Chapter 2

The Laboratory (Repost)

Recap: Then the five of us feel our goose bump and a wind blew pass us

“Let’s go in,” suggested Dara

As we walk in, we saw some students were staring at us and their stare quite scared us. We act as if there is nothing and continue search the registration room.

“Duh! Where is the registration room?” I wondered.

“Hey! Girls are you new?” asked an old woman who aged were around 35

The five of us nodded. “Then follow me, they are all in the hall,” she said

“All of them are in Hall? But we just saw some other students” Bom blurt it out and we nodded as agree
“You got to be kidding, they had been in the hall like for hours and no students are allow going out from the hall until they got permission,” she explained while laughing. The five of us froze for a while and looking at each other

“It must be our imagination” Dara tried to calm us down

“Are you girls okay? Well we are almost here,” she said
We faked a smile and went it. Then people in the hall were looking at us

“Ah! New transferred students, we had waited you,” said the principal who was standing at the stage “Mary please take them to where they should stand” added the principal
“Come, here is where you girls stand” demanded the old teacher who known as Mary

“So remembered what the first rule?” asked the principal

“Don’t go in the laboratory during midnight,” answered all the students. The five of us only keep quiet and listen

After finish, assemble in the hall, the five of them followed teacher Mary to their class

“Here will be your class, after finish class come and see me. I’ll show you girls your dorm” She said and walked away

“Girls do you think this school is weird?” you asked

“Yeah but remember there is nothing such as ghost okay?” Dara said in braveness

“Hey you five come on in,” demanded the class teacher.

”Students, we have new transferred girls so treat them well okay?” ordered the teacher and she ordered the five of them sits at the empty sits. Dara sits with you, Bom sits with Minzy and CL sits with a girl. After about an hour the class ended and the girls went to teacher Mary

“Ah, first lesson had ended so come with me” she smiled

“Em, should we stay in a dorm?” asked CL. Teacher Mary was smiling then her smiled faded and looked at them. The girls went a bit creepy up

“Yes, because it will be easy for us, the teachers to watch our students doing home works and went to sleep on time” she then smiled again

“Strange teacher” you thought. Then they went their dorm

“Okay we’re finally here so your clothes are already packed up by you girls’ parents and it will be here any minutes so enjoy for a while the environment when your clothes are here pack it in the cabinet okay?” she explained and the girls nodded and looked around. Before the teacher left

“And remember the first rule okay? Don’t go in the lab during midnight” she reminded them and went away

“Even weird rules” you mumbled and it was clear enough for your friends to hear it and they laughed

you are you going to sleep next to me?” Bom asked you. You looked at the bed and saw three single beds and one bed was double storey bed and you nodded as yes

“Hm, I guess I will take the upper bed,” said CL. Bom, you and Minzy would sleep at the single bed meanwhile Dara and CL will sleep at the double story bed.

After staying at the new school for one month, they felt boring about it because there was nothing much they can do in school or in dorm. They felt that everything they did seem bored them up which that they only went classes, doing home works, eating, sleeping and can’t went out late.

“I’m getting fed up now, everything we did was the same” complained Bom and the others agreed we with her.

“Why just don’t we be like we used to be?” suggested CL. Dara and Minzy lighten up

“You’re so genius CL,” praised Dara

“I’am?” she scratched her un-itchy hair and grinned which showed she is proud

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Woooouuuu it's my name!!!
Chapter 9: wow why i find rhis story now, i shd found this long time ago--" well, i thought they're all-dead on ending. good job, author! ^~^
Chapter 9: Good story Author ^^ :DDDD
Chapter 8: Update soon Please :DD :3
Chapter 7: My pleasure author :DDD ^^
Chapter 6: Yay good update author update soonn :DDD
Chapter 4: Update soon author thanks :DDDD ^^
Chapter 3: Please Update soon thanks :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD