Chapter 2~♬

Who Needs The World When I've Got You

Chapter 2~♬


Kyuhyun smiled softly listening the song Sungmin was singing in the shower. He was currently finishing unpacking their clothes into the closet while his husband was occupied with a bath.



The first time he’d seen Sungmin.

“Kyuhyun-ah! Go take this plate of choco chip cookies to our new neighbors.” Mrs.Cho called out to her fifteen year old son from the kitchen.

Kyuhyun chewed on the bottom of his pencil, thinking about how to solve a math problem that’s been bothering him the past twenty minutes.

Mrs. Cho yelled after receiving no response from her son, “Cho Kyuhyun!”

She stomped towards her youngest son’s bedroom and scolded,”Go and greet the neighbors, Kyu..”

“I got it!” Kyuhyun screamed with his eyes shimmering in delight as he finally solved the difficult question.

Kyuhyun put on his arms on his mother’ shoulders and rambled excitedly,”I finally solved it mom!”

Mrs.Cho’s eyes softened as Kyuhyun proceeded to peck her cheek before taking the plate of cookies from her hands and rushing out of their home.

“Kyuhyun, you’re still wearing your pajamas-” She called after her son in amusement as the door shut with a loud click.

Mrs.Cho smiled and murmured to herself,”Never mind then.”

Kyuhyun rushed out of their house cheerfully, making sure to balance the cookies carefully as he shuffled to the neighbors.

“Hello, I am Cho-” the rest of his words lay forgotten as Kyuhyun stared at the cute boy who opened the door.

Sungmin smiled softly at Kyuhyun who was gaping at him,”You’re Cho-?”

Kyuhyun swallowed nervously,”Kyuhyun. I’m from the next door”

“I’m Sungmin..Nice to meet you.” Sungmin answered shyly while taking the plate of cookies from Kyuhyun, with their fingers brushing in the process.






“Kyuhyun!” Sungmin’s muffled voice called out from the insides of the bathroom.

Startled from his thoughts, Kyuhyun turned towards the door curiously chuckled heartily at Sungmin’s next words.

“Throw me a towel, Kyu! I forgot to take mine in.”

Rummaging inside their suitcase Kyuhyun pulled out his husband’s pink towel and strode towards the door of the bathroom,” Open up, Ming.”

Sungmin poked out his head with the door opened just to a crick. His brown wet hair was sticking to his forehead and water droplets all over his chest.

“Thank you, Kyuhyunnie.” Sungmin sang sweetly while taking the towel from his stunned husband’s hands.

Damn” Kyuhyun murmured to himself softly.




“Oh come on, Kyuu hurry up!” Sungmin giggled cutely while pulling his husband’s wrist towards the door.

“Aww Ming-ah, let me just grab a woolen blanket. I know you’ll get cold later.” Kyuhyun replied just as he managed to snatch the cloth from the suitcase before Sungmin jumped onto his shoulders.



“Kyuu, baby let’s go!” Sungmin whined wrapping his legs around Kyuhyun’s waist.

Supporting Sungmin’s weight automatically, Kyuhyun steadied his husband and place his hands onto smaller male’s legs, carrying him in piggy-back style.

“Get the box of cookies for me, Kyu?” Sungmin requested pointing to the packet of animal shaped cookies that rested on the kitchen counter, as Kyuhyun steered themselves out of the bedroom.



“S-sungmin!” Kyuhyun stuttered feeling the familiar bow-shaped lips tug his earlobes teasingly as he stretched to gather the box into his arms.

Blowing hotly on the skin of his husband’s pale neck Sungmin grinned naughtily,”What is it Kyuu?”


“L-lets just go-” Kyuhyun finished lamely much to Sungmin’s unconcealed delight.



“Ming-ah, dont squirm so much!” Kyuhyun protested as he sunk his feet into the grainy sand of the beach while holding Sungmin tightly, afraid of being toppled over.

“Kyuhyunnie!” Sungmin squealed excitedly feeling the deliciously cold wind blow upon his cheeks.


