New York

Double Trouble

"Unnie!! What happened to your face? Did Tiffany unnie hit you? Why did you guys like to hit each other?" Nana running approaching Taeyeon and Tiffany. 

"No, your unnie didn't hit each other. In fact, Taeyeon unnie fall from her beloved horse thank you for her short legs. Hahahahahaha!!" Mr. Kim answered.

Taeyeon turn around and see her horse. "SPIRIT!!! Oh my God!! It's been a while yeah? I miss you!" Taeyeon hugs her horse.

"Spirit already have a baby. Wait here, I'll get it." Mr. Kim jog to the stable.

"Mommy why didn't you tell me?" Taeyeon still smiling looking at her horse. Mrs. Kim just smiling, she know how Taeyeon love her horse so much.

"Here she come. Taeng! We haven't give her name yet. So, give her name now." Mr. Kim bring the new family member, the white little horse.

"Taeyeon junior!!! Because she small like Tae unnie. Hahahahaha!!!" Nana yell make everyone laughing. "Yah! Unnie not small, unnie is cute. Remember that!" Taeyeoen playfully lift Nana up. Nana laughing happily.

That day they happily enjoying their precious moment. Mrs. Kim and ahjuma watching them with a widest smile they can give. Nana look so happy riding Taeyeon junior with Mr. Kim keep an eyes on her, while Taeyeon and Tiffany have their own moment with Spirit. Tiffany feel scared for the first time she's riding Spirit but Taeyeon help her and then they riding it together. 

"They look so happy together, isn't it?" 

"Yeah, I'm glad Taeyeon finally found someone in her life. I know it's not easy for her to fall in love and it surprised me when she told me she's fall in love with Tiffany in a short of time. I'm waiting for them to get married, and maybe waiting for my own grandchildre. I know it's sound impossible, but at least I can hope right?" Mrs. Kim smiles.

"It's not impossible now. I'm glad I know both of them too. They are so kind. I want to treat them as my children too." Ahjuma said.

"Please look after them, I know they've grown up already but as you can see Taeyeon really like teasing Tiffany so much. I'm afraid Tiffany can't stand it. Here she come." Mrs. Kim smiling looking at Tiffany's.

She sit beside Mrs. Kim and pout. "What did she do now?" Mrs. Kim asking, fixing Tiffany's hair.

Tiffany just point at Taeyeon direction. "How can she ask me to join them?" Mrs. Kim look at her daughter who now rolling on the ground with her daddy and Nana. Mrs. Kim palm her face. "She said, they are snow ball. It's dirty." Tiffany still pouting. She can't believe her girlfriend act like that. Ahjuma just laughing. Mrs. Kim get up and approach them. She pinch both of them because teaching Nana something stupid.

"But mommy, we can take a bath after this. It's not everyday we can rolled on the ground like this." Taeyeon pull Tiffany up then sit before pulling her again to sit on her lap. "It's dirty Taetae."

"I know, but it's fun. You should join us. Ah how I wish there's a snow right now. We can build a snowman and have a snow fight! Mousie, can you get that drink for me?"   

"Why unnie call Tiffany unnie mousie? She didn't look like a mouse. You should not call her that." 

"She's not? Let me see. She is look like a mouse, minnie mouse." Taeyeon giggles.

"No, no, no. Don't call her that." Nana shook her head.

Tiffany just smiling, waiting for Nana to continue. Taeyeon hug her from the back and pout.

"I want you to call her... Eeerrrrmmm..." Nana thinking. 

"Can I call her darling?" Taeyeon tease Nana.


"Why? Unnie want to call her darling. Pleaseeeeee.." 

"No, no, no. No darling. But grandma can call granddad darling." Nana grins. Mr. Kim laughing so hard. "Now I need to call you darling, sweetie." Mrs. Kim just rolled her eyes. 

"So, if I can her darling can I call her wifey?" Taeyeon waiting for Nana say yes.

"Sure, if you marry Tiffany unnie. But you're not married yet so no!" 

"Really, let's get married now Fany ah. So I can call you wifey." Taeyeon pretend to get up. Tiffany silently pinch Taeyeon's arm. Nana run to them and hold both of them to sit back. "You can't get married now. Nana need to wear beautiful dress so Nana will look beautiful. Unnie sit down. Let Nana think first." 

"Nana, if we wait for you to finish thinking i think we're old already." Now it's Tiffany turn to tease Nana. Nana still thinking what should Taeyeon call Tiffany.

"Arrgghhh!! Nana can't think anything right now because Nana so hungry. Let's go eat now so Nana can think properly." She just gave them excuses because she really don't know what to say.

"You're unbelieveable Nana. Nevermind, let's go!" Taeyeon carry Nana and running around, while Tiffany took out Taeyeon phone from her bag. It became Taeyeon habit to put her stuff in tiffany's bag. Tiffany about to call Taeyeon but she found out it's Yoona who call Taeyeon so she just answer it. 


"Yahhhh!!! Taengoo where's your wife? I've been calling her since an hour ago! I need to talk to her now!!" Yoona suddenly yell make Tiffany startled a bit.

"Yah! No need to shout! It's me, Taeyeon just running around with Nana. What's wrong?" 

"Why on earth you didn't answer your phone? You know I really need to talk to you?" Yoona said.

"What? I didn't get any call from anyone today. My phone is with me all the time. Ah, Iforgot, my phone broke yesterday. Are you sure you're calling me? Not your fiance?" Tiffany .

"No way! Wait let me checked it first."  There's no sound from the other side and Tiffany wave to Taeyeon and ask her to come.

"Hahahahahahaha!!! No wonder you didn't get my call. I was calling Yuri! But wait!' Why she didn't answer my call? Ah, nevermind. Tifffffffff!!!! Congratulation!!!!!!!" Yoona scream. Tiffany had to put the phone far away from her. Taeyeon come closer and ask her who's on the line. Tiffany give the phone after telling Taeyeon it was Yoona. 

"Yah!! Are you crazy or what? Why are you screaming like an idiot? Luckily it was you, I can't imagine answering this call if it was Jessica." Taeyeon rub her ear. 

"Eh? Where's Tiff? I want to talk to her. Taengoo!! Lee Soo Man choose her! I'm so happy now. We need to celebrate today!!" Yoona still excited about the news she just received. Taeyeon turn around and look at Tiffany who now playing with Nana.

