Good Kitty

We're So Meant To Be

Sorry for the delay!!


Good Kitty

Jessica thinks she’s rightly justified in the cold treatment that she gives Heechul once she’s finds out he’s adopting another cat. Bad enough that she already has to share the house, namely the bathroom, with her younger sister, and now an entirely strange cat? No, she doesn’t like this. Contrary to popular belief, Jessica isn’t a spoiled creature—not in terms of her attitude anyway, but she is proud, and this is too much for her.

She spends an entire day closed up in her room, going without a proper meal for almost 20 hours. She has small bags of candy and bottle of water stored in her room, but nothing truly satisfying. Krystal offers to bring her something to eat (knowing full well that Jessica is too proud to ask herself) but Jessica refuses on the grounds that it makes her protest less effective. When hunger finally forces Jessica out of her room she refuses to say a word to Heechul, keeping her cat ears pressed to her head and hissing at him when he gets too close. He sighs and backs off, knowing better than to approach her when she’s in a bad mood.

After four days of the silent treatment Heechul finally snaps at her.

“Don’t be a child,” he scolds as Jessica stalks past him, nose in the air. “I’m adopting her so you can finally have a friend, Jessica!”

Jessica keeps her ears pinned back and growls under her breath. She doesn’t want a friend, she wants security. Heechul is decently wealthy, has a fairly large house and has promised to care for her and Krystal for as long as they both live, but Jessica has come to learn that financial stability is nothing to be taken for granted. She was abandoned when she was a child, along with Krystal, when their “family” decided that human-cat hybrids were too expensive. To this day Jessica remembers the ache of hunger and the cold nights spent on the streets, stressing out as she tried to keep her baby sister safe. Heechul is aware of her past and how wary she is, for him to do this to her is just unbelievable.

On the day that the new cat arrives Jessica contracts a horrible illness that leaves her bedridden—at least this is what she moans through the door when Krystal comes to wake her up. She spends the morning wrapped up in her quilt, and when that gets to be too hot she slinks under her bed, ears pressed to her head and tail lashing back and forth as she wonders just how much trouble she’ll be in if she vomits in Heechul’s shoes.

Of course when morning comes, Jessica realizes that it’s unfair of her to punish the new cat, as the poor thing hasn’t done anything to upset her (yet), so she decides to grace the world with her presence once more.

This is her story, the one that she spent the night trying to convince herself of. She’s like this because she’s pissed off at Heechul. Which is true, but for the wrong reasons. She’s mad that Heechul didn’t ask her if she was okay with having a new cat move in and didn’t tell her until it was too late for him to change his mind. The overwhelming truth is that Jessica is scared that this cat won’t like her. She’s not the most sociable creature in the world, and she’s positively terrified that she’ll put her foot in and chase away the only friend she’ll ever get to have.

With that thought weighing on her mind, Jessica spends a good ten minutes debating if she should get dressed or go downstairs in her pajamas, and decides that if she wants the new cat to believe she was really sick, she should at least look the part. So she leaves her pajamas on but makes sure that her hair looks alright and brushes her teeth twice before heading out. It’s only 9:30, Heechul should be at work and Krystal should still be asleep, but Jessica’s been out of the loop for a few days and doesn’t know what or whom to expect when she goes into the kitchen. She’s kind of glad when she peeks around the corner and only sees the new cat, but she has to hold in a squeal for how adorable her new housemate is. She’s really a pretty little thing—brown hair, ears and tail, pale and petite with a nicely shaped jaw and pretty smile, and looking absolutely precious in an oversized shirt and sweatpants rolled to her knees. She’s also wearing adorable Hello Kitty ankle socks—Heechul must have given them to her, because Jessica and Krystal got a pair just like them from him not to long ago. The new girl is puttering around the kitchen, her sleeves flopping over her hands as she rummages through the cabinets, seemingly looking for cutlery.

Jessica rounds the corner and almost has a cute-induced heart attack when the new cat squeaks and almost knocks over her cup in surprise.

