
Count to Five
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Baekho stormed into work that morning, resignation letter in hand. He wouldn’t be facing Ren again, ever. He’d taken his chance on the boy and he’d fallen hard for him all over again. Ren was just a plague, someone insatiably loveable even though they didn’t deserve to be. He had a ticket back to LA for this afternoon, and spent the whole night tirelessly working to have all the paperwork filled to transport his things. He’d cancelled the rent on his apartment and paid the fee, and he had his lawyer on speed dial for when this arrogant prick of a boss tried to sue him for breach of contract.

He was ready to never set foot back in Seoul ever again.

He slammed through doors on his way to the office, nearly running into Minhyun. He really didn’t want to stop for talking, but Minhyun specifically stood in his path,


“Hey! Baekho, how’s Ren? Is he doing alright?”

“He’s fine,” Baekho snapped shortly but apparently Minhyun didn’t notice, instead looking concerned,

“I mean, I know he should have gone to the hospital and all, but, well, I didn’t want to force him –“

“What are you talking about?” Baekho interrupted impatiently and Minhyun’s eyes widened almost comically,

“Didn’t…didn’t Ren tell you? Have you seen him?”

“Oh I’ve seen him alright,” Baekho growled and Minhyun only because more confused than he already was,

“Then…you know he got fired? He was such a mess afterwards I really thought he was going to have a heart attack or something!”

“What?” It was Baekho’s turn to be confused, “Fired? Why?”
“Well he wouldn’t tell me, but I found out later. Apparently the boss didn’t like his relationship with you…He didn’t tell you?” Minhyun had his eyebrows raised but Baekho had suddenly came to a realization.

“You mean, he’s not supposed to be dating me? And because he was he lost his job?!”

“You really didn’t know? You didn’t think this would happen? The two of you have been so obvious! I thought you already had a plan!” This explained too much. All too much. Ren was always slightly muddled and shy, but this…would have been something that would have hurt him badly. Not just the loss of his job, but the fact that it had been him, Baekho, that had caused it.

Baekho’s psychology minor was coming back to him. Ren must have felt betrayal from him on a subconscious level, but also, at the same time, guilt of causing Baekho trouble and on top of that losing the job. And something about a hospital. Baekho knew. Instantly, he knew what Ren was going to do. Do to himself

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*twirls* The end! Happy end *downs sugar in self-congratulations*


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KazumiiV #1
Chapter 19: Esto es un asco. Y pobre de Ren es la víctima *sarcasmo* necesita un psicólogo y aprender a amarse a sí mismo. No un novio tonto que sufra junto a él. Todo esta mal.
Kpoplover1300 #2
Chapter 20: I cry at how beautiful this was written. I love this story so much and this couple.
this was beautiful
but the aNGST
hippychick #4
Chapter 20: such a beautiful story :) love the happy ending :)
SaraYun #5
Chapter 20: Wow. So many feels.
TooBlond #7
Chapter 12: They are too adorable!!! Love this story!
TooBlond #8
Chapter 10: AAAAAAWWWWWW!!! Too adorable!!!!!
TooBlond #9
Chapter 8: Omg god I love this story too much ;-;
TooBlond #10
Chapter 6: I looove this fanfic!! It's one of the best ones i have read on asianfanfics!! Loove you!!