Another Unexpected Thing

Life As We Know It (She's An Heiress)

"Oh! Hey, Soo Jin. Hey, Bacon! You're wearing the sweater I gave you! It looks good on yo-"

I heard Tao say happily when he saw Baekhyun and I entering the house. He stopped talking when he noticed the angry look on my face as I head to the bottom of the stairs. I grabbed my book and headed up. I heard Tao ask Baekhyun, "What's up with her? Why is she in a bad mood?"

I can almost feel Baekhyun shrugging. "I did something stupid."

I walked along the hallway and saw Xiumin going out of his room. "Hey, dongsaeng!"

I just ignored him and entered my room. I saw the confusion in his face when I ignored him so he followed me and also entered my room closing the door behind him. I walked towards my bed completely ignoring his presence and opened Inferno. I pretended to read as Xiumin sat on the edge of my bed waving his hands in front of me. "Heyyyyyyy!!!!! Sooooo Jiiiiin... What's up with you?"

I turned to the next page of the book and then Xiumin suddenly grabbed the book and raised his right hand so i I couldn't get the book. I just glared at him as tears started to form from the corner of my eyes. I looked down and wiped my tears using my blanket. Xiumin noticed I'm already crying so he placed the book on the nightstand and sat beside me. 

He placed his hand on my back as I sniffed. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I hiccupped. "B-B-Baekh-hyun, k-k-kissed m-m-me..."

I looked at him with red puffy eyes and his face was so confused. "Sorry...uhmmm... I didn't quite catch it. Can you please say it clearly?"

I sighed and threw a pillow across the room with full force. Xiumin was shocked and held my hand. "Hey, what's the problem? Just tell me, please."

I hugged him and sobbed on his shoulder. "B-Baekhyun kissed me. Baekhyun was my first k-kiss."

I heard him sigh and he rubbed my back. "Hey, it's alright. Everybody gets their first kiss."

"But why from him? It was really unexpected and i was so stupid because I kissed him back!" i yelled still hugging him. Xiumin's probably deaf already but he continued hugging me.

"Ssssshhhh... Hey, you'll get over it. Why did he kiss you?"

I pulled away. "I don't know. I don't know." I said repeatdely as I lie on my bed and covered myself with the blanket. Xiumin stood up and I heard him walk away to the door. "You need to rest. I'll just wake you up when it's time for dinner."

I nodded slightly and eventually, he shut the door and I was left inside my bedroom sobbing uncontrollably. Why am I even crying? Most of the girls would blush non-stop after they get their first kisses. I should be fangirling and squealing right now because Byun Baekhyun was my first kiss.

Ughhh... What's wrong with me?


Xiumin did wake me up around seven and I told him that I'll follow. When he left my room, I went to the wardrobe and changed my clothes into my pajamas. This time I didn't forget to wear a t-shirt instead of a camisole, remembering the incident with Chanyeol last night. I'm already wearing a white T-Shirt and grey tracksuit pants. I put on spa slippers and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I headed towards the door and went downstairs to the dining room.

The only vacant seat is between Tao and Chen so I walked towards them and smiled at the two before sitting. Across me is Kyungsoo and he's between Luhan and Kai. We started eating and halfway, I felt someone's eyes on me from my right and I nervously turned around and saw Tao staring. 

I smiled at him awkwardly and he quickly looked away instead of smiling back. I was confused at first but then I shrugged it off and continued eating.

After dinner, the boys headed straight to their rooms while I head straight to the kitchen. I got a spoon and opened the freezer to get some ice cream because I feel like it. I grabbed a medium-sized ice cream not caring that I would probably get a brainfreeze after I'm done with it. I sat on one of the stools at the kitchen counter and started eating the vanilla icecream. I opened my mouth to get another spoonful of ice cream when,



I dropped my spoon and stood up from my chair. I bent down and picked up the spoon but my head and the head of the person who startled me bumped against each other.


"Soo Jin, I'm so sorry."

I stood up straight and rubbed my forehead and saw Kyungsoo. I smiled slyly at him and he's also rubbing his forehead.

"I'm sorry, Soo Jin. Are you alright?" he said his hand transferring from his forehead to mine. I slightly nodded.

"Next time, don't startle me."

He just laughed. "Kris was right. You really are cute when startled."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "I thought you already went inside your room. All the boys are probably sleeping already."

