. 002

A Pinky Promise || 새끼 손가락 약속



                CF Agency always seems busy, people keep walking here and there in a long steps. Few of them are busy holding so many big things while the others more seem busy with their phone. From one of three elevator they have, two doll-like-face girls come out with so many stuff in their hands.The first girl is a chubby girl with an extremely anime-faced like, she has a long black hair with a thick lips and also a very thick eyeliner. Park Bom Lee, no, her family name isn’t Park –because most of people think so– but Lee. And the real ‘Park’ is someone beside her. Her figure is shorter than bom, she has a pretty curly long brown hair that falls freely on her shoulders. Sandara Park, getting known as Dara or Daroong.
                After they said the ‘Excuse me’ words so many times  finally they arrives at their office room. It’s not really big but isn’t small either. It’s a simple office room with a simple design and a simple white-coloured wall.
“ Dara-ya.” Bom finally speaks, she puts every single little things down to her table. It looks so full with stuffs, really different with Dara’s table that seems really clean and pinky.

                Dara doesn’t need to answer with words but her ‘eung’ enough to make Park Bom continues her speech. “ I haven’t see that guy today. I can’t help but feel weird not to see him around you in a day.”

“ That guy? Who? Chanyeol?” she asks.

“ Aniyo~” Bom shakes her head with a small pout. “ The other young guy who always picks you up everyday. The one who has so cheerful face, but isn’t as tall as Chanyeol though.” She explains.

                The thinner chuckles as she hears that, “ Myungsoo you meant?”

                “ well, whatever his name is.” Bom pouts, sitting on her desk while flipping some pages of her book. A style icon book. In the other side Dara is busy with her sketch book to design some new Dresses in Modern Style for her soon to be client. The clock has already pointed at 03pm and they both start to look busy as always.

                Dara flips her pencil between her thumb and index finger again and again as she tries to glance at her very bestfriend since they were a child. “so, what is the matter?”

Park Bom rolls her eyes, “I’ve told you that I couldn’t help but felt weird not to see him around, which means. Where is he now?”

Dara smirks, “are you interested, bommie-ah?”

“ NO! I was just asking~! Yaah.. I was really just asking and I am really not-“

                With a small chuckle running out from Dara’s small lips she raises both of her hands higher than her ears as she says “I know I know, I get it. No need to explain more, I was just kidding, silly bom.”

“ I know I am a silly girl.”

“ You are.” Dara adds, “and me either.”

                                They both laugh while trying to throw their pencils and pens at each other. A pen almost hit Dara’s forehead if a beautiful yet big hand catches it in a nice timing. Park bom’s mouth slightly open while Dara giving a confuse blink. She turns her head to find the smiling Myungsoo. He ruffles her hair and puts down the pen on the table.

“ it’s dangerous girls. Don’t throw each other with things like that even if it was just a game. What if it accidentally damage your eye.” He says.

“ Speak of the devil.” Bom claps. “we were talking about you, before, you know Mungsoo-ssi.”

“ it’s Myungsoo, bommie, itsn’t Mungsoo.” Dara chuckles.

                                Bom rubs her earlobe with an awkward laugh. “well, yeah, I meant that.” She says in a sorry tone. “We were talking about you right before you came here. Right Daroong?” she raises her brow at Dara.

Dara nods her head.

“ and what was it about? Did Dara noona just miss me or something?” Myungsoo grins at Dara, making the girl blushes and gives a playful smack on his head. He groans, but Dara knows if it wasn’t that hurt since she herself used to smack or hit the younger one. “Mean noona, mean..”

“ I know I am.” Dara slides out her tongue. “where were you before? My bommie was worrying about you-“

“ I AM NOT!”

                With a small jump Myungsoo back to success caught the pen that Park Bom has just thrown at Dara. With an eyesmile –in a manly way of course– Kim Myungsoo walks to the 4D Bom and puts her pen back to it’s previous part. “it’s dangerous Noona-ssi. Let’s just stop it here alright?”

“ Bom, Park Bom is the name. You did never know my name didn’t you?” she scoffs.

“ My deeply apologize, Park Bom-ssi. Why were you worrying about me though?”

                                Park Bom shrugs as she runs her fingers through her locks, “ nothing, really. And sorry but I wasn’t worrying you.” She chuckles. “ it was just pretty odd not to see you around here, since, well- you know you and Dara are looked like a glue.”

