Chapter 8

Highest Point



Weewww, it was more than a month ago since my last update.. Finally, I can update today.. Thank you for waiting patiently.. Enjoy ^^



Oh my, I was so very much bored to death. (I am already dead anyway, so I thought the phrase isn’t sound too harsh or bitter). How could I describe how boring it was about rolling around all day on top of the roof and doing nothing? Sadly, my only entertainment came from Minwoo, which if I might complain, was not entertaining at all. I needed to do something because I was so bored. So I let out a sigh before sat up and turned to him.


“How long have you been doing this?” I muttered slowly. I wasn’t sure whether I really wanted to know the answer, I just wanted to break the silence. 


“Being an angel?” Minwoo halted from his current activity of observing the small crack on the roof.




“Since I can remember it.” He answered easily but seemed to be hesitated though, as if he wasn’t sure how to put it into words.




“All I can remember, is one day I opened my eyes and someone told me that I am an angel and I should get up to do my job.” Minwoo said carefully. “So I got up and did my job as angel ever since.”


“Eh? Just like that?” I abruptly shrieked after heard his rather weird explanation.


“Yeah, just like that.” Minwoo nodded and I noticed how he tried to look nonchalant.


“So that’s your patent default method? Waking up persons and telling them the vaguest chore they had to do?” I commented dryly and didn’t care when Minwoo winced uncomfortably – clearly irritated by the way I criticized his and his fellow angels’ works.


“Don’t be mean.” He said firmly before turned his head away.


“When were you started?”


“Years – many years ago.” He shrugged his shoulders then smiled a little rather amused.


“So if you were a human, how old are you now?”


“Older than you.” He answered easily.


“Oh, wow.” I could only produce those words when the truth was now I felt guilty. It felt like I just talked harshly to elder. I observed Minwoo who sat beside me – he looked so normal and if only my mood wasn’t this bad, I might realize that he emitted warmth and hospitality. I wondered what else that I didn’t know.


“I want to ask you another question.” I muttered again.


“And what is that?” He asked but sounded more like he grunted the words.


“If I can – “ I paused a second. What was the term that Minwoo always use? Was it ‘go through’? “Go through?” I let the last syllable hung as I waited for his confirmation. And only after he nodded, I continued, “What would happen to me?”


“What do you mean with what happen to you? Of course you will fully leave this place and move on to the next place.” Minwoo explained but briefly showing the way he rolled his eyes. As if he couldn’t understand why I was still asking him the same question over and over again.


“What I really want to know is whether my memories will still intact when I leave this place. Or will it be erased?”


Minwoo didn’t answer right away. Instead, he stared at me with an unreadable expression. Later I realized, he was observing and tried to read my expression too. Soon after, he smiled warmly – only a little tough – before asked, “Why? Do you have a memory that you want to keep?”




That day, as usual I walked home with Hyesung after school. We’ve been together for a month now, but we’re still awkward at each other. We met and talked every day, but there’s always an amount of awkwardness lingered. It explained why I was a bit lagging behind him whenever we’re walking.  


“What do you want for your birthday?” Hyesung asked slowly but he didn’t look at me when he asked and kept walking.




“Isn’t your birthday next week?” He tucked his hands inside his jacket’s pockets as he asked that. He then looked away and I could only assume because he was a little embarrassed asking that.


“Yeah.” I answered shortly when my mind was busy wondering. How he knew that? I never told him my birthday before.


Hyesung cleared his throat a bit before asked even slower. “So what do you want for your present?”


“Surprise me.”


“It’s such a bother guessing for what you might like.” He pouted. “Just tell me what you want and then I’ll go buy it, wrap it and give it to you.” He muttered very quickly. “Don’t ask for something too expensive, I warn you.” He continued but this time he managed to hiss.


I snorted right away. This guy was seriously lazy.


Then I took some time to think about it for some seconds before decided, “I don’t want a thing.” I said as I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.


He pouted even more and was about to open his mouth and retort, when one idea popped on my mind. A wide smile spread on my face immediately. He furrowed his brow when he saw the sudden change of my expression, he forgot what to say to me. So he closed his mouth again and waited.


“What I want is not a thing.” I said and before I could stop it, I grinned evilly.


“What do you want?” He asked rather defensively – suspicious about what I might say later.


“I’ll let you guess.” No way will I tell you right away. I knew you hated being teased but this irritated expression of yours was too precious to be missed, Hyesung-ah.


“And I already told you it’s such a bother to guess.” He snapped. I couldn’t help but chuckled.


So I leaned close and whispered softly on his ear. “What about a kiss?”


He stopped his step abruptly. I stopped too and waited for his next reaction. He remained motionless, then the crimson slowly ebbing on his cheeks, his eyes widened and he pursed his lips into very thin line. And his face – oh, his face – now, the usually pale skin of his face were all red. Not just blushing, but red as in he was ready to explode. Then he directed his furious glare toward me, before dangerously hissed, “Do you want to die?”