I walked across the kitchen and placed the dirty spoon in the sink. I got a new spoon and saw that Kyungsoo is sitting on one of the stools so I sat beside him as I eat. 

When I'm done with the ice cream I placed it in the sink and went to the living room. Kyungsoo followed me towards the foyer. I expected him to turn right to climb up the stairs to his room but he followed me to the entertainment room. I turned to him. "Are you not going to sleep?"

He just grinned and walked pass me and laid on the cream-colored couch of the entertainment room. He grabbed the remote and turned the big screen on. I awkwardly sat beside him. What is he doing here? I was supposed to be alone so i could watch The Notebook. 

Kyungsoo chose an action movie and even though in the movie there's no funny part, he kept on chuckling. It was obvious that he was teasing me because it was really obvious in my face that I don't like the movie. He likes seeing me irritated. Ughhh... What's up with him?

"You look cute when you're irritated." He said his eyes not on me but at the big screen. 

See? I told yah. He likes seeing me irritated. Weird.

He faced me. I frowned at him and he turned the television off. My eyes widened. "Hey did you just turned the television off? Why?"

He ignored what I said and asked me something looking into my eyes, "Hey, can I at least try something?"

I nodded and sighed in relief. Finally! He's going to try a new movie. I really hate action movies. I cannot really relate to the characters. "Yes. of course. You could try another movie. You can choose comedy and then there's adventure too! There's also romance though I don't really think you would like cheesy movies."

Kyungsoo cupped my cheeks. "No. Not that. This."

His lips met mine and my eyes was open the entire time. I harshly pushed him off me and I ran away to the stairs. 


When I got to my room, I went directly to my walk-in wardrobe and grabbed a hoodie and I put it on. I opened a big cabinet and grabbed a Louis Vuitton suitcase and Louis Vuitton duffel bag and grabbed all my things and placed it inside the suitcases without arranging everything. I removed my spa slippers and put on my worn-out Converse and grabbed my messenger bag and slung it around my shoulder. I picked up the duffel bag and pulled the suitcase and headed outside my room. It's a good thing that the boys are already asleep.

It took me minutes to get to the foyer since I kept struggling because of the heavy suitcase. I was about to turn the knob when I heard a yell. "SOO JIN! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"

I turned and saw Kyungsoo running towards me. I panicked and ran pulling the suitcase and headed to the fountain where a black BMW is parked. I got inside and pulled my duffel bag and big suitcase with me. I almost thought that the suitcase wouldn't fit inside the car and oh thank god there's a driver!


The driver nodded and clicked some buttons by the steering wheel and the doors automatically locked. "Bulletproof tires and glass are already activated, miss. Where are we heading?"

"Just freakin drive! Kyungsoo's coming!"

The driver turned the engine on and Kyungsoo knocked loud on the car windows. "Soo Jin, i'm sorry! I should not have kissed you! I'm so sorry! GOD DAMMIT, SOO JIN! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR! COME ON!" he yelled as he tried to open the door from the outside of the car.

Since the car doors aren't tinted, I saw a tear fall on his cheek and I can't help but cry. I managed a small wave goodbye as I control my tears and the car moves away slowly.

"NO! SOO JIN! NO, PLEASE!" I heard him yell when the car started to move away. As the car runs, I turned to the back window and saw Kyungsoo trying to chase the car. I cried even harder and looked away so that I couldn't see the painful look on his face.

I'm so sorry, Kyungsoo. I guess I'm not yet ready for any unexpected things.

The fanGIRLS of EXO would probably hunt me down and rip my throat because I'm killing the oppurtunity to be with EXO. They would kill just to be in my place but I'm so sorry. I have to do this.

Too much unexpected things happened to me these past few days and I really need a break. 


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Living with 12 guys... It ought to be crazy hahaha
queen_of_march #2
Chapter 33: "YOU BREAK UP WITH HER RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I WILL ASSASSINATE YOU!" Wow Tao's so badass now lol~~ XD
queen_of_march #3
Kai's GIF just killed me... That killer smile~~ >.<
interesting :)
Exo_hztao #5
Chapter 47: This story is great!!! Continue writing more stories!!! :)
Prancis #6
Chapter 4: Which app do you use for all the photo??7