Enchanted 1.1







M i n h e e ' s P O V


"Go Lay!"

"Pass it to Chanyeol."

"Yeah. Yeah. Make a three point shot Kris!"

As if on cue, the spectators who were watching the heated basketball game cheered, some even jumped from their seats as the school's basketball team's ace  scored a three point shot, adding to the team's big lead on the score board. I as well stood up from the bleachers, no, definitely not to cheer nor to jump in delight but to leave the crowded place full of irritating wails.

Honestly, I don’t feel good already because of the heated atmosphere, and add the fact that there were loud screams that feels so irritating and people who bumped and squeezed into me, but hey, they were sweaty and all. And I really dislike being passed by their filth.

I know Kris would be angry if he knows I didn’t finish the game but I’m finished here. I’ll just reason out to him, well he wouldn’t want his dear cousin to pass out from the heat right? Completing a decision, I faced my friends by my side but unfortunately were nowhere to be found, hopeless, I turned my back on the game and squeezed myself out of the intense crowd.

"Excuse me. Excuse me." I muttered as I passed by each person who seemed not to care about me, just on the game. Some even pushed me forward back to my last position, eager to see a closer look of the game. But fortunately, I managed to go through the high intensity crowd after some push and pulls. I almost had my eardrums broken because of the screams from the girls. Gosh, they are so pathetic.

I decided to just take a stroll at the whole school; to take a look at the different booths that were scattered on each corner of the school. Students advertising their products and services here and there. Some freshmen even had me buy their home baked cookies and of course, as a senior, I had to be good enough and accommodate them. It is after all my last year in here, yeah, I’m being nostalgic, deal with me. I had been attending this school for my whole life and now, I’m set for college.

"Minhee!" I jumped in shocked from the high pitched voice that called me from behind. It was a voice I knew for years. I turned around and came to see one of my best companions, Seulgi. She’s from the other school but she also studied here. Unfortunately, due to some bad circumstances, she had to transfer school with my other 3 classmates Sehun, Dahee and Kai. Upon seeing Seulgi, my lips curved into a big smile and I ran to her and jumped to her, making her stumble back. Gosh. I missed this girl. We parted after about a minute and I eyed her carefully, my eyes forming a crescent shape, "Yah Cho Seulgi! How come you only visited now? We were dying to hear from you. You have some explaining to do." Seulgi slapped me in my arm playfully, "Okay, my apologies Your Highness. I was really busy with school. But hey, I dragged these three here. God knows how much patience it took me not to give up on those three."

Seulgi pointed to the three figures beside her which I didn't notice earlier. "Oh. Makes sense." I said, teasing the three figures. I smiled at them and headed to hug Dahee, "Hey Dahee. How are things?" She returned the hug and patted my shoulder afterwards, "Fine as always Hee." I smiled and faced Kai, "Oh, you're here again huh?" I playfully said to him. If you only know, this guy never fails to visit here, everyday, he would find time just to breath the same air the students breath here. Did I even made a sense. I playfully punched his stomach and reacted playfully as well. "Yeah. I'm fine Hee." he said to me and ruffled my hair.

Lastly, I turned to Sehun and greeted him, "Hey, well long time no see?" Sehun and me aren't really that close, it just so happened that his best companions are also my close friends and vise versa but we never had the chance to get to know each other and all. He acknowledged my greeting with a simple 'yeah' and nodded along with it. An eerie silence then followed and Kai had to break up the silence. The guy kinda knows why I was all shy and uncomfortable when it comes to Sehun.

"The school changed a lot eh?" He lamely reasoned after clearing his throat. I glared at him and slapped his arm, "Change your face Kim, you have just visited the school yesterday." Kai just held his arms up as surrender. "Okay. Now stop you two." Seulgi said and took my arm, "Let's just watch the basketball match. I heard Kris is the team captain already." She said with dreamy eyes. Urgh. Tell me again why girls go gaga over that tower-like cousin of mine!