"Errr, Yoong, I don't think Tiffany will agree to that. I'm not sure how to tell you and I don't think Tiffany have courage to tell you by herself. Let me talk to her first okay? I need to make sure something then I'll call you back." 

"Is everything okay Taeng? You know if she didn't want to I understand. She told me she really uncomfortable doing this. But can you ask her again? Maybe she's changing her mind?" Yoona know that Tiffany not enjoying doing the runway. Tiffany told her already, but to be choosen by the most influential person in the industry is no joke. "I'll try my best Yoong, but we just talk about it last night. She's not interested in that. But, let me ask her again okay? Is it okay if she refuse to accept the offer?" 

Yoona didn't know how to answer that. "I'm not sure about that. I'm going to ask Seohyun later. But I think it's okay since she's not having contract with any agencies." Taeyeon feel relieve after hearing that. "Okay, I'll call you back." 

Taeyeon goes to Tiffany and smile watching her girlfriend and Nana. "Hey, can I join you guys?" Taeyeon sit behind Tiffany and hug her. "Sure, Tiffany unnie teach Nana how to make this beautiful flower." Taeyeon just smile and keep watching them. "Is everything okay Taetae? Why'd Yoona call?" Tiffany tilt her head looking at Taeyeon. Taeyeon just smile and shook her head, tighten her hugs. Tiffany lean her body closer to Taeyeon. Taeyeon kiss her shoulder and then rest her chin on Tiffany's shoulder. She didn't know how to start asking Tiffany. Hearing nothing from Taeyeon make Tiffany curious. 

She turn around to look at Taeyeon. "Are you okay?" 

"Yes, I am." Taeyeon smiles. Then Nana get Tiffany attention when she asking about her flower. Tiffany put some more flower to Nana's head and laughing along with Nana. 

"Baby." Taeyeon calls. Tiffany stop what she's doing and turn around again, facing Taeyeon.

"Did you just call me baby?" Tiffany teasing. Taeyeon shyly nodded her head. 

"Okay, Taetae. If you have something to say just tell me." 

"Yoona just told me Lee Soo Man just choose you. I know that you don't want to do it. So, I just want to make sure if you really don't wanna do it, so I can confirm to Yoona." 

"He choose me? But I'm not a model." Yoona now leaning on Taeyeon's body.

"I know. Maybe because you look like a model? My beautiful supermodel girlfriend." 

Tiffany playfully slap Taeyeon arms. "The offer is great Tae. It's a million dollar and 1 year contract if I'm not mistaken."

"Now it make you my millionaire beautiful supermodel girlfriend." Taeyeon grins.

"Taetae~~~" Tiffany whinning.

"Okay okay. So, you still don't wanna do it? It's million dollar baby." Taeyeon hair strands from Tiffany's eyes. Then pinching her pink cheek.

"Money is not everything for me Taetae. I don't need a million dollar to be happy. I just need you. And, no. I don't wanna do it. Tell Yoona I'm not interested." Tiffany snuggle to Taeyeon.

" sweet. Let just tell her later." Taeyeon caressed Tiffany cheek using her thumb. Slowly she's leaning closer and capture Tiffany lips, didn't minding about Nana or anyone else. 

"Tae, Nana's here." Tiffany sofly push Taeyeon. "Let her. She's not looking at us." Taeyeon looking at Nana who's now playing with her phone. "But--" before Tiffany can say anything Taeyeon already capturing her lips making Tiffany surrender. Taeyeon winched a bit when Tiffany bit her lips, but it can't stop her now. 

"I don't think she need me now Mr. Kim." Taeyeon and Tiffany suddenly stop kissing and turn their head to their surprise everyone sitting infront of them and staring at them except Nana since ahjuma closed her eyes. Tiffany feel embarrased and hide her face on Taeyeon's neck. Taeyeon chuckles. "Hey Doc. How long have you guys been staring at us?" She ask while rubbing Tiffany's back. "Not long enough, but I can see you don't need me. Your daddy call me and ask me to come and check on you. Come here you midget. Why you always having trouble kid?" The doctor shook her head.

"Fany ah, I need to check my injury now. Can you please?" Taeyeon try to get away from Tiffany embraced. Tiffany shake her head and tighten her hugs. She's too shy to look at the others. Taeyeon just laughing and she just ask her doctor to check on her while hugging her girlfriend. Her family chuckles watching them. They didn't know that Nana recorded everything on Taeyeon's phone starting from their kissing until now. After that, the doctor put some medicine on Taeyeon and excuse himself. 

"They're gone now baby. Come, let's go. I'm starving." Tiffany peek from Taeyeon shoulder to make sure everyone gone. "No kissing in public anymore!" Tiffany pinch Taeyeon arm. "Ouchhh!! But why? It's so much fun." 

"Nope. Not anymore." Tiffany get up start walking.

"But, Fany ah. Baby, wait for me!" Taeyeon running to catch her girlfriend and hug her from the back. 

"Are you sure you're not letting me kissing you in public anymore?" Taeyeon teasing. Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Okay then. No kissing in public anymore." Taeyeon shrugged and holding Tiffany's hand. 

"Here come the two people that madly in love with each other. I thought you never come. Nana almost finish the foods." Mr. Kim point her finger to Nana. 

"Wow!! I didn't know you can eat this much cutie pie. Come here you. How come you didn't wait for me huh?" Taeyeon playfully bite Nana cheek. She put Nana on her lap and looking for foods. Tiffany sit across Taeyeon since there no seat next to her. "Here, I save some for you." Ahjuma give the foods to Tiffany. "Thank you ahjuma. Did you eat already?" Ahjuma nod her head. 

"Daddy, I need to go back to New York soon. Danny just call me and told me we got an interesting project there. I need to check it out." Taeyeon hugs Nana tightly.

"Really? But how about your project here? Are you going alone?" Mr. Kim looking at Tiffany.

"Ah, i want Tiffany to come with me too. I'm going to discuss with Hyo. Maybe I'm going to finish my project here first then go to New York or I need someone to replace me for awhile." 

Nana turn around and feed Taeyeon, and she gladly took it. Then she kiss Nana again. Tiffany glaring at Taeyeon but Tae didn't realize it since she's busy with Nana. Taeyeon pay more attention to Nana now since both of them are busy eating and Taeyeon can't stop teasing Nana. Nana can't stop laughing when Taeyeon tickles her, then they go playing with Spirit again. It's almost noon when all them get ready to go back.

"You drive baby, Nana's sleeping now." Taeyeon grins and turn around to show Nana sleeping in her embrace. "Let me carry her." Tiffany said.

