
My Seven Teddy Bears Are My Guardians?

"Maybe I should be more nicer to them." Jaeyeon thought as she was leaving her house to school.

Her hand rested on her chin and her cheeks puffed out as she thought.

"Agh. That dream though."  Her steps paced on the cement slowly.

She couldn't help but to glance at Taehyung's house and Namjoon's house as she walked by.

When Jaeyeon approached another street, she heard distant footsteps walking behind her.

"Noona!" Jungkook's dark strands of hair bounced from his head as he waved at her cheerfully.

Jaeyeon uncomfortably shifted a little to the thought of any of the Bangtan Boys close to her in proximity.

Once Jungkook caught up with her, she silently accepts him with an uneasy grin to walk beside her. Their walk was awkward just like the last time. It drove Jungkook in insane impatience when he can't think of anything more than Jaeyeon to at least open up to him since she didn't really yet. 

"It's awkward again. We should catch up with them?" Jimin snickered behind the flowery bush Bangtan was hiding in nearby.

"Yeah, let's break this atmosphere." Suga charged first and the rest of the boys followed.

"Hm. What can I say to him?"  Jaeyeon casually thought as she glanced at the calm Jungkook beside her.

"Haha. You know, I really like the flowers blooming right now." Jungkook said as his fingertips brushed the bright flowers beside them.

"Flowers? Flower field? Oh no it's like the dream. The flowers even look like it's from it too."

"Yeah, it's...nice." She cleared and blinked anxiously.

"Ah, no. That just makes things more uncomfortable." Jungkook thought as he glanced at her.

"Yo guys! Let's all walk to school together!" Rap Monster appeared behind them with his arms around their shoulders.

"Let's go!" Taehyung pointed to their direction they were walking to.

The rest of the boys cheered and the awkward tension broke between Jungkook and Jaeyeon. However, for Jaeyeon, not so much. She walked in their noisy clique anxiously. The boys tried to let her in on their silly conversations but she quickly turns it away politely. This made the boys think that she was uncomfortable so they stopped chatting for a while. The whole situation just turned awkward as nobody talked when they were near the school gates.  

"This walk to school took forever."


As it reached lunch time, the cafeteria was noisy as usual. Frankly because the Bangtan Boys lively sparks up the whole room with their shenanigans.

"Hey guys! We have an announcement!" J-Hope called out to the students in excitement while he stood up on Bangtan's table.

"We Bangtan Boys are having an underground performance tonight at the club and ya'll should come." Rap Monster winked at the hyped-up students and their fangirls screeched.

"Yo I can't wait for tonight!" Suga told his friends eagerly.

"Yeah I know! Can't wait to here that cypher you hyungs are dropping." Taehyung nudged Jimin and they laughed uncontrollably.

The boys joked around until they stopped to shockingly see Jaeyeon nonchalantly sitting down across from them in their table.

"Hey." She greeted them nicely as she unpacked her lunch in front of them.

"What? Jaeyeon sitting with us? Wow! Never thought this would ever happen!" Jimin poked fun into his sarcasm and she gave him a scoff.

She thought of the dream again but then she shook it off.

"Oh hey noona! You should come sit here now!" Jungkook bounced in his seat energetically.

"Hm. Is there something you want?" J-Hope suspiciously peered at her. The rest of the boys went along with J-Hope as they stared at Jaeyeon with foolish thinking faces, waiting for her answer.

"Uh, well-"

"Hey, I heard you needed a job." Jin spoke.

"It's nothing really."

"Oh! We can help you with that!" Taehyung slapped a paper in front of her on the table.

"What?" She viewed the flyer in front of her. It was an artistic advertisement displaying the Bangtan Boys' 'club' with creative graffiti and a lot of dark colors to make it look hip hop.

"I made the flyer!" Jungkook smiled.

"So, what do you say? Come meet us in front of the gate after school and we'll let you know the details." Jin grinned.

Rap Monster shot Jin a positive look and the rest of Bangtan happily agreed with the idea.

"Okay, I guess." Jaeyeon took the flyer and continued eating her lunch.

"Alright this is gonna go smoothly!" Taehyung whispered to Jimin and Jimin nodded fervently.

"Hey guys. Don't forget it's my turn in the cycle." Jin interrupted their bro hug.

"Yeah yeah hyung. Just do something important. Good luck trying to beat us at what we helped with." Jimin stuck his tongue out at Jin.

"Psh, what is this, a competition?" Suga sneered.

Jaeyeon was unaware of their conversations that she had no idea what they were talking about. She shrugged it off as she watched the 7 goof balls mess around in front of her.


After school rolled it's way around at about 3 pm but there was club work so Jaeyeon stayed a little longer. She groaned as she leaned on the front gates in exhaustion. She had just got back from telling her club advisors that she was going to quit most of the clubs she was in. She decided that it was too much for her and all it did was drain her energy. She is going to have to devote her time to working other than school activities to support her family, after all. 

Friendly students walked by her and greeted her as they left the school and Jaeyeon smiled at them.

"Omo. Jaeyeon smiled at us. I never thought this day would come." Their faint voices rang in her ears and she grinned.

"Hey, Jaeyeon I was wondering if we would hang out sometime!" The distant students yelled at her from afar.

Jaeyeon kept grinning and yelled a "Yes" to them in return.

"Wow. You look happy." She turned her head to Jin who was walking up next her from the entrance.

"Sure...where are the others?" She looked around Jin for the other Bangtan Boys.

"They went on ahead. So it's just you and me going there." Jin flashed his charming smile.

"Alright." Jaeyeon smirked to his overconfidence.

"Gaaah. She's too gorgeous." Jin thought as he walked beside the bright orange-haired girl.

