Taken Over

N E X: Trigger Happy

"Central's been a bit of a prick ever since what happened yesterday but I got you that report... or most of it anyway." Sullivan lobs the grey envelope down onto Jaejoong's crowded desk.

"I'd like you to go out and retrieve the statements from them personally. Ask the questions, write everything down, read it back to them, and then have them sign it."

"But we already got—"

Jaejoong intentionally slams his coffee mug down. Warm black liquid sloshes over the side.

"Okay, okay.  Primary stuff, dude. I got this. Except we're low on working vehicles..."

"You can take mine." Jaejoong wrestles the key remote off its chain and chucks it to his assistant.

Sullivan catches it in midair. "Sweet." Jaejoong watches the youngster's back side while rubbing his stinging eyes.

Finally. Jaejoong groans. He had spent most of the night driving around again. Thinking. Always thinking about the same damn thing. . He needs more work to distract him. After finishing the second mug of coffee, he feels a little more human but still exhausted and troubled.

His current boss doesn't look too hot either. Underneath the brown suit, the man wears the same shirt from yesterday except now it's a little bit sweat-stained and crumpled. DCI Sho Young had been running through the files all night, trying to summarize the case. He looks beyond stressed and yet he speaks calmly in measured tones. "I need to talk to you privately, Kim."

"Sure." Jaejoong pushes his chair out and stands up to pick up a few important files.

"Leave it. All of it."

• • • • • • •

Young parks his car right at the edge of a cliff. On the way up, not one word was exchanged but now, Jaejoong feels the need to speak. "Are you planning to end both of our miserable lives by driving us off the cliff?"

"Funny. How did you know?"

"Apparently, the same way you do."

"Alright, let's cut the crap. I know what you are."


"Things have gotten way out of hand. We need to stop dancing around and find her."

"How do you know it's a she?"

"Well, it would definitely explain the erratic behavior."

"I guess you're right. She's leaving quite a messy trail. It won't be hard to track."

"Exactly. If she keeps it up, it's only a matter of time before they find us too."

"Why do you think she's doing this? Not burning the body after transitions. Not destroying the evidence."

"Got lazy? Went rogue? Who the knows?"

"She's been moving mind to mind without sufficient breaks in between. Transitions were meant to be performed in gradients. To adapt seamlessly into another, it takes a month at the very least."

"No precautions have been taken on her part. She's probably gone berserk by now which would explain recent events."

"You're right. Violent deaths. Lots and lots of it. From the photos, the most recent one looked like an open piñata."

"Which recent one?"

"Earlier this morning, construction workers found the man who our girl, Maria Hanazawa. I had the postmortem rushed. They owed me a favor."

"Right. That one."

"Bob Vang. 51. Had two sons. Both dead. Very recently too. Also a  wife who couldn't be contacted."

"His wife did it."

"That's what I thought too. Had it cross-checked. Perfect match."

"So you think she was forced to transfer?"

"That's got to be it. For the most recent ones, anyway. Why'd you drive us up here?"

"I know where his wife is... where she is. One of the off duty officers spotted a suspicious woman running into the road from the direction of the crime scene. He doesn't know about the homicide but he's followed her anyway. I've ordered him to keep watch."

"She ran into the road... sounds like a suicide attempt."

"Or a cry for help."

"Where the hell would she go?"

"Apparently a good Samaritan or her accomplice dragged her into a car and drove off."

"Any info on the good Samaritan?"

"Petite woman probably between 150 to 160cm. He said she was different. Her skin shone in the headlights. Really white like albino white."

The image of Xinling flashes in his mind like a warning sign. Jaejoong shakes it out immediately. Impossible. But at this point, isn't anything possible?