We chorused but I was the only one who said no, gosh, 4 vs 1, where does that put me? I pouted and held onto Seulgi's sleeves, "Seulgi baby, let's not go there okay, it's so crowded and noisy there." Kai just smirked at me and teased me, "If I know Hwang, you are just afraid of getting hit by the ball." I sent Kai a death glare, I really hate it how this guy knows me too well, too well for my liking. Truth to be told, I really was afraid of getting hit by a ball; I mean I've experienced it once and it wasn't such a good memory to start with. "No I'm not Kim." Sehun nodded and said, "Really, then let's go there already."

Lies. Lies. Lies. See what it gives you. I mentally lectured myself and the next thing I knew is that I was being dragged back to the same basketball court I evaded just minutes ago. I even heard some freshmen whispered as they wondered to themselves who the newcomers were. Some swooned at the guys and girls and some, I saw jealousy. Of what you ask? Well, the freaking Kim Jong In just had to comfortably sling his arm around my neck, making us walk side by side. I was going to break free from him when he whispered something on my ear. 

"No you wouldn't do that little miss, or maybe you want me to reveal your little secret?" He playfully said with a grin I knew too well. I groaned inwardly and just let his arm rest on my neck. As I got irritated from the stares, I glared at the gossiping students, then to the three figures at my back who was obviously dying of laughter from my reaction. It was actually fine looking at them until I saw the smug grin on Sehun's face. Oh . That’s the exact reason why I fell in love with this guy. I gathered a strong will to take my eyes off him and focused on walking again. "Had a good view Your Highness?" Kai smirked at me hinting that he saw the way I looked at Sehun. Argh Kai. Why do you have to always do this to me?

We were nearing the court when my class adviser saw me and called for me, "Minhee-ah!~" I groaned a little and faced the four, "Argh. I want to spend time with you guys but duty calls. Let's just meet later. Text the others for their whereabouts." I bid my goodbye and approached my adviser slowly. Yeah. Another errand maybe. But I’d rather do errands for them than be soaked under the sun again at the basketball court.

"Minhee, please go and help Ga-in clean the faculty room." I groaned inwardly at the horrible news but just faked a smile and nodded taking my leave. Off to the faculty I am. Fortunately, I had to share the same ugly faith of cleaning with Ga-in. This is the reason why I didn't want to be a teacher's favorite. I ascended the stairs to the faculty and immediately got to see my best companion, Ga-in groaning to herself. I chuckled heartily at her look and she shifted her attention to me. She attacked me with a hug and did her signature puppy eyes, "You'll help me clean right, baby Hee. Oh and by the way, where were you? We completely lost you on the area. It was fun watching baby Hee, but not until I was called to clean here.” I chuckled again and patted her head, who would be able to resist her puppy eyes, please do tell me and I would gladly pay him just to make me resist this cute girl for once. We started cleaning the mess and was almost finished in a good of 30 minutes. I slumped into one of the executive chairs and turned it around, yeah, I am a kid right now. Ga-in laughed at my childishness and poked my sides when I stopped my little play time.

"Yeah, Stop it now kiddo. We're almost finished. Just get the dustpan for me downstairs. Pretty please," She said and was about to give out to her pouting again and I swear, I needed to stop it before I get an overdose of her aegyo, I just had enough when we were cleaning. I immediately cut her off, "Okay. Okay. Now don't, just don't act cute anymore please!” I whined as she smiled triumphantly and pulled me up the chair to the stairs. She looked over me as I descended the stairs. "Minhee, she called me and I had to face her again, now looking up to her, "Be fast Hee!" and did a peace sign near her eyes. I just rolled my eyes and was about to descend again but a figure coming down the same staircase I was stopped me. I saw Sehun coming near me and stopped right in front of me. Too close that it felt dangerous, too dangerous actually, I didn't even imagine it happening in my life. He smiled at me; well more like a smirk and held up my chin making our eyes level with each other. He now had a sly smile and patted my cheek and immediately stormed down and I just watched his retreating figure fade away. I was dumbfounded for a second but had myself composed again. "Yah!" I called out for Sehun. What the hell did he just do? Was it even real? Gosh Oh Sehun, why do you make me feel like this? Oh Sehun, it was enchanting to meet you, but sadly, you are in love with someone else.

