Love Sick Love

We're So Meant To Be

Love Sick Love


Anyone who has known Jessica for more than a few weeks will know that she is an absolute baby when it comes to any kind of discomfort. From something as small as a paper cut to being too warm or too cold to in bed with the flu, if there’s something wrong with Jessica then she is going to let everyone else know. Loudly and frequently. Of course that applies to times when she’s left alone as well.

So when Jessica comes down with the worst cold she’s ever had (“I really mean it this time, it’s the worst—stop laughing at my pain!”) and her entire family is away at work and school, it doesn’t stop her from whining about her situation every few minutes.

“I can’t breathe,” Jessica moans as she pulls the blankets up over her head.

“Ugh, why is it do hot?” A few minutes later as she throws them back off.

“Everything hurts,” as she rolls around on the bed, gagging as she realizes that her pillow has a large sweat-spot on it. “Ew!”

Her head feels like it’s about to explode, and she wonders if a warm shower might make her feel better. It doesn’t help the congestion that much, but she’s not so sweaty anymore and that’s great…until she gets out of the shower and is freezing.

“Cold, cold, cold,” Jessica whines as she quickly pulls on pajamas—thank god she brought clean ones into the bathroom with her—and then runs out of the room and back into her bed, diving under the covers.

Not too long after her fail of a shower Jessica hears the door open and pokes her head out from under her blankets. It’s only 1, too early for it to be anyone from her family, and there is only one other person with a key to her front door.

“Tiffany?” She croaks, and coughs as burns. She hears an unmistakable laugh as footsteps approach her room. Jessica watches through slightly watery eyes as Tiffany peers around the doorframe.

“Hello beautiful,” Tiffany says brightly. “How do you feel?”

Jessica growls feebly and retreats under the covers again. Tiffany giggles and Jessica feels the bed dip, gentle hands pulling at the quilt.

“Come on out, darling,” she coaxes. “I brought you gifts.”

Jessica emerges. “Don’t you have class?” She asks, her voice distorted with congestion. “Did you come here to bring me my homework?”

Tiffany pushes Jessica’s bangs back and clucks her tongue. “It’s Tuesday, I don’t have afternoon class on Tuesday. And ye of little faith! I wouldn’t bring you something as mundane as homework when you’re feeling sick.” Tiffany hands her a large thermos. “That is green tea with honey—the real kind, not that Arizona stuff—and I have another thermos with some soup if you want it.” Tiffany digs around in her purse and brings out two DVDs. “I also brought Legally Blonde one and two, since you misplaced your own copies.” She grins widely. “Now move over, give me some space.”

Tiffany puts her bag down and tosses the movies to the foot of the bed. She fluffs Jessica’s pillows up and arranges them so that the pair of them can lean up against the headboard. Tiffany then helps Jessica to sit up and makes sure she’s comfortable.

Jessica finds herself feeling a little teary—and not from her obnoxiously stuffy nose. “Just don’t kiss me,” she laughs. “You’ll get sick too.”

Tiffany plops down on the bed and frowns at Jessica. “My love,” she sighs (Jessica’s stomach flips a little), “Even if I did get sick, I would not get it as badly as you. You seem to have an incredible ability to get even sicker than an ordinary person.” She beams. “So while we will not be doing any French-kissing, I will not hold back from snuggling you until you feel at least a little better. Now drink your tea while I go put this soup away and set up the movie.”

Jessica obeys, she honestly has no idea what else to do besides sit and sip at the tea while Tiffany fusses over her. She’s not the best when it comes to expressing her emotions—she’s always afraid to be taken the wrong way, Tiffany knew this when they started dating. Jessica wonders if she’s supposed to look on with a fond smile, or insist that Tiffany is being too caring and should leave before she gets sick too (though really, Jessica appreciates what she’s doing). What is the proper etiquette for this situation? Jessica is at a loss.

“I can hear you thinking,” Tiffany scolds as she plugs in the DVD player, “Stop it, you always over think these things.”

Jessica chuckles and it ends in a cough.

“Oh, poor baby,” Tiffany croons as she approaches, laying a hand on Jessica’s forehead. “You sound absolutely terrible. Drink your tea while it’s hot, go on. Although I have to say, you do feel a little feverish.”

