The Tour Guide

Hacienda Hwang

Several knocks at her door brought her out of her reverie. She turned her heard to the source of the sudden noise.

“Miss Hwang, are you in there? Don Hwang is looking for you. Go downstairs, please.” As usual, it was Ms. Decan’s piercing voice that completely woke her up with a start.

Tiffany’s already half-awake but the continuous shouts from outside her door irked her making her yank her blanket and shout.

“Ms. Decan, I’m already awake. It’s the morning so can you tone it down.” She hastily put on her tank top. She used to sleep in bed because it just feels comfortable and the thought of having clothing while sleeping doesn’t give her justice. She felt relaxed. So she doesn’t let her maids even Ms. Decan to barge in whenever they want due to this reason.

They might see her in her full- glory. And she doesn’t want that to happen. Not the very least.

“Hi, Dad.” She kissed the cheek of the man sitting on the far corner of the dining table, sipping his coffee while reading the daily newspaper headlines. She sat beside him and stuffed French toast in her awaiting mouth. The man beamed at her daughter and put down his cup.

“How are you putting up in this setting, my baby? Do you miss Mom?” The girl frowned at the endearment and crossed her arms.

“First of all Dad, I’m already 19, no longer a baby. And to answer your question, I’m doing fine although my boredom might lessen if you let me wander and meet new friends, isn’t? And yeah, it’s inevitable but I really miss the states and Mom.” She saw the faint flicker of sadness in his father’s eyes so she immediately continued her statement.

“But to tell you honestly Daddy,” she looked straight into the man’s eyes to show her sincerity, “I like being here. The people are nice. The view is amazing. Everything is relaxing.” She smiled at him.

“And I’m grateful that I’m finally sharing my time with you, Dad. After being separated from you for a very long time, I’m glad I’m seeing you every time I wake up.” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek again. The dazed man stared lovingly at his daughter and patted her head.

“I love you, my princess. I always want the best for you.”

“What do you mean, Dad? Are you letting me off the hook and party with my socialites?” Her eyes flickered with hope and excitement only to be replaced by a frown when his father shook his head.

“Not exactly that but I’m letting you socialize with the adults here in the hacienda. They are nice people, Miyoung-ah. And I’m sure you’ll always like to be with them.” He showed his toothy grin causing her to chuckle.

It’s not like she doesn’t want to mingle with lower class, she was not that kind of person to be the discriminative type.  She doesn’t look down on people, she swears. She appreciates people regardless of status. That is the biggest moral her father had taught her. The person she knew having the most down-to-earth personality was none other than her father. And she loved him for that humility he has.

But no matter how much she liked to live a simple life in the Hacienda, she missed her outgoing life way back in America. Going out with her drinking buddies, overnight clubbing and getting hungovers the day after was her California life. And she never regretted anything because she had learned to balance her studies and her social life.

She regretted looking deep into her father’s eyes because once he showed his puppy eyes to her, there’s no getting out of the way. She cannot resist her father’s indelible charms. But why did her parents called it off? Oh whatever. Her mother’s happy and his father’s well… happy too. She should be happy for them too.

“Oh well, Dad. Don’t use those puppy eyes of yours. You’re 48. Act on your age, please.” Mr. Hwang chuckled and gulped his remaining coffee.

“What do you want me to do? I don’t want to make you feel like I’m caging you here in the mansion. So the least I could do is to let you meet and entertain people here. There are a lot of people of your age that could befriend you. Unlike those uptight punks you socialize with in the States. They are bad influence.” The stern look on her father’s face was evident but she didn’t let it slip off.

“Now Dad, that’s not a good way to say those things to my friends. They are just fun and outgoing, not bad influence. See? Do I have multiple earrings on my nose, piercing on my ears, tattoos or do you hear me curse a lot. No? Well then, Dad.”

He shook his head and nodded in defeat.

“I got your point, Stephanie.” He ringed his bell and Ms. Decan appeared in an instant and bowed.

“What now, Dad?” She waited for her father to speak again.

“Ms. Decan, ask a reliable person from the laborers to accompany Steph and tour her around the vast farm. You might want to find a person of her age so she could have an instant friend too.” He grinned.


Taeyeon inhaled the soft morning breeze while sitting on her favorite hammock near her small hut. She closed her book and leaned onto the white strings of the material. Propping her head with her arms at the back of her head, she heaved a sigh and the images of the person she was unconsciously(and consciously) thinking came looping again and again and again and again.

I’m trapped in this… aren’t I? Sigh.

She closed her eyes hoping a nap could wash all those images away. Or at least it could help her temporarily dream about that girl.  

Oooops, is this a Tiffany effect? Really.. now?

Soon after she heard approaching footsteps. She stayed still in her sleeping position and didn’t move.

“Yah, Taengoo!” That voice is familiar. She stretched and looked ahead of her. It was Yuri.

“What’s up, Yul? Came to disturb me again?” She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

A figure behind Yuri stepped back making her visible to the now shocked girl.

“Miss Hwang, this is Taeyeon. Ms. Decan asked me to bring you to her.”

“What exactly is that for, Yuri?”

“Mr. Hwang asked Ms. Decan to look for someone who could tour her around. Then, that old woman came to me and asked me but I insisted that you should take my place instead because you’re more accustomed to the complexities of this vast area of farmland. She agreed. Then, ta-da! Miss Hwang is finally here with us!” There came an awkward silence when none of the two reacted.

“It’s nice to see you again, Kim Taeyeon.”

Taeyeon, on the other hand, was silently debating herself how to remain her calm and control her hormones while accompanying that gorgeous lady in front of her very own eyes. To think that she has to tour her in the vast area of land is just unbearable meaning she’ll be with her for hours! She need to make this quick. Or does she really need to?

For the umpteenth time, the two taller girls observed the hitching breath of the small frame.

“Have you met her already, Miss Hwang?”

“Yes, Yuri. 4 days ago. I tried to wander around then she saw me struggling to pick a mango. Please don’t tell this to Ms. Decan, huh? She’ll definitely freak out and tell my father about this.”

The tallest of the three unknowingly nodded.

“Okay then, since you two already know each other, it’ll not be too hard to introduce you to each other. With that, I’ll leave now. Take care of her, Taeyeon.” She winked and playfully wiggled her eyebrows towards Taeyeon unbeknownst to the girl beside her.

“Enjoy, Miss Hwang.” She waved and left, skipping happily away from them.

“Are you ready, Miss Hwang?” She looked up to the sound of the soft voice. Taeyeon already dismounted from the hammock and walked towards her.

“Yes, shall we?” She smiled.

The smaller girl nodded and walked past her.

Unbeknownst to the wavy-haired girl, the other girl was fighting an inner struggle of hoity toity feelings.


A/N: Unedited, lol I'm so lazy. Hi, sorry for not updating for days. Busy and stuff. I know this is such a cliffhanger. Please bear with me. Thank you for keeping up with my crappy writing. I know this is not much but for the sake of updating... I wrote something to keep the story going. As you have noticed this is quite going on a slow pace.. yeah forgive me for that. I'll catch up some other time. Thank you so much.


And please don't forget to comment. Follow me at Twitter: @magicmyk11

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Just wanted to say that I will never abandon this fic. I'm just super busy, and thinking of a better plot. Thanks for keeping up with me. Love you all.


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kpopchicken009 #1
Miss ko na to. :(
kpopchicken009 #2
I know that college life is really busy and since its christmas vacation here in PH you need some rest but i also want you to know that ill never leave this fic. Haha
Jessiebessie125 #3
Update pls i curious as crap! Pls author!
kpopchicken009 #4
Chapter 3: Update please~! T.T
kpopchicken009 #5
Chapter 2: Nice one Penelope! the legendary MasterM :P

The feeels~ lalala. kekeke ^^
mynameisA #6
Mango tree? Any chance your a Filipino? :) this reminds me of one of the movies i had seen. ^^
This story seems interesting! Update soon! \^0^/
Chapter 2: Ok.. i like this one too.
I hope tiff behave is nice and taeyeon too.
Good one auth, keep going~~
pinkpurplecups #9
Chapter 2: This fic's like TaeNy starring on a Filipino soap opera hahaha nice writing Master M, keep it up^^
taenylocksmiths18 #10
Chapter 1: I love tat aurthor-shi...:D keep updating!!!hwaitaeng!!;)