“ what glue?” Dara laughs.  “ we are just bestfriends. And you know that.”

“ I know-“

“ Which reminds me.” Myungsoo cuts Bom’s word. “you are also Dara Noona’s bestfriend, so I am also your bestfriends.”

“ well, we are friends.”

                Friends. Well. Dara tilts her head slightly while tapping the surface of her desk with her pencil for the nth time that time. She is staring at Park Bom. Slightly feeling confused. Why does she look a bit of weird, she meant, Park Bom doesn’t act like she used to do whenever Myungsoo is around her.

                Bom is really a cheerful person. She’s so funny and fourD. She never act cold to people but him. Either she hates that guy or she-

“ Noona?” Myungsoo waves his hand in front of Dara’s eyes, making the older slightly gasps.

“ Yes?”

“ where were you?”

                Dara frowns, too confused to realize what he meant wasn’t ‘where were you’ but ‘what were you daydreaming about”. She shakes her head. “Nothing.”

Myungsoo chuckles. “your shift for today is going to finish right? I’ll wait you in the Cafetaria.”

“ is Chanyeol here?” Dara asks though she did know the answer.

“ Yes.”

“ Alright then, I’ll finish my work soon, just wait there ok.”

                                Myungsoo nods as he ruffles Sandara Park’s hair. When the girl about to yell he already left the room. Dara grumbles and Bom laughs, her expression has changed from the cold one to the very cheerful as she always be, which makes Dara can’t help but feel something really odd about it.

“ Why are you laughing?” the curly-haired woman asks, trying to hide her confused feeling.

Bom’s laugh slowly fades to a small chuckles, she wipes her corner eye with her thumb. “Nothing, really. I just think you and him are really match.”

“Who and who?”

“ You and Myungsoo.”

                Dara, as predicted, throwing her pencil right to her mate. The mate one just keeps laughing though for her –Dara– nothing is really funny.

“ have you realized how weird you are now, bommie?”

Bom stops her laugh, “yes?”

“ you are acting weird and you know that.”

                                Sandara Park can even swear but realize a tint of red on her chubby cheeks. She forms a pout as she pushes her chair backward, turning it around so she can grab a book of papers for her work. “ don’t talk nosense, I acted as usual though.”

“ is something-“

“ it’s really nothing Daroong..” Bom tries to hide her blush, she turns her  chair to face at Dara back but this time her book of papers is being held right in front of her face level, covering it.

“ well..” Dara wants to ask her so many things but knowing how stubborn her bestfriend sometime she decides not to and gives a quick shrug instead. She turns her attention back at her paper. Sketching here and there. Bom also starts to shut and tries to focus on her work.

                Half and a hour passed but both of them still working on each tasks. The room was so quiet before a ring on Dara’s Phone breaks the quietness and both of them looks up from their task as fast as they  can in result.

“ whose it?” Bom asks, trying to reach her bag.

“ I think it’s Mine.” Dara pulls out her phone to find her lover name on the screen. She blinks and realizes if it’s passed her should-to-be-ended shift. “ oh you didn’t tell me if it’s past 5!” she yelps.

“ really?” Bom blinks. “I didn’t even know, I was too focus with my work.”

                                Without another words Dara cleans up her desk and puts the important things back to her small bag. She stands up as reaches for her phone. “ I am going now ok! See later bommie-ah!”

Park Bom waves at her, “See Ya.”

                Sandara Park walks out the room. She picks up the phone when it’s almost stopped ringing.

“ Dara?”

“yes it’s me. I am sorry I didn’t realize if it’s about time. Be there in minutes. Hang up!”

                                She hangs up the phone and puts it back into her bag. Walking faster to meet her bestfriend in the Cafetaria. It doesn’t need much time to find a tall figure who is laying his head on the table. His eyes are closed and he breathes slowly. He uses an arm as a pillow while the other hand is holding his black Iphone4. His cute figure enough to catch some girls attention around him.

     Dara smiles as she sits in front of the cute sleeping Myungsoo. She wants to wake him up but she’s feeling sorry for him to wait her for so long. So she decides to wait and leans her chin on the table. A small thump caused by it makes the guy’s brows slightly moving.

                                Few seconds later he finally opens his eyes and his gaze falls right into Dara’s one. Dara smiles wider. “ have a nice dream, big bear?”

Myungsoo chuckles without pulling his face away, “ I have, thin rabbit.”

“ I am sorry it took longer than I thought. Let’s back now?”

                Myungsoo nods and pulls himself away before standing. He ruffles his messy hair and makes it even messier. “ I was asleep, wasn’t I?” he asks though he knows what the answer is.

“ you were.” Dara chuckles joining him to stand up. “ I am sorry.”

“ it’s fine. Let’s get going. Chanyeol must be dying in the car.” Myungsoo smirks and Dara laughs.

“ you bet.”

                                Both of them takes time to buy two cups of Cappuccinos and one cup of Americano for Chanyeol. When they both arrives at the parking lot Chanyeol is leaning his forehead onto the wheel. He gets up as soon as he hears the sound of opening door and Dara almost chocks when she sees a big red circle on his forehead. Seems like he had been leaned on the wheel for a long time already.

“ so loong...” Chanyeol lets out a small whine, his lips curve into an adorable pout. As cute as always. “ I’m dying for waiting you heree..”

“ not to mention I was asleep for an hour or so.” Said by Myungsoo as he gets into the car and sits on the backseat.

Dara laughs, “ sorry sorry, I was too focus with my works so I didn’t realize the time.” She pecks her boyfriend’s cheek when Chanyeol leaned closer to put seatbelt around her. “sorry Channie..”

“ what about me?” Myungsoo rolls his eyes.

“ I’ve said sorry to you before though.” Dara turns  her head at him while sliding out her tongue. Myungsoo pinches her nose hard and she cries. Chanyeol who watches it all just showing off his smile and starts to drive the Car.

“ I am going to take the bus, just drop me on one of the nearby bus stop alright?” Myungso says which makes his both bestfriends  tries to take a glance at him.

“ why?” they asks together.

                                Myungsoo smiles. Without a warn he taps the surface of the window, pointing at the Bus bus stop which isn’t really far from their car. “there, just put me down there.”

“ um, well fine..” Chanyeol nods and goes to stop the car.

“ but why?” Dara asks for the second time. “I thought you wanted to go to the Cinema together with us.” She adds.

“ nope. I have something to do so just have fun you two.”

Sandara Park pouts, “ You wasted the ticket we bought for you, pabo.”

“ I know I can’t help it paboer.”

                                Dara glares and Myungsoo laughs, he gives Chanyeol a last wink before he takes his backpack, opens the door and gets out the car. He grins at Dara while waving his hands till the car out of sight.



                Kim Myungsoo watches The car slowly drifting away, though his hands stop from waving his smile never leaves it’s place, smiling for nothing. He chuckles to himself. Yes, to be honest he really wants to join them to watch The Cinema, but he’s feeling sorry for Chanyeol. He almost never has a real date with Dara noona since Myungsoo always there with them.

                Well, true that he was the one who asked me to accompany them not to make any issues about their real relationship. But still he can’t help but feel bad. Myungsoo sits on the seat, he doesn’t bother to get into the Bus that he should be used for making his way home. He leans his back as he runs his thumb to his nape.

                                A minute later he gets an email from his Dara noona. Without thinking he opens the mail and can’t help but smile when he reads what is written in it.

Sender; Thin Rabbit

Subject; No Subject

You big pabo bear, now what should I do with the poor ticket??
And you double big pabo, I can’t watch a horror movie without you or I’ll look like the gost!!!>.< you know I can’t stand it not to hold or squeeze your hand or hit your lap etc etc

Give me your hands, BEAR!!! TT


                Myungsoo laughs, another Bus passes him but he doesn’t mind and replies his noona’s silly email instead.

Sent to; Thin Rabbit

Subject; No Subject

Just being lovey dovey with him, will you?

   Less than a minute later a new reply comes.

Sender; Thin Rabbit

Subject; No Subject

You know I am not that kind of girl!! Heung~ x.x

                        He smiles. He knows that Dara noona really isn’t that type. She isn’t clingy, she doesn’t act all cute –because she’s naturally cute- and she isn’t an aggressive girlfriend either. Three years enough for him to know that girl better. Though their big gap between their ages doesn’t make they both can’t understand each other. Instead, they know each other even better each time they met or talked.

                Maybe that’s why Park Chanyeol fell on that girl. Sandara has a popular boyfriend yet she hasn’t tell anyone but her other bestfriend, Park Bom. Myungsoo types another reply before he puts his phone into his pocket back and gets into the 3rd Bus that just arrives. Finally.

