
The Truth About Fanfics


You don't have a pretty coded layout

(So I'm not gonna read)



Gosh, I feel so old. I remember the days of AIM Roleplaying, writing fanfics on blogs and it having absolutely NO aesthetic quality. It was just writing, and yet everyone loved it. This was obviously back before the cool, hipster scene of using PB's (play bys) and making your work filled with complicated coding and pretty, moving gifs and artwork that seems to take over from the content itself.

It feels that the fanfics with the pretty, coded forewords and lovely little gif-galore character bios are the ones that are popular. Are we turning into a group of people dependant on prettiness? 

Coding, like posters for me, are chosen by the author because it helps represent their work. I don't mind it, sometimes they look pretty on the eyes and can help turn a chunk of boring text in a foreword into some semblance of structure. Plot over at this side, general informatiom to the left, some character bios at the bottom. BAM, done. 

Neat and presentable.

Pretty codes are all well and good, but they should NOT take away from your content, nor should they be the main focal point on your work. Add them as a little extra, or to make it more structured, okay. NOT just so you have an excuse to post up millions of gifs, use weird looking fonts and boarders and make me unable to find what I'm looking for. 

There's nothing more off putting, to me anyway, than a fanfic filled with useless coding that's just not needed. If I wanted this, I'd have carried on Roleplaying over on IF forums, which have also over the last two/three years become all about the pretty codes. A code for an announcement? Really? Hover codes to read your actual topics? Now come on people... It's NOT NEEDED.

I see this mentioned a lot, that most fanficer's are young, so I suppose to them the appeal of pretty layouts, gifs and images is great. For me, personally, I honestly find too much completely off putting, even if the content is good, sometimes I find it difficult to get my head around the ridiculous amounts of codes. 

I'm from an era where a coded fanfic meant bolded text, underlined, centred etc, just like this one, I suppose. That's how I feel comfortable, still. Don't get me wrong, I can code just fine (and from scratch, I studied ICT, majoring in webdesign) so I know my way around HTML and CSS like the back of my hand. I think I'm just old, because I don't see the need to use it. You can read my bold, centred and large text just fine, I'm sure. 

But from what I've seen, there's three types of layouts;

1) A very neat layout with decent sized fonts, colours and design. Everything is presented so its easy to rea, understand, find and if necessary, quote. They use only a simple picture of their character, which is all they need, and they make the effort to keep their descriptions so again, you understand them. The colours are pastel or dark easy on the eyes and makes the font easier to read, as it stands out - in a good way.

2) Huge, bright cold layouts with either ridiculously small narrow text or absolutely huge text that's bolded and stretched in legnth. They use tonnes of gifs, often overlapping their words and include random symbols where they're just not needed. The text is set to a silly, unreadable font such as this one, and they use neon colours that blind said reader. It's an eyesore, but it's hip and trendy. 

3) Those that just don't use layouts, in the sense of coded ones, anyhow. They may have graphics and make sure of the codes offered through the AFF posting, but they don't add much else. Their layouts are simple, extremely easy to read and are most likely to be people focused more on writing, than attracting others to them using bright colours and pretty layouts. I like to think of these are the mature, older generation, like me. Orr they just can't code...


Maybe I'm being too negative, but like I keep mentioning, I'm an oldie. Too me, your content matters. I don't care if your layout is absolutely FLAWLESS, unless your writing is, too. I won't read your fic! Content should always win over aesthetics. But, that's not the case on here, seemingly. Beauty outranks the authors writing, and that's just wrong.


The way I see it:

If your fanfic doesn't have pretty layout, nobody will read it.



Whats your opinion on layouts?

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Chapter 6: Anjrit...

My thought exactly.
hoyaual #2
Chapter 3: Your point on second person fics are my exact thoughts on them.
Chapter 3: It's really weird but I agree with all if the points you're making. ESPECIALLY the second person fics. There are way to many at it saddens me because there are loads of amazing first and third person fics out there which aren't getting noticed. To be honest I don't know why second person fics get all the love from. But I personally stay way away from them
TAOpandy #4
Hua I love these. You actually make some valid points that I think about sometimes when I see others fics. Maybe we're just a judgemental race... We need :(
oneshotBAP #5
Chapter 5: Thank you all for your comments :-)
-FanGirl- #6
Chapter 4: I tend to have a good length and update pretty fast according to my readers.
So, I don't really know. But personally, I'd chose length over update.
But I have to agree that it having to wait too long for an update.
Still, I understand what you mean. And that just brings me back to most of AFF's users are either in high school or middle school.
Granted there are some great writers still in high school.
Either way, this is how I've come to see things on AFF.
Chapter 4: Length over update but not if that means waiting a month between chapters. You should add a chapter about that. Some stories update so slow I forget what the last chapter was about and don't care about the story anymore so if a see a story that rarely updates I don't even bother.
I try hitting the 3000 word mark in every chapter and my last finished story was 100 chapters long.. I write how I want and are just appreciating the people who like it.
You got great points not only with this chap but the others as well.
PockyKiss #8
Yes, yes and YES to all of these! I'm madness!
-FanGirl- #9
Chapter 3: Yes! I completely agree.
Personally I hate second person stories!
Since they lack depth.
I've attempted writing one, and personally, I abandoned the project.
Even going to read them, it's rather annoying.
But still, I test them out everyday.
I still go to read them to see if I could find at least ONE good second person story I can enjoy.
You're not alone here.
-FanGirl- #10
Chapter 2: Again you make a great point here.
When writing the first story to my series "floWER" I've noticed my main character is a bit plane.
But not many readers will notice this right from the beginning.
Because even though she's pretty ordinary, the things that happen to her aren't.
So in that way the reader can related.
You make valid points.
Can't wait to see what else you have to say.