“Yah Cho Ming! You’re gonna make us fall-” Kyuhyun protested hotly as Sungmin proceeded to get down from his husband’s broad shoulders and skip to the shore.

Kyuhyun smiled blissfully seeing Sungmin’s cheeks flush as the older man put both of his feet into the cold water of the sea.


“Kyuu, come quickly!” Sungmin giggled as his feet soaked into the grainy sand.

The orange and yellow hues of the setting sun cast a delightful shadow upon his form, causing Kyuhyun to shiver slightly in the cold breeze.



The first time his heart had known what true fear was.

“Sungmin!” Kyuhyun screamed seeing no sign of his boyfriend anywhere. Dark shadows of the trees enveloping him into a death-like atmosphere, the rocky terrain crunching under his feet as he ran through the crowd of people, in search of his boyfriend.

♬  Too much cold
And too much rain
Too much heartache to explain 


“Ming-ah, where are you?” Kyuhyun yelled as he pushed through the people who eyed the eighteen-year old boy strangely for his disheveled appearance.


Kyuhyun had left his boyfriend by the lamp-post while he went to search for medicines for his sick boyfriend. You see, Sungmin had been infected by flu but yet the stubborn boy had insisted to accompany Kyuhyun to watch the firework display for new years.

Making sure that his stubborn boyfriend was well wrapped up in a snug sweater, baby pink scarf with matching mittens to go along, Kyuhyun had agreed to take Sungmin to watch the fireworks- a decision he was now regretful about.


I walk on the street
Talk in the dark
I see people, strangers, just falling apart


“Sungmin!” Kyuhyun bellowed anxiously seeing yet no sign of his sick boyfriend. What if someone had taken advantage of his cute baby in his weak state-what if his Sungmin got kidnapped?

With fear clenching his heart tightly, Kyuhyun pushed through the swarm of people, craning his neck to spot Sungmin anywhere.

Kyuhyun had immediately suggested getting some medicines and bottled water after seeing Sungmin cough weakly while clutching on his arm for support. He wished he hadnt left his precious boyfriend alone while buying the medicine.



“K-kyuhyunie?” A scared voice called for him softly.

With his eyes widening on hearing the familiar melodic voice, Kyuhyun turned sharply to the direction of the voice,”Sungmin-ah!”

With half-lidded eyes and sweat collecting on his forehead, Sungmin gazed at his boyfriend- his heart melting seeing the concern melt into relief in Kyuhyun’s amber orbs.

Sungmin had no other choice than to walk towards a bench after his legs started wobbling in weakness. Despite of his sickness, there was no power in the entire world that would keep him from being with his loving boyfriend for the new years.




“Kyuhyun-ah” Sungmin whispered in content feeling his fears and worries wash away slowly on the appearance of Kyuhyun.

The young couple had been looking forward to watch the firework show together since months ,thrilled about being given permission to spend the new years together and Sungmin didnt have the heart disappoint his boyfriend at the last moment- he just had a small cough right? Apparently he misinterpreted his sickness.



With hurried footsteps, Kyuhyun scrambled to where Sungmin was sitting solitarily on the wooden bench, resembling a small vulnerable child. Thank heavens, he’d found his sweet boyfriend before anything could happen.


I open my arms
Try to be true
Seems like my only truth is you


“Minggie- dont you ever scare me like that again.” Kyuhyun sniffled as he crushed Sungmin’s body into a hug.

Sungmin patted his boyfriend’s back gently and sighed softly, feeling protected in the familiar warm caging embrace of Kyuhyun.




“Hey, gorgeous.”

Kyuhyun murmured huskily into his husband’s ear while wrapping his arms around Sungmin’s waist-his chest pressed flush against Sungmin’s back.

Seeing Sungmin’s dimples turn into a cute smile, Kyuhyun pecked his cheek lovingly, sighing as the gentle waves of the sea rippled near their feet.


“Penny for your thoughts?”, Kyuhyun murmured while Sungmin’s stomach soothingly.