Sent to; Thin Rabbit

Subject; No Subject

I have an early class tomorrow so enjoy your time aight?
If anything happens just call me, I’ll be here.

                The back seat is one of his favorite place. But by looking at how full the bus is Myungsoo decides to sit in the first seat, of course near the window. Right after putting his backpack down to his lap someone taps him on the shoulder from behind. “ I thought you were with Dara?”


                Myungsoo turns and finds Park Bom is sitting behind him. She doesn’t smile but frown. Her make up is as thick as it always be but the thing that makes he confused because Park Bom Lee always driving a car to her and Dara noona office. Why would she take the bus though?

“ I thought you were with Dara?” she repeats her word.

“ I have something to do so I decided to take a bus instead. What about you, noona? Your car?”

Bom sighs, “ out of fuel. I left it in the office, I’ll just make it repaired tomorrow. Too tired even to call a repairman.” She shrugs before giving a space to an old lady who’s going to sit beside her. “so Dara is with Cha- I meant, ‘him’ now?”

He smiles with a nod. “ yeah.”

“ as expected..” Bom growls softly.

“ Why though?”

“ She just sent me an email saying that she’ll treat me a bunch of corns and breads if I’m going to the X Cinema now. But again I’m too tired to do so. I love the treats but I can’t stand the tiredn-“ her words are paused as Bom realizes the younger’s chuckles. She blows her bangs in a full breath before asking, “What?”

Myungsoo still chuckling while shaking his head so many times. “Pardon me.. I am just shocked, this is the first time I find you talking so much to me. Usually you’ll sound so cold or expressionless around me, Bom Noona..”

Park Bom gasps as if she realizes something and pulls herself back, her pouting face changes to a flat one. “ what’s wrong with that though? Any problem?”

He smirks, flicking her forehead softly making the latter winces in pain. “Ya!”

“ I am sorry noonaaa.. can’t help it.”

                In the other side –in a X Cinema of course–  Dara and Chanyeol are just sitting on their seats on the 5th lines. Dara growls as she realizes she needs to sit beside the empty seat. Chanyeol who can’t see the worry expression on her face just makes it even worse. “ah an empty seat beside yours, ghost will be sitting there maybe?”

“ Yaah!! Chanyeol-ah!”

                                Chanyeol laughs, he shoves a popcorn into his girlfriend’s mouth and enough to make the girl shuts and chews the food instead. “ let’s think about the good part, we can have a real date can’t we?” he says that in a low tone so nobody around them will hear the Date part.

“ yes, but is it okay for you though?” Dara glances at three girls who are whispering to each others while pointing at Chanyeol so many times. One of them glares at Dara in annoyance. “ it does seem like we’re a couple or so, it’ll ruin your career.”

He smiles, “just pretend that  you are my manager.”

“ Pabo.” Dara makes a face. “ how could a manager and her highness idol go to a Cinema together?”

“ because I’m too nice and asked you so?”

                Dara chuckles, pinching Chanyeol’s arm lightly as she starts to look up at the screen. “ then let’s just act as if I’m your manager and you’re the idol.” She says.

“ I don’t want.”

“ eeh-“

                Park Chanyeol slides a hand lower than his lap before holding Dara’s thin one. He squeezes her hand gently with a smile. “ we’ll act as a lovers without a notice. Agree?”

The brunette can’t help but blushing hard. “ well, uh, Agree..”


To Be Continue...


Park Chanyeol

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forgive me for my typos.. it sticks to me too much otl


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Phi_333 #1
Chapter 2: are you going to update this? :(
ShaiRa1009 #2
Chapter 2: KYEOPTA hihihi update soon pls..
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 2: interesting update please (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 2: pls pls pls update
chanOopy05 #5
Chapter 2: OMO!! Myungdara is like my thing right now.. Kekek (even though i am a chandara shipper) The story is so good!! Daebak!! <3 :D and the trailer is Freaking AWESOME!! Hope you update author~nim ^^ FIGHTING!!!
pls update..myungdara
sugar03nabi #7
I love the background music for the trailer and dying to know what is the title of that track but that aside I can't wait for what will happen in this story ^_^
Chapter 1: Can I temporarily abandon my ChanDara ship?! Just in this story?! >_< waaaa~ I'm rooting MyungDara!!! Kkk...

Hope to read your next update soon! ^^
Chapter 1: ohoho , I'm surprised . Chandara xD