I was totally dumbfounded at that moment. 1%....7%...10%...Buffering...Like What the hell did he just do? I mean I felt sparks fly at that moment but I couldn't be all showy and jump like a child given a candy. I saw Ga-in looking down at me, but something's not right with this girl; she was laughing so hard but just couldn't burst out laughing. Also the others students who saw the scene had their small whispers and I just had to roll my eyes there. What the hell, I'm freaking annoyed now. I just realized that Ga-in took my hand and led me inside the faculty room again, letting me sit at the swivel chair again. She had a wide smile painted on her face and had her hands resting on both sides of her waist.

"Okay. So Hee, what was that all about?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. Wow, this girl really wouldn't let me go without answering huh?

"That was nothing." I blurted out not really thinking about it. "Nothing? Oh come on." She whined as she leveled her face at me and acted cutely. God, not this again.

I was being honest telling her that it was nothing but she just won't believe me. I mean I really think that was nothing; well not for me but for him. I couldn't really say that what Sehun did to me was special, it was after all not a new sight the past few weeks. I had seen him so touchy with girls. He wasn't really like that back then, and now, he's all comfortable and close to them. The other times, I saw him ruffling Sumi's hair and even having his arm around Hayoung's neck. He was being close to girls but at the back of my mind, I had that special question in my head, Why did he do that to me. I mean he doesn't do that to others. Yes, he's being touchy and all but why did he not just ruffle my hair of put his arms around me? Am I special? But my delusions had to come to stop when Ga-in shook her hand in front of my face. "Hee, are you still there?" she called out and I just nodded. She, on the other hand, sighed, knowing that she wouldn't get another answer from me.

We finished cleaning afterwards and left the faculty room. Ga-in and I decided to drop by the canteen to get some refreshments. The cleaning was after all tiring. As we walked to the canteen, we passed by different booths and saw a classmate who was being dragged at the wedding booth with another senior that I'm not really familiar with. We laughed at the scene and hi-fived each other. If you were wondering by the way, we are not slacking off at school. I know it's too late to say but today is actually our Intramurals. And different booths are all over the school, every clubs with themes and services. We reached the canteen bought our drinks then proceeded to the school grounds to watch the next game. As far as I know, the next was dodge-ball; we were walking soundly until Kai popped from behind slung an arm around me and Ga-in, yes, he was now in between me and Ga-in. Aigoo. this guy.

"What Kim?" I said in a monotone sipping onto my drink.

"Ladies, our players for dodge-ball's lacking so if you would, please join." He said while dragging us both. Argh. I knew it he wanted something again. "Wait, you’re playing? How come?" I asked

"Our class lacks players and we asked the teachers and students if we could be part of the Intramurals and play and they agreed so basically, we can play different games, representing our class.

"No." I said but contrary to my answer, Ga-in said yes. And for the record, I lost again and just found myself being dragged at the grounds to the center where we would be playing. We were to battle against the juniors who was undeniably fast runners and accurate throwers and catchers. My face scrunched up a bit but was interrupted when an oh-so familiar voice sounded behind me.

"You're playing Min Hee?" Sehun asked as he tucked my bangs that was covering my face a while ago behind my ears. I froze on my spot and just nodded. God, why the hell does he have this great effect on me?! "I-I did-n't wan t-to but Kai and Ga-in were too persuasive." I managed to say though I was stuttering at first. What the hell Hwang Minhee! You look like a total fool right now! At least don’t stutter every time you talk to him!

"It's okay. You won't be hurt in the game, it's fun." He said and patted my cheeks, again, and walked to my other classmates. I was left frozen on my spot again, good thing that the referee whistled to start the game already. The first team to throw the ball was us; Taehyun, our classmate had our team divided into two and had us take the left and right side. I was with Kai's group together with Ga-in and the game started. It was mostly the five guys who did the catching and throwing, we, the girls just did the picking and running for the ball when it went too far. Fortunately, they managed to let out 7 players and the juniors had a final count of 13 players. We were the next to be targeted and all 20 players from our class crowded in the middle. Ga-in linked arms with me and smiled, "Good luck with the ball Hee." she said teasing me. "Yeah. Thanks." I said, but was still in a daze. And on cue, the referee blew his whistle.

