even whip up any chemical stuff.

Just then an idea ran through his mind. He leapt up happily but carefully. He walked slowly, limping sometimes.

As for the others, it was training and experimenting. So it will be perfect.

Seyoung's eye lids lifted slowly only to see a doe-eyed boy, a small smirk tugging at the end of his lips. She sat up. "What day is today?" Seyoung.rubbed her head. "It's been 3 days since the incident."

"Wait, you mean, I have been sleeping.for 3 days straight?" Seyoung asked. Luhan nodded. "That explains why I'm feeling so stiff." Seyoung commented as she stretched her body slowly, cracking some of her bones in the process. "Wanna go for a walk to ease the stiffness?" Luhan suggested. Seyoung shrugged. "Why not?" Seyoung smiled unknowingly. Luhan froze the moment he saw her smile.

"Hello?! Luhan!" Seyoung snapped her fingers im front of Luhan's face, trying to get his mind back. "Oh! Sorry! Let's go!" Luhan said and stood up carefully before helping Seyoung up. Seyoung followed Luhan blindly until they stopped walking. "Where are w-WOAH..." Seyoung said. "I have never seen this place before." Seyoung said as she looked at the surroundings. It was a dome garden with glass walls and the afternoon sun warmly embraced Luhan and Seyoung as they walked to a bench.

"This is a secret garden that only allows access to a few people." Luhan said as he admired the flowers that were blooming. "Who are they?" Seyoung asked curiously. "The first obvious person would be me and the other is..." Luhan hesistated, not sure whether he should continue. "Who?" Seyoung asked.

"The other person is you."

"Me!? B-but I have never ever, in my memory, seen this place before!" Seyoung spoke.

"This place is in the memory you've lost! That's why you don't remember." Luhan reasoned, trying to say only what he needs to say.

" lost memory..." Seyoung's voice quietened. Secretly, Seyoung always feel guilty whenever the 2 words 'lost memory' is heard. The 2 sat in silence but strangely enough, it didn't felt awkward. This caused Seyoung to think: Why did I lose this particular memory which seems so precious?!

After what it seems to be an hour, Seyoung got up the bench. "Thanks for introducing this place to me. It's lovely. I will be going to my room to wash up now. See you later!" Seyoung said and left the garden. Luhan smiled. But as soon as Seyoung left the garden, his smile faded.

"Why? Why did you have to lose that memory?" Luhan said, leaning back on the bench as the sun shined on his fair skin.

"Jimin unnie." Seyoung walked into one of their training rooms. "Oh Hello Seyoung!" Jimin waved as they were doing intense physical training.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Seyoumg asked as she watched the girls jogging/running their usual 50km in heels while the guys do their 30km fast sprinting without any time aid. "Sure!"

They were at Jimin's room. "Jimin Unnie, what memory did I lose? It seems so precious and I always feel so guilty..." Seyoung started, "And what happened to my real parents?" Seyoung finished. Jimin bit her lip. She never wanted this day to come so soon.

"Seyoung ah, I'm sorry, I can't tell you now...I am only allowed to tell you everything on your destiny day. I promise I will answer everything." Jimin said and looked away. "But-!" Seyoung said. "Seyoung, I know the truth, especially about your birth parents has been in Sehun's and your mind for the longest time. I wanted to tell you, but! my mother and father had vowed not to tell until the day you are old enough to officially get married. But when you turned 21, I became your guardian as the whole family is in PlanetExo and we are here on earth."

Jimin turned back, her voice slightly louder and higher than usual, "So please Seyoung, be patient. It will be a few months before your birthday comes so please wait."

Seyoung nodded. "Sorry for pushing you's just that I feel fruatrated everytime I think about it.." Jimin walked forward and gave Seyoung a hug and pat before resuming her training. Seyoung left Jimin's room quietly, heading back to her room.

Jimin sighed as she headed back to the training room. "Please be patient Seyoung. Everything will come to light soon."

"I will go for the mission." Seyoung stood up and banged the table. "It was my rashness that caused this and I'm going." Seyoung continued.

"No! You will not be able to change my mind no matter what!" Seyoung sad as all of them wanted to rebut her. "I will go with her. If I had intervened, everything might have been better." Seyoung whirled to the voice which was none other than Luhan.

"Nope, you guys will not be changing my mind. BTS! AOA White! To the lab now! Seyoung, you too." Luhan transformed into wolf form ran for the lab. BTS and AOA White transformed into their respective creatures and headed to the lab.

Seyoung took out her wand. "End of meeting." and Seyoung teleported to the lab leaving the rest dumbfounded. "I predict that they'll end up together soon. I'm freaking serious." Xiumim said as all out the members had their jaws dropped.

"You said it, hyung." Baekhyun said, still stunned by what happened. "No point stopping them anyway. You know it's impossible." Youkyung said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Besides, they're old enough." Suho said. The rest of the got up and left the meeting room.

I'm so so so so so so sorry for not updating in...eeks! Almost 8 months! I honestly lost a little interest writing here but I promise I won't abandon any of my stories. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! See you in the nect chapter!

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huihui97 #1
Chapter 3: What incident? And the rest knows about it?! My oh my, did something bad-perhaps-happen to Seyoung before? Thank you for the update author-nim~~Hwaiting!^^
huihui97 #2
Chapter 2: Wait. Seyoung lost a part of her memory?!?! And Luhan is in it. But she finds Luhan familiar...hmm.....Woah anyways seems like there's going to be a big revelation! Author-nim~Hwaiting! ^^