“Appa and Umma have done such a great job renovating our beach house. I love it.” Sungmin smiled leaning back into Kyuhyun’s touch.


“Yeah.. It’s marvelous.” Kyuhyun remarked as the couple watched the hues of the setting sun together.

“Kyuu, lets visit your parents next weekend, okay?” Sungmin smiled as their intimate embrace was being enveloped by the pale yellow shades of the sunset.



“Sure. Umma has been asking to see both of us.” Kyuhyun chuckled as he detached his arms around Sungmin’s slender waist.

Kyuhyun watched his husband setting up a baby pink blanket over the sandy beach and glanced fondly at Sungmin’s sparkling eyes.



Their very first apartment.


“Keep your eyes closed, Ming-ah!”

An twenty-two year old Kyuhyun whined in protest as his fiance tried to sneak a peek.

“Yah, Lee Sungmin- dont you dare open your eyes!” Kyuhyun warned Sungmin as the latter pouted at how much time Kyuhyun was taking to set up something.

Kyuhyun scuttled around the drawing room of their new apartment, setting up the photoframes into place, fluffing up the cushions..

Wounding his arms around Sungmin’s waist, Kyuhyun nuzzled his nose into his fiance’s creamy neck and murmured,”Open your eyes, Sungmin-ah.”

With a soft smile etched over his plump lips, Sungmin opened his eyes curiously and gasped.


“K-kyuhyun I-” Sungmin cried.


Completely overwhelmed at the sight before his eyes, Sungmin tackled his fiance into a bear hug.

“Baby- when did you?” Sungmin rambled with his eyes widening at the cabinet containing their gorgeous collection of vintage wine bottles, ready to be corked open and drunk.

“I hope you like it?” Kyuhyun asked with gentle smile on his face.


“I love it, Kyuu!” Sungmin exclaimed while running towards the couch, running his fingers over the smooth pink leather and squealing in pure happiness.

After a few minutes of exploring the furniture and their spacious apartment, Sungmin walked towards Kyuhyun while opening his arms, asking for a hug from his fiance.

“Thank you so much, Kyuhyun-ah.” Sungmin murmured while placing a soft tender kiss to Kyuhyun’s lips.






“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun. Stop tickling me!” Sungmin complained, holding the box of animal-shaped cookies into his arms, squirming in between his husband’s legs.

Poking out his tongue childishly, Kyuhyun continued to tickle Sungmin’s ear with the single strand of seaweed he’d found on the beach.



“Cho Kyu- Mmph.” Sungmin protests were silenced as Kyuhyun titled his chin gently to press a kiss to his bow-shaped lips.

After kissing for a couple of minutes, Kyuhyun pulled away cheekily and spoke ,”I think I got the head of your bunny shaped biscuit.”


Seeing Sungmin pouting at the loss of his favorite rabbit-shaped cookie, Kyuhyun proceeded to away the cookie crumbs from his husband’s lips.

” Delicious.”


“Come back here you sneaky old man!” Sungmin huffed as Kyuhyun proceeded to laugh heartily while scrambling across the beach with Sungmin hot at his heels.

“You cant catch me~” Kyuhyun sang childishly as his feet sunk into the grainy sand.


Who needs the stars so bright?
And the grass so green?
And the morning light?

Scooping up some seaweed from the sand, Sungmin chased his husband while yelling adorably all the while.


“Ow ow- Minggie- not inside my shirt!” Kyuhyun protested as Sungmin clutched him by his shoulders and proceeded to shove the seaweed into his shirt.

“Now you baby- are gonna smell of fish the whole night!” Sungmin exclaimed gleefully at the forlorn expression on Kyuhyun’s face while squiggling to remove the seaweed from his shirt.



Throwing the seaweed onto the sand, Kyuhyun commented with a smirk,”You’re gonna smell of fish too, since you cant resist cuddling with me at night.”

“Aw .” Sungmin cursed in realization as Kyuhyun doubled in laughter.


“Come here my little Minggie.” Kyuhyun cooed while spreading his arms open.

