Failing at the 1st mission

What's Your Name?



That afternoon, the sky around the Han river looked especially stunning to Kim Myungsoo. He was just walking leisurely, watching the kids playing at the water park, some teenager couple shyly walking hand-in-hand, a grandpa with his Golden Retriever, also tourists making a selca around the river. Until he found her sitting on the grass, alone.

She wears an orange-sport-tanktop with a-knee-length-thight-pants. Her hair flowed gracefully right on the shoulder, with some droplets of sweats on the tip. From his eyes, that girl and the afternoon sky just complete each other, like a missing puzzle. One exotic object. Myungsoo didn't know how, but she seems like splashing the sky's color to her surrounding, perfectly. 
Heart beating fast because of the excitement, he brought his Canon D5 to his eyes and began to snap the gorgeous scenery. He his lips as he click the button for some good shots. This is his most favorite shots he got for today. As the only heirs of The Kim Corp, Myungsoo doesn't have much spare time. When he do, all he was doing are just looking for some view to be stored prettily on his camera. He just loves photography.
*Beautiful Spectrum..* Myungsoo was thinking about what he would name the girl's photos folder. He smiled proudly to himself when he think that matches name.

*Uh, she tossed her hair back!!*
*Oh, she smiled! Her dimples showed!*
*Whoa, she drink from her bottle!*
*Aww, she stretched her back! She's hot!!*
Myungsoo jolted from the voice. He looked down and met eyes with a pair of twin girls.
".... Uhm..." he cleared his throat. "Hello...?"
"You look weird, chuckling with a low voice while capturing some pictures of that Unnie" the pink-dressed one stated
"Are you her stalker?" the blue-dressed one asked with suspicious eyes
Damn them and their strong instinct. Was... Was he looked like a stalker? That's when it hit him, he does look like one. He somehow believe that others might saw him as a stalker when he remember how thrilled he felt when his eyes set on her figure. He can't help to feel that way.
But Myungsoo didn't want... No, he will never be a stalker. It's a pathetic thing and close to criminal's acts.
"Name... I've got to know her name first..." he mumbled.
"Hey, Weirdo-Oppa! You alright?" the twins asked him again.
Myungsoo snapped from the thoughts. He slowly look down at the twins and smiled gently at them. "Oppa have a favor, can you both help Oppa to know someone's name?"
= = =
"Hello, unnie!" the twins chirped at her. She broke her gaze from the afternoon sky to the cute twins their ice cream beside her.
She furrowed her eyebrow but nevertheless, offers her smile. "Yes?"
"Want some?" the pink-dressed one asked the girl.
She giggled. "Thank you, you're so kind, where did you buy these-so-delicious-looking ice creams?" she asked the twins out of formality. She believe that all cute and lovely kids are worth to be played with. She basically not a good person with kids, but she always try to be kind with everyone.
"If you want to talk with that camera-hyung, we'll give you some of this!!" the blue-dressed one beamed, pointing to a tall-slender-man, sitting on one of a bench there. Wearing a casual white v-neck t-shirt with a grey cardigan. Camera was on his left hand. He use his right hand to waved with smirk.
As your eyes narrowed, your furrowed eyebrows get deeper. *Using innocent kids to get some chick, are you? Geezz*
"Look, girls, Unnie have something for you" she open her waist bag, where she placed her iPod to accompany her afternoon jog to take two chuppa chups out from it. "For each of you. Now don't look back at that Oppa and go back to your Mom. That Oppa might be a kidnapper, he's dangerous, understood?"
"YES" the twins eyes sparkled at the new sweets on their hand. "Thank you unnie, bye! We're leaving now~"
"Ne, annyeong~!" she waved at the twins before they run to they know where. She glanced at the man, he look flabbergasted at the sight of the twins running. His eyes widen and his jaw drops.
*right on your face, player!*
= = =
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f3smile #1
I love this story ^^. Can't wait for next chapter, fighting!
sehunoona #2
Chapter 4: finally new update, nice story authornim...
and myungsoo seriously.. Mr and Mrs Popsicle ......