• • • • • • •

"Oh my gosh, Maggie." Xinling grabbed the woman's wrist with one hand while the other stayed on the steering wheel. "You're bleeding all over. Hurry. There's hydrogen peroxide and clean gauze in the glove box."
How did she end up like this? Did Bob hurt her again? Maggie needed medical attention. Even if it was risky, she had to go get help. "Never mind. I'll drop you at the hospital."
"No. No hospital." Maggie grappled Xinling's arm as if she hung on for dear life.
"I'll take you back to your place then."
"No! Not there. Please... not there." Maggie sobbed hysterically.
", Maggie. I can't take you back to my place. I just can't."
"You should've just left me in the middle of the road, hon. I should've just died. Saves everybody the trouble."
"That's not what I meant. It's just complicated. I—"
"I killed Bob, hon. I killed Peter and Bobby." Maggie's voice sounded awkward as if it wasn't coming from her but from someone else.
"Maggie... do you realize what you're saying?"
Maggie nodded. She was no longer crying. "I killed Bob. This is Bob's blood. It's all Bob."
", Maggie... !" Xinling swerved off the road and onto a narrow dirt path. This wasn't happening... it wasn't ing happening. But it was... as if she didn't have her hands full already.
"Where is he now, Maggie? Where is Bob? Are you sure he's dead?"
"Yes. He's ing dead." Again, her voice didn't sound right.
. Xinling scanned the area and made sure all the wires around the perimeter were intact before parking the car. Finding Maggie had put her off schedule, an abnormality she had failed to foresee. Luckily he wasn't here yet. She breathed a sigh of relief before opening the door of her unregistered car. "Wait here, Maggie. Don't wander off. I will come back for you once I've checked the place."
Maggie must have lost it. She flashed a satisfied smile like everything had turned out her way. Xinling shook her head. The lack of sleep had brought on hallucinations. She was being paranoid. Xinling looked at Maggie again. The smile was gone. Xinling reached into the car and removed the keys from the ignition... just in case.
Her secret hideout stood silent and stale. She pushed the gate open and grimaced as it screeched. She found herself passed the center and on her way to the main entrance when he appeared before her. "Found you. Xinling Ikeda, right?"
. So he was already here. The detour with Maggie had indeed ruin her well thought out plan. What was she going to do now? It was no longer a matter of pride. Xinling started to retrace backwards and then, she made the run but he caught up to her and slammed her against the ground. "You're not getting away. Your brother is—" Xinling felt a sudden dead weight pressing down on her.
Thump. Thump. Thump. So rhythmic was the shock pulsing through her small frame. And she realized it then... as blood oozed down from his face on to hers.
"Maggie? Maggie! Stop it. Stop it!" But she didn't. She couldn't. Maggie's need for relief. Bob's need for violence. Maria's need for attention. Ken's need for perfection. Everyone. Everyone in her head at that moment wanted her to continue thrashing the dead man. And so, she did... relentlessly.
Between short painful breaths, Xinling attempted to edge out from underneath him. But she couldn't. Trapped. Was it over? Was this how she'd spend her last moments of life? Stuck beneath a dead man?
And then, a miracle happened. Maggie coughed. She coughed so violently that she was seconds away from heaving. Xinling took the opportunity to pull her tortured body out from underneath the bloody mess. She crawled blindly forward on her scrapped hands and knees.
"I don't want to kill you!" It was a loud inhuman scream of rage. Maggie's throat seemed to clear. Her tone softened as she kneeled and flung Xinling onto her back. "Please, sweetie. You can't betray me too. I won't let you, hon. See... I've always been envious of your life. To have such a caring brother. To have such a handsome loving fiancé. Your life must be perfect compared to mine..."
Maggie forced herself onto the helpless girl. Tears formed in Xinling's eyes, blurring her vision. She was thankful for she had no strength in her neck to turn away.
"At this very moment, I know your pain, hon. I've seen hundreds like you, crying in agony. Just be still. It will be over soon."

Xinling felt herself being out like a vacuum. Everything. Everything was being taken away from her. The past, the present, the future. Ryuu's face and... her best friend in all the world... her other half... who she could no longer hope to remember.

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Chapter 1: Interesting first chapter, I wonder what's going to happen next I await for the next update!