
Count to Five
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Baekho awoke alone in Ren’s bed. For a moment he couldn’t recognize what was missing, and his hands searched for warmth before opening his eyes a crack and facing reality. Was this how Ren had felt that other morning? The crushing disappointment that falls as though from miles above, settling over every part of your being. Then panic set in, if Ren wasn’t here, what was he doing? Memories of seeing a blade clutched in a tiny fist prepared to slice across moon-white skin flashed before his eyes and he scrambled from the covers.

He was fully clothed in the things he had worn the day before, they’d only cuddled, held each other close the night before and all of Ren’s stuff was far too small. Ren could have given anyone a complex about their weight, the boy was too skinny for words. Beakho had fretted that Ren wasn’t eating enough, which was true, he wasn’t, until he recalled that back in College with a much happier Ren, the boy had been just as tiny and just naturally never hungry.

He ripped open the drawer where the razor blade had come from the last time, and relief was immediate as he beheld it’s gleaming silver atop a blank stack of papers. Pocketing the blade in his wallet so as to give one more deterrent in case of future problems, he left the room. He was still worried as to where his beautiful boyfriend had gone, so he was happy to discover him at the small dining table smushed next to the kitchen in the tiny space. For a moment Baekho wished he had a camera, and then, recalling his cellphone did have one now, he was quick to preserve the moment.

Ren was dressed in a large woolen over-sized sweater that dropped across one shoulder, bearing teasing delectable milky skin. Skintight pure white leggings that practically blended into his skin showed off his thighs to perfection. On one hand his face perched as he slowly traced his newest piece. Sneaking up behind the boy, Baekho peered over his shoulder and was amazed at what was appearing on the page under his lover’s skillful hand and gaze. A tight scarlet mermaid dress with all the elements of glamour, with a neckline typical of a bohemian style. Two completely different styles blended into an elegant creation that would have looked stunning on any woman.

Baekho placed a kiss suddenly on the curve where his neck sloped into his shoulder.

“Ah!” Ren’s hand stuttered, scraping a dark line across the page, but Baekho was solely focused on Ren’s exclamation, which turned his thoughts far away from the innocent. Ren’s glare did nothing to dissuade him from pressing his lips against the other’s soft pink ones, kissing them red. Ren’s hand came between them, pressing gently against his chest and Baekho gave a low growl of dissatisfaction before he pulled away.

“Why didn’t you stay with me?” Baekho practically whined as he embraced the other from behind when he stood.

“I couldn’t sleep,” Ren muttered, and Baekho’s brow puckered with worry,


“You snore,” Ren accused, twirling to face him, arms crossed, only causing the sweater to slip further down his arm. This was so distracting for Baekho he nearly forgot to take offense,

“I do not!”

“You do too!” Baekho wanted to say that he’d n

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*twirls* The end! Happy end *downs sugar in self-congratulations*


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KazumiiV #1
Chapter 19: Esto es un asco. Y pobre de Ren es la víctima *sarcasmo* necesita un psicólogo y aprender a amarse a sí mismo. No un novio tonto que sufra junto a él. Todo esta mal.
Kpoplover1300 #2
Chapter 20: I cry at how beautiful this was written. I love this story so much and this couple.
this was beautiful
but the aNGST
hippychick #4
Chapter 20: such a beautiful story :) love the happy ending :)
SaraYun #5
Chapter 20: Wow. So many feels.
TooBlond #7
Chapter 12: They are too adorable!!! Love this story!
TooBlond #8
Chapter 10: AAAAAAWWWWWW!!! Too adorable!!!!!
TooBlond #9
Chapter 8: Omg god I love this story too much ;-;
TooBlond #10
Chapter 6: I looove this fanfic!! It's one of the best ones i have read on asianfanfics!! Loove you!!