“Oh!” She gasps, her hands flying to her chest. “You—I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were…I mean…”

Jessica takes pity on the poor girl. “Sorry, I have a habit of sneaking up on people.” She pulls her most brilliant smile up on her face. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Jessica.”

A small, hesitant smile makes its way onto the other cat’s face. “I’m Tiffany,” she says quietly. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

Jessica nods and leans her elbows on the island, granite cool on her bare arms. “I’m sorry I wasn’t around available to greet you yesterday,” She says breezily. “I was…” she halts, suddenly unwilling to lie to Tiffany, who is looking at her with wide eyes, clearly hanging on Jessica’s every word.

“I was mad at Heechul,” Jessica admits. “But mostly I was afraid that you wouldn’t like me.”

Tiffany’s jaw drops and flaps her hands. “I like you!” She cries, and then she blushes furiously. “Or…based on the last ten seconds I like you, and Krystal said that you’re really nice and you wouldn’t hurt a fly so…”

“I wouldn’t hurt a fly actually,” Jessica blurts, “Mostly because they gross me out and I start to cry when they come near me.”

She’s momentarily afraid that now she looks like a crybaby, but Tiffany smiles—a real smile, Jessica can tell from the way her eyes turn up into crescent moons. “It’s okay,” she says, “Flies don’t bother me, I can protect you from them.”

Jessica feels like she could cry, but instead she shows Tiffany where Heechul keeps the eating utensils.

From there, the two of them become inseparable almost overnight. Tiffany endears herself to Jessica in ways Jessica had never imagined—from her habit of wearing shirts with sleeves that cover her hands to the way her right cat-ear twitches when she’s excited and her left when she’s nervous, it seems like Jessica finds herself noticing every little detail about her new housemate. Heechul is happy because he’s accomplished what he set out to do—help Jessica settle into house life. Krystal is even more thrilled because Jessica has stopped hovering over her constantly and she’s free to invite her friend Amber over and play video games all day.

After two weeks Jessica deems it appropriate to ask about Tiffany’s past. Tiffany tears up and tells Jessica that she used to live with her parents, siblings and their adopted family, but then her mother died and she asked to be sent to live with another family.

“Why?” Jessica gasps, sure she heard wrong.

The two of them are sitting on the floor (waiting for noon so that they can be in the best sunny-spot in the house) and Tiffany pulls her knees up to her chest and keeps her head down. “I didn’t want to stay and be reminded of her everywhere I went,” she says quietly, her voice thick with tears. “I was really close to my mom, and being in that house…it was like I was feeling her absence even more. To go into the kitchen and not see her attempting to cook, or to walk by the table and not see her favorite coffee mug waiting for her…” Tiffany’s voice breaks and it feels like Jessica’s heart breaks along with it. “I thought that if I left, I would start to feel better. I’d be able to stop seeing empty spaces and start seeing my own life.”

Jessica scoots a little closer, laying her hand on top of Tiffany’s. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers. “I don’t remember much about my own parents, so I can’t pretend to understand your loss, but even I know that it hurts to lose such a huge part of your life.” She pauses, wondering if she’s about to overstep a boundary, but the words fall from her lips anyway. “I hope that you can…see your life as you want to someday.”

Tiffany lifts her head and smiles a little, despite the tears that are evident in her eyes. “That’s the great thing though,” she says happily, “I’ve already begun to do just that.”

When Krystal finally comes out of her room for lunch, she finds Jessica and Tiffany curled up together in a patch of sunlight, just about to doze off. Jessica smiles and extends her hand to her younger sister. “Want to join us?” She asks sleepily, and Tiffany cracks open one eye and beckons Krystal down.

Krystal shakes her head. “Nah, you two lovebirds have fun.”

“What love birds?” Jessica squawks, blushing furiously, and Tiffany hushes her and tells her to go to sleep.

