The Helpless Girl

My Seven Teddy Bears Are My Guardians?

"Hyung, how are we going to get home now? Jimin hyung took his umbrella." Jungkook asked as he walked side-by-side with his hyungs through the school halls that reached the front entrance.

"Well it was only one umbrella and seven guys under a umbrella won't work anyway~" Taehyung replied as his arms rested behind his head.

As they all the reached the school entrance, Jin widened his eyes through the glass window of the door. From his view he witnessed the soaked girl stumbling onto the ground along with the man under the umbrella running up to her quickly. 

"Is that-?!" Jin burst out as he forced the door open and ran down to the bottom of the steps.

"Jaeyeon!" The boys shouted through the heavy showers of raindrops as they followed behind Jin.

They cared less about their hair and clothes as the rain poured on them. All their attention was only on Jaeyeon while they all quickly ran up to Jimin and her with their handsomely soaked appearances. 

"Yah! Guys!" Jimin shrieked as he tried to help the soaking Jaeyeon from the wet ground.

The rest of the boys helped Jaeyeon off the ground in panic. They all held her up as she laid in their arms along with Jimin's free hand with the umbrella shading her from the rain. 

"Taehyung! Call someone! Your house is more closer to hers!" Rap monster told him.

"You live close to her too-! Wah, arasseo!" Taehyung loudly said to him back while the sounds of rain were making their words inaudible. He pressed his speed dial and soon, someone on the phone answered him.

"Yoboseyo? Taehyung?" His father answered the phone.

"Appa! Come quick! Jaeyeon fainted!" He shouted through the phone.

"Jaeyeon? ...Ahn Jaeyeon?! I haven't heard from that girl in ages now." Mr. Kim spoke in a reminiscing tone.

Taehyung spread a small smile through his lips from his father's reply. He glanced at Jaeyeon's pretty gleaming face at ease. 

"Taehyung! Hurry up and tell him!" Jimin urged him as him and the boys carried her vertically as they walked through the rain. He shook off his distraction at her features and focused on the real situation right now.

"But appa! Seriously, come now!"


A while after the fast car ride from Taehyung's father, the boys altogether carried Jaeyeon to her house. They pushed the front door open and their wetness made the floor slippery that they struggled to walk through her living room with Jaeyeon still in their arms.

"It's slippery!" Suga pointed out.

"Keep going!" J-Hope struggled.

Finally they pushed open her bedroom door and hesitated to put her body on her bed.

"No! Don't put her there! We don't want her bed wet." Rap monster said. The maknaes glanced at each other with a goofy look.

"Bed...wet." Jungkook let out a small laugh.

"Yah now's not the time for that." Jin nudged them with his free hand.

"Let's lay her here." J-Hope's eyes narrowed to her soft carpet on the floor and the boys laid her down gently on the soft material, staring restlessly at her.

One of them ran their fingers through their wet hair and wiped the water off their face with their hands.

"Ah what the hell. Let's just change into our soul form so we won't be in our soaked school clothes." Jin suggested.

"Good idea." They all replied as they glanced at each other in agreement.

A shining light illuminated in their bodies within them and then the light shrouded them. In a short moment, the light magically disappeared to reveal the Bangtan boys, in dry, dark clothing in a hip-hop style that looked like they were idols. Their previous bodies were transferred inside their bedrooms in their homes. 

"Much better!" Jimin stretched as he dusted off his black jersey.

"Wait! But noona's not dry yet!" Jungkook rubbed the wrist of his sleeve on his cheek.

While the boys were in dry clothing, Jaeyeon was still soaking wet and her body is resting on her carpet peacefully.

Taehyung glanced up to her wall clock. "We need to settle her in quick. Jaein should be coming home very soon!" He reminded them.

"Okay, okay! We'll have to undress her though." Suga said unsurely and they all looked at him with a shocked expression.

"U-undress her?!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"So she won't get sick!" Taehyung explained.