I took two steps back – made sure to keep a safe distance from his fist reach and most importantly, from his threatening legs.


“Why? It’s not expensive. In fact, it’s free. Why won’t you give it to me? I really want it. I’ll be very happy to receive it as my present.” I took a step back again and tried my best to restrain a smile.


“But – but – “ He stammered flabbergasted. He blinked frequently but no words came out.


He thought I was serious!


And this time I let the chuckle out.


“I’m kidding, Hyesung-ah.” I said while grinning. 


After heard that, he turned away and muttered, “Jerk.”


Still chuckled, I followed him. He walked fast and kept shutting his mouth. All the while he refused to look at me and only pouted when I apologized many times for teasing him. I assured him that I didn’t want anything. “Just buy me two tickets and take me watching the movie for my birthday.” I said finally. “That’s what I want.”


So a week later, he really granted my wish and took me to the movie. I let him chooses the movie and couldn’t stop smiling. As I waited for him purchasing our popcorn and cola, I couldn’t help but recalling our ruined first date a month ago. It was true that during this one month, we’re still awkward with each other and had no major progress, but for me it was good nevertheless. The genuine happiness that I felt whenever our eyes met is a solid proof.


We entered the theater and found our seat. As I leaned back on my seat and waited, Hyesung immediately rustled with his bag. Clumsily, he tried to open the clasp with his shivering hand. After he found what he was looking for, he turned to me. He scratched his chin nervously and waited for me to look at him.


“For you.” Hyesung said shortly as he handed me a small wrapped box. “Happy birthday.” He mumbled slowly before cleared his throat awkwardly.


“What is this?” I beamed in glee as I took it. “Can I open this now?” Hyesung nodded silently. I tore the wrapping and took out a braided-leather bracelet with silver clasp. I sensed how Hyesung observed my face carefully. “Woah, this is cool! Thank you.” I chuckled happily and hurriedly put it on my right wrist.


“You like it?” Hyesung asked expectantly.


“Of course.” And in a split second, Hyesung smiled wide.


“Very good then.” He exhaled in relief before leaned back on his seat in relaxed.


“Where did you buy this?” I asked as I looked closely at my brand new bracelet.


“It’s a secret.” Hyesung answered shortly with a happy glint appeared on his eyes.


 “Tell me. I want to buy this for you too.”


He gulped. “Actually, I already bought one for me.” He said very slowly.


“Really? So it means, this is couple bracelet?” I gasped.


“No, of course not! I just bought one for me because I like the design. Nothing more.” Hyesung hurriedly explained flabbergasted but I already grinned like an idiot.


“Alright.” I said even though I didn’t believe him. “Too bad you don’t wear yours.” I commented when I glanced at his bare wrist.


He gulped again. “Actually – “ He let his sentence hung. “I brought it with me.” He mumbled before looked away. But from where I sat, I could make out his blushing cheek.


“Then wear it, Hyesung-ah.”


At first, he only bit his lip as if he was contemplated the idea. Then a second later, he shoved his fingers on his jeans pocket and took a similar bracelet. He sighed nervously before clasped it on his left wrist. “Happy?” He asked in forced irritation but his flushed cheeks betrayed his acting.


“Very happy.” I nodded. And I thought I saw a smile formed on his face after that. “Hyesung-ah? May I hold your hand?” I whispered daringly.


“You really ask too much!” He snapped. He exhaled once before whispered slowly, “Do it after they turn off the light.”


And so, right after the light was turned off, I held his hand on mine. Two hours through the movie and we never let our hand go. It was a little uncomfortable to be honest, because I had to eat popcorn with my left hand but I couldn’t describe how gratifying the feeling was. I never thought that a movie about a bleeding bald man shooting bad guys and blasting buildings could be so romantic.


After movie, we had dinner together and I couldn’t stop smiling whenever I glanced at our bracelets. I knew I acted foolishly. But I couldn’t help it, when even the smallest thing he did to me could make me very happy. I never planned to love him. He was just a stranger falling out of the blue, but like a miracle he had become the memory I couldn’t erase. Sometimes it was funny, how he could make me feel like I could fly whenever I saw his face or hear his voice.


That night, after we finished our dinner, I walked Hyesung home. We walked the empty and a bit dark aisle, so we dared to walk closely with our shoulders touched. On moment like this, I truly believed that Hyesung also liked me as much as I liked him. The thought sent pleasant warmth to me and I felt very safe. I let him rambled during the walk without really listening. I just concentrated on his voice not his words.


“Are you even listening?” Hyesung nudged my shoulders and made my step swayed. His house gate was just ten meters away. I turned to him when he kept talking, “Don’t you ever tells anybody about today, understand? And if there’s someone asks about the bracelet, tell nothing. And – “


I placed my right hand over his mouth – he shut up right away. “Okay, I understand.” I said.