I started running backward and forward, looking at the ball intently, hoping it wouldn't land on me. To be honest, I just don't have that good of a relationship with balls. They always find time to just land on me. I was dazed for a second and saw the ball coming to me. Shoot, what would I do? My head was blank but then I heard Kai shout at me, "Hee, jump as high as you can." he said and I did so and the ball didn't land on me. Gosh, thanks. I looked at Kai and shot him a thankful look. The ball was thrown again and it coming to me again, and again, I heard Kai, "Hee, just bend a little and avoid the ball." and I did so and I was safe. And when I got up, the whistle sounded; the game was finished after a good 2 minutes. We had our count off and the remaining players in class surprisingly counted to 18 out of 20 players remaining. We jumped and shouted as a sign of joy and I couldn't hold it but hugged Ga-in and Kai.

"Go Seniors!~" We cheered and held our hands high.

"You did a great job dodging the ball Min Hee." I came face to face with Sehun again and this time, I had myself composed, "Yeah. Thanks. It was for the class." I said and smiled, and he not surprisingly returned the smile, showing his oh-so awesome eye smile. I just love how the sides of his eyes wrinkle when he smiles. “Yeah! Great job!” He added  and ruffled my hair.

"Min Hee!~" Ga-in called. Argh. She just had to ruin my moment. I looked at Sehun and bid my good bye and went to Ga-in who was obviously aware of the fact that she ruined my moment. I just rolled my eyes at her and we tried many different booths with Seulgi, Dahee and my other friends Ji Eun, Ha Na and Jiwon. We were striking our last pose on the photo booth when I felt a handcuff on my right wrist. . What is this, and I looked at my right only to find the president of the drama club holding the other part of the handcuff.

"Hwang Min Hee, you're listed at the marriage booth." She said in all smiles and dragged my with her. I on the other hand was trying to break free but to no avail, it was useless. i tried asking for help from my friend but they just followed suit and even readied their cameras for the upcoming disaster I was about to face. Oh what did I do to deserve this kind of unfaithful friends.

We reached the drama club which I saw a while ago, yes the booth where I was laughing at my classmate because she was being married to someone and now, I didn't even imagined that I would experience that embarrassing scene myself. And I froze again when I saw my groom-to-be. Sehun, him? Oh I'm freaking dying now. What if Haneul sees this and thinks that I'm stealing her boyfriend.

"Who listed me in here?" I said in greeted teeth as Dana aka Ms. Drama club president put the other side of the handcuff on Sehun's left wrist. "Aw. Don't be too grumpy Hee, this is just for fun. Now if you would, please walk down the aisle now." she said and pushed me to walk to the altar and almost burst out laughing when I saw that the priest was non other than Kim Jongin himself.

"Hey, I'm not in love with you or such okay." I suddenly turned to Sehun, but he just chuckled. "Seriously," I whined, "Maybe someone just had fun writing down random names." I defended again and he just nodded again. An answer would do mister, I sighed and just walked faster, to finish my embarrassment.

The ceremony ended and I was far from happy to be free, i really didn't want anyone seeing that scene, especially Haneul, Sehun's girlfriend. What would the others think of me now. Gosh. I glared at my friends who was comparing and sharing their captured pictures of me on my wedding and they were so giddy telling how cute we were and how we suit each other. Come on, Sehun has his own love already okay.


The last part of the event came, which was the basketball championships and here I was at the front row again watching as the players do their warm ups. And Sehun and Kai were playing for the team again though they are not part of our class anymore, the other students had no objection actually. Students around me were giddy for the result and I just plugged my earphones on my ears and started listening to a song while waiting for the match to start.

The score board lighted and I unplugged my earphones; the game was about to start. I joined my classmates who cheered for our team as support.

The game started and the first players did not include Sehun, he sat at the bench and my heart clenched a bit when I saw that Haneul was also there, and they were having their time as a couple there. I just focused on the game and actually found it fun watching. Although I can still notice Sehun, I just accepted the fact that I wasn't to expect from him and just watched the game. There was a heated game and there I found out that Kai really was a good basketball player, always doing the three-point shot that never fails, much to the crowds hype, especially his fan girls. On the first half of the game, we were leading with a good 10 points. It was 25-15, of course in favor of us.