The boys except for J-Hope who was observing her, hesitated their hands towards Jaeyeon.

"I've never seen Jaeyeon so...helpless." J-Hope marveled at her fragile-like slender body.

"Pabo! That's why we're here to help!" Suga spoke. 

"Then what are we doing just standing here? We have to get her out of those wet clothes!" Rap monster declared in panic.

"Aish, if we don't get this done, Jaein will come any minu-" Taehyung cut off his sentence when a sound from the living room creaked opened.

"Eeek!" The boys scrambled in panic, getting into their positions on her windowsill.

In just that very moment, a mysterious glow lit from their bodies and minimized them into Jaeyeon's seven teddy bears she's kept for all these years. The bears stood in a horizontal line with an order that seemed it was from older-looking to younger-looking. Starting from the pink bear to the white one, the black-and-white bear to the brown one, and following it's maknae line was the blue one to the Rilakkuma brown, and ending the line with the red bear.

"Unni! I'm home from school! Where are y-Unni!!" Jaein screamed when she opened her sister's door to find her laying restlessly on her carpet. She went over to her quickly and tried picking her up. 

"Wha, who..who brought you here?! Oh no! You need to change!" Jaein panicked as she quickly stripped her clothes off.

The teddy bears who felt like they were watching the scene intently weren't actually watching.

"All I see from this bear's eyes are nothing but black right now." Kookie, the red bear, echoed through his mind to his other teddy bear hyungs.

"Well it's always been like this when she's having her privacy changing!" The pale bear, Soongi echoed back to him.

"Good thing Jaein's here now to help her change."  RapMon, the panda-colored one, echoed in relief.

"My teddy bear instincts tells me that Jaein is currently laying Jaeyeon on her bed." Pink teddy, JinJin, mentioned. All the sounds that were audible in the background to them was the shuffling of clothes or items.

"How are you so sure right now when our vision is still black?" Minnie, the bright blue one puzzled.

Ignoring their conversations, the Rilakkuma bear, V, had thoughts that echoed in his own world, thinking about what his father said to him before he went into Jaeyeon's house with the guys. V pictured the situation perfectly as he thought about it.

"Taehyung!" Taehyung's father shouted to him from inside his car as he was about to go inside Jaeyeon's house.


"Invite her to come to our house again some time! We'd love to have her over and we miss her and her family a lot!" His father informed him as he yelled through the heavy, audible drops of rain.

Taehyung let out a smile at him and replied, "Arasseo!" happily as he entered into the house.

From Taehyung's mortal childhood in his elementary and junior high school days, the Kim family and the Ahn family were very close friends. In memory, he remembers the moments that him and Jaeyeon had a close friendship along with Jaein. Taehyung and Jaeyeon knew each other well, up until her and her family isolated their family friends from not wanting sympathy ever since Mr. Ahn's death. 

"Hm? TaeTae what are you thinking?" The classic brown bear, Hope, interrupted his thought.

"Oh nothing hyung."

"Sure, sure. Anyways, it may be your turn next, but I'm going to help her more!"  Hope exclaimed at him.

"Just don't break the rules hyung. Even if you're interested in her that badly." V reminded him and Hope let out a scoff.

The teddy bears' vision brightened to the view of Jaein and Jaeyeon in the room.

Jaein finished dressing her sister in her warm pajamas and tucked her in her bed. She laid a warm, damp cloth onto her forehead before she went towards her door. She then suddenly stopped halfway from going out and looked back at the seven colorful teddy bears on her windowsill.

"Huh, for a moment there, I thought I saw a twinkle in each of their eyes." Jaein raised an eyebrow at the cute bears and then closed the door to Jaeyeon's room. 

"Keke, that's 'cause she did see a twinkle." Pale Soongi joked.

"O-oh! I think she's awake!" Kookie pointed out.

Jaeyeon slowly opened her eyes and looked around her room.

"I'm in my room?" She stood up a bit from her laying position and rolled over to the far side of the bed that faced the windowsill.