The sun was setting before their eyes on the pink and orange horizon. It's faint glow reflected on Jaeyeon's hair which made it look more vibrant. Jin thought it was a pretty sight. He decided to break the comfortable silence as he cleared his throat.

"So, what's the job for?"

"My mother. Apparently. She's just needy for that money to pay for the rest of our bills." Jaeyeon sighed.

"That's why we're going to give you this job. It's pretty fun."

"What do I have to do exactly?"

"Heh. Secret. We'll tell you there." Jin pointed a finger to his lips and Jaeyeon scoffed.

"If it involves people, I don't know about that."

"Every job has to involve people." Jin added on.

Jaeyeon's eyes trailed on the cemented pavement beneath her in speculation.

"I don't I just...I had a dream. It was weird but it made me so sad. I was in complete darkness until this old film shows up and plays these old memories I had with my mom. Then suddenly there was a flower field and you and the Bangtan Boys were there-" Jaeyeon paused as Jin watched her intently.

"Hm. We were in your dream? Well, looks like you've been thinking of your mom."

"I have! It's sad to think about because she's so broken and I just want to help her. I can't believe I'm saying this."

"Well, be glad you're saying this because we'll help you help her with this fun job." Jin nudged her shoulder cheerfully.

"Is it really that fun that you keep saying it is?" Jaeyeon's eyes squinted unsurely. Jin replied with a content nod.

Jaeyeon wondered as her and Jin kept walking through some busy streets as the sun has just finished setting. She realized they were in the busy street districts of Seoul that her eyes wandered to the glowing city in front of her. Jin gazed at her from time to time just to make sure she was having a good time. Appealing city lights irked her interests that her small reactions amused Jin.

"The lights' brightness fills people up with life and they're only alive at dusk. I wonder if the lights in my darkness will shine more if I try to become more happier."  She reflected as she glanced at the many faces of the busy streets of the city.

Jin gently grabbed her wrist and led her into an alleyway, erasing her deep thought.

"What the- why is this alleyway so dark?" She talked in the darkness while she still felt Jin's grip on her wrist.

"Sorry about that." Jin talked casually until he stopped walking.

"Here we are." Jin let go of his grip.

The sound of speakers booming filled their ears. Jaeyeon could finally see the light through her eyes as she gazes at the bright sign that read "Bangtan" illuminating in front of her in the dimly lit darkness. She gasped in amazement to see many people enter the entrance and down the stairs to the actual club.

"Woah this must be a pretty successful club." Jaeyeon amusingly grinned.

"Oh hey guys! There you are!"

Jin and Jaeyeon directed their attention to the rest of Bangtan in front of the entrance, walking towards them happily.They were dressed in urban street clothing and their hair was styled wildly. The appearance they gave off to Jaeyeon made her think they looked like charming hip hop rebels. She let out a small laugh.

"What? Never seen us like this?" Taehyung chuckled as he hooked arms with her.

"Even though she techinically did-" Jungkook's small whisper was shushed by Taehyung's hand.

"Anyways, I hope you enjoy the show tonight." Rap Monster smiled and the rest of Bangtan posed in a swag matter in front of Jaeyeon. She laughed even more.

"Yes!! Laugh more! You're pretty like that." Jimin put her arm around her and leaned his head closer to hers with a happy smile.

"Jimin." She could feel heat rush into her cheeks from Jimin's closeness. Taehyung let go of his hold and gave Jimin a playful disgusted face.

"Erhm. Anyways, we have to get into the club soon. We'll talk about the job later alright! See you inside!" J-hope pulled Jimin away from Jaeyeon in a hurry and the rest of Bangtan followed. 

"Yo wait, someone has to stay with her for a while-" Jungkook was cut off as J-Hope pulled him away to the busy, music-blaring entrance.

"I'll stay with her." J-Hope told him and the rest.

"But wait Hoseok the show's starting soo-" Rap Monster's yell across from the loud scurrying people couldn't be heard from J-Hope's ears anymore. The boys had already been pushed inside of the club with the sea of people. J-Hope stood at the entrance and waved them off in relief. There was no huge crowd present in the entrance since all the people were inside the club already.

"Woo, alright. Hey, Jaeyeon-" When J-Hope turned back he didn't see her standing in the spot she stood in where they left her.

"Dammit." J-Hope looked around frantically for her, but she was nowhere to be seen around the club.





















Where did she go???! T_T Thank you for all the support ya'll. Surprised to see you still checking your subs, looking forward to an updated fanfic that hasn't updated in like a year. (I still feel guilty for that omg)

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Guys! I'm sorry if it's been too long! School is keeping me busy so please understand ^^"


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Elizabeth49 #1
Chapter 10: Oh no! Where she go?
DjTiffany #2
Chapter 5: Omg, although this isn't a comedy story, I found out so many funny scenes XD
I'm absolutely loving this fic actually <3
wansss #3
Chapter 9: yayyyyyyy....i feel soooooooooo happy when i see you update it..long time no see author nim..cant wait for another update..luv your story ;)
ChoSaku_ #4
suga_world #5
sakurazakihyorin #6
Chapter 8: I was like I wanna burst in laugh xD Total chaos, kekeke~
Chapter 8: Troll! Suga's ! Omg this fic is so nice. Pls update soon!
Chapter 8: OMG SUGA WAS HAHAHAAH I CANT. Update soon author-nim!~
Chapter 5: that gif tho... lol V oppa is major judging! HAHAHAHA
_Sonmi #10
Chapter 6: oooh i want read more about this story♡♡♡♡ i love it♡♡♡♡♡ heh saranghe♡♡♡ your loving Sonmi-panda