"But I'm tired. Pleaseeeeeee~~~"

"Fine! Give me the key."Tiffany rolls her eyes. 

"I love you! It's in your bag." Taeyeon slowly open the door and sit. 

"Let's go ahjuma." Tiffany smiles and hold ahjuma hand.

Tiffany drive slowly, afraid Nana to awake. She giggles when she saw Taeyeon also sleeping while hugging Nana. They're too tired after playing non stop earlier. 

"Taetae, wake up. We're here. Come." Tiffany wake her up when they arrived. Taeyeon wake up and go out slowly. Nana's stir and Taeyeon pat her to make her sleep again. 

"Ahjuma can we bring Nana to sleep with us tonight?" Taeyeon ask when they arrive at ahjuma place. Tiffany and ahjuma turn around to look at Taeyeon, make sure they heard the right things.

"Are you sure? I don't want to bother both of you." 

"No, it's okay ahjuma. I didn't ask you if it's bothering me." Taeyeon smiles, hoping ahjuma will let Nana to sleep with them.

"If it's okay to both of you." Ahjuma smiles. 

"Thank you ahjuma! Come on baby." Taeyeon grab Tiffany's hand and they excuse themself. Ahjuma just shook her head and closed the door. 

Taeyeon put Nana slowly on the bed, didn't want to wake her up. She change Nana clothes so she can sleep comfortably. She put some pillow beside her so she didn't fall. Tiffany put their stuff in the kitchen and make some milk for Taeyeon. After some times, she's going to the bedroom and looking for Taeyeon. She smiles looking at Taeyeon, staring at sleeping Nana. 

"Taetae, here." She give Taeyeon her milk and sit behind Taeyeon. 

"She's so cute right?" Taeyeon finished her milk in one go. "I want to sleep with her tonight, I want to hug her till morning. Aisshhhhh!! Soooo cuteeeeee!! Baby, I'm going to take a bath first. Can you look after her?" Taeyeon speak softly. Tiffany just nod her head and make some space so Taeyeon can get off from the bed. She lay beside Nana and watching her sleeping.

'Now, you're taking my place tonight.' Tiffany sigh. She kiss Nana cheek and lay beside her. After a while, Taeyeon come and ask Tiffany to take a bath so they can go to sleep. 

Tiffany took some time to take a bath. Relaxing her body in the bath tub after a tiring day earlier. Then she go to the kitchen to make her own milk since Taeyeon finished her drinks earlier. She go to the bedroom and chuckles looking at her girlfriend sleeping hugging Nana. They look like little sister. Slowly she took a pillow and blanket. She settle down on the couch. Turn on the tv, and lay down. Not long after that she drifted to the dreamland.

Tiffany awake when she feel something on her forehead. With the sleepy condition, she open her eyes and saw Taeyeon kissing her forehead. 

"Hey." She smiles.

 Why you sleeping here?" Taeyeoen caressed her cheek. 

"Nothing. There's no space for me in there. So, I thought maybe it's much better if I sleep here. And you just told me you want to sleep with Nana and hugging her till morning right?" She said with eyes still closed. When she heard no response from Taeyeon, she open her eyes again. She saw the widest grin on Taeyeon face. "What?" She asked.

"Are you jelous with Nana?" Taeyeon teased.

"What? No!" She denied it even she feel a little bit jelous of Nana. 

"Aissshhhh!!!! My girlfriend so cuteeeeee!!!" Taeyeon pinch Tiffany's cheek and chuckled. "Taetae!! It's hurt. Let go." 

"No, no. I wont let it go until you come with me. Come on. It's not good to sleep here." 

"Nevermind. You can go sleep with Nana tonight." Tiffany turn around. Taeyeon smirk and immediately she lift Tiffany up. Tiffany shriek when she felt Taeyeon lift her.

"Yaaahhhhh!!! Taetae!! Put me down!" Taeyeon carry Tiffany to their bedroom. "No. You sleep with me no matter what. Sshhhh.. Quiet Fany ah, we don't want to wake her up right?" Slowly Taeyeon put her on the bed. 

"See, there still a space for both of us." Taeyeon smile and lay behind Tiffany. She back hugs her and snuggled closer to Tiffany. 

Tiffany sigh. She know she never win with Taeyeon. She turn around so she can hugs Taeyeon too. She snuggled between Taeyeon neck. Taeyeon smile and kiss her forehead. 

"No need to get jelous Fany ah. You know you're the only one in my heart right? Don't you think it's nice if one day we got our own family like this? Sleeping together like this, waking up in the morning looking at the angels beside me, which is you and our kids, preparing for breakfast before get ready to work or school. I think I'm the most happiest person on earth that time." Taeyeon tighten her hugs. She feel something wet on her shirt. She loosen her hugs and saw Tiffany's crying. 

"Hey, sshhh..what's wrong baby? Did I hurt you?" She cupped Tiffany's face so she can look at her. Tiffany shook her head and hide her face on Taeyeon chest. Taeyeon didn't know what's wrong with Tiffany, she let her cry for a while. She caressed her hair and kissing her head to soothe her down. 

"Tae~~~ thank you." Finally she speak.

"Hhmmhh? For what baby?"

"For everything. I know my life is not that bad, but having you in my life make my life more complete. You are my everything to me. I don't know how I can live without you."

"I'm not going anywhere baby. As long as I breath, you're not gonna see me leaving you. I know we don't know about the future, but I try my best to love you, to take care of you, make you happy and never let you down."

She look at Taeyeon and see Taeyeon smiling at her. "I love you so much!" Then she kiss Taeyeon. "I love you too." Taeyeon said between their kisses. 


Taeyeon awake when she heard Nana's crying in the middle of the night. Slowly she carry Nana outside, try to coax her to sleep again. She sing a lullaby, walking around at her living room make sure Tiffany didn't hear Nana's crying. 

"Taetae?" She turn around and seeing her girlfriend with a sleepy face looking at her.

"What's wrong with her?" Tiffany take Nana from Taeyeon. "I don't know. She awake then crying. I try to stop her." 

"Maybe she's hungry. Did ahjuma give her milk or anything?" Now Tiffany trying to put Nana back to sleep. 

"I'm not sure. Let me check her bag." Taeyeon look at Nana's bag and luckily there's her drinks in her bag. "Yes!" Taeyeon bring it to Tiffany. 

