Let’s Talk About Love

We're So Meant To Be

Inspired by a fancam taken at SNSD’s sketchbook appearance, Tiffany said "Let's Talk About Love" was her favorite song. Also the level of Jeti flirtation in that fancam was THROUGH THE ROOF.

Note: Italicized sentences are spoken in Korean. Individual italicized words are just emphasized.

Let’s Talk About Love


“Jessica, what does love feel like for you?”

Jessica almost chokes on her own tongue and she keeps her eyes firmly on her Japanese phrasebook. “If this is your way of distracting me, let me tell you, you have another thing coming.

Tiffany hisses and nudges Jessica’s arm. “Speak English,” she whispers, her eyes darting towards the door. “Do you want those animals to overhear you?”

Jessica rolls her eyes and looks up, forcing herself to stay focused on not letting Tiffany distract her. “Sunny speaks English.”

Tiffany makes a face.

“She understands it, even if her pronunciation needs some work,” Jessica sighs. “And in any case, her English is better than both of our Japanese combined, so quit talking to me and let me study.”

Tiffany places her hands over her heart and pouts. “You wound me.”

Jessica’s heart skips a beat and she looks away quickly. She’s not thinking about how much she’d like to kiss that pout, nope, not thinking about it at all.

Tiffany grabs Jessica’s arm and shakes her. “Come on,” She whines. “Tell me!”

Jessica purses her lips and shakes her head. Truth be told, she and Tiffany haven’t said the “L” word to each other yet. They haven’t had much of a chance to really spend a lot of time together at all, in fact. Between their preparations for their Japanese debut, the preparations for their Run devil Run comeback, and the preparations for the new SM Town tour, and the presence of seven other women in the house, there’s hardly any time to sleep, never mind date. Honestly the fact that Jessica can’t find time to date a member of her own group is, quite frankly, ridiculous. She needs a vacation, and she’s going to demand one soon.

Or maybe she could just move out.

Jessica shakes her head—that’s a thought for another time.

“What was your question again?” Jessica asks, stalling for time.

Tiffany pokes her. “What does love feel like to you?” She asks quietly. “And I don’t mean love for family or…between friends, I mean lover’s love.”

Jessica closes her book—she’s not getting anything done anyway—and sits back on her bed, pulling her legs up under her and facing Tiffany.

Her breath catches in when she looks at Tiffany. She’s grown her hair out again, and it’s back to jet black. The effect is striking, and as much as Jessica loved Tiffany’s brown hair, she loves black too. She self-consciously ties her own hair back. It’s dry and brittle from bleaching, and she’s supposed to get black streaks in it soon. Who knows how that will look when it’s done.

Tiffany stands suddenly and moves around to sit behind Jessica. “Let me,” she says simply, taking the scrunchie from Jessica’s grasp and combing her fingers through Jessica’s hair, separating it into three parts. She doesn’t speak again until she’s started braiding.

“Shall I go first?” Without waiting for a response, Tiffany begins talking. “Everyone always talks about what love is about—forgiveness, acceptance, compromise, all that jazz. Nobody talks about what it feels like—and I’m going to get abstract here, but just bear with me.” She finishes the braid and comes back around, sitting in front of Jessica and gently taking her hand. “You know that first week of warm weather after winter? When flowers are just starting to pop out of the ground and the trees have barely gotten leaf-buds on their branches, but even then you can smell spring in the air. You walk out of your house in the morning wearing a light jacket for the first time in months, and you just feel so free and warm, and even though it’s not technically spring yet, you know that winter is over…” She pauses, giving Jessica’s hand a squeeze. “That feeling of anticipation and the knowledge that the world is still alive, that feeling of being free when you finally get to open the windows again and let the sun and the breeze in…” She looks up and smiles—that bright smile that Jessica adores so much. “That’s what love feels like to me.”

Jessica swallows; is dry but her eyes are a little damp. She’s never been deserving of the title Ice Queen—she cries so easily.

“Wow,” she manages. “I don’t know how I can top that.”

Tiffany giggles softly. “You don’t have to top it,” she says. “Just be honest.”

Jessica takes a deep breath and think about these rare moments she gets with Tiffany, where they can hold hands and smile at each other and know that it’s not for the cameras, it’s for them. These are the things she’ll share with her girlfriend and no one else. The word ‘girlfriend’ still sends butterflies into Jessica’s stomach—it’s probably her favorite word right now.

“Love,” Jessica muses. “It’s like…hot chocolate, or a warm blanket.” She grins. “You know, I’ve always thought you can’t possibly have any problems or worries when you drink hot chocolate. Because it makes you so warm and happy. I used to dare myself to frown while I was drinking it, and I never could. And being in love is like taking a blanket out of the dryer and just wrapping it around yourself for a few minutes. It is impossible to take anything out of the dryer and not wrap it around your shoulders or hands and just let the warmth sink into your body. Again, you can’t be unhappy when you have a blanket right out of the dryer. And when you think about love and how being in love makes you feel…you just can’t be unhappy.”

Tiffany’s smile seems to get even brighter. “I want hot chocolate now,” she sighs dreamily.

Jessica snorts and pinches Tiffany’s hand lightly. “Later,” she says, “Right now you need to kiss me. like, immediately.”

Tiffany wastes no time in doing just that.

Jessica thinks they don’t kiss nearly enough—there’s no way she’ll ever get tired of the way Tiffany’s lips feel against her own, or how soothing it is to comb her fingers through Tiffany’s hair and pull her just that little bit closer—

The door opens and Hyoyeon shrieks. “OH MY GOD!”

Jessica and Tiffany leap away from each other, blushing furiously. “Nothing happened, calm down!” Jessica yells, but Hyoyeon shouts over her.

Put a sign on the door or something, for the love of God!” Then she turns and shouts down the hall, “Nobody go in mine and Jessica’s room, she and Tiffany are getting it on.

We’re not getting it on!” Jessica yelps.

Ooh, let me get my camera!” Sooyoung screams, and Tiffany screams bloody murder and grabs Jessica’s pillow off the bed, yelling that she’s going to smother Hyoyeon and Sooyoung and replace them with trained parrots.

Jessica flop down on her back and covers her face with her hands. If she doesn’t move out, she should at least start thinking about taking Tiffany to a hotel room when they need some alone time.





Sorry for my absence ^^;;

Also I wrote this in 45 minutes excuse my spelling errors (if there are any I don't even know)

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Okay seriously you guys, I have double digit subs and single digit comments on the latest chapter. Something's gotta change.


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Chapter 2: Oh Jesmeo..ur so cool(灬º‿º灬)♡(灬º‿º灬)♡
I seriously enjoy all of this... Sweetness overload and how i missed jeti so much...
Jeti48 #3
Omo i'm getting fat by reading this fic.... Hahahah full of sweetness... Jeti overload....
PotatoOfTheCouch #4
Chapter 3: This one shot is sooo cute! Your other ones are really good as well! Please keep writing! :D
Aquarius1996 #5
Chapter 7: Which fancam is it?
rockanrolla #6
Chapter 7: My kinda jeti! The fluffy one that is ♡
Chapter 7: Hehe SWEET JeTi MOMENT they got there......until Hyo BARDGED in and Soo and her making funny comments! XD

Chapter 7: Jeti is love. Hahahaha you're Jjang authorssi
acetpn52 #9
Great great great one shots I loved them all!!! Soooo good you did a very good job
I hope you can share more in the future ^^ keep up the good work
suzetteisblue #10
Chapter 7: God this was good. Especially after that Wide Awake update. Oh JeTi how you are like hot chocolate *swoons*

I love you like hot chocolate with cinnamon and nutmeg my love