With a high-pitched shriek, Sungmin scuttled inside the beach house leaving Kyuhyun to laugh silently in pursuit of his fleeing husband.


“So cute.” Kyuhyun chuckled seeing Sungmin race to the house at top speed.



After taking a long, pleasurable bath together- making sure that neither of them even remotely smelled of seaweed and fishes, the two were resting on the couch together.

With blankets covering both of their forms, Sungmin leaned back into Kyuhyun’s chest, sighing contentedly at the logs of wood crackling pleasantly in the fireplace.


“Marshmallows, Kyuhyunnie?” Sungmin asked cutely while waving a piece of the fluffy delectable under Kyuhyun’s nose.

Kyuhyun hummed a soft approval as his husband proceeded to feed him the pink ball of spongy dessert.

Entangling both of their feet together, Sungmin shifted his weight so that his back was pressed flush to Kyuhyun’s chest with both of Kyuhyun’s arms supporting his waist as they laid on the couch comfortably.


♬  Who needs the stars so bright?
And the grass so green?
And the morning light?


The delicious warmth emitting from the fireplace coupled with their intimate embrace, Kyuhyun sighed blissfully,”Ming-ah?”

Tilting his neck slowly, Sungmin glanced into Kyuhyun’s amber orbs lovingly and murmured,”What is it, Kyuhyunnie?”


Drawing aimless shapes on Sungmin’s stomach, Kyuhyun swallowed the piece of marshmallow before speaking tenderly.



“Happy seventh anniversary baby.”



Sungmin’s eyes glimmered with raw emotions as the clock chimed midnight, marking their seven years of them being together as a married couple.

“Happy seventh anniversary, Kyuhyun-ah.” He whispered softly,



Who needs the wind to blow
And the tide to rise


Leaning down to close the gap between their lips for a gentle kiss, Kyuhyun murmured,” I love you, my baby Minggie.”

Meeting his loving husband’s lips, Sungmin purred contentedly,”I love you too, Kyuhyunnie.”

Kyuhyun glanced at Sungmin sleeping on his chest, with his fingers curling on the fabric of his shirt and legs entangled together. Pressing a tender kiss to Sungmin’s soft tresses, Kyuhyun breathed into his lover’s cherry blossom scent and smiled.

♬  Who needs it?
I don't know


“I love you Ming-ah” Kyuhyun whispered fondly while tightening his embrace around his sleeping husband’s waist.

As Kyuhyun fell into deep sleep, a soft smile etched across Sungmin’s lips as he cracked open an eye and murmured an answer before pressing his nose into his husband’s neck.

“I love you too, Kyuhyun-ah.”






So this is the end of the songfic :)) I hope you guys loved reading it as much as I loved wriitng this..

Ah, I'm proud of this fic hahah I dont know why but I felt so happy while writing it :3


Hoping to hear from you in the comments~ An upvote if you'd like reading this would make me very happy :))

Thank you for all those who subscribed and upvoted.


Loads of love,

~95anichan <3


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Chapter 2 in a couple of days :))


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mickyuminnie #1
Chapter 2: Awww, this fic is just full of love and sweetness! Hoping for kyumin's/minkyu's marriage soon! :)
Mingsshi #2
Chapter 2: *teary eyes* it is really beautiful. i couldnt say something , just that, it is really beautiful. wonderful marriage i hope i will have it too !!! ~~~~~
Mingsshi #3
Chapter 1: what could i say ? it is really beautiful *holds tears*
eunhaeron #4
Chapter 1: Waa.. So sweet :3 almost hoping that I am sungmin, kyu treating sungmin oh-so-sweetly in here XD
PeekyDoll #5
oh, how sweet... *-*
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 2: I just got the chance to read it and this is so lovely it makes my day so beautiful, full of sweet smiles and loves too...u are awesome...
Chapter 2: This is so fluffy I got diabetes from it ^3^
RayhanAdni #8
Chapter 2: Awww. It a pretty songfic. Keep it up xD
Chapter 2: Aaww full of love..
Just the way kyumin are.. ♥♥♥
Chapter 2: I love kyumin