"Here, here Nana. Stop crying okay?" Tiffany give it to Nana and immediately Nana take it and stop crying. Tiffany now sing a lullaby and Taeyeon sit on the couch watching them. Silently she move and take her camera out. She capture the moment and smile. 

Tiffany turn around when she heard the sound of the camera. "Is that a new camera ?!" She whisper, afraid Nana will awake again. 

Taeyeon just grinned. She know Tiffany can't do anything since she's carrying Nana now. Taeyeon get up and approaching Tiffany. 

"Hey, let's take picture together." She whisper to Tiffany ears. Tiffany turn around to look at Taeyeon. Taeyeon shows her puppy face to make Tiffany agree. Tiffany just rolled her eyes, and it make Taeyeon smile. She know Tiffany agree to do so. While Tiffany keep Nana sleeping, Taeyeon prepare her stuff. She do it quietly so Nana didn't wake up. When everything is ready, she ask Tiffany to sit on the couch, adjusting her position and make sure Tiffany comfortable. 

"Taetae, how do I look? It's okay just like this?" She ask Taeyeon since she just woke up and in her pajama. 

"Absolutely perfect. Don't worry baby, it just for us." Taeyeon smiles and kiss her forehead before taking her position to capture the moment. 

"Just act natural, pretend that I'm not here. Look at her and do whatever you want okay?" 

They did some nice photoshoot, Tiffany really know how to act in front of camera and Taeyeon really know how to do her job. 

"Let's take picture together. Wait me here, I'll get my remote first." Taeyeon running to her room and get the remote. She put the camera on the tripod and sit beside Tiffany. At the first they just took some normal photo, looking at the camera and smile and all. But it's not Taeyeon type of work. She try to distract Tiffany not to pay attention to the camera. She make Tiffany lean on her and caressed her arm while she kiss her shoulder and looking at Nana. Taeyeon succesfully distract Tiffany, she then lean her head on Tiffany then kiss her. She put her hand on Tiffany cheek and staring directly to her eyes. They keep staring, then Taeyeon whispering "I love you so much" then slowly closing the gap of their lips. If its not because of Nana's moving in Tiffany embrace they didn't stop. Tiffany chuckles. "Let's move her inside." Taeyeon just nod her head and get her camera. 

When she try to get her camera, she saw the full moon from their glass door. She step outside, leaving her camera and enjoying the greatest view ever. She didn't realize that Tiffany already at her back until Tiffany hugs her. 

"Beautiful, right?" Taeyeon asked.

"Hhmmhh." Tiffany answer. "Let's get inside. It's cold out here." But before Tiffany move, Taeyeon tighten their hugs. "Let's enjoy this view for a while." They hugging silently. Enjoying their moment. But not long after that Taeyeon can feel Tiffany shivering. "Owh, my girlfriend's shivering. Let's go inside. But wait!" She turn her face to Tiffany and slowly peck Tiffany forehead and smile. "Now, let's go inside." Tiffany just shook her head. 

Tiffany laying on their bed and waiting for Taeyeon, since Taeyeon need to put back all of her stuff after their photoshoot. She smile when she feel their bed move and Taeyeon lay beside her. She turn around to snuggles to her girlfriend. Taeyeon understand Tiffany so well and she put her arm under Tiffany head so she can hug her tightly.

"Baby, you're not gonna believe it." Taeyeon whispering.

"What? And are you going to call me from now on? I kinda like it." She smiles.

"Look at this." Taeyeon shows her camera to Tiffany. Tiffany open her eyes and adjusting it because of the brigthness of the camera. She's speechless. That picture is so beautiful. The photo of Taeyeon kissing her forehead just now with the full moon look like above them. 

"Wow!" She take the camera from Taeyeon and staring at it.

"I'm going to process it tomorrow, and yes. I'm going to call you baby from now on, or maybe if I can find another good one for you, I'll change it again. Hehehe." 

"Whatever. Let's sleep. I'm sleepy. Goodnight Taetae. I love you." Tiffany peck Taeyeon neck and snuggles closer.

"Goodnight Tiffany Hwang Miyoung, and I love you too." She kiss Tiffany forehead then both of them drifted to the dreamland.


The next day Taeyeon woke up early and make some breakfast for the two of them, since she didn't eat breakfast. She didn't want to wake Tiffany up since she look so peacefully sleeping and Nana still hasn't wake up too. While waiting for them to wake up, Taeyeon make her coffee and turn on the TV and her laptop. She want to process the photo from last night and send it to Amber to process it. She look at all of the photos and pick her favorite.

Tiffany wake up when she didn't feel Taeyeon presence. She look around and saw Nana still sleeping. She smiles and kiss Nana cheek before get up looking for Taeyeon. She went outside and saw Taeyeon concentrating on her laptop with earphone on her ears. She goes to the bathroom first to wash her face and brush her teeth. Slowly she's approaching Taeyeon from the back and hugs her. Taeyeon startle because she didn't realize Tiffany already awake. 

"Morning." Tiffany smile and sit beside Taeyeon.

"Hey, morning. Did you just wake up?" Taeyeon give her coffee to Tiffany. Tiffany just nod her head. 

"Go eat your breakfast. I cook something for you." Taeyeon look at her photos again. 

"Taetae, I want that one." 

"This? I'm thinking exactly as you are. Good choice. Go eat your breakfast, it's getting cold already."

Tiffany sigh. "How I wish I can have breakfast with you."

"Yes you can baby. Go get your food here. I'll accompany you eat." 

Tiffany grins. She run to their kitchen and bring out her breakfast. "How about Nana?" 

"There's a lot of cereal there. I bet she love that." She smiles. 

Not long after that they heard someone knocking on the door. Tiffany get up and open it.  "Good morning sunshine!" Yoona smiles. 

"Well, good morning to you too. Come in. Ah, Yuri. Come in. Did you guys had your breakfast already?"  Tiffany make a way to let her friends come.

"Not yet. We're planning to have a breakfast here and we bought foods!!" Yuri said. 

"Not too loud Yuri ah, Nana still sleeping." 

 "Oh? She's here? Why, why. Can't wait to have your own family now Fany, Taeng?" Yuri wiggle her eyebrow. Yoona chuckles when she saw how red Tiffany face. Taeyeon just grins. "Well, practice make perfect right?" Taeyeon said and everyone laughing except Tiffany, still embarrased.

"What you guys bought?" Taeyeon ask, while Tiffany and Yoona put their food on the plate. 

