
12 words.


"Hyung, dongseng! Jebal. Jebal, i really need your help." Donghae begged them, while giving giving them 90 degree bow. "Jebal."

"Arraso, arraso. See that you and Yoong always help me when I'm courting Sica. I'll help, but now let me get back to my beauty sleep, leave everything to tomorrow. Night dongsengs and Teukie" Heechul yawned walking back to his room, waving to to them, as indecating, 'bye i'm going to sleep.'

"Yeah, I'm in. I'll do anything for my dongseng:) right Eunhyuk? Bye guys, we going for our Kiss The Radio. Night!" Leeteuk exclaimed.

"yeah, yeah, whatever, even if i'm not going to help, you and Hee-nim will comfirm drag me." Eunhyuk whined staring at Leeteuk, everyone started laughing, "Bye guys, Hae, we shall discuss tomorrow." and wink at Donghae.

"Hyung, i'm just kidding, right hyungs? But  now let's me and wookie go back to our game and the rest of the hyung to sleep. We'll definetly help you." Kyuhyun pat Donghae back.

"But guys, you know...".

Nobody bother to listen to Donghae, one by one going back to their room and sleep, expect the gamer, and internal maknae.

Donghae sigh, knowing that it is impossible to negiotiate with his mates, decided to go back to his room to think of a plan, furthermore, he feeling sleepy as well.

In Donghae's room:

Donghae is laying on his bed, trying to crave some ideas out. Somehow, he can't think of a perfect plan. He look at his clock, it's 2AM, 'Woah, that's late. I better get some sleep. Tomorrow, I will get the members to help me think of a plan, I should get some sleep. I don't want to get panda eyes, We are meeting Yoong and other girls, for some collobration later in the afternoon. Miust not let Yoong worried.' Donghae thought.

But, no matter how hard he try, he could not fall asleep. "Hae, arg, stop tossing here and there, I'm trying to get some sleep.If it is about the thing that you going to say tomorrow, we will help you, so SLEEP!" Shindong grumped.

"Mian, Shindong-ah. Gomawo." Donghae smiled, but could not stop laughing, as the reply from Shindong is his snores.

The next morning, 8AM:


There goes the gong, it is a very useful tool, to wake everyone up, especially you have 10(used to have 13) people living in one house, it is hard to wake them one by one. As you turn your back to wake another, the one that you just wake will go back to sleep.




And again.

'Yah Teukie.'

One. Heechul.


Two. Three. Ryewook and Kyuhyun.

"Last one to wake up will be the slave of Hae's plan!" shouted Leeteuk.

"*yawns.Morning hyung, Thanks!"

Four. Donghae.

"Up. I'm up. Come on Eunhyuk."

Five, Sungmin, six, Eunhyuk."

"Morning~" Yesung sings.

Seven. Yesung.

Eight. Shindong, rubbing his stomach while coming out of his room, "Yah, Hae, why you never wake me up?"

"Ah, mian, Shindong, I forgot. Eh, looks like Mr. Perfect is the last one."

Turning of keys from the front door.

"Morning guys. I got you guys breakfast after the jogging in the nearby park. We can eat and discuss at the time about Hae's future." Siwon, the Mr. Perfect comes in and place the breakfast that he bought on the dining table.

"Yah, looks like Shingdong is the slave for Donghae for his 5th anniversay plan." Leeteuk laughed.

"Orh man!" Shindong groans while the same time his stomach grumbles. "Hehe, can we start eating?" Shindong rubs his head, embrassed.

So, the dicuss plus eating begins.In the mid of discussion. Jessica messaged. "Okay. Done. Unnie and maknae all agrees. I have no idea why they agree so fast. Once me and fany mention it to them they all shouted yes. Looks like all of us on your side. Hae, you owe and Fany one. Hope to recieved the good news soon!^^"

"Yes! SNSD agreed to help. Come last carry on." Donghae shoted happily while reply Jessica.

On the other hand, when Jessica and Tiffany reaches on home, Jessica drags Sooyoung and Yoona out to have supper, while Tiffany explains to situation. Although, Yoona suspect something, she decide to let it go. Sooyoung too, decide to spend more time with Yoona and of coz to EAT.

Jessica side

While on the way to the cafe, Jessica pull Sooyoung to the back, without noticing. She seems to in the moody mood. "Yah, what your problem?" Sooyoung whisper. "shh!"

The prevent Yoona from overhearing, Jessica and Sooyoung communicates through the handphones.

"Yah, Donghae oppa says that..." Jessica sends msg over.

After reading it, Sooyoung looks at Yoona then Jessica then back to the message and back to Yoona again and nodded, without saying anything. Knowing that her sister really loves Donghae, however, she does not want to spoil the plan of both Yoona and Donghae, thus she kept quiet about Yoona's plan, knowing this ice princess will tell her Hee-nim, and knowing Hee-nim's character, he comfirm tells all super junior members.

"Yoona-ah, wait for us!" Jessica and Sooyoung shouted, chasing after Yoona who is far far infront.

Over at SNSD's dorm, Tiffany's side:

"Is there anything wrong with my face? Why are you all staring me like that?" Tiffany asked, while touching her face.

"There nothing on your face. What are you and Jessica up to?" Yuri asked

"Oh about that, it is like this..."


"But...but then fany unnie, Yoona unnie plans to" before Seohyun says anything,Hyoyeon cover .

"Hyoyeonie, why are you covering , let her say finish. Seohyun what about Yoona?"Tiffany stares at Hyoyeon.

After a long silence, actually it is only one minute, but the tension, makes the time seems so slow."Fany-ah, before we tells you anything, can you promise us that you will not tell anyone about this? Especially Super Junior oppas? And also keeps it from Sica."

Tiffany blinks, "Eh? Ah, I promised. What's going on."

Taeyeon nodded at Hyoyeon, Hyoyeon releses her hand from Seohyun's mouth, and Seohyun begins to explains.

After hearing the explanation, Tiffany was shocked, she started crying.


Hey, readers, i guess you knows what going on right? Read on, last chapter.:D comment please.

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Chapter 4: It's so sad :'(
Chapter 3: I'm so curious, what will happen?
Chapter 2: What happened?
Chapter 1: I miss them
Chapter 4: oh gee it is so sad
please write more
ah! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Yoona died?! What will happen to donghae?
snsdyoonaislove #7
To all: Thks for all your supports! <br />
@vvmykki223: hmm..i have a story in mind but due to sch and stuff it is hard for me to spend time in aff.
awwww its a sweet story ...but such a sad ending ...<br />
are you going to make another fanfic ?
Why sad endiiinggg??? :''''( don't separate my yoonhae :((((<br />
Nice story anyway :D
shemfishy #10
omo!! why did yoona died?? :(((