During the second half, the Sehun went in and my heart leaped a bit. This was the first time I was seeing him play the sport. I watched intently as he moved and gosh, it was hypnotizing. He was as good as Kai and the two were the ones who was making the points for the team.

"Go Kai~"

"Go Sehun~"

"Go Chen~"

"Go Xuimin~"

"Go Chanyeol~"

"Go DO~"

We cheered when the game was nearing the end. There was a minute left and the score was 40-37 which was in favor of us but the other team was catching up really fast. Our players were evidently very exhausted but their faces still painted victory all over it. I shouted for them and when a 5 seconds was left, the score was 46-47 in favor of the opponent, the ball was in Kai's hand and the winner or loser would be dictated by him. The clock counted to four and Kai leaped high, attempting another 3-point shot, when the clock became three, the ball was nearing the hoop, the spectators held their breath and watched intently, two and the ball circled on the hoop and one, as the buzzer sounded, the ball went IN. The score board lighted a score of 49-47 and YES!

We jumped high and shouted for our team. It was a victory for us and my classmates crowed to the players. Congratulating them and handed them towels and water bottles. I walked to Kai and congratulated him.

"You were so great Kim. Congratulations!" I said and patted his shoulders. He smiled at me and ruffled my hair, "Thanks Hwang." I nodded and turned around but my eyes betrayed me, then and there, I saw Sehun hugging Haneul, and lifting her up, circling her in the air. My heart felt like it broke into pieces. I didn't know it would be this painful and  tears escapes my eyes. I just felt Kai pulling me into his chest and hugging me tight, and I felt protected in his arms that I just kept on sobbing on his chest. I didn't care if he was sweaty and all. i just wanted someone to comfort me now.

"Whoooo~ Congrats Kai." My prankster classmate said from behind and I just realized that he poured water on me and Kai. "Enjoy the water~" He said and went to the other members splashing them with water.


Please don't be in love with someone else

Please don't have somebody waiting on you

Please don't be in love with someone else

Please don't have somebody waiting on you


I sobbed hard and the lines kept repeating on my mind. How in the world am I supposed to let him go when I love him so much. So much that it hurts. So much that I am willing to sacrifice my happiness for his.




K a i ' s P O V


I hugged her tightly, I wanted her to feel safe in my arms.


This is me praying that

This was the very first page

Not where the story line ends

My thoughts will echo your name


Until I see you again

These are the words I held back

As I was leaving too soon

I was enchanted to meet you


Please don't be in love with someone else

Please don't have somebody waiting on you

Please don't be in love with someone else

Please don't have somebody waiting on you



Those lines kept repeating on my head as I her back, hushing her from the evident pain she suffers. She’ in my arms right now but the piercing pain in my heart just doesn’t go away.


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Chapter 1: beautiful story.. quite bittersweet.
if you could, a continuation of this chapter would be great.
brittany17 #2
Chapter 1: Glad you made a one-shot author-nim. This was kinda a comeback for you :) I wish you would start writing and updating stories again because I'm really giddy waiting for it. I can see that your writing style changed, for the better of course. It became more descriptive and I must say meaningful.
Back to the story, it was kinda a cliche at first, you being in love in the sidelines but the good thing is there was something behind the story. I thought it was how enchanted Min hee was about Sehun though she is hurting but it turned out that it wasn't just hers, also Kai is. It inspired me and I think also the readers that if you're hurt, there is always someone beside you. A friend/friends that truly cares and would never let go of you. I love Kai's character because of all, he was the one who had the greatest sacrifice. And I thought Min Hee was kinda dense not to feel Kai's feelings but I guess she's just too in love.
I'm hoping for a sequel for this actually. I wanna know more about these characters and how they would face their problems and accept the truth in life. Also, I want this to be recognized :) More subscribers and comments to come. Though It has typo's, nonetheless, the story was good. ^^ FIGHTING~ I demand for a sequel xD