"Something you can't eat no matter how delicious it is. But don't worry, we bought your favorite coffe." Yuri smile.

"Thank you, but I have my own barista now and she really good. Her coffee is the best!" Taeyeon backhug Tiffany. 

"Whatever. So, Tiff. I bet Taeyeon already told you right?" Yoona look at Taeyeon.

Tiffany sigh. "Yes she did. You know Yoong, I'm not interested in this stuff. Eventhough I enjoy it last time, but I don't think I'm going to do it more. Sorry Yoong." 

"It's okay Tiff. I talk to Seohyun already and she also said it's okay. She's going to tell Lee Soo Man about this later." Yoona smiles.

"Thank you." 

"Oh yeah Yoong, we're going to New York soon. I got a big project there. I'm going with Fany, so can you help her practice more so, we can leave as soon as she's ready? I'm going to finish my job here too first if it's possible." 

"Really? Sure if she's willing to spend more time with me than with you. I know both of you inseparable nowadays." Yoona teased. 

"Yeah, you two should just get married." Yuri join the teasing.

"Sure, after this. Right mousie?" Taeyeon chuckles. Tiffany just rolled her eyes. Yoona and Yuri laughing. They continue chit chatting until they heard Nana's crying in Taeyeon room. Taeyeon immediately running to her room to get Nana. 

Taeyeon looking at Nana who's crying in their bed and picking her up. "Shhh. Unnie's here. Don't be afraid. Stop crying okay? You don't look cute anymore if you're crying." Taeyeon try to stop Nana from crying, but failed when Nana's crying harder. 

"What's wrong Taetae?" Tiffany come in when she heard Nana still crying. 

"I don't know. Maybe she's not familiar with my place or she's looking for ahjuma." 

Tiffany took Nana from Taeyeon and bring her out. "Sshhh..ssshh.. It's okay cutie pie. We're here. Grandma in her room. You sleep with us last night. Don't be afraid okay?" Tiffany try to coax her. Nana's hugs Tiffany tightly and slowly stop crying. Tiffany shows Nana the beautiful scenery from Taeyeon place and make a joke to make sure Nana's okay.

"Hey your wife did a good job. And you dude." Yuri throw some bread to Taeyeon. Taeyeon just grinned and Yoona come closer to the duo. She try to cheer Nana too so they can have breakfast with Nana too. 

"Taetae, Nana want to go back to ahjuma place. Can you send her there?" Tiffany come closer and sit beside Taeyeon. 

"Auwwww cutie pie didn't want to eat breakfast with unnie? See, Yuri unnie's here too. She want to have breakfast with you too." 

Nana shook her head and hold on tight on Tiffany embrace and about to cry again.

"Taetae~~" Tiffany slap her arms when she feel Nana about to cry again. 

"Okay, okay. Come on. Let's go to your grandma house okay? Come here you cutie pie." Taeyeon get up and took Nana from Tiffany. "Just enjoy the breakfast guys. I'll be back in a few minute. Say bye bye to Yuri unnie and Yoona unnie cutie pie?" Taeyeon playfully waving to Yuri and Yoona. With a sad face Nana wave her hand too but then she hug Taeyeon tightly. "So cute. No mood in the morning, she must have a hard night last night. What did you guys do to her?" Yuri teasing. 

"Well, you know when two people are falling in love with each other and stay at the same bed together. I guess you know it better Yul, right?" Taeyeon winks and then run while laughing to the door when she saw Tiffany about to throw another bread to her. 

"Seriously Tiff? Did you guys 'do' that already?" Yuri saw the change in Tiffany faces.

"What?! No!" 

"Why not?" It's Yoona turn to ask.

"Why? Just because you guys did it already doesn't mean we have to do it too?" Tiffany crossed her arms.

"Well, it's hard to resist Yoona. That's why. Right baby?" Yuri kiss Yoona cheek. Yoona smiles and kiss Yuri lips. "Guys, I'm still here." "It's not like you never see us kissing before. Just finish your breakfast there." Yoona smrk then kissing Yuri again.

Not long after that Taeyeon come back. "Woah woah woah! What happened here? Why are you guys kissing infront of my baby?" Both of them didn't care about Taeyeon. 

"How's Nana?" 

"She's fine. Ahjuma said Nana always crying when she wake up in the morning. So, don't worry. Have you finish your breakfast?" Tiffany just nod her head and watching at Yuri and Yoona. 

Taeyeon took the salad and throw it to her friends. "Yah! Why did you do that?!"

"Because I can? Stop making out here. Today both of you going to help us moving Fany's stuff here. She's living with me starting today. And I think I'm going to call the others too." Taeyeon get her phone and start calling Hyoyeon. She's agree and it's a big mistake for Taeyeon to call Jessica in the morning when Jessica shout angrily to her. Then she send a message to Sooyoung to inform her. 

After tiring day moving Tiffany's stuff to Taeyeon place, Taeyeon treat all of her friends pizza and having a rest at her place. Taeyeon also tell Hyoyeon about their plan to go to New York. Hyoyeon said it's okay since the project is going as they plan before but Taeyeon need to finish her final job first before she can go. Then they plan to go to Bora Bora after that.

Two weeks before going to New York both of them work very hard to make sure they can go when all of the project and Tiffany preparation for runway is ready. They didn't have so much time together since both of them are busy and they just meet at midnight when they finish they're job or one of them sleep at the office or at Yoona's studio. Both of them are exhausted but they can't do anything because they need to make sure everything will be okay when they're leaving. 

Now it's time to go. All of their friends and family send them to the airport including Nana and ahjuma. 

Both of them sleep from departure untill arrival. Taeyeon smile when she saw Tiffany still sleeping. "Baby, wake up. Welcome to New York!" Taeyeon grins looking at her girlfriend difficulty to wake up. "We're landed already?" She's yawning. Taeyeon just nod her head. "Come on sleepy head. Let's go." 

When waiting for their luggage, Taeyeon infrom her family and friends that they already landed and she call Sarah to make sure she's already at the airport to pick them up. After finish all their stuff they walk outside, Taeyeon looking for some familiar faces.

"Shorty!!" Both of them turn around then some hot y chick run to them and hugs Taeyeon tigthly. 

"Can't breath. Help.." 

"Hey! Get off! Are you okay Taetae?" Tiffany pull Taeyeon to her side. Taeyeon nod her head and take a long breath. 

"Shorty! I miss you!" That girl want to hug Taeyeon again but Tiffany immediately stand infront of Taeyeon. That girl stop and give Tiffany 'what the hell' looks.

"Yah!!! You don't have to run to me like that! You almost kill me. It's okay baby. Let me introduce you to this crazy girl. Baby, this is Sarah. Sarah this is my life, Tiffany." Taeyeon smile and introduce them. 

"Your life? Baby? But, but, but, but..." 

"This is my , that is your and this is Tiffany . Hahahaha!!!!" Taeyeon pokes their butts. "ert!!!!" Sarah smack Taeyeon's hand. Tiffany still feel uncomfortable and stand near Taeyeon, holding Taeyeon's hand tightly. 

"What but? You didn't trust me she's my girlfriend?" Taeyeon ask Sarah. Sarah just nod her head. "Well, too bad that I can't kiss her now so I can't prove anything but trust me she's mine. And no one can't take her from me. Tell everyone don't mess with my girl or else.." Taeyeon warns Sarah. 

"Geezzz. No needto be scary boss. I just can't believe your girlfrind just too gorgeous for you." Sarah rolls her eyes.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Taeyeon juat about to knock Sarah head but Tiffany stop her. "Nothing. Well, good to meet you Tiffany. I'm Sarah. This shorty bestfriend/asistance/slave. Welcome to New York. By the way, are you model or what? How can you fall in love with this dork?" 

Tiffany chuckles. "Hi, thank you. No, I'm not a model. I'm just an ordinary people who work with her father before I know her and still working with her father. I'm not sure why I fall in love with her too." Tiffany teases Taeyeon and make Taeyeon speechless. Sarah laugh out loud looking at taeyeon's face. 

"Well, now I know why you love her shorty." Sarah still can't stop laughing.

"I'm kidding Taetae. Sorry. I love you so much. No need reason right? I just love her." Tiffany shows her beautiful eyesmile.

"Wow! You got very beautiful smile. But Tiffany, you can be a model too if you want to. With your looks I bet every agency want you to be their model." 

"Not interested. I've done once and I don't like it." Tiffany turn to Taeyeon when she didn't hear anything from her. "Taetae?"

"Hhmmhh?" Still not looking at Tiffany and she's playing with her phone. "Awwwww is my Taetae mad at me? I'm sorry Taetae. I'm just kidding." Tiffany hugs her Taetae. 

"Wowowowowo!! What happen here? Why is this hot girl hugging our shorty?" Taeyeon look around looking for that voice. She smile when she saw him. 

"Danny!" Taeyeon hugs Danny and it makes Tiffany frown. "Hey shorty. How are you? Looking good huh?" Danny ruffles Taeyeon hair. "Stop messing my hair. I'm good. How are you?" Taeyeon linking her arms with Danny. "I'm absolutely amazing. Oh, who is this Taeng? Hi, I'm Danny." He smiles and raised his hand. 

"You're not gonna believe it Danny, she's Taetae girlfriend." Sarah chuckles when she heard Tiffany call Taeyeon, Taetae. 

"Taetae? Bwahahahahaha!!!! Awwww such a cute name for my Taengoo." Danny playfully hugs her tightly and Tiffany can't take it anymore. She pull Taeyeon away from Danny and hugs Taeyeon side. "Uuuuuuu such a possesive girlfriend. Good choice Taengoo." Taeyeon smirk. 

"Fany ah, this is Danny. Sarah's fiance. He's like my own brother. So, don't worry." Taeyeon kiss Tiffany's cheek. "Owh. Sorry." Tiffany's hide her face on Taeyeon shoulder. 

"You can trust us Tiffany, but I'm not sure about the others since Taeyeon got a lot of fans here. I hope you success to control your jelousy here. I bet Taeyeon can't get a rest everynight from now on. Right Tiffany?" Danny winks to Tiffany and it make her blush. "Yah! Stop teasing here. I'm not gonna look at someone else, she's more than enough for me. Right baby?" Taeyeon hugs Tiffany tightly. 

"Yeah yeah whatever. Just make sure you got energy every morning as usual. Don't do the night activity until you lost your energy." Now it's Sarah turn to tease them. Danny laugh and kiss here fiance passionately and it makes Taeyeon pretend to puke. 

"Whatever. Our love is not about guys. Not just like you. We're didn't do it yet. So, don't worry about my energy since both of you need to control your hormones more than me." Tiffany chuckles looking at Danny expression. "Whaatttt? How can you resist this angel? If I'm on your place I bet she's having my third babies already. Hahahahahahaha!!!!" Sarah smack Danny's head. "What did you say?" Sarah glaring at Danny. "I'm just kidding babe. Okay guys, let's go. We're going to have lunch together later. Taengoo, all your stuff still at your apartment. Your key cars at usual place. My baby here really took care of your stuff there, so don't worry. Not even a single dust in there." 

Taeyeon smiles and nod her head. She's looking at Tiffany and worries of her reaction later when they arrive at her apartment. All of them walk to the parking space and Tiffany can't stop giggling looking at Danny's, teasing Sarah non stop. He keep on squeezing Sarah or pinching her cheeks and make her shouting more. "Don't mind them. You haven't see them making out in front of everybody yet and the others seems like them too. So, don't drooling later." Taeyeon laugh and Tiffany just rolls her eyes. Taeyeon hugs her side tightly and kiss Tiffany's head. "I love you." She said before stealling a peck on Tiffany's lips, and make Tiffany's blush. 

When they arrive at Taeyeon apartment, as Taeyeon expected Tiffany expression is priceless. Not because of her apartment but because of her cameras collection. Every part of her apartment you can see a different type of camera, not including her own studio which have more cameras in there. 

"Kim Taeyeon! What's all this? I bet your collection here more than in Amber's shop." Tiffany still can't believe what she saw. "Hahahaha! It's nothing baby. You see, it's my job here. Actually I'm a photographer here. But I hide my identity. So, no one know who I am here. My team help me here, I just shoot the photos and process it then the other process my team will handle it. So, please understand me okay baby?" Taeyeon hugs Tiffany from the back and sway their body. Tiffany's sigh and turn her body to Taeyeon and put her arms around Taeyeon's neck. "Okay." 

