Chapter 9

The Laboratory (Repost)

Little recap: “Yes, I need you to meet these girls” Yeon, the principal replied. The principal showed the way to the woman and after they stepped in the living room, they saw a woman sitting at the couch with black glasses on

“Come here” the woman called and Dara walked towards her. She grabbed Dara’s hand and she seems observing Dara’s hand then she letting it go.

“It’s her,” She said

“Her? Who?” the three girls looked confused

“Shaila, the girl who is hunting you girls” the principal said

“Hunting us? But why? We didn’t do anything,” said Bom in panic

“It’s because.....”

7 years ago, everything was fine but until one day, Shaila come to the school. She became the most popular girl in school even so she’s famous she also known as the trouble maker. She steals every girl’s boyfriends and she did nasty things. Yuna, her best friend tried to advice Shaila not to do those things or she will get punishment for this but Shaila choose to ignore her. She still did whatever she liked.

Who never knew they school girls was frantically mad at her. They planned something for her, something that will vanished her from this school. One midnight, Shaila was awakening by her cell phone. Yuna who is also her roommate was awakening too. Shaila told Yuna that some girls wanted to meet her at the school laboratory

“This going to be fun” Shaila smirked

“Ila, I think it’s not a good idea. I got those bad feeling please don’t go” Yuna pleaded since she got the bad feeling about it

“YAH! Don’t stop me from having fun girl” Shaila said and put on some red t-shirt and a skinny red jean. After Shaila left, Yuna followed her. Yuna watched them from far distant and she can see everything clearly through the windows.

“You come!” A girl smirked

“Of course, I don’t want to miss the fun part,” Shaila proudly said. She knew they were up to something but she doesn’t knew what until there’s another girl come and splashed an acid towards Shaila’s face. Shaila whined in pain.

“This is for what you had done” The girls said and left but who didn’t expected that they will be so much cruel that they burn the laboratory down. Yuna who watched the scene quickly rush towards Shaila after the girls walked away.

“Shaila!!” Yuna yelled

“Somebody helps me,” Shaila said between her pains.
Yuna saw Shaila clearly; Yuna didn’t knew what to do since fire had almost blocked every single of the laboratory’s door. They didn’t realize that there was a gas that’s going to explode the whole laboratory. Not until Yuna was, about to get in she heard a loud boom sound and she can hear what Shaila shouted

“I SWEAR IF ANYONE OPEN THIS DOOR AGAIN I’LL KILLED EVERY OF YOU!! I’LL MADE YOU ALL SUFFERED AS I HAD!” that was Shaila’s last words. Yuna quickly dodge down since there will be a big fire heading towards her. The only one survive is Yuna.
*End Flashback*

After finish, the principal looked at the woman and said

“She is Yuna, my sister” Hyeon sighed, “After the incident, I decided to build a school around the area and proof to my sister there is nothing such as the curse Shaila made, not until the last two years. Some of the students did party around the lab during midnight and the result some of them got possessed that night and there were even students wanted to kill themselves because they said “she” told them to do so. Even Yuna started to have illusion that she’s back and that’s why we are having this rules. We locked the door so she can peacefully rest,” Hyeon explained. The three girls feel their goose bumped. After heard the whole story, they come a solution.

“Just burn it okay?” Yuna said, “And Good luck,” She added. They girls planned to go back home first and will do it tonight. Dara and you walked home meanwhile Bom walked to school dorm since she left some of her clothes around there. Bom walked at passed the dark alley. She felt uneasy about it then she saw a female figure, she’s now going for Bom. Bom quickly walked but then a mere looking head was flying around Bom. Bom scream in fear and the head is getting close to her face. She quickly dodged down and covered her and felt that something was about to come out of . She threw up and found out lots of worms coming out from . Then she looked up and saw her. Bom become trauma even since then

“Bom!” a familiar voice called for her. She didn’t move since she’s in trauma what had happened to her. Bom felt her stomach was in pain and she looked and saw a head was eating her stomach. She screamed hysterically and back away from her friends then she looked again and calm down.
“Dara unnie what is happening to Bom unnie?” you asked worriedly looking at Bom’s condition.

“I think she had been frightened by something and she got into trauma,” Dara explained and the both started to carry Bom. The reason why Dara and you didn’t went back home because they knew she will come for one of them and they are right she come for Bom first. you and Dara carried Bom back to the dorm but before stepped in, Bom started to scream hysterically again. Dara and you sense there must be something had happened so you opened up the door and saw a dead CL hanging up a fan. you screamed in terror and it causes Dara to look at where you looked. She quickly embraced you and her, herself looked down and tried to be strong. After the whole incident, CL’s had been sending to the hospital and Bom too. you and Dara check in a wad for Bom to stay. 
Then the two friends, when to get ready for what they should do since this thing is going excessively far. They brought a petrol and lighter. Night comes; the two had arrived, deep in them, they were afraid but for the sake of their life and friends that had to do it. They walked in the lab. you was busy splashing the petrol inside and Dara was busy splashing petrol outside. you didn’t realize Shaila was crawling slowly towards her. She grabbed you’s leg and it causes you to scream

“UNNIE!” you yelled. Dara quickly rushed towards where you was but there is no any sign of you

you! Where are you?” Dara called in panic and suddenly there is a tapped from behind. It was Yuna and the principal

“We know you girls need help” Hyeon said

you is gone,” Dara cried

“She's outside” Yuna said. The three quickly storm out the lab and saw a floating you with all her clothes in red color even her eyes were in red.

you-ahh” Dara called but there is no respond

“Don’t go near her, it’s not you” Yuna said and prevent Dara went to you. “Ila-ah please let go of the girl, she’s innocent,” Yuna pleaded


“How? The fire blocks all the way and I couldn’t reach for you Ila” Yuna said in defeat then Hyeon signal Dara to burn down the lab. Dara quickly lighten up the lighter and all in sudden fire are everyway.

“AHH!” Shaila whined in pained and got out of you’s body. The incident played back again and this time Yuna willing to went into the fire to repay her mistake.

“No Yuna!” Hyeon tried to pull her sister but Yuna gave her a faint smile “This will be over” She said and went into the fire and there all burn. Dara quickly grabbed you meanwhile, Hyeon quickly take a last look at her sister and locked the laboratory’s door

“May you rest in peace” Hyeon said and closed the door but suddenly a hand prevent Hyeon to close the door and Dara quickly put Yoo Eun down and helped her to push the door closed. They successfully locked it but to Dara’s surprise the laboratory didn’t even burn down, it still the same.

“Why it did burn down?” Dara asked Hyeon

“Because Shaila’s soul haven’t satisfied. Come on let’s bring you to the hospital”

Dara take a last glance at the laboratory, she hope there will be no one will open the door again.


so that's the last chapter ^^ only Dara, Bom & you survived

Thank you KeishaMaeee for keep on commenting and support my story ^^ 

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Woooouuuu it's my name!!!
Chapter 9: wow why i find rhis story now, i shd found this long time ago--" well, i thought they're all-dead on ending. good job, author! ^~^
Chapter 9: Good story Author ^^ :DDDD
Chapter 8: Update soon Please :DD :3
Chapter 7: My pleasure author :DDD ^^
Chapter 6: Yay good update author update soonn :DDD
Chapter 4: Update soon author thanks :DDDD ^^
Chapter 3: Please Update soon thanks :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD