
Fight to the Finish: Dance Off

I remember the day the three of us met like it was yesterday; a crisp fall day, leaves everywhere abandoning the trees for the ground.

I woke up at 6 a.m. as I usually did for school, got out of bed, and went to shower. I ate a light breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs and orange juice. I went to look for my uniform, which I’d be wearing for the first time, since I was starting high school today.

I wasn’t exactly thrilled, I was nervous because I just moved to Seoul due to my parents’ work, even though they’re usually away on business anyway.

They bought me 2 Husky puppies last year, Milly (a black and white female that’s almost 2 y/o) and Minki (a brown and white male that is 1 y/o); but it’s just not the same, I do still feel lonely sometimes.

My uniform is a white polo t-shirt, a black cardigan, a b/w plaid skirt about down to my knees, tall white socks, and black shoes. I decided to just leave my long, curly brown hair down today, since it was a bit chilly out. After I finished with that, I grabbed my little blue book bag and prepared to set off for school. I worried I wouldn’t find my way and get lost or kidnapped, but I decided to put those thoughts behind me for now.

I pet my dogs and whispered a quick “Fighting!” before walking to the door and making sure I locked it correctly. I headed to the elevator of the apartment complex, and as I got in, I noticed two boys dressed in a similar uniform inside it.

“Hm, I’ve never seen you around before…. Did you just move in? Oh, sorry, I’m Kai Kim.”

He seems like a nice, happy guy, but that seems a little suspicious to me. I mean, who’s this peppy at 6:30 a.m.?

“Just moved in last week, I’m Jasmine Jung, nice to meet you.”

The other boy seemed very quiet and shy, unless he was just still half-asleep. He stirred when Kai nudged him in the ribs, and then looked over at me.

“Sehun Oh’s the name; you starting at Seoul High today too?”

“Yes, I'm a first year, how about you two?”

“Same!” they both chirped, a twinkle barely noticeable in their eyes.

Kai’s smile seemed to keep growing as we talked our way down, and I managed to see some signs of emotion on Sehun’s face at times. The ride seemed to take its sweet time to reach the first floor as we busily chatted away…

“Do you know your way to school yet? We should all walk together,” Sehun asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

“No… I was so scared today for that very reason. Thinking that I’d be walking alone in a new city to a school I've never seen before terrified me.”

They both looked shocked for a moment and stood still as we all huddled out into the first floor and out the entrance. Kai managed to break the silence with the question they probably both had in mind.

“Wait, so uh, do you live alone?”

Taking a deep breath, I replied, “Yes.”

“Are they- Are your- I mean um—“

“Are my parents alive?” They both gave me a slight nod, so I continued. “Yes, they are. They just work overseas a lot, and I'm more used to being alone than with others…”

“Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.”

“It’s fine, I'm happy that they're alive and well, and they do visit, so it’s not like I never see them. I also have two wonderful Huskies at home, so I'm very thankful they're there.”

“You have dogs? How cool, me too! I love dogs.”

His smile was back, and he reached into his pocket and fished out his phone.

“Oh god, not this again…” Sehun groaned.

“Again? So have you two known each other long?”

“Since the first year of middle school,” they replied in unison.

They looked at each other briefly before turning away, and I couldn’t help but giggle.

“What’s so funny?” Once again, at the same time.

“Oh, nothing~. Hey Kai, weren’t you gonna show me something?”

He turned back to his phone and stepped next to me, his shoulder brushing against mine.
“These are my dogs; I have two too~”

One was small and fluffy, the other bigger and with a thicker coat.

“They’re sooooo cute!” I cooed.

I’ll admit it, dogs and puppies are, my weakness; I just love them so much!

“Dog freaks,” Sehun muttered.

“What, are you a cat lover or something?”

“No, it’s not like that.”

“Then are you scared of them?”


“You know, there’s nothing wrong with it if you are,” I assured him.

He gave a slight, nervous smile, although it seemed more like his lips had merely twitched.

“Fine, so maybe I am a little scared. But it’s only ‘cause a big dog attacked me when I was little…” His voice trailed off as we continued walking to school.

“Whoa, dude, I never knew about that. Ouch.”

He seemed sympathetic for the other boy who was currently looking down at the floor. Kai glanced over at his watch, and then back at Sehun.

“You know Sehunnie, it’s only 6:45, and school doesn’t start ‘til 7:30~”


“Hey, how come you don’t call me hyung anymore?”

Kai put his arm around Sehun as the younger one rolled his eyes.

“Your point, HYUNG?”

With a smirk, Kai replied, “You should tell us the story on our way, you’ve barely spoken ‘til now anyway.”

“Not my fault you’re such a blabbermouth– OW!”

Kai swiftly gave him a light smack upside the head.
“Well, don’t blame me if you guys have nightmares tonight.”

Kai and I huddled closer, intrigued, leaving Sehun in the middle to tell his story.
“I was at my uncle’s house for his birthday party when I was about 5 or 6, and they have this big dog in the backyard; a Rottweiler, I believe.”
Ooh~ Aah~
“/sigh/ Anyway, I guess I thought it was a good idea to go out and get some fresh air, but I forgot about the chained BEAST outside… I walked slowly towards it, and then he jumped up on me and tried to eat me… UGH!”

“So, what you’re trying to say is that you were mauled by a vicious Rottweiler as a toddler, and you lived to tell the tale? You don’t even have a single scar! Did he even bite you?”

“No, but I think he was trying to; his tongue was damaging my face–”

“That sounds like he just wanted to play with you! He pounced on you and you. Did he bring you the ball to fetch and then you ran?”


Oh. My. God.

I couldn’t hold out any longer and joined the already cackling Kai. Nightmares? What nightmares?

Sehun pouted and muttered all sorts of curses under his breath at us as he began to walk much faster, as an attempt to evade us.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” Kai said as he pulled Sehun back by his collar.

“Kai, you’re not gonna live to find out your class schedule if you don’t let me go.”

“Oh, I'm SO~ scared,” he teased.


“Guys, guys, chill.” I said as I separated them.

“Sorry…” They looked just like a pair of kids who’d just been scolded by their mother.

“Look, I think we’re almost at the school. Do you think we can make it there in one piece?”

“One Piece?”

“I love that manga!"

“The anime’s better!”

They both stuck their tongues out at each other and chased one another down the street. I smiled at the sight of these two children stuck in teens’ bodies that I’d just met.

This year sure seems promising, and it’s all thanks to these two dorks.






A/N: Hello~
I hope you liked chapter one!
It may not seem very clear in the dialogue, but I'm going to apply a specific color to each line spoken according to who says it.
JJ is purple, Kai is red, Sehun is blue, and anything in green is something said in unison.
Seeing as how it's currently SUPER late though, I'll come back tomorrow and add all the colors, so it'll make it easier to follow along.
Thank you all for reading, and I'll try to update as often as possible! ♥


A/N: Hello again~
As promised, I came back today to revise and color up chapter one.
I hope you guys will enjoy the story and I promise it'll develop more soon.
The first chapter/s are more of an intro so you get to know the characters and their backstories, then I'll kick in some romance and dancing.
Thanks again and see you all again in the nest update! ♥

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