"Warm.." She laid in a comfortable position that curved her body and snuggled her fluffy blanket to her face.

"C-cute!"  The bears/boys unexpectedly said in unison.

She pushed her long orange hair back with her fingers as she steadied herself to sit on the edge of the bed, staring at her seven teddy bears before her.

"Teddy bearies~ today was horrible. School and the people were just sickish as usual, I spent detention with seven idiots, and I fainted. Even though, I don't remember why, but there was little luck for me today." Jaeyeon talked to them lazily.

"Ahem." Soongi cleared his throat in patience.

Jaeyeon laid on her back. "I can't believe I actually get my homework. It's so rare, but it's all thanks to an idiot." She grinned blissfully.

"Ah-uh-wuh-did she just call me an idiot and not mention my name?" Soongi sassed.

"But, that's not all." Jaeyeon laid on her side so she faced her bears again.

"Umma's making me go get a job. That's like the worst thing ever." Jaeyeon sighed as she randomly reached for her blue teddy bear.

"Heh, that's right guys, Jimin's gonna feel the love." Minnie shot the others a 'mehrong' in their telepathic minds. 

"Psh, whatever." Hope sneered.

"When will the happiness that I've always wanted ever come?" Jaeyeon wondered as she squeezed the blue bear more tightly.

"I CAN'T BREATHE." Minnie gasped for air.

"Soon, Jaeyeon, soon." RapMon echoed to her in his teddy bear mind.

"UM GUYS HELP." Jimin tried to take a breath as Jaeyeon squeezed him tighter for her own comfort.  

"But, Isn't that right, Minnie? My mom's such a burden." Jaeyeon pouted as she laid Minnie down, so that the blue bear faced in front of her.

"God damn, tell me why again she had to name us these girly names?" Jimin echoed.

"Well, she's a girl that's why." RapMon replied to him.

"RapMon isn't a girly name."

"That's why I got lucky."

"It's not worse than JinJin."

"What do you mean worse? It's cute!" V commented.

"Same goes for V and Kookie, but-"

"Hobi! You think so too right?" Jaeyeon directed her attention towards her brown bear and reached for him.


"Psh, whatever."

"Huh? Just from holding your arm, you're already warm! I wonder if Jaein touched you hm." Jaeyeon squeezed Hope's arm for warmth.

"No Jaeyeonnie, Hobi is warm because he is angry." J-Hope glared at the others mentally in their minds while they held in their laughter.





















So! How'd you guys like it so far? Let me know please! And omg I bet all you ARMYS reading have already seen the 'Boy in Luv' mv I mean like asdfghjkl; hot damn they are so perfect and their music and choreo just keeps getting better and better <3 Oh and if you're wondering, the boys' change their names a lot lol from semi-stage names, teddy bear names, and real names. I just keep it going like that kay~


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Guys! I'm sorry if it's been too long! School is keeping me busy so please understand ^^"


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Elizabeth49 #1
Chapter 10: Oh no! Where she go?
DjTiffany #2
Chapter 5: Omg, although this isn't a comedy story, I found out so many funny scenes XD
I'm absolutely loving this fic actually <3
wansss #3
Chapter 9: yayyyyyyy....i feel soooooooooo happy when i see you update it..long time no see author nim..cant wait for another update..luv your story ;)
ChoSaku_ #4
suga_world #5
sakurazakihyorin #6
Chapter 8: I was like I wanna burst in laugh xD Total chaos, kekeke~
Chapter 8: Troll! Suga's ! Omg this fic is so nice. Pls update soon!
Chapter 8: OMG SUGA WAS HAHAHAAH I CANT. Update soon author-nim!~
Chapter 5: that gif tho... lol V oppa is major judging! HAHAHAHA
_Sonmi #10
Chapter 6: oooh i want read more about this story♡♡♡♡ i love it♡♡♡♡♡ heh saranghe♡♡♡ your loving Sonmi-panda