You're still far..

You're near yet so far..

   “Camera, lens, towel, raincoat, umbrella, snack, mineral water..hurm..anything else” Tried thinking my best.

   “Oh God,, my banner!!” I dashed into my room and take the A4 size hard black paper with my beloved’s name on it.

I grin happily and thank my high quality brain for not forgetting the most important thing. I make it small so it can fit in my backpack. But I’m sure the font is readable.

   “Yah!! It’s just 9.00 a.m,, you sure you want to go right now??” my roommate give a hopeless stare at me

   “Of course Qie,, there are people since yesterday right,,so it’s not that weird that I’ll go just a little bit early” I gave her deerly eyes.

She sighed when another of my housemate, Anne come out from her room. She carries two bags. One backpack and another medium handbag.

   “You guys seriously going to sleep there??” Qie rounded her small eyes.

   “Uh-huh..So,,see you later..Make sure to call me when you reach there.” I waved her goodbye and we walk to the train station to take the train and then taxi to the hotel.

Hurm,,okeyy..I am an EXO fans..and this year World Stage will have EXO and the stage will be held seriously 20mins from my hostel. So,,it’s a ridiculous thing for not going right?? Plus, it’s also because of another reason and secret that I believe no one will expect..>_<

We reached at the hotel that the rumours said will be the hotel that EXO members spend their night. I got this offer from Anne’s bestfriend that are an EXO fansite admin to be a translator to the others admin unnies that will come from South Korea.

And am I already tell you that I was born and lived at South Korea for 12 years and then came back here because my father quit his seriously breath-taking job there?? ^^

So then..

   “Girls,, glad to see you here.. Come and I will show you your room.” Ery a.k.a Anne’s best friend greet us.

   “Are the other admins already here??” I asked Ery when we are walking through the lobby and enter the lift.

I discovered a few groups of girls are lingering around the lobby with extra-sized camera and banners.

   “They were there since last night but the not able to meet M members because they used another entrance. And the unnies still not here.They will be in the same flight with K members from the KpopRepublic” Ery explained and I just nod show that I understand.

After put our things, we walk to the location which the stage will be held today. Although this is not my first time going to any show like this, I’m still surprised with the amount of people that are already packed around the waiting area. This is crazy!! There are around 5 hours before the entrance to open but most of them already start lining up..

There are also a few groups of people distributed banners.. There are Lay’s, Kris’s, Chen’s, Luhan’s and a few others member banner are given. I’m looking everywhere if there are people who has banner with his name written on it..But it’s only makes me disappointed more.. :(

   “Never mind,, I have yours” I smile and collected any banners that I saw.

Hours passed.. And Ery told me that the unnies were already arrived. It’s 1.00 pm. We walk back to the hotel and meet the pretty unnies. There are 4 of them and actually they can speak English very well but overall I enjoy talking to them in Korean and sharing about my bias. They surprised but then admit that ‘he’ is gaining more fans right now.

Ery and one of the unnies will go to the VIP entrance while Anne, me and the other unnies lining at the normal entrance. We are already there for 2 hours and there are 30 mins to 4.00pm. The fans were not as behaved as they in the morning. They started pushing, shouting and feel insecure because most of them have normal passes while me and my others friend including the unnies are in special zone.


It’s 4.00 pm and the security guard start to let the people in one by one..Oh My God! It’s actually annoying because there are so many checkpoints. To check bags, checks tickets, check this check that..But all the tiredness are gone by an awe watching the stage in front of my eyes. By the way, It’s not that relaxing with people trying to move forward everytime they have chances. And there are a few hours left from 7.00pm. I decide to keep chatting with the unnies until the surrounding gets dark slowly.

It’s near 7.00pm and everyone start stand up.

   “Anne, it’s not that bad since we were here.” I refer to our zone that can be described as the best zone ever. And also because I still can breathe properly.

The stage lights turn off and people start screaming, shouting and else. I’m not interested with that because I want to save my voice later.

When the emcees start walking on the middle of the stage saying hello.. greet everyone for their endurance to be here. Yeah..they should looking at me when the audience start pushing everyone forward. I don’t know how to describe myself at that time. A dried fish maybe. . Seriously I thought that the calmness will last forever.  

To aggravate the situation,, the fans spot some of the members back stage and they are shouting and keep pushing. The opposite backstage was clearly seen and I also spot Baekhyun and Kris playing with the curtain. But it’s not time to cheer because I can’t breathe. My position right now is standing still without even able to move my legs.

It’s lucky I think, the first performer is not EXO,, The audience start to calm down and just groove with the local hip hop artist. I’m not condemn anybody but seriously more than half of the 15000 peoples that coming are EXO fans. So, when the first performer bid his goodbyes. The audience start shouting and chanting,, EXO!! EXO!! EXO!! The unnies are now busy arranging their superb extra-large camera and also placing small chair under their feet and suddenly they look like towers to me.