And then something happened. I could feel his lips were trembling on my palm. And his surprised eyes that stared at me, looked so bright even in this dim light. I felt the warm puff from his nose on my fingers.  He blinked uneasily but never pushed my hand away. I saw my new bracelet on my right wrist and felt the overwhelming feeling began surging. Damn, I’m so in love with him! And for the split second all I could think was, I had to kiss him. I couldn’t explain how or why, when then my body was moving by itself. Without thinking, I leaned forward – I even shut my eyes – and then kissed the back of my hand.


I knew it wasn’t a real kiss. I just kissed the back of my own hand! But I still kissed my own skin very very gently, as if I kissed Hyesung’s lips. As if our lips really touched. As if there’s no hand between our lips. One second. Two second. But he didn’t push me away. He just leaned on the wall and did nothing to stop me.


When I pulled away and then stood straight, I grinned triumphantly while Hyesung was a blushing mess. I pulled my hand and uncovered his still trembling lips. He looked so beautiful in my eyes. But then I was cautious when I noticed that Hyesung looked enervated. He just stared at me with his mouth half opened – too shocked to do anything. Unlike his usual strong appearance, right now he looked like his energy was drained completely.


“Sorry.” I whispered in anxious.


He mumbled something that wasn’t a word to me – too shocked to even say a proper word.


I placed my hands on his shoulders before hugged him. It wasn’t a warm tight hug, in fact it was a very awkward hug. My hands were enveloped his arms gracelessly and our heads were barely touched. He didn’t hug me back but at the same time, he didn’t resist me.


“I’m sorry.” I whispered again.


“That’s,” He stopped a second. “Quite shocking.” He said weakly.


“Are you mad?” I asked. Thank God, this aisle was empty so I could hold him close like this without worrying much.


He shook his head.


“Let’s do that again when you’re ready.” I suggested and smiled when he nodded slowly on my shoulders. I let go of him and stole a chance to inhale the smell of his hair when I did so. He still leaned on the wall but now with a shy smile plastered on his face. I had the urge to touch his cheek or his hair, but decided not to do it. I scared him enough for tonight.


“Next time, I’ll definitely tell you in advance if I want to kiss you.” I blurted out and he let out a small chuckle.


“You really ask too much.” He hissed but then he nodded shyly. “Now go. I’m fine.”


I took a step back and waved. “This is my best birthday ever so far.” I said honestly.


He chuckled. “Go.”


I took a step back again. “I’m going. Sleep tight, Hyesung-ah.”


“You too.” He muttered shyly before turned away and walked to open his house gate.


I stared until his back disappeared behind the gate before turned away. I knew it wasn’t a real kiss. But I felt so very happy nevertheless. Today was my seventeenth birthday, I spent it with my lover, he gave me couple bracelet as the present and I felt like I just kissed him.


I knew I won’t ever forget about today.




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Chapter 8 is up! Enjoy the update.. ^^


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sumiko07 #1
Chapter 9: I think this is the 3rd time reading this story even knowing that there is not final yet 😭 but I don't loose hope that Author-nim could come back soon hehe.. this is one of my favorites fics I ever read. Even incomplete, the story is full of emotions that makes me smile and drop some tears.
Masayan #2
I found this fic now and I fell in love with it, will not you continue it?
I really wanted to know what's going to happen, I hope it continues ... it's an excellent writing.
Do you post fics on other sites?
eflvoegyu #3
Ugh I'm crying hard hikssss.
miszrange #4
Chapter 9: waaaaa... authornim.. please update soon. i wonder what happen next hahaa. fightng!!
balicucha #5
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: pls. update Author.
sumiko07 #6
Chapter 4: Hi, I just finished to read chapter 4 .. I had a great surprise because you talked in your story about Machu Picchu, well this is located in Peru, my country :D I am just so happy imagining someday Eric and Hyesung (or all Shinhwa) coming here.. it would be awesome! Thanks for bring a little mention of Machu Picchu and Peru .. and i have to tell you that all your stories are great... i love the way yo write, the concept is so interesting and perfect. Well, I will continue reading more and more .. lot of hugs author-nim ^^
aoi-ricsyung #7
Chapter 9:
can't wait for next chapter..,
Chapter 9: I'm dying in curiosity... you're so good at making the ending, author-nim OTL;
thank you for the update yet waiting eagerly for the next!fighting!
Chapter 9: Oh! Could Hyesungreally see Eric? >____< Please let them say goodbye even for the last time author-nim TT^TT I wonder if Eric wasn't able to move on not only because of himself but also because Hyesung couldn't let him go...? This story is so sad :'( Anyway thank you for the update <3 Fighting! (^^)9
Chapter 9: Really... This chapter is soooo saddd
Heartbreaking... Huaaaaaa Shinta, can you turn this FF to happy ending? TT__TT