Chapter 1~ ♬

Who Needs The World When I've Got You



Chapter 1



"Kyuu..w-wha." Sungmin whispered completely flabbergasted  at what his doting boyfriend was about to do.

Cho Kyuhyun was currently holding Sungmin's right hand tenderly while kneeling on one knee.

Kyuhyun smiled softly at the small blush spread across Sungmin's cheeks and murmured,"Ming, you know I love you, right?"

Sungmin nodded silently with tears threatening to pool from his doe-shaped eyes.

 Kyuhyun placed his lips over Sungmin's palm and kissed the soft skin tenderly.                       

"Kyuhyunnie. ." Sungmin spoke feeling completely overwhelmed.

 Kyuhyun cleared his throat nervously, "Sungmin.”

“My precious sweet Minggie~”

“Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Kyuhyun asked gently looking up into the smoldering eyes of the man he loved with all of his heart.


Sungmin crashed into Kyuhyun’s form, hugging him very tightly while murmuring yes multiple times.

“Kyuhyun, I love you.” He cried while burying his face into Kyuhyun’s broad chest contentedly.




Kyuhyun laughed in delight and wound his arms around the smaller male. He looked into the eyes that glistened with unshed tears and spoke tenderly,”I love you too,Sungmin.”

Sungmin sniffled as Kyuhyun finally slid a silver band engraved with both of their names, along the length of Sungmin’s  finger.

Kyuhyun brushed his thumb gently over his fiance’s cheeks and smiled before leaning in to close the gap between their lips into a tender kiss.




Treasured memories that he’d buried to the deepest corner of his heart.

Kyuhyun sighed contentedly while watching the rise and fall of Sungmin’s chest. He had been the happiest man in the entire universe the day his lovable husband had agreed to get married to him.



Ghosting his thumbs over Sungmin’s bare chest, he whispered gently,”My Minggie.”


Sungmin whined softly at his husband’s teasing fingers and snuggled closer,pressing his chest to Kyuhyun.

“Kyuhyun-ah,sleep~” Sungmin whimpered cutely while winding his arms around Kyuhyun’s waist.


Kyuhyun brushed his lips over Sungmin’s and murmured,”Wake up my sleeping prince. We’re going out, remember?”

Sungmin’s eyes shot open and he exclaimed while straddling his husband excitedly,”Beach house! Kyuhyun, it’s the beach house weekend!”

♬  I stare at your face
Into your eyes.
Outside, there's so much passing us by ♬

Kyuhyun looked at his enthusiastic husband amusedly and brushed his fingers over Sungmin’s slender waist and squeezed the flesh tenderly.

“Come on now baby, let’s take a bath.” Sungmin exclaimed while pulling Kyuhyun to his feet and pushing both of them towards their lavish bathroom,unmindful of their bare forms.

Not that it mattered anyway.



Soon the couple were bundled up with an small suitcase for their two days and one night stay at the beach house. Pulling shades over his eyes, Sungmin slid into the passenger seat daintily and sighed blissfully.

“Let’go, Ming?” Kyuhyun asked his husband as he was placing his hand on the clutch to gear the Audi to start.


Sungmin smiled sheepishly and mumbled,”I need to pee, Kyuu~”

Kyuhyun protested,”Sungmin, we’re gonna be lat-”

Silencing his husband’s rambles, Sungmin quickly pressed a small kiss to Kyuhyun’s mouth with a prominent Chuuu and giggled at Kyuhyun’s floored expression.

“Be back in one second, Kyuu.” Sungmin yelled while rushing back into their home.



“Even after all these years,he still has that effect on me.” Kyuhyun thought to himself while reaching for the music cd’s kept in the drawer of the car.

♬  All of the sounds
All of the sights
Over the earth
And Under the sky ♬


Their wedding day.

“And now you may kiss the groom.” The priest smiled gently at the two men before him holding hands into a wedlock.

Kyuhyun looked into Sungmin’s eyes warmly and palmed his now husband’s baby soft cheeks.

Murmuring a soft I-love-you, he closed the distance between their lips and shared their first kiss as a married couple.


And their first time making love..

“What are you thinking of you ?” Sungmin’s teased as he slid into the passenger seat and gazed at Kyuhyun’s frozen expression in amusement.

“Nothing!” Kyuhyun protested while leaning towards Sungmin to buckle up the seatbelt.

Sungmin simply scoffed after settling back into the velvety soft seat.

“Kyuhyun! It’s finally beach house weekend.” Sungmin cried in excitement as Kyuhyun drove the car carefully from the sidewalk, towards the road.

“Calm down, Sungmin.” Kyuhyun laughed in amusement seeing his almost thirty years old husband bouncing excitedly.

“Cho Kyuhyun! How could you ask me to calm down?” Sungmin shrieked while flailing his arms.

“Ow Ming!” Kyuhyun protested as Sungmin accidently hit his shoulder during his shenanigans.

Sungmin stopped apologetically and poked Kyuhyun’s thigh,”Sorry Kyuu. But it’s the beach house. I want to see what renovations our parents have made for us.”