    “No wonder they always get the good shot” I mumbles myself.

Oh My God!!! It’s their turn next. And Oh My God!! The people behind start crashing the people in front.

One of the unnies behind me fell directly with her camera to my head. She cursed loudly while I cursed slowly. She apologises and get into her position again.

   “ Ouwh,,it’s hurt so much” I my head and I believe there will a bruise there.

I am ready with my little camera when the lighting are fully off. Being in front, I can see the boys running onto the stage and get into the tree-like position causing the others fans screaming their lung out.

I can’t even hear my own voice. It’s started..Oh yeah it’s started!!! Chanyeol appeared at my right side of the stage which is my side of view but Kris and Kai at the other side.

The ‘Wolf’ continues with he dances seriously in front of my eyes. But, don’t think that I am in the heaven mode. There are hands everywhere. Especially in front of my eyes,and both side even the unnie makes my shoulder as her stand to stay still. What the…

I can even see his face clearly but I’m still trying to capture every his moments in front of me with the. Their performances are continued with the introduction. At last, my wish to hear Kris speaking English live comes true. His accent is seriously funny.

Then, they sing History and 3.6.5,, just to point out that it was and still raining. My glasses already cover with water and suddenly that GreekGod-look like Kris open his outer uniform coat followed by Kai which makes everyone scream hysterically. Cursed him double because the fans pushing from the back harder than ever.

And Oh My God!!! He is in front of me!! I want to take out my banner-like paper!! Please!! I’ve tried but my left hand is completely stuck and my right hand holding a camera upward. I’m looking at him hopelessly.

Seriously there are no signboard or banner for him. I’m jumping desperately.

Suddenly my hairs are pulled from behind. I hissed out of pain. Hell. I turned my head slightly and realised that it’s not that unnie behind of me and the new didn’t even apologise and keep chanting.

At last, I give up taking their video and enjoy the last song, Growl. Just to make sure I’m not missed any move of him, I jump and chant together with other people. When they finished the song, they bow to the audience plus Lay’s 90 degree bow and the show already come to the end for me.

I drag Anne out from the hell with no mercy until we reach the calmer place.

    “You want to go back now? There are another two performers.” Anne seems like angry but keep following me.

    “I’m in my worst condition ever, seriously you want to go back in there??” I asked her while looking at her unarranged clothes.

    “We need to bring the unnies remember?? Maybe I’ll just wait here and you can go to the hotel first. I’ll tell Ery..” Anne pats my shoulder.

I walk slowly to the hotel. My clothes were totally wet and I’m shivering. What makes things worst more is when I enter the hotel,

First It’s cold like Antarctica. Second, there are already fans that are waiting for the members to go back to the hotel.They are so noisy. Third, I forgot my room’s number.

I call Anne for hundredth times and she’s not picking up. Is she still in the crowd?? Maybe, because it’s impossible to even hear your own voice there. I feel helpless. There is no one at the reception counter. Then, I call Ery because maybe her place is not as loud as normal place. But she also not answering my call.

     “What should I do??” I enter the lift and take a few seconds before pressing button number 4. I’m sure it’s 4th floor.

But the room number is completely deleted from my memory.. After wandering a few times and shivering around the rooms. Anne call back.

      “Yah!!! Why are you not picking up your phone..I’m dying here” I scream when I heard her voice.

       “I’m sorry,,but why are you dying??”

       “I forgot our room number and I’m shivering out here” I pressured at the word ‘here’.

She chuckles and tells me the room number. Then, I shut the conversation when she’s trying to shout something in my ear.

       “420..420.. I believe I already walk pass it before” When reach the corner I turn left but when I look slightly at my back,

There are a group of people, slightly noisy and there are also girls screaming sound. I walk back into the corner and let the small crowd walk passing me. And that’s it. They just walked in front of me. EXO just walk in front of me. Seriously in front of me.

Some of them take a glance of my presence and some are not. But the most surprise is he’s looking at me.. Keep looking and walk slowly until I also can’t see him anymore.





Have I ever said about 50% real 50% fiction ???

>_<    Maybe it's 40% real... >_<

Or maybe 30%??


pls continue... it's getting interesting,,believe me... ^-^

/run away/






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It's my first story using 'you' as the character so..mind with the mistakes,.,, >


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shymaXiu #1
Chapter 3: post the next part pleaseee....
:D :D
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 2: Omg!!!! So cute :3 pleaseee tell me !! Xiumin! Xiumin!
Coolcutiedj #3
Chapter 2: it wonderful! gaahh! at first it just kind an ordinary fan going to concert..but2..actually they know each other XD .. daebak~~! r they in a relationship or something huhu <3