Chapter 1

What is This Feeling?
I awoke to the vibration of my phone alarm against my bedside table, sitting upright and turning it off. I yawned. Looked at the clock. Ah. Shucks. I leaped out of bed, grabbed my toothbrush and began washing up while raking my fingers through my unkempt, tangled mass of hair. I gave up on my uncooperative hair. WIth my toothbursh clamped tightly between my teeth, I rummaged frantically through my wardrobe, throwing on a bright green hoodie over my black "I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy" shirt, along with a pair of worn out jeans. I rinsed out my mouth, swung my bag over one shoulder and raced out of my room, grabbing a peanut butter sandwhich from my mother's outstretched hand and slipping on a pair of sneakers. Just as I reached the front door, I called out, "Bye Mum, see you later!" , turning just in time to see my mother nod and smile at me, before dashing out, closing the door behind me.
Panting heavily, I slid into my seat just as the school bell rang. "Ingrid! Psst!" I felt an insistent tapping in my lower back. I turned, grinning, to face my best friend. Driz was wearing a pink tank top with a matching poofy miniskirt that reached to her mid thigh, coupled with a silver butterfly necklace and a pair of knee high boots. Her glossy brown hair reached all the way down to her waist. "Did you hear?" Driz said excitedly, flipping her beautiful hair over her shoulder "BIGBANG is coming for a concert in 1 week! They're doing this tour, featuring their top 20 old favourites, as voted by the VIPs." I grinned wider. This wasn't the first time Driz had told her. She had been telling Ingrid the same thing for the past few months! Of course, knowing Driz, she had already bought tickets way in advance. Tickets for the mosh pit. I nearly couldn't believe it when she had first told me. It was like a dream... I was going to  see BIGBANG... Especially my bias, G-Dragon. "... OMG I'll get to see T.O.P up close..." Driz sighed dreamily, drifting off into her own sweet little dreamland. 
Right at that moment, Mrs Pencilli strutted into the classroom and the room of 17 year-olds fell silent. As I reached into my bag and pulled out my notebook and a pen, I smiled inwardly. Finally, after 5 long years, I would be able to go for my first BIGBANG concert. And on my birthday too, I thought, scribbling today's date, September 6, on the top right hand side of my notebook.
Author POV
Cmon.. cmon.. Almost... The bell rang. Ingrid heaved a sigh of relief. Finally. Lunch time. Before Ingrid could even pack away her things, much less grab her wallet, however, a perfectly manicured hand tightened around her wrist, yanking her up and out of her seat. "Aww come on, Driz, give me a break..." Ingrid trailed off, reluctantly letting herself be pulled off to lunch by a monster of her best friend, knowing that it was useless to struggle. Driz hardly even heard her. "Ahhh I am soooo excited I simply cannot wait ANOTHER ENTIRE WEEK, " she placed an empphasis on each syllable, "To see them!"
Ingrid POV
"Ok Driz, that's very nice and all, well neither can I but-- OOF!" Driz stopped suddenly, causing me to ram up against her. "Qase! HI OMG I was wondering where you were!" I looked up to see a 1.8metre tall girl with short black hair, grinning down at me. "Hey Qase!" I greeted her. Qase was wearing a red shirt with a yellow smiley face on it along with a pair of knee-length denim shorts. "Good to see you, I had Math before this." She rolled her eyes "I nearly DIED." Driz made a face. "We were just discussing about BIGBANG's upcoming concert! And you just HAD to ruin the mood, huh?" Qase brightened up. "OH YEAH! It's in two weeks! On Ingrid's birthday, lucky her!"
As the two of them continued with their animated conversation while walking down the corridor to the cafeteria, my heart fluttered. Yeah, it was going to be my birthday... I hope something special will happen...
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