It's Complicated.

Myungsoo x Krystal

Requested by: ftclouds

 “Promise me will be best of friends forever?”

“I promise! Pinky swear?”

“Pinky swear!”

Myungsoo reminisce the days when he and Soojung were little when they bid their goodbyes in the exact place he was standing right now, the airport. He remembers how he forces himself not to cry in front of Soojung for he doesn’t want to look like a weakling. When the announcer announces that the flight from New York had arrived, he went to the departure area to welcome the person that he was waiting for. When he saw that person he waved his hand happily. That person noticed him and smiled and waved back. He went to where Myungsoo was standing while he drags the girl in his side. Myungsoo look at the girl beside his brother and he wasn’t sure but the girl looks familiar to him.

Myungsoo, it’s nice to see you and I miss you so much.” His brother said while hugging him tight. Myungsoo hug his brother Minseok in return. The girl beside his brother keeps on staring at him. Minseok broke the hugged and put his arms around the girl’s shoulder. “Myungsoo, this is Soojung my girlfriend. Do you still remember her? She’s the girl in our neighborhood.” Minseok was all smiles introducing Myungsoo and Soojung. A proud smiled was evident in his brother’s face.

It’s really nice to see you again Myungsoo.” She said while offering her hand. Myungsoo grabbed her hand and smiled. “It’s nice to see you too Soojung. It’s a very long time.”

Ones his hand meets her hand, his heart starts to beat faster. It’s like electricity flowing from his body that makes him fired up. He was sure that it was just the ‘Soojung effect’ which he shrugged it off.

When the three of them arrives at the Kim house, Soojung can’t help but smile knowing that nothing changes in the neighborhood. Even their old house across Myungsoo’s house hasn’t change a bit. It was maintained by the new owners who bought the house before they left for US.

They were welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Mrs. Kim was really shocked how Soojung grew beautifully and was more shocked that Minseok is in a relationship with her. It was really unexpected because she knew that Myungsoo was deeply in-love with her when they were children she thought but now, Myungsoo is already in a relationship so maybe he already moves on.

As Mrs. Kim with the help of Soojung prepares for dinner while the rest are in the living room chatting a sudden buzz of the door bell halted their activities. It was Myungsoo’s visitor, none other than his girlfriend. As she walked in with a box of cake in her hand and politely bowed at the Kim’s, she was shocked to see Soojung standing at the entrance of dining room. Soojung has the same reaction as her.

Soojung...!” Suzy chirped and handed the box of cake to Myungsoo before she went up to Soojung. The girls squealed as they hugged each other. The Kim’s was surprised at the sudden action of Suzy and Soojung.

What a small world.” Minseok commented. Patted the back of his younger brother and went up to Suzy to introduce himself. Myungsoo was kind of agreed to what his older brother has said.

During that dinner, Myungsoo found out that Suzy and Soojung are cousins and Soojung met his brother at the university that they both attended in US. While they were talking, Myungsoo can’t help it but glance at Soojung. She was stunning and definitely beautiful. He really wanted to touch her face and trace it with his fingers how she changed from the time they were little to present. He realized that the ‘Soojung effect’ is still there in his system. He smiled at his self pretending that he was smiling because of what his father said but it’s because of his silly thoughts. When Suzy spoke at that moment his train of thoughts was stop. He shouldn’t be thinking about someone’s girlfriend but he should think about his girlfriend. He felt guilty towards Suzy. In all honesty, he still cannot bid good bye to the ‘little Soojung’ in his life. She was already part of him. Now, that she’s back and not anymore ‘little’ he can still sees his ‘little Soojung’ in the present Soojung. He even wonders, ‘does she ever think of about me?

It makes me uncomfortable that Myungsoo keeps on looking at me. I do glance at him but unlike his—his staring at me, once in awhile if there is a chance. Though it’s like that I can’t help but smile at his ‘awkward’ gesture. Thankfully, every time our eyes met there is always something to laugh and smile at. It was coincidence I think. I’m not sure if it’s a good timing but I’m still thankful that the conversation in the dining table is something we can escape and pretend about. I wonder if our thoughts are the same. Deep down, I know the Myungsoo that I bid goodbye when we’re little is still the Myungsoo that I’m taking little glances at. I’m dating his brother and I honestly feel its love. I thought I have move on but now, I’m not sure. I guess my heart is right and mind, he still owns the half of my heart. He is dating my cousin, so it means he moved on already. I should do it too. I have to move on again. It’s a good choice, no a better choice. Time will tell if we really are meant to be. I hope so. Time will tell.   

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Finally, I updated. Sorry for the long wait.


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Chapter 3: Thank you for your update author...i love this chapter...myungstal soo cute ^^...if i'm not one scene in heirs bo na calls hyungshik characters kim i right? Can't wait for next chapter...
Chapter 1: Khamsahmnida author, finally mungstal story. Thank you :))) i love your writing, hope to see more fanfics from you soon hehehe fighting !
ftclouds #3
Genre : Romance & Fluffy
I'm sorry if my grammar confusing you bcoz I'm not fluent in english ><"

Plot :
Soojung and Myungsoo are childhood friend. They were separated because the little Soojung had to go to America. Now, Soojung is back to Korea with her boyfriend. Accidentally, Myungsoo meets Soojung in the airport. Actually the little Myungsoo loved the little Soojung but now he's dating Suzy. Like a destiny, they become more often meet each other and a feeling called "Love" is growing between them again. They trapped in a complicated condition because of Soojung's boyfriend is Myungsoo's brother and Suzy is Soojung's cousin.
Genre: romance/ cute
Plot: they are class mates. krystal likes myungsoo so much she shows her affection so much, myungsoo knows it but he doesnt feel the same. So he pushed her away yet she still trying. Once a boy came and he started following krystal around. Krystal ignore the boy and keep hanging on myungsoo. Then she finds out myungsoo started liking other girl. Because she finds herself disturbibg myungsoo she started to back off, and start openibg herself for another boy. Myungsoo then notice how he actually needs krystal.

A kinda michevious kiss-like kkk