"Thank you, and I love you so much." Taeyeon grins and slowly she kiss Tiffany's forehead and trail the kisses all over Tiffany's face and lastly she peck her lips. "I miss you, I miss this." She spoke before capturing Tiffany's lips and it turn out to passionate kiss. Taeyeon pull Tiffany's with her and never let her lips until they sit on couch and Tiffany straddle on her laps. Tiffany's tighten her embrace when Taeyeon's hand roaming all over her body's. The soft escape from . "Taeee.. Hhmmpphhh..." Tiffany can't take it anymore when Taeyeon bite her weakness on her neck and leave a mark on it. Taeyeon didn't stop even when she felt Tiffany slowly grinding on her lap. She leave more mark on Tiffany's neck then suddenly Tiffany push her to lay on her back and it's Tiffany turn to leave a mark on Taeyeon's neck. 

"Baby, I think we should stop now. The others will waiting for us to have lunch together." Taeyeon slowly sat up and trail a kisses on Tiffany's shoulder to her neck and stop between their lips. Tiffany smiles and caress Taeyeon cheek then kiss her again and Taeyeon happily to kiss her back. "I think they can wait a little longer." Taeyeon then push Tiffany and hover her up and continue their session. 

"What the hell Taengoo! I said lunch, you know what time is it now?" Danny and the others turn around when they heard Sarah calling Taeyeon's name. "Taengoo!!!!!!" All of her friends come to her and hug her. They really miss her. "Hey Sam, Jerry, Tina, Alice, Mat, Jake. I miss you guys. Sorry I'm late." Taeyeon smiles. "No wonder she's late. Check out her neck guys. Hahahahaha!!" 

"No way! No freaking way!" Jake check her out. "Our Taengoo got hickeys guys. Owh...she's grown up already. I bet all of her fans going to cry when they see it." 

 Meanwhile, Tiffany who is still outside looking at something interesting didn't realize Taeyeon already go inside. 

"Hi." Tiffany turn around and she saw one y lady greet her. Tiffany smiles and say hi back. "Are you alone?" That lady ask again. "No, I'm Where is she? I'm with someone. I guess she's going inside already. So, nice to meet you." Tiffany smiles and walk away looking for Taeyeon. 

"Your friend inside? I'm about to meet my friends too. Let's go together. By the way I'm Janice, and you?" 

"I'm Tiffany."

"I bet you're not from here right? What are you doing here?" Both of them go inside together.

"I'm from Korea and me and my...." Tiffany didn't finish her words when suddenly Sarah came and hug Janice. 

"Hey Sarah! Sorry I'm late. I got something to do before came here." 

"It's okay. Come. Taeyeon here too." Sarah didn't realize Tiffany's there. 

"Really? Oh my god! How do i look? I'm looking good right?" Janice look so excited. Tiffany frown. She didn't like it. 'Maybe she's one of Taeyeon's fan like Sarah and Danny said. 

"Here she is. Taengoo!! Hey, did you found her?" Sarah wave her hand and automatically Janice turn her head to Taeyeon. 

"Oh?" Sarah shows her shock face when she saw Tiffany is there too. Janice run to Taeyeon and engulf her in tight embrace. "Taeyeon!!!! I miss you so much! Why didn't you tell me you're back already?" 

"Janice, I- I ca-can't breath." 

"Oppss. Sorry Tae. I miss you so much!" Janice just about to kiss her when Taeyeon move backward. 

"Na uh. No kissing. You know I don't like it. Well, nice to meet you too. I just came a few hours ago. Ah, I like to introduce you to my girlfriend. But I don't know where she is now. Hey Sarah, did you see her?" 

"You? Girlfriend? Stop playing around Tae. I hear that lame joke everytime I meet you. I almost believe it when you told me you married already." Janice didn't trust it because Taeyeon always give that excuse everytime her fans come to her and ask her to be their girlfriend. 

"Whatever." Taeyeon still looking for Tiffany. 

"Oh yeah, Tae. I found some girl just now. She's really gorgeous. I want you to meet her. Where is she now?" Now Janice turn to look at her. She smiles when she saw Tiffany stand a bit far from them. 

"Hey Tiffany. I want you to meet my friends. Come here." Janice link her arm with Taeyeon. Taeyeon smiles when she saw Tiffany frowning. 'Aishhhh she's so cute. I bet she's jelous now.'  When they get closer, Taeyeon pull her hand's from Janice and smiling to see her girlfriend. She backhug her and kiss her neck, Tiffany tilt her head a bit giving more access to 
Taeyeon. "Baby, where are you just now? I'm looking for you."  "I'm looking for something outside, but when I turn around you're not there anymore." Tiffany's pout. Taeyeon chuckles and kiss her forehead. (Remember that Tiffany said no kissing in public?) 

"You- you guys know each other?" Janice shock.

"This is my baby, my love, my life and my everything. Tiffany. I bet you introduce yourself already right?" Taeyeon smirk and tighten her hugs. 

"So, she's your girlfriend?" Janice still didn't believe it. She's a little bit frustated but she still try not to believe it. "Yes she is. Right Fany?" Tiffany shyly nod her head. "I don't believe it." Janice said. Then Taeyeon show her love bites and shows Tiffany love bites. Janice expression is priceless. 




"That's my girl Taengoo!!" 

"Hey shorty, introduce her to us now!!" 

All of Taeyeon's friend cheer for her and makes Tiffany blush. Taeyeon leave Janice and introduce Tiffany to her friends. Janice walk slowly and sit with them. Her eyes still focusing on Taeyeon. She still want Taeyeon for herself. 

"Congratulation Taeyeon." She pretend to be happy, but she got a plan to seduce Taeyeon and try to make Taeyeon fall in love with her. "Thank you guys. So, let's order the foods now. I'm hungry." Taeyeon call the waitress and order the foods. They chill and discuss about the project and Taeyeon didn't forget to tell her friends about Tiffany too. They felt comfortable around Tiffany except for Janice. 

"Tae, I want you to meet my fiance too. She's on her way right now. I need some favor too. Can you please please please please....... Please help me? I want to have some photoshoot with her. We're going to get married soon. So we want you to do your magic and we're going to use that photos on our wedding day. Can you please help me?" Jake make a puppy face to Taeyeon. "Euwwwww.. Stop with your face. It's not gonna work for me. I love too, but when are you going to do it? And, Danny how about the project? When are we going to start it?" 

"Next week." Danny said. 

"And you?" Taeyeon ask Jake. 

"Let's go tomorrow?" He grins. 

"Sure, why not? Where do you want to do it? Sarah, all my stuff at the studio still in good condition right?" Sarah just nod her head.

"Cool! We're going to Maldives tomorrow. Don't worry about everything. I'll handle it." 

