
The Truth About Fanfics


Your character is really fleshed out

(So I'm not gonna read)



Like most things I post, let me explain myself.

A fanfic, although arguably NOT a novel, is still writing (I'm not going to delve deeper into the difference between fanfics and novels... Maybe I'll start a blog /muse/...) You still have your plot, your characters and the world in which you're throwing them into. So... If this is the case, why can't your characters, just like they I are in (decent) Novels, fleshed out?

This is actually a HUGE issue I have when reading fanfics. Just because it's basically NOT a character you made yourself (as much as we'd like to claim our Idols as our own), there's no reason why in YOUR world you're creating within your fanfic, you can't develop them. 

Relationships between your characters should shift throughout your work, as we as people develop. Just like how your plot progresses, situations will effect your character, be it positive or negative. Because of this, characters change and experience new things, so it's only natural that their personalities will also change along the way.  The situation, be it negative or potitive, will alter the way they see others, and perhaps others see them.

I suppose I should present an example. A carefree, cheerful happy-go-lucky girl falling in love with a kpop idol, who then breaks her heart. Will she walk away from this EXACTLY as she was before? Of course not! No matter how much we like to think our characters are amazing the way they are, we need to understand that just like how WE develop throughout the years depending on our situations, so would our characters. Our life experiences define us, after all.

Which, of course, brings me around to the topic at hand. 

I've honestly lost count of the amount of fanfics I read which start with an EXTREMELY pretty girl, kind, loyaland generous   who goes through some sort of hardship. Then, miraculously, she's COMPLETELY THE SAME (or they're a little sad, then BAM, fine.) Literally, they do not change personalities, change their views or anything. 

Yes, before anyone nags that this is only fanfiction, can you honestly not tell me that just because it's only fanfiction, an effort shouldn't be made? Shouldn't we still stick to the same principles of writing? Shouldn't we still make efforts as WRITERS?

I usually find as my story progresses, some secondary characters that were once so important in the beginning, just feel awkward. So, they have to go. Never be afraid of parting from a character, nor be afraid of changing your characters. That's what makes them grow, and truly come to life, and it's what makes fanfics truly stand out.

Okay, now let me propose you a question: When reading a book, do you often think to yourself: "NOOO why did you kill off that character?" Or even; "I feel so horrible for her, she's going through so much..." And suddenly, you're FEELING for the characters. Why? Because something happened! Events make your reader relate more, and it will make us LIKE your characters more!

But like most things I've noticed, this just isn't being done. Charaters all seem the same; flat and boring. There's nothing aout them that changes, and it feels like throughout fanfics, they're all just the SAME. Maybe it's because we're writing about our favourite idols, and we just can't bring ourselves to harm them. There's lots of OC's being mistreated; (orphans, , abused etc) but not so much other characters. I'm tired of seeing 2d characters everwhere. Believe it or not, your main character can be NORMAL in the begging, THEN experience hardship. 

You know what, I don't even care how it's done, just do SOMETHING! Being them to life! Nobodies perfect, no character or NOBODY stays the save forever. We change, we adapt and we grow as people.

Allow your characters to grow, too.


Because at the moment, the way I see it:


If your fanfic doesn't have a two dimensional character, nobody will read it.


Whats your opinion on well developed characters?


“CHARACTERS ARE NOT OUR CHILDREN. Never hesitate to throw them into the path of a bus.”

— Angela Ackerman  




❝ Without character, you have nothing. Great plot? Robust storyworld? Potent themes? Elegant font? Matters little if your character is a dud. The punch might be delicious, but not if someone threw up in it. The character is why we come to the table. The character is our way through all those other things. We engage with stories because we relate to them: they are mirrors. Characters are the mirror-side version of “us” staring back. Twisted, warped, uncertain — but still us through and through.

- Chuck Wendig (via easyreadingisdamnhardwriting)




People are constantly changing their mind about what they believe, want, and need; your characters should be the same.



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Chapter 6: Anjrit...

My thought exactly.
hoyaual #2
Chapter 3: Your point on second person fics are my exact thoughts on them.
Chapter 3: It's really weird but I agree with all if the points you're making. ESPECIALLY the second person fics. There are way to many at it saddens me because there are loads of amazing first and third person fics out there which aren't getting noticed. To be honest I don't know why second person fics get all the love from. But I personally stay way away from them
TAOpandy #4
Hua I love these. You actually make some valid points that I think about sometimes when I see others fics. Maybe we're just a judgemental race... We need :(
oneshotBAP #5
Chapter 5: Thank you all for your comments :-)
-FanGirl- #6
Chapter 4: I tend to have a good length and update pretty fast according to my readers.
So, I don't really know. But personally, I'd chose length over update.
But I have to agree that it having to wait too long for an update.
Still, I understand what you mean. And that just brings me back to most of AFF's users are either in high school or middle school.
Granted there are some great writers still in high school.
Either way, this is how I've come to see things on AFF.
Chapter 4: Length over update but not if that means waiting a month between chapters. You should add a chapter about that. Some stories update so slow I forget what the last chapter was about and don't care about the story anymore so if a see a story that rarely updates I don't even bother.
I try hitting the 3000 word mark in every chapter and my last finished story was 100 chapters long.. I write how I want and are just appreciating the people who like it.
You got great points not only with this chap but the others as well.
PockyKiss #8
Yes, yes and YES to all of these! I'm madness!
-FanGirl- #9
Chapter 3: Yes! I completely agree.
Personally I hate second person stories!
Since they lack depth.
I've attempted writing one, and personally, I abandoned the project.
Even going to read them, it's rather annoying.
But still, I test them out everyday.
I still go to read them to see if I could find at least ONE good second person story I can enjoy.
You're not alone here.
-FanGirl- #10
Chapter 2: Again you make a great point here.
When writing the first story to my series "floWER" I've noticed my main character is a bit plane.
But not many readers will notice this right from the beginning.
Because even though she's pretty ordinary, the things that happen to her aren't.
So in that way the reader can related.
You make valid points.
Can't wait to see what else you have to say.