Chapter 2

What is This Feeling?
Ingrid POV
I doodled mindlessly on my notebook. It was already filled with random scrawls like 'I <3 BIGBANG' and 'G-Dragon:)' in pretty, colourful ink so, well, why not? I drew a cartoon figure of G-Dragon winking up at me and grinned dumbly to myself. Oh wait, shucks, I'm in History, Ingrid wake up stop your daydre--
"INGRID SKYLEN Would you like to answer me this question on the board?" Mr Krunks shot at me pointedly. Slowly, I stood up and gazed dazedly at the whiteboard. I couldn't make out the words clearly, so I tried to shake my head to clear it. Mr Krunks said something I didn't catch.
"G-Dragon!" I just blurted out. Mr Krunks stopped talking and glared at me. "I would appreciate it, Ms Skylen, if you would pay more attention in my History classes, so that you will at least be able to pass this year." He sneered at me. The entire history class stared at me and jeered, some people even casting glances of fake pity my way and others leaned over to their neighbours to whisper. I gritted my teeth and sat back down. So much for that. 
The blonde girl sitting in front of me spun around in her seat to glare at me. "Well well well if it isn't ittle wittle Ingwid getting in trouble with the Trunks?" Dirt-face looked down her pointy nose at me, cackling in a high-pitched voice at me. "Yeah!" Her two croonies on either side of her chorused. "Shut it, Evans." I snarled back at her.
"Huh. G-Dragon, was it? Yeah, I'll bet you were daydreaming about him in your happy little fantasy land, weren't you?" Beverly taunted, picking at her hot pink nails. "But, you are never gon'na get a chance with that boy, LOSER!"
"YEAH." Julie and Nancy parotted.
As if any of them would, anyway. A girl can dream right, stupid bimbos. I glared at the mass of thick, blonde hair in front of me, that nearly slapped my face as Beverly turned back to face Mr Krunks, an angelic smile plastered on her face. 
Just then, the bell rang. I immediately closed my notebook, shoved my things back into my backpack and briskly left the classroom bfore those three bimbos could spoil my day even more. I met up with Driz and Qase in the hallway, who had come from English. "Hey guys," I greeted them. Driz smiled, throwing an arm over my shoulders and draping another over Qase's (she didn't exactly reach though, Qase was literally towering over the two of us)
"SO," Driz started. "Okay, Bigbang is coming in a week, and we don't have anything to WEAR to the concert!" I rolled my eyes. "Of course you do! Maybe one of your, oh I don't know, GAZILLION pieces of clothing suffed into your miserable wardrobe?" I told her flatly. Qase laughed and we shared a high-five. "Oh come on! Don't be such a spoilsport! Just accompany me kay! And we have to get Qase something nice! All SHE has is plain tees and shorts!" It was Qase's turn to roll her eyes. "There's nothing wrong with THAT!" She argued back.
Ingrid POV
We arrived at the mall soon after, with Driz prancing about happily and Qase dragging her feet, annoyed. 
"Okay! Now, firstly, we have to find a shop that sells BIGBANG Merchandise and then, we buy the entire shop!"
I did a mental face palm. This was going to be a loooooooong shopping trip.
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