"What??? Are you crazy?" 

"Yes! I'm crazy in love. Oh come on Tae. Tiffany, please help me." Jake try to use Tiffany.

Tiffany just sigh and looking at Taeyeon. "Come on baby. He's your bestfriend. He's going to pay everything right? Maldives is a nice place." Now it's Tiffany turn to make a puppy face. 

"Jake, you're dead! And you baby, don't let yourself influenced by them. You know I can't say no to you right? All of you, stop using her." Tiffany grins and shows her eyesmile. 

Janice can't say anything. Taeyeon sure changes. Usually if she say no, no one can make her change her mind. But with Tiffany, she didn't need to try. 

"Wow!! Our Taengoo has changes. Oh thank you Tiffany. We love you so much!" Alice and others grins. 

"I told you guys stop using her to get anything from me. And you my angel, stop trying to help them. Luckily I love you so much and this is the last chance I'll agree. Please don't let them use you okay?" Taeyeon frown and kiss Tiffany's shoulder. 

" sweetttttt~~" all of their friends cheering up. 

"Shut up!" Taeyeon rolls her eyes. 

"Thank you Taetae." Tiffany kiss Taeyeon's nose. Jake now arrange everything and not long after that his fiance come. "Hi guys, hi Taengoo." She smiles. 

"Whattttttttttt???? You got to be kidding me! Jake! You're dead if you hurt her. Come here you." Taeyeon hugs the girl. Tiffany who sit beside Taeyeon pull Taeyeon shirt. "Fany ah, let me introduce you to this wonderful girl. My little baby sister, Angela. Angela, this is Tiffany my girlfriend." Taeyeon introduce them. Tiffany smiles and hugs her too. 

"Why didn't you tell me she's your girl Jake?" 

"Because, I don't think you're gonna believe it. You think it's easy for me to get her. You know she's crazy over you before?" Jake smiles. Yes, Angela is one of Taeyeon's fan but not as crazy as Janice. That make Tiffany feel uncomfortable more. Seeing all the beautiful ladies who's admiring her girlfriend make her feel insecure. She grab Taeyeon's hand and sit closer to her. Taeyeon know Tiffany felt uncomfortable so she intertwined their hand and keep kissing Tiffany's hand. 

"Yeah, you know Tae it's hard to forget you. Why you need to be so good to everyone? Luckily Jake patient enough to wait for me. It take me almost two month to think about Jake proposal, then I realize he's a good man for me and I need to move on too. I guess I make a good decision. Look at you now. Having a gorgeous girlfriend, I'm so jelous of you Tiffany. You better take care of her or else every girls who's admiring your girlfriend will snatch it away from you." Angela smile and smirk at Janice. Both girl almost got into fight long time ago because both of them want Taeyeon for them even Taeyeon told them she didn't want to have a relationship with them. 

"I will. I'll never let anyone come closer to her. She's mine and mine only. Right Taetae." 

"Definitely. Don't worry Angela, I'm not gonna look for someone else. What's the point? She's all I want and she's all I need." Taeyeon said.

"Owh, such a loyal lover. But I'm afraid someone else will try her best to win you." Angela smirk again. Janice just rolls her eyes. She know Angela mean that girl is her. 

"No way. I'm not gonna let that things happen. If I caught someone want to steal her for me I'm gonna make sure she's gonna regret it." Tiffaany slam her hand on the table and make everyone surprise. 

"Wowowow!! Take it easy baby. I'm not gonna let it happen too. Okay? Relax." Taeyeon a little bit surprise seeing it. She didn't know she's that scary. Janice gulp her saliva hearing that. "Well, it's just a warning. You guys need to help me to look after her too. If I caught you guys help any other girls to get closer to her, you guys will regret it. Understand that?" Tiffany put a serious face and everyone including Taeyeon nod their hear furiously. Then she show her famous eyesmile. "Good."

"She's gorgeous but she's so scary." Jake whisper to Taeyeon.

"Yah! Don't say something like that to my baby." Tiffany turn her head when she heard that. "What did you say?" She glaring at Jake. "Uhh... Nothing. I said you have a beautiful eye smile. Right Taeng?" Taeyeon just nod her head. "Thank you." Tiffany smiles again.

After some times and confirm about their trip, everyone leave and leaving Jake, Angela, Taeyeon and Tiffany some more time to discuss about the photoshoot. They're going for two days and it's enough for Taeyeon to capture their photos. 

"Fany ah." 

"Hmmhh?" Tiffany answer, eyes still on the TV. They arrive at Taeyeon apartment after a long walk from the lunch. They goes sightseeing and buy something for them since Taeyeon's apartment got nothing for them to eat. Tiffany lay on Taeyeon's lap and playing with Taeyeon's hand. 

"I didn't know that you're that scary. Hehehe." Taeyeon giggling remembered jelous Fany during their lunch earlier. "Well, prepare to see another scary side of me if you try to look another girls in front of me." 

Taeyeon chuckles. "You know that will never happen right?" 

"Good. Because you are mine, mine only. You got that Kim Taeyeon?" Tiffany sat up and slowly straddle on Taeyeon's lap. 

"Got it boss." Taeyeon smirk then hugs Tiffany tighly. "Because you are mine too. No one else.." She whispers on Tiffany's chest. 



another update. A long one. SORRY Can't update in a long time. I'm a little bit busy lately. So enjoy this update.. (^.*)

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Hwang_Leon #1
My all time favorite story:)
taeyeon92 #2
I had been reading this story so many times because it was so good! Thank you so much for this author :)
maemae08 #3
Chapter 44: I read this again for like many times and it still gives me happiness. Thank you for your hard work author.
cutiegurll #4
Chapter 44: ommmg so cute so sweet i caannnnt !! i hope u will update really soon :( omg omg im gonna crying THIS IS THE BEST TAENY FF EVERRRRRR❤️❤️❤️❤️
1214 streak #5
I really love this story so I'm gonna read it again for the 7th time hehehe...
1214 streak #6
Chapter 44: Hahaha Annie you can't just shout that word out loud and oh maybe the next baby is/ are boys... I miss this crazy family and glad you come back authourssi ^_^
Gaejihyo815 #7
have finish this within 2 days. i must say it is a great story with lots of funny parts and touching moments too! loving the happy crazy family!
miselio28 #8
Chapter 44: Yay finally more update please
miselio28 #9
Chapter 44: Yay finally more update please
Chapter 43: Continue please