Jessica doesn’t though, she stays awake and watches Tiffany. She looks so happy and relaxed, the gentle curve of her smile lighting up her face even in her sleep. Jessica can’t seem to hold herself back from running her fingers gently through Tiffany’s hair, scratching lightly behind her cat ears. A sleepy purr rumbles through Tiffany’s chest and she nudges her head into Jessica’s hand, her eyes opening slowly. Her purring gets louder as she wakes up and she inches even closer to Jessica.

“What are you thinking about so intensely?” Tiffany asks, her purr distorting her voice a little. She sounds hoarse and sleepy, and somehow it’s both cute and hot.

“Well,” Jessica says dryly, “I was thinking about how cute you were, but then you opened your mouth and suddenly you were all appeal.”

Tiffany laughs at that and rolls onto her stomach, stretching her arms out in front of her and arching her back. Her tails curls into the air, the very tip waving slightly. “I suppose that’s a bit better than you,” she teases. “You’re all awkward and prickly.”

“OYE!” Jessica yelps, and she launches herself at Tiffany and rolls her onto her back, pinning her down by the shoulders. “I am not prickly!” And then to prove it she shoves her fingers under Tiffany’s arms and tickles her ribs mercilessly.

Tiffany shrieks and squirms, batting at Jessica’s hands uselessly. “Jessica! JESSICA! ACK! I surrender!!”

Jessica laughs triumphantly and flattens herself on top of Tiffany, keeping her pinned. She flicks her tail at Tiffany’s nose. “Now, what were you saying?”

Tiffany is breathless and a little pink in the face, but she smiles coolly. “You’re not at all awkward and you’re a fluffy little kitten.”

“And don’t you forget it,” Jessica says sternly. Then before she can lose her nerve, she leans down and plants a kiss on Tiffany’s cheek. Before Tiffany can say anything, she leaps up and runs to her room, blushing from her head to her toes. She makes it all the way to her room before she realizes she’s being followed, and when she turns around Tiffany slams into her. The two of them crash through the door and land on the bed, Tiffany perched gracefully on Jessica’s stomach.

“You ran away before I could answer you,” she scolds.

“Answer me?” Jessica squeaks, aware that her face is still red.

“You said not to forget that you were a fluffy kitten,” Tiffany reminds her. She leans down and Jessica feels her breath catch in as Tiffany’s lips gently press against her own. “And I won’t forget,” Tiffany purrs.

Jessica hides her face in her hands, but she knows that Tiffany has already seen her ecstatic smile.








Is this even a thing in the Soshi fandom? The whole cat-hybrid concept is abolutely rampant in the EXO fandom...

Also, is there any plot you'd like to see here? Feel free to throw things out in the comments! There's no guarantee that I'll write it, but I'm low on inspiration and IF I see one I like, maybe I'll write it! 

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Okay seriously you guys, I have double digit subs and single digit comments on the latest chapter. Something's gotta change.


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Chapter 2: Oh Jesmeo..ur so cool(灬º‿º灬)♡(灬º‿º灬)♡
I seriously enjoy all of this... Sweetness overload and how i missed jeti so much...
Jeti48 #3
Omo i'm getting fat by reading this fic.... Hahahah full of sweetness... Jeti overload....
PotatoOfTheCouch #4
Chapter 3: This one shot is sooo cute! Your other ones are really good as well! Please keep writing! :D
Aquarius1996 #5
Chapter 7: Which fancam is it?
rockanrolla #6
Chapter 7: My kinda jeti! The fluffy one that is ♡
Chapter 7: Hehe SWEET JeTi MOMENT they got there......until Hyo BARDGED in and Soo and her making funny comments! XD

Chapter 7: Jeti is love. Hahahaha you're Jjang authorssi
acetpn52 #9
Great great great one shots I loved them all!!! Soooo good you did a very good job
I hope you can share more in the future ^^ keep up the good work
suzetteisblue #10
Chapter 7: God this was good. Especially after that Wide Awake update. Oh JeTi how you are like hot chocolate *swoons*

I love you like hot chocolate with cinnamon and nutmeg my love