Kris POV

The Dark Curse

"This man is looking weirdly. I know he know something." said Kris to himself.

Kris eyes follow the teacher movement. An instict from his deep heart telling that Mr. Dewson is someone evil.

"I should make my members far from his." said Kris

"I'm a wolf and i know when the danger is coming. It's feel like the beat on my ears." again he said to himself.

Kris watching his friends to introducing themselves to Mr Dewson. 

Mr. Dewson smile but seem to show his smiled to Kris.

He clenched his fist under the table. He know that Mr. Dewson know who he are. With his gaze for Kris. It's really a weird gaze.

"So , the last. Can you introduce yourself ?" ask Mr Dewson to Kris.

Kris glance at him. His animal instinct is on the peak. He hate Mr Dewson.

"Kris imnida." said him short.

Mr Dewson give him a mocking smile that only him understand that.

"So , now let's continue our lesson and also you Kris, please focus because i can see how far you are in your dreamland. Maybe too far untill reaches the Dark Forest." said Mr Dewson.

Kris body trembling. Not because he is scared, but he is now really angry and try not to harm that teacher.

He give Mr Dewson a sharp glance.

"I know he know because he also know about the Dark Forest !!!!" his heart said .


p/s : please comment and subscribe because this can make me feel have a spirit to update.


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Chapter 1: UPDATE more!