The beach house had been a wedding present from Kyuhyun’s mother and father many years ago for their marriage and it had been refurnished recently in absolute secrecy by both Kyuhyun and Sungmin’s parents.

Pecking the tip of Sungmin’s cute button-like nose, Kyuhyun remarked,”I hope they did not remove that couch where we made lov-”

“Cho Kyuu!” Sungmin exclaimed feeling his face crimson in embarrassment.

Kyuhyun glanced at his sleeping husband lovingly from the corner of his eyes. Sungmin had both of his hands held together supporting his face as he rested comfortably against the pillowy softness of the seat.

“My Minggie.” He whispered while stretching his free arm to brush out hair from Sungmin’s forehead.

♬  Who needs the world when I've got you
Switch off the sun, the stars and the moon ♬

Kyuhyun lowered the volume of the radio so that Sungmin could nap peacefully. They had been up all night.. Erm celebrating of course. His Appa had retired and now Kyuhyun was appointed as the head of the company much to their delight.

His little Kyuhyun managing a multinational company, oh Sungmin had been really proud alright.

As he drove along the length of the gray road, Kyuhyun couldnt help but reminiscing the first time he’d seen Sungmin.

Angel.” Kyuhyun whispered fondly as the rays of the setting sun enveloped Sungmin into heavenly hues of orange and red.

He parked the audi with controlled motions so as to not disturb his still sleeping husband. After driving for a couple of hours, they had reached the beach house. The gentle waves of the sea along with the vast stretch of grainy sand, coupled with the delicious evening breeze.

But Kyuhyun wanted none of that.

♬ I've all I need inside of this room
Who needs the world when I've got you ♬

As long as he had Sungmin, Kyuhyun could care less about the scenic beach, or how the sunlight empowered their beach house into an alluring glow.

Kyuhyun jogged down to the passenger side of the audi and opened the door slowly.

The evening was approaching quick and the temperature been lowered due to the gentle waves of the sea.

“Kyuu..cold” Sungmin mumbled sleepily while wrapping his arms around himself in search for warmth.

Kyuhyun chuckled at the drool pooled at the corner of Sungmin’s mouth as he softly cupped his husband’s cheek.

“Come on Ming-ah. We’re at the beach house.” He whispered tenderly.

Sungmin groaned tiredly as Kyuhyun wound his arms around his petite form and lifted him into his arms, treating Sungmin as though he was made up of glass.

“We’re here Kyuu?” Sungmin mumbled while sniffing the salt-dripping fresh air that surrounded them. So heavenly.

Kyuhyun gently put Sungmin down to his feet as he searched his pockets for the key to the beach house.

Kyuhyun spoke cautiously,”Sungmin-ah, dont freak out but I think I left the key on the dressing table at home.”


Instead of panicking, an amused grin broke out on Sungmin’s face much to Kyuhyun’s surprise.

Wasnt it the time for his adorable husband to jump on him and gnaw off his face for forgetting the key to their glorious house?

Kyuhyun was confused and as much as he hated to admit, slightly scared at the unexpected reaction.

“You forgetful baby, what would you do without me huh?” Sungmin teased while fishing into his pockets to bring out the key.

Kyuhyun heaved a sigh of relief as Sungmin inserted the key into the keyhole. Getting his kicked by his husband wasnt on top of his to-do list after all.

Sungmin swung open the door of the beach house gently and cried out in excitement.

“Kyuu look!”

Kyuhyun put down their bags onto the wooden floor with a soft thud as he glanced fondly at his gaping husband rushing towards the fireplace.

“Appa and Umma installed a new fireplace, Kyuu!”Sungmin squealed with a delighted look in his almond-shaped eyes.


Kyuhyun smiled.

♬ I've all I need inside of this room
Who needs the world when I've got you ♬






Uhh comments? ~:3

The songfic was becoming really lengthy so I thought of dividing into two parts :))

So what do you think?



~95anichan <3



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Thank you!
Chapter 2 in a couple of days :))


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mickyuminnie #1
Chapter 2: Awww, this fic is just full of love and sweetness! Hoping for kyumin's/minkyu's marriage soon! :)
Mingsshi #2
Chapter 2: *teary eyes* it is really beautiful. i couldnt say something , just that, it is really beautiful. wonderful marriage i hope i will have it too !!! ~~~~~
Mingsshi #3
Chapter 1: what could i say ? it is really beautiful *holds tears*
eunhaeron #4
Chapter 1: Waa.. So sweet :3 almost hoping that I am sungmin, kyu treating sungmin oh-so-sweetly in here XD
PeekyDoll #5
oh, how sweet... *-*
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 2: I just got the chance to read it and this is so lovely it makes my day so beautiful, full of sweet smiles and loves too...u are awesome...
Chapter 2: This is so fluffy I got diabetes from it ^3^
RayhanAdni #8
Chapter 2: Awww. It a pretty songfic. Keep it up xD
Chapter 2: Aaww full of love..
Just the way kyumin are.. ♥♥♥
Chapter 2: I love kyumin