Jessica knows that the warmth spreading through her body is not because of the tea nor is it because of her fever. Tiffany gets the movie set up and she settles in under Jessica’s blankets, pulling Jessica down to rest her head on Tiffany’s shoulder. Jessica knows both Legally Blonde movies by heart, so even though she closes her eyes she knows exactly what’s going on.

The thermos of tea is starting to slip from Jessica’s grasp, and Tiffany carefully takes it away and puts it on Jessica’s bedside table. She starts to play with Jessica’s hair, gently combing the knots out, tickling Jessica’s neck with the ends. Jessica sighs happily and wraps her arms around Tiffany’s waist, snuggling closer. She doesn’t realize that she’s dozed off until she wakes up when Elle Woods is standing on line at the computer store in her bunny costume.

“Oh good,” Jessica mumbles, sitting up a little and rubbing her eyes. “I didn’t miss the good parts.”

Tiffany hums and helps Jessica rearrange until she’s laying against Tiffany’s chest, her head resting against Tiffany’s collarbones. “You can sleep if you’re really tired, you know. I won’t mind.”

“I’m not really tired anymore,” Jessica says, and it is true, she feels a lot better after the nap. She laughs a little, “Having you here has recharged my batteries,” She jokes, giggling.

Tiffany clucks her tongue. “I think your fever is getting worse, darling.”

“Is not,” Jessica whines, tilting her head back. She still can’t see Tiffany’s face very well, but she flails her hand back and manages to poke Tiffany’s cheek. “I’m always this cheesy, you know that.”

“You’re not cheesy,” Tiffany disagrees, kissing the top of Jessica’s head. “You’re greasy.”

“I just showered,” Jessica protests.

Tiffany laughs and Jessica grins. “You have a pretty laugh,” she sighs.

Tiffany bends a little to kiss her cheek. “You have a pretty everything,” she says, “Even when you’re sick.”

Jessica hums happily, knowing that she looks a mess but also knowing that Tiffany is being genuine, not just trying to flatter. She’s like that, she’ll find beauty anywhere. She also has a habit of bringing out the beautiful things in everyone she meets, and Jessica is no exception.

“You’re an awesome girlfriend, you know that?” Jessica mumbles, turning slightly and wrapping her arm around Tiffany’s waist. “You came here essentially to babysit me, while I’m sick, knowing full well what a grouch I am when I’m sick, but you still came. You’re awesome for that. Well, you’re awesome for a lot of things but this especially.”

She doesn’t have to look to know that Tiffany is blushing. “I’d do anything for you, you know that.”

“I’d do anything for you too,” Jessica says, sniffling slightly. “And when you inevitably get sick too, I’ll come and cuddle with you.”

Tiffany giggles and pets Jessica’s hair, kissing her forehead. “I hope so. I love you, Jess.”

Jessica blushes and grins widely. “I love you too Fany-Fany Tiffany!”

“Yep, your fever is definitely getting worse.”

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Okay seriously you guys, I have double digit subs and single digit comments on the latest chapter. Something's gotta change.


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Chapter 2: Oh Jesmeo..ur so cool(灬º‿º灬)♡(灬º‿º灬)♡
I seriously enjoy all of this... Sweetness overload and how i missed jeti so much...
Jeti48 #3
Omo i'm getting fat by reading this fic.... Hahahah full of sweetness... Jeti overload....
PotatoOfTheCouch #4
Chapter 3: This one shot is sooo cute! Your other ones are really good as well! Please keep writing! :D
Aquarius1996 #5
Chapter 7: Which fancam is it?
rockanrolla #6
Chapter 7: My kinda jeti! The fluffy one that is ♡
Chapter 7: Hehe SWEET JeTi MOMENT they got there......until Hyo BARDGED in and Soo and her making funny comments! XD

Chapter 7: Jeti is love. Hahahaha you're Jjang authorssi
acetpn52 #9
Great great great one shots I loved them all!!! Soooo good you did a very good job
I hope you can share more in the future ^^ keep up the good work
suzetteisblue #10
Chapter 7: God this was good. Especially after that Wide Awake update. Oh JeTi how you are like hot chocolate *swoons*

I love you like hot chocolate with cinnamon and nutmeg my love